Author Topic: Mr. Pickwick's January Sale - 200k - T'kesbury - Saturday January 6th, 2018.  (Read 7701 times)

Spend a day at the sales, whilst out on your bike. Route specificly chosen to be rideworthy in potential winter conditions. Hot & cold food/drink available at all controls, just in case the day's a bit on the chilly side.

The first stage heads north from Tewkesbury along Worcestershire lanes for a breakfast stop at Rowberry's Nursery.

Then quiet rural roads through 'Shakespear's County' and early(ish) lunch at M40 services (Warwick South).

The rest of the ride is spent in the Cotswolds - so no excuse for not keeping warm. An afternoon stop at The Old Mill Cafe in Chipping Norton. after a few more undulations the final part of enjoying The Cotswolds is descending Soudley hill to Winchcombe - The ancient capital of Mercia.

The final dozen kilometers are a gentle traverse across The Severn Vale back to Tha Royal Hop Pole in Tewkesbury, where Mr. Pickwick drank too much ale. For the interested, there are some pics and write-ups concerning Charles Dickens' links with the departure/arrivee.

Instant validation available for this event, so no need for brevet return SAE.

If you use GPS - .tcx files supplied. Routesheet also supplied electronicly (MS Xls) - so no need for route-return SAE.

Or go completely electronic and use Paypal. I don't know how so much cycling entertainment can be crammed-into one ride for only a pound*

If you're riding Kings, Castles, Priests and Churches on December 2nd, you can effectively get this ride for free **

*postal entries only.

** Offset against parking discount on this ride.

Please note the ride departure is from the Gloucester Road car park at 07.00, basic start, toilets available.
where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Route checking will be completed during the week, routes will then be distributed.

All controls have been visited and await your visits.

where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.


I am surprised Sudley hill is considered rideworthy in wintry conditions... I find it quite treacherous in June: steep, twisty, horrible surface, shaded by trees and always wet...

Is it really safe on a cold January day?

I've done this event a couple of times and not had a problem with Sudeley Hill, though I descend it cautiously. And it certainly wasn't good weather last year, though (marginally) above freezing. Are you sure you aren't confusing this hill with Corndean Lane (the other steep hill into Winchcombe)? That can be truly awful in bad weather.

If you are worried you can always divert through Stanway. This is a gentler descent and gritted in bad weather - and doesn't add much to the total distance.

I've always thought Suedley Hill was more difficult to descend than Corndean Lane.

(and to climb too)

I don't particularly like coming down Sudley hill especially in the wet but I have never had a problem on it. There are others ways round but you always have to come down from the Cotswolds. Stanway may be a better bet and is lovely on a clear summers day but is still a fast descent. Campden Lane is not a steep as Sudley and it does take you quite a long way round. If you are looking for an easier hill, I would suggest Snowshill, but that will take you nearly into Broadway.

Edit: Sorry. Got confiused between Campden and Corndean.

A year ago the local authority undertook drainage works and improved the gutter down the side of Sudley Bank at the lower end of the wooded section. It is much better than previous.
Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.

Lee Killestein

I don't particularly like coming down Sudley hill especially in the wet but I have never had a problem on it.

A couple of years ago I began descending Sudeley hill into Winchcombe in steady rain and darkness, only to discover that I had no brakes! What followed was a scary few moments while I unclipped both feet and used my cleats to scrub off enough speed to be able to fall sideways into the muddy bank. As I stood there catching my breath I heard a shriek from further up the hill. Another rider had not been so lucky!

I have been down it several times since though and had no issues. With functioning brakes, it's quite exhilarating!


A year ago the local authority undertook drainage works and improved the gutter down the side of Sudley Bank at the lower end of the wooded section. It is much better than previous.

If you make it to that point, it means the road is safe to ride on, the worst bit is above...  ::-)

My point is that, knowing the area, it is a descent I avoid in winter, it does sound strange to see it associated with a "rideworthy in wintry conditions" deifnition...

I'm in and agree on that descent, not a hill I particularly enjoy coming down I must be honest.

I support Mark on this one, Sudeley is a careful descent at any time but especially in the dark and wet, you can't see far ahead and you really can't let the brakes go at any point so caution is the motto. Take it easy and provided you have functional brakes you should be fine.

Lee Killestein

I support Mark on this one, Sudeley is a careful descent at any time but especially in the dark and wet, you can't see far ahead and you really can't let the brakes go at any point so caution is the motto. Take it easy and provided you have functional brakes you should be fine.

I'll be taking it extra carefully this year, I'll be riding the event on fixed!


  • Granny Ring ... Yes Please!
When I first rode this 4 years ago, there were lots of flooded roads and a lot of rain on the day, by the time I got to Sudeley Hill the rear brake pads were no more :facepalm: and this was some feat as they were virtually new.  Didn't enjoy descending on the front brake but generally, as long as the speed doesn't get up too much, then I think it's okay. I've done it a few times now on Mark's rides and on DIYs and it's definitely a lot nicer in the light but overall I think it's fine, just easy on the speed and ride the conditions.

Lee K - I've been down it three times this year on fixed - it's definitely a work out :)

The best thing about it is that by the time you get there you've done a whole batch of ups and downs from Chipping Norton that sap the energy but it's nice coming into Winchcombe in the knowledge that it's a gentle run to the Hop Pole.

I'm in :thumbsup:

See you on the day,  :thumbsup:
Eddington Number 75


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
I support Mark on this one, Sudeley is a careful descent at any time but especially in the dark and wet, you can't see far ahead and you really can't let the brakes go at any point so caution is the motto. Take it easy and provided you have functional brakes you should be fine.
I'd second that. Never ridden down in the dark, but lots of damp descents (usually in March). It's not a dangerous road, it doesn't have a bad surface or any specific nasties - it's just a steep descent which is usually wet. Normal sensible ride caution applies.

[ Is there an info in Winchcombe? Cos if riders just need to get back to Tewkesbury, the Stanway descent (B4077) is much less technical (in the dry it's lovely-n-swoopy!) and quicker/shorter route. Slightly miserable last few miles into town, but that's arguably preferable to laney stuff on a January ride. If there IS an info in Winchcombe, then Stanway does indeed add a few km, but those kms are on fast roads. If ice is an issue, the B4077 has to be the safer option? disclaimer: never ridden either close to zero'c]
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Omg, FA cup 3rd round day. Destined never to do another event again 🙈🙈


  • Real name: James
    • Everyday stories
I plan to come along and hope not destroy my bike on the way home this time. Hang on, I still need to enter.
after hardship comes ease -

[ Is there an info in Winchcombe? Cos if riders just need to get back to Tewkesbury, the Stanway descent (B4077) is much less technical (in the dry it's lovely-n-swoopy!) and quicker/shorter route. Slightly miserable last few miles into town, but that's arguably preferable to laney stuff on a January ride. If there IS an info in Winchcombe, then Stanway does indeed add a few km, but those kms are on fast roads. If ice is an issue, the B4077 has to be the safer option? disclaimer: never ridden either close to zero'c]

Unless it's changed this year, the info is in one of the villages after Winchcombe (either Gretton or Gotherington, I forget which). It's quite possible to cut across from the Stanway descent from these without adding significant distance. And this means you get the quiet laney route into Tewkesbury rather than the busy main road.

Mr Green

  • LEL, SR, RRtY, 24TT
Looking forward to it.
What a lot of effort just for a cloth badge.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Omg, FA cup 3rd round day. Destined never to do another event again 🙈🙈

This puts Meghan+Harry's cup final dilemma into perspective.
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Well Wills won’t be at the wedding if villa get to the final 😂

I’ve got my tickets already dammit, will have to try Feb to come out of this incredibly long retirement. I suppose that gives me more time to get something resembling a long ride in first

My first January Sale was in 2014 and it was a baptism of water rather than fire. I parked up next to another rider at about 6.30 am and the rain was absolutely hammering down. Ten minutes later my neighbour drove back out of the car park and I assume went home, having concluded that it would be mad to spend a day in such conditions. I lacked the common sense to follow his lead and I remember a band of very wet riders heading off at Mark's signal at 7.00 am, me included. After 10 minutes I realised that I had left my water bottles (how ironic was that) in the car so had to go back and collect them. I saw a latecomer setting off in one of those huge old fashioned cycling capes I hadn't seen since I was a schoolboy. Back on the road and navigation with a route sheet was tricky in the dark and rain on my own, it was hard to tell road from flood at times.

The first control at Chaddesley Corbett was like a casualty clearing station with soaked cyclists and water everywhere.

It did stop raining after a couple of hours but cars threw up large amounts of water as they drive through the flooded roads and I recall having what felt like a bucket of water thrown in my face as one of these benighted chaps threw up a mini tidal wave as he came towards me.

My brake blocks were being ground down by a paste of water and road muck all the time and I had replace the rear blocks at the end of the ride.

I made it to the Hop Pole with seven minutes to spare.

It was one of the toughest but most memorable rides I have ever done.

I did the ride again in 2015, it was wet again but not as bad as 2014, but I jumped a line on the route sheet then got lost, which convinced me that it was time to invest in a Garmin. The lost time proved fatal and I arrived at the Hop Pole 40 minutes after the cut off.

2016 was rather like 2014, more rain and into the Hop Pole with nine minutes to spare.

My bike was hors de combat in January 2017 so I missed out (?).

Looking forward to 6th January 2018!

Route sheets etc now sent to contact registered with AUK.

Merry Christmas all and a peaceful new year.
where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Peace out indeed!

Looking forward to this. Will be my first 200 of the new year. Have cycled it twice and on both occasions thought I had frost bite.

I dunno why anybody's doing this!

Does anyone local to Tewkesbury know if the car park at the start has spaces big enough for a 6.5 metre van?
Or is there anywhere else that does have spaces big enough?


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