Author Topic: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square  (Read 369827 times)


  • Loving the lanes
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2500 on: 11 April, 2022, 01:05:47 pm »
Walking to the end of Southend Pier and back bagged one new tile  :thumbsup:
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2501 on: 11 April, 2022, 07:06:12 pm »
Walking to the end of Southend Pier and back bagged one new tile  :thumbsup:
I did that yesterday!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Loving the lanes
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2502 on: 11 April, 2022, 07:54:27 pm »
Haha we might have crossed paths. The new green train looks good.
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2503 on: 19 April, 2022, 03:17:03 pm »
A non-max cluster extension in the Peak District yesterday, picking up 72 new tiles overall.



This takes the current situation to this:

Yes, the reaching down south was no accident. I'm looking to eventually connect that mini-cluster up with my main cluster. I can do it in two large, but not completely insane, rides.

Yesterday's peak excursion was 110 km with +2000m elevation.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2504 on: 19 April, 2022, 03:26:16 pm »
Friday's Easter Arrow route (Edinburgh - York) got me an additional 7 tiles

10975 tiles (+7)
Max square 18x18 (still!)
Max Cluster: 848 (still!)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2505 on: 19 April, 2022, 05:48:25 pm »
Having done hardly any riding at all for soooo long, I finally got out on my bike on Friday for a 94km ride that left me absolutely spent. I only picked up one tile, but it was a good one - St Margaret's Bay, just north of Dover. Somewhere I've visited numerous times in the past but surprisingly never with GPS. The main reason I've not ticked it off before is that it's a dead end at the bottom of an insanely steep drop, so not one you ride unless you fancy taking on the climb back out of the bay... it's the road Thanet RC use for their annual hill climb event. Actually, it's not as bad as I remember it, only took me 7 minutes according to Strava (course record is 2 minutes or thereabouts).

Getting the tile does nothing for my max cluster or square but was satisfying to tick off none the less. Just wish I'd remembered there was another one I needed further along the cliff top path that I could have bagged while I was down that way...

St Margaret's by citoyen, on Flickr
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Loving the lanes
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2506 on: 19 April, 2022, 11:02:54 pm »
I've just had a similar miss at the far end of the Isle of Sheppey :)))
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2507 on: 20 April, 2022, 10:55:05 am »
I've just had a similar miss at the far end of the Isle of Sheppey :)))

If you mean Warden Point, the best way to get that one is to go into the campsite. The road just misses it, unfortunately.

If you mean Shell Ness, that entails going a fair way along a muddy path - though it might be a bit less muddy now, since we've had hardly any rain lately.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2508 on: 22 April, 2022, 01:28:57 pm »
Tiling on foot last night. 20 km, and for the last 13 km there was no escape. Do, or do not, there is not try.

Portland bringing a whole new meaning to "the end is in sight".

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2509 on: 22 April, 2022, 07:56:43 pm »
Tiling on foot last night. 20 km, and for the last 13 km there was no escape. Do, or do not, there is not try.

Portland bringing a whole new meaning to "the end is in sight".

A valiant effort, chapeau

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2510 on: 25 April, 2022, 08:05:40 pm »
A tale from today of seeking a seemingly-simple tile:-this is the one in question, on the southern tip of Southsea, Portsmouth:

What I thought was a simple stroll along the coastal path was met with this:

#1 Attempt :

#2 Attempt :

..and FINALLY, on the third time of asking in the same afternoon, ha :

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2511 on: 30 April, 2022, 10:23:28 am »
Hi, I've been slowly gathering tiles for a while with a keener tiler cycling pal who I regularly wind up about tiling  :P

Having recently moved to Angus I've got a whole new world of tiles to grab so I've upped it a gear and yesterday claimed my first unvisited tile in the centre of the Montrose Basin....

Was an enjoyable mission :D

Hmmm.... Don't seem to be able get a photo of my map to show. Using Flickr

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2512 on: 30 April, 2022, 01:40:35 pm »
I'm "the pal" and had just come to post links to the videos you did when I was down to visit you!
My first time cycling in Angus, so all new tiles, but as we were both easing back after some wear and tear issues it was more about nice rides than optimal tile gathering.
It has set me up nicely to get things covered next visit though ;-)
You can see the videos of some of our rides on the YT channel above.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2513 on: 30 April, 2022, 02:22:07 pm »
Haha! Cheers!
You've got a world of pain catching up down here and you've still some challenges un-met in Shetland (Vementry, Fair Isle, Foula, Papa Stour, Noss....cough cough).

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2514 on: 03 May, 2022, 07:56:26 am »
I have been putting off attacking Brum for a while but reckoned that yesterday's Bank Holiday was as good a time as ever to have an urban tiling session.  It was 56k to the first tile on the eastern edge of Sutton Coldfield.  The route then headed south(ish) until just shy of Earlswood before shifting a couple of tiles to the west and heading back north to harvest a stripe with a minimum width of four tiles.  The last tile was a lonesome one just northeast of Shenstone before a 60k ride back home.

The high road density meant that it was relatively easy to plot an efficient route and I only used one 'spike'.  I had tried to avoid the really large roads but there were still one or two that I wasn't particularly comfortable on.  Cycling under the middle of Spaghetti junction was certainly novel!  Traffic didn't seem too bad but the centre of Small Heath was gridlocked - it may have been a Bank Holiday but it was also Eid.  There had also been a large fire earlier in the day at a recycling centre in Tyseley but the fire brigade were just winding down operations so I managed to get through the road closures.

The day's haul was 73 tiles increasing my max cluster by 83 and bumping my max square to 52.  Hopefully this also sorted out May's RRTY (STV).

Brum pavé

The underworld

Bluebells  :)

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2515 on: 12 May, 2022, 10:26:19 pm »
Now done my first explorer ride for almost exactly a year.   :)  Couple of pics from heading out west to Malmesbury, some lovely lanes...  I had a p*ncture, but really struggled to get the tyre off - skinned my finger etc.  Then, I realised that despite an impressive rush of air as tyre deflated, the inner tube had still been partially inflated, doh! 

Re using a Garmin Edge for tile bagging - this was my first explor with Edge 830. I find the 'turn by turn' directions worked pretty well, though I made the mistake of not tagging all the 'deviations' with course points, so missed a square - ho hum.  With the Etrex (Vista HCx) I used to set waypoints with prox alerts.   I gather the edge doesn't do proximity alerts, but wondering if one can make a course point 'pop up', in a 'here I am sort' of way.  Is Garmin Connnect website the easiest (or only) way to add in course points to a route?  I tried doing in Ridewgps, but for some reason the points didn't transfer.  Any other tips?

Pond Lane by a oxon, on Flickr

Malmesbury_Abbey by a oxon, on Flickr

Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2516 on: 13 May, 2022, 06:12:29 am »
When I add course points in Garmin Connect they do indeed pop up. It will also include them in the “distance to next” calculation field on screen which is nice.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2517 on: 13 May, 2022, 07:24:11 pm »
When I add course points in Garmin Connect they do indeed pop up. It will also include them in the “distance to next” calculation field on screen which is nice.

Thanks, which Edge, and do you have 'turn by turn' nav on? CPs didn't pop up on my 830, perhaps there's a key setting I have off.  Maybe this function is a victim of 'progress'.
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2518 on: 14 May, 2022, 07:12:16 am »
I have the Edge 1000 but I don’t use turn by turn, I just follow the purple line, but coursepoints pop up as I cross them. Maybe this isn’t what you are looking for.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2519 on: 14 May, 2022, 08:48:52 am »
Thanks.  I'm used to simple track following with waypoint flags on Etrex Vixta HCx, so I'll set 'turn guidance' off on the Edge and test how I get on with inserted course points (via Garmin Connect).

ETA...   I've noticed course points (coloured circle on map) do 'pop up' for about 10secs, at the bottom of the screen, whether 'turn guidance' on or off.  On the data screen one can also set distance to next course point, which seems to work OK.  I don't think any 'advance notification' works e.g. notification 30 metres prior, so it looks like course points need to be set where one actually wants a notification.  Actually the alerts are easy to miss anyway.   I tried a test navigation without turn guidance, and it seems fine, esp with dist to course point.
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2520 on: 16 May, 2022, 01:45:11 pm »
Saturday's Reiver Fever 300 bagged me a few more tiles

10988 tiles (+13)
Max square 18x18 (still!)
Max Cluster: 848 (still!)

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2521 on: 22 May, 2022, 10:46:52 pm »
Did a 75km ride down to Burbage today, and picked off 3 long term tiles, to increase max square by one to 40.

For one of the tiles I needed to go approx. 50-100m south of the Kennet river (Axford), but I was so distracted by the river, that I forgot the additional bit, turned around, and eventually got to near the top of White's Hill (W of Ramsbury) before something made me thing 'hang on, that tile...'  Cue 5km round trip to go back & actually bag the tile...  ;D ::-)    Nice bridleway up the hill East of Ramsbury Manor....

3tiles+ by a oxon, on Flickr

PXL_Kennet by a oxon, on Flickr
PXL_Bwy by a oxon, on Flickr

maxsq by a oxon, on Flickr

Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2522 on: 27 May, 2022, 03:42:29 pm »
12157 tiles
Max square 29x29
Max Cluster: 2109

Have done a few tile hunting rides, as well as a training camp in Luxembourg (no cluster gains here, just raw tile numbers). But today I had to take to the water to get two tiles. In a kayak this time.

It was bonkers windy, 25+kph plus gusts, which made for a lot of wrestling the kayak. The kayak I had hired was not especially great, I was very cramped in the cockpit, and was having a lot of issues with numbness in my feet. Which coupled with the weather meant it was mostly an out, get the tiles, and return to shore, rather than a relaxing explore of the nature reserve.

I did hear a Bittern booming, as well as a cuckoo. I also saw what was possibly an otter diving into the water.


And after:

Tile numbers are now:

12500 tiles
Max square 29x29
Max Cluster: 2194

Have one more tile in this area that needs either a kayak, or a very cold winter so I can skate...

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2523 on: 29 May, 2022, 11:37:34 am »
There's now a global heatmap live on VeloViewer with options to filter by number of visits (for anyone, or just by you), and number of athletes.

I understand that GDPR may be linked to why the version on was taken down. Understandable, but I did like the ability to see exactly how somebody got into a tile!


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2524 on: 29 May, 2022, 12:01:10 pm »

The thing that map is missing is the notes that the ride every tile map had :(

Beer, bikes, and backpacking