Author Topic: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018  (Read 7915 times)

Philip Benstead

  • Cycling4ALL - say No Bike No Life
Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« on: 02 October, 2018, 07:29:43 am »

Please find below details of the election for Trustee of the Cyclists’ Touring Club.

I have place additional information that I could find on the web about it candidate.

NOTE BELOW it says you are encourage to vote for five , this does not mean you have to vote for 5. You may vote for 1,2,3,4 or 5 or not at all.

I hope this help to make your choice.

Comments are welcome ,remembers the CTC is your club.



THIS LEAFLET contains all the information you need to vote in the 2018 Trustee elections. Trustees play a vital role in the governance of Cycling UK, so your vote is important. You can vote online or by post.

Below and overleaf you'll find statements from each candidate to explain who they are and why they are standing. Then there is an explanation of the election process and instructions on how to vote. On the leaflet's back page, you will find the voting form itself. If your voting form is missing or damaged, please contact Cycling UK membership on 01483 238301 during office hours or email

The Nominations Committee is pleased to report that there were many high quality applications. Eight stood out. These candidates, listed below, exceeded the Trustee criteria by offering two or more of the skills, qualities and characteristics sought.

The Nominations Committee has endorsed four candidates because of the specialist we are cycling The cyclists • champion Skills and experience they could bring.

The Board Of Trustees comprises up to 12 people, and at least nine are elected by our members. Currently, all 12 Board members are Cycling UK members and have been elected by the membership. The Nominations Committee has also selected one person who, though not a Cycling UK member, has shown a huge commitment to cycling.

Should this candidate be elected by the membership, the criteria for the Board will have been met with the remaining 11 Trustees.




I HAVE BEEN a regular cyclist since I was a Child. I cycle for fun with my family or friends, for fitness, and as a means of transport. I enjoy commuting, touring, off-road touring, mountain biking, and road cycling. I also cycle for most of my shopping. I believe that many more people would cycle if provision was better and they felt safer when cycling. If elected as a Trustee, I would work hard to increase the number of cyclists and campaign for cycling to be considered in any Government discussions about transport. As an example, I hope that any future proposals to limit polluting vehicles in towns will include strategies to encourage cycling as a realistic alternative, with better access to public transport for cycles. Cycling should be near the top of any list which is considering improvements to transport.

And my passion, like the history of Cycling UK, is in cycle touring and I will also encourage and promote the simple joys and benefits of travelling by bike for fun.

Has been a member since: 03/2009





I AM A COMMITTED, passionate, everyday cycle rider — for me, my bicycle is transport and pleasure. I am all about getting other people cycling, and so I am the Ride Leader for the Cycling UK Lincoln Women's Group and an HSBC Breeze Champion. I'm a freelance Bikeability and Adult Cycle Instructor. I'm an active Cycling UK Local Campaigner, and I've been on the Committee as Campaigns Officer (previously Right to Ride/Safety Officer) of the Lincolnshire Cycling UK Member Group for the last three years, where I actively represent our membership and all other cycle riders at consultations with our Local Highways authority and other organisations. So, as you can see, I am committed to the idea of cycling for everyone, to representing all cyclists locally, and to campaigning actively for cycling and cyclists rights.

I'm a real grassroots, rank-and-file member of Cycling UK, who also has the marketing Skills being looked for, and I really hope you want me to represent you at Trustee level because I believe I understand what it really means to be a Cycling UK member, and I want to see our organisation go on and grow in strength and visibility.

Has been a member since: 11/2015




CYCLING IN ALL its forms is a passion of mine. I'm a member of Cycling UK, through my local branch in Fleet. I have seen how Cycling UK plays a strong role in the community, promoting cycling and standing up for the interests for all cyclists. Cycling plays a significant role in transport policy. It's therefore important that there's a strong voice for cyclists to deliver the best outcomes, including delivering the right investments and reinforcing the focus on safety. Cycling is a very inclusive activity. It's a fantastic way to bring families, friends and communities together.

Promoting this further is something very close to my heart. I have over 20 years' experience in senior roles within financial services, the majority of which was with Nationwide Building Society. I've also been a Board member of the UK Cards Association. In my professional life, I've been responsible for leading current account and unsecured lending products, which involved developing and delivery strategies, managing multi-million-pound budgets, and creating a real customer focus. I believe this experience will allow me to make a difference as a Trustee. It would be a privilege to be a Cycling UK Trustee.

Has been a member since: 07/2014




CYCLING HAS CHANGED my life, and plays a fantastic role in the life of my family; it's helped me get fit, get around, and is a major social activity for me. We regularly cycle as a family, and benefit from the long history of dedication and hard work from what is today Cycling UK - as does the community we live in. I believe in what Cycling UK stands for, and it would be a privilege to contribute as a Trustee to ensure that the public, cyclists, and members of Cycling UK benefit in the future.

My professional work and volunteering has given me a range of skills and experience that could help — as a director in a professional membership organisation, parish councillor, and campaigner to name a few. I understand how organisations like this work, but more importantly, I know how vital it is to keep an organisation focused on its mission, and how the culture and behaviours at all levels must be consistent and good. As a Trustee, I'd work hard to ensure that Cycling UK is effective, that staff and volunteers are supported, but above all things that the organisation keeps sight of what matters most.

Has been a member since: 04/2016



I CLEARLY REMEMBER my anxieties when cycling for the first time. Twenty-six years and many bikes later, with miles of scenic routes and coffee stops experienced, I am more confident about cycling and it's an important part of my life. I want others to benefit from it too. I started with short rides but then Il years ago I completed CTC Land's End to John O'Groats on my Roberts. I have enjoyed touring holidays, competed in triathlons, and have now become more environmentally conscious, embracing my bike as transport on most days of the week. Having worked as a clinician and Board executive in NHS and been a trustee of several charities, I bring experience and the skills required for this role. My Board positions include parkrun worldwide and Everybody Sport, where growth and inclusivity have been important goals. I would love to bring my experience and enthusiasm to do the same for cycling — making it more accessible and safe for people to join in.

My background in health and leisure is supplemented by experience of fundraising, corporate governance, volunteer management, and strategic planning across England and Wales. By joining the Board, I can help to the growth of cycling.

Endorsed by the Nominations Committee: Christine has been endorsed for her experience in income generation, specifically organisational growth/commercial development and fundraising.

Has been a member since: 11/2006




AS ONE OF CYCLING UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2018 and a cycling advocate/researcher, I am passionate about inclusive cycling. I first got involved with cycling advocacy in Washington, DC as a 'Roll Model' for the Women & Bicycles group launched by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. As a Roll Model, I strengthened social infrastructure for cycling by recruiting and mentoring women to cycle commute. My passion for cultivating supportive and inclusive cycling cultures led me to London, where I did my Masters at the LSE and wrote my dissertation on the gender gap and other inequalities in city cycling.

Since graduating in 2016, I have been working tirelessly to elevate inclusive cycling on the policy agenda. I have disseminated my research and recommendations across various audiences (i.e. policymakers, practitioners, activists, academics) in the US, the UK, and Scandinavia. Most recently, I created a 'zine, Mind the Cycling Gender Gap, to amplify women's voices in cycling. I have also been re-commissioned as a consultant for C40 Cities to advise mayors in major cities worldwide on how to grow and diversify cycling.

I hope to have the opportunity to help position Cycling UK as a leader on inclusive cycling.

Endorsed by the Nominations Committee: Tiffany has extensive experience in the legal frameworks in the devolved nations which affect sustainable transport, health and wellbeing.

Has been a member since: Tiffany is not a Cycling UK member




MY INTEREST IN serving as a Trustee is to contribute to the health, wellbeing, and sustainability of our communities and spread the joy of cycling. I will do this by being a strong advocate, promoting diversity and ensuring we have a well-run organisation serving members and communities, and working well with partner organisations.

I have been a Trustee for six years and Vice Chair for two years. I have been heavily involved in activities such as Women's Festival of Cycling. I connect with my local membership groups where I can. I am proud of the work Of our talented teams at Cycling UK and of the work on the ground carried out by committed volunteers. I have worked at board level for many years in the public sector. I currently work as Deputy Director of Organisational Development in a large, high-performing acute and Community NHS Trust. When not at work I cycle for leisure in the country lanes of Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire with family and friends. It will be a privilege to continue as a Trustee and as Vice Chair.

Endorsed by the Nominations Committee: Jaki is a highly committed serving Trustee and her current knowledge and experience of the Cycling UK Board is invaluable.

Has been a member since: 10/1991




1 LIVE IN ROSSENDALE, Lancashire, whiCh is a great place to ride, from mountain biking in our local quarries to big days out on our hilly roads. I have tried to do my bit for cycling here and am proud of the role I played in developing the Valley of Stone Greenway, Lee Quarry Mountain Bike Centre, and the Pennine Mountain Bike Association.

I chair our local cycling forum and have been an active campaigner for many years. My work is as CEO of an Adventure Sports consultancy, and we are the leaders in our field. I sit on several commercial and public sector boards and am a district councillor with leisure responsibility. I was National Officer of the British Mountaineering Council, where I experienced the challenges of developing an organisation like Cycling UK.

I want to see more kids riding to school and more people just enjoying cycling. We need better access and infrastructure and safer roads. Cycling UK has an absolutely crucial role to Play in making all this happen, and I would love to use my experience to help take Cycling UK forward as a dynamic organisation that can drive real change.

Endorsed by the Nominations Committee: Andy is a strong all-round candidate and has vast experience in marketing, specifically in membership growth and communications.

Has been a member since: 09/2017


CYCLING UK IS committed to widening participation in its governance. After consulting with members and a successful motion at the 2016 AGM, a new nominations process was introduced to help ensure that all members of the Board have the essential skills, knowledge and experience to contribute effectively to the governance Of the charity. The Board's role is to govern Cycling UK and provide overall strategic direction to achieve its aims. The fundamental responsibility of Trustees is to look after the resources given to Cycling UK by individuals and organisations, and ensure these resources are used effectively to achieve the particular purpose for which they were given. You are now being invited to vote in the 2018 Trustee elections and you are strongly encouraged to do so. We currently have FIVE Trustee vacancies.

We are governed by a Board, which comprises up to twelve Trustees, including the Chair and Vice-Chair. The legal responsibilities of Trustees are determined by Charity and Company law where they are referred to respectively as 'trustees' and 'company directors'. At least nine Trustees must be members of Cycling UK, elected by the membership. In addition, the Board may appoint three further Trustees, who do not have to be members of Cycling UK — one of whom will be the Senior Independent Trustee. The way We do this changed in 2016 following our governance review: Members Who wish to stand for election were invited to submit an application. The Board's Nominations Committee assessed their application and considered: the degree to which they have the personal qualities, skills, and experience required; and how well they would complement the existing skill mix on the Board. u Details of the candidates, their election statement and the Nominations Committee's views are contained in this form.

Every member has one vote per vacancy.

There is one UK-wide constituency. Voting is done .by post or online.

To help us keep our costs down, please vote online.

Should a candidate withdraw during the election process, the votes for this candidate will be void.

The Nominations Committee is pleased to report that there was a significant number of high-quality applications from candidates who have been members for a year or more.

The Nominations Committee has selected one person who, although not a Cycling UK member, has demonstrated a huge commitment to cycling. Should this candidate be elected by the membership, the stated criteria for the Board will have been met with the remaining eleven Trustees.

The applications were thoroughly evaluated by a process agreed by the Board. The candidates put forward for election all exceeded the criteria in the person specification by demonstrating two or more of the additional skills, qualities and characteristics we specified, which relate to:

1. Income generation, specifically organisational growth/commercial development.
2. Marketing — specifically membership growth and communications.
3. The legal frameworks in the devolved nations, which affect sustainable transport, health and wellbeing.

From the list of candidates, members are now invited to vote for the FIVE candidates who you believe would be most suitable as
Trustees for Cycling UK.


We currently have FIVE Trustee vacancies. Elections to the Cycling UK Trustee Board are conducted using the first past the post system of voting (also known as simple majority voting). You vote for your favoured candidates and the five candidates with the most votes become Trustees. we currently have FIVE Trustee vacancies so you have FIVE votes, and we would encourage you to use all of your votes.

NOTE it says you are encourage to vote for five , this does not mean you have to vote for 5. You may vote for 1,2,3,4 or 5 or not at all.

You have the option to vote online or by post. To support Cycling UK in saving money, we would strongly recommend that you vote online.

I. The deadline for online and postal voting is 9.00am, Wednesday 31 October 2018.

2. To vote online go to  and follow the instructions.

You will need to enter your unique two-part security code - this is printed on this form.

Then vote for your FIVE preferred Trustee candidates.

3. To vote by post, please vote by putting a cross in the box next to your FIVE preferred Trustee candidates.
4. If voting by post, this form must be returned to FREEPOST ERS before the closing date. NB: This is the full address as required by Royal Mail. Please do not write anything else on the envelope as this will incur additional charges. No stamp is required on the envelope. Do not send it to

Cycling UK.

For help with electronic voting, please contact Cycling UK's membership department on 01483 238301 during office hours or email

Philip Benstead B.Env.Sc. (Hons.), NSI

Independent Cycle Campaigner and Cycle Consultant
DfT accredited BikeAbility Instructor / L3 Mechanic

« Reply #1 on: 02 October, 2018, 09:36:40 pm »
What's this?! Too busy replacing mentions of 'Cycling UK' with 'CTC' to notice the huge deviation from its Articles of Association ( Namely the presence of a candidate for election who isn't a member and so isn't eligible for a) election and b) to be on the board if elected.

To quote the key clauses:

  • 16.1 - "to elect at least nine persons as Elected Trustees from amongst their number" - which I take to mean that candidates must be members.
  • 19,1 - "A Trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:- (a) ceases to be a Member" - so we're being asked to elect someone who will immediately be disqualified on election. Okay, a great lawyer might argue that by never having been a member they haven't ceased to be a member.

Less pedantically, whilst democracy can take many forms, I would say its a good principle that if you're not entitled to vote then you're not entitled to stand or be involved in any other way (take that you Russian hackers/ex-pat donators/Canadian Brexitiers).

Even less pedantically, any candidate too stupid/lazy to think that not being a member might not look okay to the electorate is clearly not bothered.

« Reply #2 on: 02 October, 2018, 09:42:28 pm »
And the non-member standing has apparently been a "Roll Model".
Rust never sleeps


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
« Reply #3 on: 02 October, 2018, 09:47:06 pm »
Given that we've all had the guff with the last copy of the magazine, I'm not sure why it was necessary to reproduce it all here, but I agree with the comments regarding the Nominations Committee's favoured candidate. I think as a matter of simple courtesy, the candidate should have become a member before seeking election.
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
« Reply #4 on: 02 October, 2018, 10:44:18 pm »
Given that we've all had the guff with the last copy of the magazine, I'm not sure why it was necessary to reproduce it all here

Because Philip is a troll.

« Reply #5 on: 02 October, 2018, 11:10:37 pm »
Oi. Mr. Benstead has a position counter to much of Cycling UKs current organisational direction but I'm not aware of his being abusive, inflammatory, or living under a bridge - so no Troll.

Meanwhile, having just read the "Trustee application pack" for this election, nominations are invited from "Members, who have been a member for a year". Okay, that's outside the actual requirements of the Articles of Association which just requires membership, but it shows that they are and were aware of the membership requirement.

« Reply #6 on: 03 October, 2018, 12:32:53 am »
And the non-member standing has apparently been a "Roll Model".

Given it was in the US I think the reason it was in quotes (and missing a [sic]) is that it was, sadly, intentional.

I shredded my form as IsimplyCNBA.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #7 on: 03 October, 2018, 09:59:12 am »
I’m not voting for anybody who uses the word passion or passionate.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #8 on: 03 October, 2018, 06:29:55 pm »
Stanley Green is dead anyhow

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #9 on: 03 October, 2018, 07:34:52 pm »
I’m not voting for anybody who uses the word passion or passionate.

Indeed.  A certain T Blair devalued the term forever (particularly when applying it to the desire to wage war).
The sound of one pannier flapping


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #10 on: 03 October, 2018, 10:59:06 pm »
" ... and I hate Blair with a passion.

Vote for Matt!

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #11 on: 07 October, 2018, 01:33:45 pm »
Blair brought in the habit of saying "Look" before making any point. I really dislike that. Don't order me to "Look!" before you speak. Seems to be copied by every politician these days.
Nothing left to prove.

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #12 on: 07 October, 2018, 01:36:25 pm »
Blair brought in the habit of saying "Look" before making any point. I really dislike that. Don't order me to "Look!" before you speak. Seems to be copied by every politician these days.

Listen to an interview with any Australian cricketer...

It's all media training. Whilst it pisses off a few people it has a positive impact on the vast majority of people. Same with saying "Basically" (to imply that what they're saying doesn't require proof) or the May-esque nonsense of "I am very clear".

Anyway, back to the CTC CUK trustee elections.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #13 on: 07 October, 2018, 01:44:40 pm »
Blair brought in the habit of saying "Look" before making any point. I really dislike that. Don't order me to "Look!" before you speak. Seems to be copied by every politician these days.

Listen to an interview with any Australian cricketer...

Or any antipodean rugby coach. 

The "look" thing always pissed me off about Blair also.  I remarked on it on this forum a very long time ago as being akin to being prodded by the finger of an unwelcome and insistent bore.  Along with many of his other traits, it fell under the category of being "generally patronising".
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #14 on: 07 October, 2018, 04:05:38 pm »
Blair brought in the habit of saying "Look" before making any point. I really dislike that. Don't order me to "Look!" before you speak. Seems to be copied by every politician these days.

Listen to an interview with any Australian cricketer...

It's all media training. Whilst it pisses off a few people it has a positive impact on the vast majority of people. Same with saying "Basically" (to imply that what they're saying doesn't require proof) or the May-esque nonsense of "I am very clear".

Anyway, back to the CTC CUK trustee elections.
Can't see anything positive about it. But then again I don't like words like "awesome" or "cool" to describe things like bike rides or climbs.
Does CUK still own the CTC brand?
Nothing left to prove.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #15 on: 07 October, 2018, 04:10:44 pm »
Does CUK still own the CTC brand?

I think it's more the other way round.

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #16 on: 07 October, 2018, 05:15:00 pm »
I thought it an impressive list of candidates, plenty of skills and experience that would be good to have on the board.  I've voted for three of the four endorsed and two that aren't, but TBH there's none of them I'd object to. 
In the good old days, seats were going vacant for lack of interest and some councillors were appointed unopposed.  I don't think I ever voted, did you have to attend the AGM to do so?  I was at the Big Bike Conference in Harrogate yesterday, celebrating CTC's 140th birthday in it's birthplace.  After a number of years where it's felt very them and us, which started long before the charity conversion, I see a move to involve the membership that seems to be growing year on year.  I can't see that those continuing to fight old battles have anything to add to it, there is no turning the clock back.

Philip Benstead

  • Cycling4ALL - say No Bike No Life
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #17 on: 08 October, 2018, 09:24:15 pm »
I thought it an impressive list of candidates, plenty of skills and experience that would be good to have on the board.  I've voted for three of the four endorsed and two that aren't, but TBH there's none of them I'd object to. 
In the good old days, seats were going vacant for lack of interest and some councillors were appointed unopposed.  I don't think I ever voted, did you have to attend the AGM to do so?  I was at the Big Bike Conference in Harrogate yesterday, celebrating CTC's 140th birthday in it's birthplace.  After a number of years where it's felt very them and us, which started long before the charity conversion, I see a move to involve the membership that seems to be growing year on year.  I can't see that those continuing to fight old battles have anything to add to it, there is no turning the clock back.

Please provide some details as to what was discussed.
Philip Benstead B.Env.Sc. (Hons.), NSI

Independent Cycle Campaigner and Cycle Consultant
DfT accredited BikeAbility Instructor / L3 Mechanic

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #18 on: 09 October, 2018, 11:25:12 pm »
I voted.  I didn't vote for the non-member.  I thought it was rude to run for a position but not become a member (what is membership these days?  I splurged on life membership back when it was still the CTC).
simplicity, truth, equality, peace


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #19 on: 09 October, 2018, 11:35:40 pm »
I voted.  I didn't vote for the non-member.  I thought it was rude to run for a position but not become a member (what is membership these days?  I splurged on life membership back when it was still the CTC).

I assume there's probably a good reason that she isn't currently a member, but it seemed rude not to explain in the blurb.

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #20 on: 11 October, 2018, 06:46:46 pm »


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #21 on: 11 October, 2018, 06:58:20 pm »
It says on the voting paper:
At least nine Trustees must be members of Cycling UK, elected by the membership. In addition, the Board may appoint three further Trustees, who do not have to be members of Cycling UK – one of whom will be the Senior Independent Trustee.
Which raises the questions of whether the rules allow a non-member to be elected by the membership and why they don't just appoint Tiffany Lam as one of three appointees.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Cycling UK Board OF Trustee ELECTIONS 2018
« Reply #22 on: 11 October, 2018, 09:20:05 pm »
Because the co-opt slots are already filled*. But there's nothing stopping the board consulting her, asking her opinions and advice and for help running projects.

If it were so absolutely urgent that she should have a vote on the board, then they could have at least asked her to join in order to help increase the chances of election (we'll ignore for the moment the fact that she shouldn't be on the ballot anyway if not a member).

*I my wanderings around the Cycling UK website I haven't actually found a page that lists the current board, roles, etc; just scattered bits about individual board members. Happy to be corrected if anyone knows the page URL.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.