Author Topic: Beardys running log - Ct5k  (Read 148105 times)

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #25 on: 26 September, 2019, 04:54:09 am »
Beardy, are you doing the NHS Get Inspired Couch to 5k?
That I am Od, and an excellent piece of software it appears to be. I can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programme because it’s the only one I’ve tried, but I can certainly run further than I could 5 weeks ago and the app has mostly kept me motivated.

It is absolutely fantastic!  I have Sarah Millican urging me on. We’ve already done the whole programme once and now I’m doing it again in an attempt to rehabilitate my knee.

Best of luck and I hope you get to 5k!


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #26 on: 27 September, 2019, 06:16:21 pm »
W 6.2  two x 10mins with 3 mins walk

Tired legs this afternoon and a repeat of that chest tightness at the start. The new shoes are a revelation, though that shouldn’t really be a surprise. I’m not going to be breaking any records any time soon, but it’s nice for the fitness to be coming back. Only niggle is a twinge in the left knee, so I’ll keep my eye on that.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #27 on: 27 September, 2019, 06:56:41 pm »
Proper shoes are very important.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #28 on: 29 September, 2019, 03:08:41 pm »
Onward, forever onward

Week now complete. 25 mins running

I ended up doing 27 minutes because technology and ran a little further than I thought I needed. 3.4km of running. I think I’m probably going to have to get some strapping for my knees, but need to proceed with caution because I don't want to exacerbate the problem. Even gentle running is not the low impact sport that cycling is, but I like the idea that with minimal kit I can exercise anywhere. I need to invest in some running shirts next I think because the copious amount of leakage is making my cotton t-shirts heavy and smelly.  :(
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #29 on: 01 October, 2019, 12:05:51 pm »
W 7.1 25 mins

I seem to have dodged the weather, which is nice. My right leg was giving me some grief before I set off, but the warm up walk seemed to ease it out and it was no problem during the run. I’ve now got a couple of running shirts and the one I wore today made a difference. I’m beginning to be dressed like a runner now (though in my own eclectic way!) heck.

Next up is working out a post run stretching routine I think.

Blimey, it’s all getting a bit serious now. 
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #30 on: 01 October, 2019, 12:29:46 pm »
Nice one!


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #31 on: 03 October, 2019, 05:15:19 pm »
W 7.2 25 minites

Well, that wasn’t good. I was wobbly from the start and only managed 20 minutes. I even struggled to walk home. I suppose I’ve come a long way if I’m complaining about only running for 20 minutes, but even so. I suspect that running every other day for 16 days has caught up with me, so I’m going to take 2 days of before repeating this session. 
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #32 on: 07 October, 2019, 04:51:39 pm »
W 7.3 25 minutes

I took ended up taking 3 days off, partly because Dr Beardy (Mrs) veto’d me running yesterday though I didn’t complain. It made a difference with the 25 minute run being straightforward. Once I was in the swing I could almost say I was enjoying it. I need to do some work on my gait/stride though, because I felt I was banging my feet down today and my left shin is a little achy now.
It’s interesting to note that the first 3 minutes or so are consistently harder than the rest of the run, even after a 5 minute warm up walk. I’ve never noticed this when riding a bike, but that could just be because was never as unfit when riding my bikes as I was when I started this running lark 8 weeks ago.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #33 on: 08 October, 2019, 12:38:21 pm »
Well done Beardy!

Every other day for 16 days is quite a lot.

My glute tendon problem seems to be resolving. The plan is - carry on with physio-recommended exercises, go back to Pilates this week, possibly back to running next week. Suspect I'll have to go back to week 2.

Notable learning from C25K so far - the body needs more time to recover / adapt once past the half-century. Looking back, I might have avoided this glute tendon thing if I had listened to my body a little better. I was leaving gaps between runs, but those gaps would often contain a pilates class, so there were periods when I wasn't having rest days.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #34 on: 08 October, 2019, 04:16:38 pm »
I've done a few C25K runs over the last 2-3 weeks without any problems although my left knee still doesn't feel that stable.  My right knee has also started to twinge  ::-)  However, I have been out on my bike today, done a couple of spin classes plus an hour of gentle indoor rowing - all more or less twinge free.

Perhaps as you approach 56 twinges are to be expected  :'(


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #35 on: 10 October, 2019, 12:14:19 pm »
W 8.1 28 minutes

Blimey. Missed yesterday due to taxi duties so two rest days, so possibly a contributory factor, but that was fairly easy. The slight incline at one end of my route is noticeable, but once I turn around the slope is in my favour. The only issue is something of a first world problem; i didn’t start the  Strava app on my phone properly, so I have no record of my longest run to date  :facepalm:
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #36 on: 12 October, 2019, 12:05:02 pm »
W 8.2 28 minutes

I’m away for the weekend so had to run a different route this morning, which was challenging as I don’t really know the area. But I managed ok, and like the last run, didn’t feel as if I needed to stop at the end. The unknown route did have some inclines that proved challenging though, so,I think the next thing I need to work on post C25K is some hills, just to improve my stamina some.

Ok, my pace is still slow (7:40/km) but what with being able to run for 28 minutes and needing to take my kit away with me; I think I might now be ‘a runner’. Eek.

Next up, some cross training so an excuse to get out on my bike. :)
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #37 on: 14 October, 2019, 03:18:22 pm »
W 8.3 28 minutes

Blimey, I actually ran fro 29:37 though I’m still not fast. Just short of 4K so I’m unlikely to manage 5k in the last week of 30 minute runs. Maybe I should demand a refund for the C25k app  :D.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #38 on: 14 October, 2019, 07:18:08 pm »
I’m unlikely to manage 5k in the last week of 30 minute runs.

I wouldn't worry, Beardy. It took me over a year to get below the 30 minute mark for 5k having finished the programme.
My PB for 5k is 25'20" so progress is possible (and I was in my fifties when I started).
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #39 on: 16 October, 2019, 03:39:09 pm »
W 9.1 30 minutes.

That was hard today, but I did it. Less distance according to my Garmin, only 3.7k but I’m not going to worry about that too much. Two more 30 minute runs and the programme is completed. I’ve just got to keep running now that I’ve got here.

SteveC thanks for,the words of encouragement, I’m not worried about the distance, I’m carrying a lot of extra weight so the very fact I can run for 30 mins is very encouraging. oh, and I’m approaching 59 even if I’ve not grown up yet  ;D
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #40 on: 16 October, 2019, 03:56:00 pm »
W 9.1 30 minutes.

That was hard today, but I did it. Less distance according to my Garmin, only 3.7k but I’m not going to worry about that too much. Two more 30 minute runs and the programme is completed. I’ve just got to keep running now that I’ve got here.

SteveC thanks for,the words of encouragement, I’m not worried about the distance, I’m carrying a lot of extra weight so the very fact I can run for 30 mins is very encouraging. oh, and I’m approaching 59 even if I’ve not grown up yet  ;D

Well done Beardy!

Hopefully I can emulate that in a couple of months - will resume next week.

It took me over a year to get below the 30 minute mark for 5k having finished the programme.
My PB for 5k is 25'20" so progress is possible (and I was in my fifties when I started).

Very useful and encouraging, thanks!


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #41 on: 19 October, 2019, 02:18:21 pm »
W9.2 30 mins

You’ll all be pleased to know that I’ve only got one more run after this so won’t bother you with it for much longer.  ;D

I deliberately* varied my running speed on this session with pushing a bit every few minutes. I did run a bit further and I was glad to stop when the lady said I could. Nothing else to report though, other than the lack of shin splints which suggests I’m running more smoothly.

Onward and upward.

* as opposed to thee changes of pace due to my lack of ability to maintain a steadŷ pace.  :facepalm:
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #42 on: 21 October, 2019, 09:23:12 am »
I need to run my last session today but there is currently WEATHER outside and it seems I’m a fair WEATHER runner.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #43 on: 21 October, 2019, 07:01:37 pm »
Running in WEATHER is not like cycling in it.
Accept the fact that you will get wet (even with a jacket) but that you are likely to still get warm and make sure you have a nice hot shower waiting for you when you finish.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #44 on: 21 October, 2019, 09:11:44 pm »
I love running in colder/wet weather as it stops me overheating.

Sure, getting out of the door and starting to run when it's hissing it down is far from appealing, but I wear a cap to keep the worst of the rain off my glasses and force myself to go out. I also remind myself how happy I was to have gone out for the run come the next time it is like that.

It's only when it's icy that it becomes a problem, but then it's only a 1km warm-up/cool-down walk to/from some nice woody trails (that can be run even when completely frozen).
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #45 on: 21 October, 2019, 09:23:21 pm »
Yes, I agree with the previoue 2 posters.

As a relatively recent returner to running, I do find that running in shit weather is less unpleasant than cycling.
Part of it is that it is usually a shorter time.

My last run was in the Pentland Hills near Embra, on Saturday, in poor weather.
The uphills were on paths that had become streams.
The high-level flat bits were muddy bogs.
The return flog along the road was deeply flooded in several spots, which you just ploughed through anyways.
But the whole thing was just an hour and a half, so no great hardship.


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #46 on: 22 October, 2019, 10:36:26 am »
W 9.3 30 mins

That’s C25K done! A day late because of WEATHER yesterday, even though you all encouraged me to go. What a wimp  :D
My youngest daughter joined me at the start but my pace was rather too slow for her and she’s also out of practice so she bailed part way through. Good on her for joining me though. It was a new experience running with someone else though.

I’m going to consolidate my progress for a couple of weeks before I embark on the next great adventure of a 5to10k programme.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #47 on: 22 October, 2019, 11:02:03 am »
Well done chap!


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #48 on: 27 October, 2019, 12:46:48 pm »
Last update.

I went and gone and dund it. 5.03k in 42:40. My second run after completing the C25k and the first run I went out with a distance in mind. Phew. 
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #49 on: 27 October, 2019, 05:59:51 pm »
Well done. Make sure you don’t go and hurt yourself like we did. That said I’m not sure how to prevent running injuries.