Author Topic: Pointing our walls.  (Read 920 times)

Pointing our walls.
« on: 17 July, 2018, 01:20:12 pm »
DSCF2373[1] by Shenachieagain, on Flickr

DSCF2375 by Shenachieagain, on Flickr

I wish I could claim it's my work but no the credit goes to one John O'Kane from Duns. The stonework above the window on the road elevation was hidden behind a cement render. There is a mix of whin stone sandstone and goodness knows what else stone but the walls are now stunning in our view and look even better when wet. Some of the roadside elevation are actually built with clay as mortar! Now secured behind the lime mortar pointing. :)

I forgot to mention the brick chimney is going to be taken down and replaced with stone to match the building. :)

Bees do nothing invariably.

Re: Pointing our walls.
« Reply #1 on: 21 July, 2018, 11:05:49 pm »
Is lovely to see craftmanship is alive and well.
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