Author Topic: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 29 MAY | Big Gert Brevet 1600 - 22 MAY 2022  (Read 9287 times)


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #25 on: 02 July, 2021, 10:42:02 am »
Isn't this like doing two super randonees back to back?
Even though randonesia has set in, and riding a super randonee is appealing, I am pretty sure at the finish of the one I did,  I was not thinking I could knock out another one straight away.

And I STILL find myself being tempted,  must need my head checked.

7 days, or 10, of hills and remote places is an excellent time to shuffle through the inner workings of your head and re-align thoughts. And once you've finished you will realise that any thing is possible if you put your mind to it.
10 days would be a nice tour.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #26 on: 02 July, 2021, 10:51:27 am »
10 days would be a nice tour.

That's the BP version. The escapism for the sake of it; and a handful of AAAs. Thought people would appreciate that at this time.

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #27 on: 02 July, 2021, 12:14:17 pm »
After meeting you that dusky Friday evening at the Vrynwy Dam, Will, during your recce, I was annoyed I didn't take a picture: if an image isn't shared it 'sort of' didn't happen. Hope some climbing types enter: the ascent will make this no ordinary tour, as @vilas discovered. Doing an SR600 (600km with 10,000+m of climb) first would be a sensible warm up to check 'condition'.

Was good to see you John. Hope your recce went well. I think the state of my legs after those lakeside midges prove it happened!

Yes an SR600 would be a good start. Vilas did have it harder as it was a DIY BR event it didn't benefit from the 15% extra time had it been an LRM. I added a couple more hills and it's now 20% more which took the edge of considerably. 1st time I was aiming at 300km a day to stay on top and give a buffer, this time 250km a day. Flip side of that is if you break it up like that you get your eyes tested at Barnard Castle on the 2nd night. Stanhope over to Hexham in the morning is likely to put that day's average pace below what you are aiming for and fill you with bad head thoughts; but from Hexham on you slowly claw back that day's pace to end in the green again.

Route studying has begun... I remember the section between Barnard Castle and Hexham from day 2 of Mille Pennine. I shall expect bad thoughts!  ;)

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #28 on: 06 July, 2021, 10:49:02 am »
I'll sort out the bare route with controls for planning later in the week for advanced planning purposes. Need to still go through all the cue edits I made for the route sheet.

I will say if you know what you are looking for there are plenty of suitable places to stop. I did all of mine on the fly other than the 1st night where I had a selection; I was over optimistic on my fitness  ::-)

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #29 on: 19 July, 2021, 11:19:32 pm »
I'm thinking of attempting this averaging about 200 miles per day. I'm thinking maybe: Runcorn; Newcastleton; Abington Services; Burnley (home) and then making a break for it back to Bristol probably arriving early Friday morning. What do you think Will?

Andy Corless

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #30 on: 20 July, 2021, 12:09:02 am »
If I'd been cycling long hilly stuff all over lockdown I'd have been looking to do it in about 5.5-6d. Similar to my first time where there was less tracks and about 3,000m less climb; but I did get some long nights sleep then. I was no where near that level this time though.

Depending on your fitness, how much sleep you get and how you handle the tougher off road sections your aim is possible. Don't under estimate some of the smaller Welsh hills on the first day though they can catch you unaware if you are expecting the more classic mountain roads.

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #31 on: 20 July, 2021, 11:36:19 am »
Don't under estimate some of the smaller Welsh hills on the first day though they can catch you unaware if you are expecting the more classic mountain roads.
This is an important point Will makes.

I did a 600DIY back in May which the first half did a large part of day 1 (slightly east of the route) and up to lake Vrnwy it was constant small but very steep hills which had the effect on average speed as some were so steep I ended up walking and the descents were slow as well due to the road surface and were of a nature that you cannot let go of the brakes all of which made for very slow going. It was my slowest 200 I have done in a long time and i was shattered by the time I got to the shop. I never really recovered from this section and ultimately pulled the plug at 500kms.

Eddington Number 75

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 21&22 August 2021
« Reply #32 on: 22 August, 2021, 02:39:36 pm »
I'm out! Been suffering a bit all week and the weather forecast wasn't favourable for me as well as struggling to get time off work also. I do hope the event goes well (both events!) and also hope that it runs again soon (next year?). I know it's early days but anyone know how it's going?

Andy Corless

Re: Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #33 on: 18 December, 2021, 11:20:36 pm »
Entry for the ultimate PBP qualifier is now open!

A few extra hills and it tips it over into the next rate of climb bracket so you now benefit from 25% extra time - inclusive innit  :thumbsup:

Not long till the depart

Big Gert Brevet 1600 - the 13d16h excursion - 06:00 22 May -

Bristol Glasgow Bristol 1600 - 7d2h randonneur pace - 04:00 29 May -
About 230km/d for full value.

The route has seen some changes since last year. The obvious bits being:
  • The inclusion of Wayfarer's Memorial on a bit of Welsh gravel as it'd be rude not to and an obvious oversight of mine last year!
  • Avoiding the north Manchester satellite towns and going north across Heptonstall Moor.
Homemade pizza & whisky for all finishers, in or out of time. Fun guaranteed, type variable  :thumbsup: