Author Topic: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!  (Read 20270 times)

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #150 on: 15 December, 2018, 01:02:23 pm »
I’m also sitting in a cafe, in Bishop Auckland, getting some lunch before the final stretch into Durham. Hoping I get there before the snow does!


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #151 on: 15 December, 2018, 02:37:04 pm »
Now drying out in a cafe in Penrith. Could have done without an hour of freezing rain...


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #152 on: 15 December, 2018, 02:45:28 pm »
Now drying out in a cafe in Penrith. Could have done without an hour of freezing rain...
Best Fish and chips in that town if needed !
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #153 on: 15 December, 2018, 02:54:57 pm »
I’m also sitting in a cafe, in Bishop Auckland, getting some lunch before the final stretch into Durham. Hoping I get there before the snow does!
Rumours of snow are greatly exaggerated. *drips*

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #154 on: 15 December, 2018, 03:10:34 pm »
I’m also sitting in a cafe, in Bishop Auckland, getting some lunch before the final stretch into Durham. Hoping I get there before the snow does!
Rumours of snow are greatly exaggerated. *drips*

I made it to Durham before the snow. Apparently it’s due to hit about now, so I’m holed up in a cafe.

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #155 on: 15 December, 2018, 03:22:23 pm »
Now drying out in a cafe in Penrith. Could have done without an hour of freezing rain...

Did you have the magic Rainlegs?

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #156 on: 15 December, 2018, 03:24:46 pm »
Just got home - in time to avoid what sounds like hail outside *closes curtains*


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #157 on: 15 December, 2018, 03:35:32 pm »
Now drying out in a cafe in Penrith. Could have done without an hour of freezing rain...

Did you have the magic Rainlegs?
The rain started slowly and given the faff of gloves etc I didn't stop to put them on.  This may have been a tactical error.


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #158 on: 15 December, 2018, 03:43:19 pm »
Peli just saw in farcebook that the roads near Tan Hill is now covered in black ice.

Here at the other end of the Yorkshire Dales, the snow and ice they promised turned into rain and wind, which has given us unstable power, light has blinked a few time, not kicked the pc over, but the router has fallen over a few times.

Why can't we get snow (that could be song to a Cure tune)
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #159 on: 15 December, 2018, 04:47:50 pm »
When I got to Leyburn the temp was up to -1.5C and the forecast had turned to ‘freezing rain’. Sue collected me, so I’m home and the weather outside is best left on its own. Occasional lights flickering and pavements crunchy with hail.

Quiet night in I think.

Good to see you all last night!



  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #160 on: 15 December, 2018, 04:50:44 pm »
There were certainly patches of ice of various colours on the way down this morning, although at that point the wind was a greater issue. I expect the addition of any real quantity of wet stuff will have made it properly treacherous.

I'm now on a nice warm Pendolino.

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #161 on: 15 December, 2018, 05:50:06 pm »
I made it home by five, might have been a bit earlier had I not gone wrong in Durham.  The last 15 miles or so was riding through a rain/sleet combination which is now beginning to settle.

Thanks for a good night all and happy birthday Deano.

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #162 on: 15 December, 2018, 06:48:12 pm »
Thanks for a good night out.  Look's like everyone got back OK and beat the worst of the weather -  chapeau
Sunshine approaching from the South.

First time in 1,000 years.


  • 🦋
    • Graeme's Blog
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #163 on: 15 December, 2018, 07:33:59 pm »
Most people now know that the "Christmas Party" was a cover for a super-secret-Deano's-40th-Birthday-party.

Deano's sister had been gathering as many of his non-yacf friends together as possible, lots of VC167 in that too. I'd been charged with gathering as many yacfers as possible. Deano's sis had arranged for the barn to be decorated as it was big enough for everyone to gather, eat and drink. The space was beautiful with a 20' Christmas Tree, fairy lights everywhere and there were pictures of Deano from his childhood pinned up around the walls. A sustrans style cake was baked with BMXs stuck to the top. It was brilliant. Deano's sis had also arranged for live music entertainment.

Cycling to Tan Hill Inn in winter is crazy. Who wouldn't want to give it a go?!? I planned to cycle from Northallerton via Reeth, Muker, Keld etc. With two weeks to go I was beginning to suffer from arthritis in my ankle. It was getting worse. Cycling was okay - but walking was awful. However with two days to go I realised I couldn't head out into the Pennines in winter with an arthritic ankle - so I arranged for a lift with Deano's sister.

I caught a train with separate tickets from Hull to York, to Northallerton, and then to Darlo. I walked across Darlo stopping at an excellent Vegetarian and Vegan cafe called The Health Warehouse. The salad was delicious and filling... then onward to Deano's Mam's (translation: Mum's) house. Deano your Mum is so lovely! Coffee and chat and loads of photos of you and your sisters when you were kids. So cute!

Then into the campervan for the journey to Tan Hill. We arrived just before Deano and sat in the warmth to watch a couple of cyclists trying to set up tents in the cold and wind.

Any chance of a surprise was undermined when Deano rolled up and saw his Mam. Then Lynn and Aidan tried valiantly to pretend they'd come to the pub on a whim. As did Rob. Deano wasn't falling for it. Over the course of the evening more and more cyclists turned up, each to a cheer because it was dark and cold outside. Only one had to be rescued having sought shelter from the cold, and sadly fboab and ChrisS were lost to us. :(

The food and drink and company was just brilliant. I loved renewing friendships and meeting others for the first time. Lovely to listen to iddu describe the 6 day wild camping journey he'd taken to get there.  I also realised that the last time I'd met Phanta was on a Scottish audax from Linlithgow in September 2014... and the last time I met Kim was probably at a camping barn in Teesside goodness knows how long ago. sojournermike and I once did an Easter Arrow together and meeting up again was like meeting an old friend.

Unfortunately the impact of walking through Darlo was getting worse. My ankle felt bad and at about 7pm I headed to my room to see what was happening - I took my shoe off and my foot swelled up like a balloon, throbbing with pain. It was not pleasant and meant my evening was over. However I was able to listen to the band and hear the fun going on downstairs - it wasn't as 'saddo' as it sounds. I was pleased I'd made it, pleased I'd chatted to most people and resigned to ICE my ankle. I'd rather wisely booked a private room so I wasn't camping, I wasn't in a campervan, and I wasn't in a bunk room. I actually had a really comfortable bed but I needed two duvet to stop the shivering (which might have been from the discomfort rather than the cold) and I had several pillows under my foot.

I think the music, singing/bellowing ended about 2am.

I was very glad to be travelling back in the campervan. That weather looked utterly miserable. Cyclists are a crazy breed to want to ride in those conditions. :)

Thank you everyone who came along and to everyone who wanted to come but couldn't. Happy Birthday to Deano and a big thank you to his sister for putting on a fantastic evening.


One of the many conversations I had last night was about having another Tan Hill gathering in the summer when it might be nice for more people to camp, when the conditions are less likely to kill us, when more people might be able to come. Tan Hill Inn is really brilliant at the moment - the food is rather good, the beer selection is excellent and the location is jaw-droppingly stunning.

So what date should we go for in Summer? Another Friday/Saturday? July?

Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #164 on: 15 December, 2018, 07:53:12 pm »
Thanks for a good night out.  Look's like everyone got back OK and beat the worst of the weather -  chapeau
I didn't. I've only just got home.  :facepalm:


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #165 on: 15 December, 2018, 07:58:44 pm »
And I've just got home too.  Having had plenty of weather on the ride to Penrith, it decided not to bother on the last couple of miles across Birmingham, so just the soggy gloves and mad taxi drivers to worry about.


  • 🦋
    • Graeme's Blog
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #166 on: 15 December, 2018, 08:32:28 pm »
Tan Hill Inn by Graeme, on Flickr

Tan Hill Camping by Graeme, on Flickr


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Tan Hill Overnighter 14 December 2018: It's Christmas!!!
« Reply #167 on: 15 December, 2018, 08:58:25 pm »
Reading back over the last couple of days of this thread is like a play in three acts:

Act I: ZOMG sno!  Am I going to need studded tyres?  Or a lift in a campervan?
Act 2: The only way is up (baby)
Act C: Teh weathers haz gone insanz0r!  Half of YACF holed up in geographically diverse cafes.  REMAIN INDOORS.