Author Topic: The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 + EXTRA + Spring Dash 100 — Sat 16 March 2019 — PBP Q  (Read 24777 times)


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
In case anyone was wondering, we're allowing for a bigger field on both events this year, as it's PBP-year.

Even so, the Pork Pie is nearly full — just 30 or so spaces left, which isn't many considering how many people entered in the last two days alone.  So if you're dithering, get your entry in to avoid disappointment!  The weather's looking like a nice early-spring day, with a bit of a westerly breeze to blow you back to Cambridge  :thumbsup:

The Spring Dash still has plenty of space — a good crowd already, but we can take more.  However, you might need to pedal downhill back to Cambridge, but at least the lumpy middle bit should be tailwind-happy  ;)
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Phil W

Do the road works start at the A605 or before that?


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Do the road works start at the A605 or before that?

After you leave Oundle on the return, you drop down through the Nene Valley and back up to the A605 (~3km).  It's the whole junction with the A605 that's being reconfigured, the road works start about 150m BEFORE the junction, i.e. just before Barnwell Road drops down to the junction. 

The problem is that the works extend another 400m AFTER the junction, and that is a LONG way to TT with a queue of cars on your back and the traffic facing you being given a green light in the meantime, especially after 150km, and there is nowhere to hide — the white line on the left is the limit of the road and NOT a cycle lane, and there's a line of cones all the way down the centreline.

Taking the shared-use path, you can wave at all the queuing motorists and cross in relative safety at the other end, while beating the lights anyway, as it's a four-way sequence with something like 600m passage from one end to the other on the main road, so the wait is interminable, whereas the shared use path you can just switch over and carry on.

I rarely recommend cycle-specific infrastructure over just riding on the road, but this is one of those times I think it's a Good Idea, for this year at least.
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Hey Wilkyboy

Is the extra available with a GPS track? Or should I email? I fancy a bit of hill training and a stretchy distance... if the weather is decent :-)


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Hey Wilkyboy

Is the extra available with a GPS track? Or should I email? I fancy a bit of hill training and a stretchy distance... if the weather is decent :-)

It's on the list to update the page, but it's basically the same as last year, since only four people rode it in the bitterly bitter cold.  However, I need to update the routesheet and GPS files for the diversion after Oundle.  There might be another hill to add, too ...

I'll let you know when it's done.

ps. The weather's currently forecast to be quite summery!  Or so I'd like to believe ;)
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Just to let you know I've emailed all riders who entered on both events.  If you think you've entered, but didn't receive the email then get in touch.

The routesheets and GPS files are all up-to-date on the website.

It's all about to get a bit [more] bonkers here — we'll be starting test-bakes shortly, and it's the toughest job ... but somebody's gotta do it  ;D  :thumbsup:
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Taking the shared-use path, you can wave at all the queuing motorists and cross in relative safety at the other end, while beating the lights anyway, as it's a four-way sequence with something like 600m passage from one end to the other on the main road, so the wait is interminable, whereas the shared use path you can just switch over and carry on.

I rarely recommend cycle-specific infrastructure over just riding on the road, but this is one of those times I think it's a Good Idea, for this year at least.

Nick, I've looked on street view and it's showing that the path you suggest as just that and very narrow (not suitable for a trike), has it been upgraded since that image was captured to a proper signposted shared use path?


Phil W

Taking the shared-use path, you can wave at all the queuing motorists and cross in relative safety at the other end, while beating the lights anyway, as it's a four-way sequence with something like 600m passage from one end to the other on the main road, so the wait is interminable, whereas the shared use path you can just switch over and carry on.

I rarely recommend cycle-specific infrastructure over just riding on the road, but this is one of those times I think it's a Good Idea, for this year at least.

Nick, I've looked on street view and it's showing that the path you suggest as just that and very narrow (not suitable for a trike), has it been upgraded since that image was captured to a proper signposted shared use path?


Ian I have plotted an alternate exit from Oundle that avoids all the road works on the return and only adds about 800m (depending on what point you split from Nick's official route).  It rejoins Nick's official return route about 14km further on. PM me if interested.


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
The shared-use path has been upgraded since StreetView went by — StreetView is about 10 years out of date on that section.
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

The shared-use path has been upgraded since StreetView went by — StreetView is about 10 years out of date on that section.

I suspected as much, good to know, thank you  :thumbsup:


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Okay, the Cambridge Pork Pie Extra Slice routesheet and GPS files have been updated and are available here:

An extra few hundred metres of climb and 10km further — but no additional time, still just 13-odd hours.  A bit of variety for those who've already ridden the Classic route, or a bit of a challenge for the fitter riders on the start line.  You don't need to register, just ride the route on the day that you feel you've got the legs for — but do let Ben know on the desk if you did ride the Extra for a bit of extra kudos  :)
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Thanks Wilkyboy, as always exemplary organising! See you next weekend... Don't go baking GF cakes on my behalf please... feed the many not the few, the few need to lose weight  :P



  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Just for you, Al, we're laying on GF caik ;)

Actually, we always lay on something vegan and GF for those who need the option, regardless of whether Al's riding or not.  And most of what we provide at arrivée is vegetarian, too — certainly everything that's cooked and baked by us is  8)

On a wider note, if anyone does have any dietary related questions, do pop me an email, usual address.  Or ask the wonderful Ewa at arrivée, who will be looking after you all on the day  :thumbsup:
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...


Just for you, Al, we're laying on GF caik ;)

Actually, we always lay on something vegan and GF for those who need the option, regardless of whether Al's riding or not.  And most of what we provide at arrivée is vegetarian, too — certainly everything that's cooked and baked by us is  8)

On a wider note, if anyone does have any dietary related questions, do pop me an email, usual address.  Or ask the wonderful Ewa at arrivée, who will be looking after you all on the day  :thumbsup:

Is the posh cake stand coming out again ?


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
It is, Rob, it is  :thumbsup:

We're just discussing what to put on/in it right now  ;)
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Phil W

Custard to go with the cake?


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels

I did mention quenelles of ice cream and you should've seen the death-ray stare I got in return  :demon: ;D
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...


I did mention quenelles of ice cream and you should've seen the death-ray stare I got in return  :demon: ;D

Creme Anglaise then, if custard is uncouth, please  :thumbsup:


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
No.  The answer is no.  Feel free to ask Ewa on the day for some, but you'll probably find yourself out on yer ear — she can get quite feisty about these things ... she just did  ::-) :P
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Understood, but I daren't ask, mind you I must admit the cake on the Autumnal (Choc and orange?) was sooooo nice it would have been a shame to put custard on it.

Have I redeemed myself  O:-)?


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
No.  The answer is no.  Feel free to ask Ewa on the day for some, but you'll probably find yourself out on yer ear — she can get quite feisty about these things ... she just did  ::-) :P

I'm with Ewa on this, it's just pollution.

Now if she happens to be doing a nice rhubarb crumble and ice cream...
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

Ice Cream on crumble? no way, hot crumble should have cold custard.


  • "nick" by any other name
    • 16-inch wheels
Nooo, no no, nooo! 

Hot crumble should have both cold custard AND ice cream, AND then cream drizzled over the top  ;)
Lockdown lethargy. RRTY: wot's that? Can't remember if I'm on #8 or #9 ...

Phil W

Hot custard on crumble. Cold custard on raspberry pie.

Phil W

How about Greek yoghurt with fruit?