Author Topic: Beardys running log - Ct5k  (Read 148097 times)

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1225 on: 16 February, 2021, 05:11:03 pm »
PB if you do the protocol above, that's not MAF.

For it to be MAF, you have to do almost all your running at that intensity- that's the point. Vast vast amounts of low intensity work. Real pushing it up from the bottom, stuff.

Throwing one slower run a week in, isn't going to cut it.

Ah, I see.  I didn't twig this.  That's something to ponder then.


Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1226 on: 16 February, 2021, 05:37:47 pm »
PB if you do the protocol above, that's not MAF.

For it to be MAF, you have to do almost all your running at that intensity- that's the point. Vast vast amounts of low intensity work. Real pushing it up from the bottom, stuff.

Throwing one slower run a week in, isn't going to cut it.

Ah, I see.  I didn't twig this.  That's something to ponder then.


It isn’t MAF, but it is a traditional and effective mixed pace plan. You need to do enough easy work that your hard work is useful!

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1227 on: 16 February, 2021, 10:28:48 pm »
I would say that I did all my running until mid January at the MAF HR. It is initially dry demoralising as you have to go back to walking quite a lot and you need to stick at it for months!  I have done most of my cycling in the past few years at MAF as well so had some idea of what I was doing.
For the first 3-4 months all running is done at the MAF HR and then once the aerobic base is in place some speed work or hill work is allowed.

The formula of 180 minus age as maximum HR has nothing to do with your actual maximum or aerobic limits or lactic threshold. It is just a good comfortable pace to train the aerobic system identified by experimentation.
However it does seem to match fairly closely what other low heart rate groups have found as a “good” HR.
There are lots of Facebook groups and websites.
Do make sure you do the MAF test every month so you can see the improvement. Generally the progression seems to be an increase in pace for the first couple of months as you reduce the walking, then pace stays steady but HR reduces in the 3-4 months and then People report a further increase in pace. I am not there yet! 

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1228 on: 17 February, 2021, 09:17:06 am »
Pushed myself out the door for another plod around my standard  5km loop.

It is much harder when the wind is gusting at 80kph. At least that is a reduction - it was gusting up to 110kph.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1229 on: 17 February, 2021, 12:26:08 pm »
It's surprisingly warm out there.  Another 8k run but this time I worked to keep my HR a bit lower resulting in a slower run.  Not that speed really matters.

I couldn't resist pushing the last 400m though.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1230 on: 17 February, 2021, 01:14:37 pm »
I'm loving how Beardy's running log is now everyone's running log except Beardy because he's enjoying a bit of ICBA🤣

Just did a hilly 11 mile trail run. Straight up the side of the valley to the top of the Cotswold escarpment overlooking the Severn, the FoD and Wales then picking up the Cotswold way through woods along the side of the escarpment and then back up to the top, then down into a wooded valley past an empty gothic mansion, and out of the valley into my village.

I scoped this route out on Monday with Mdm F. It seemed impossibility long when walking, but running it was just brilliant.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1231 on: 17 February, 2021, 02:08:15 pm »
Nice.  Wish that I lived somewhere more scenic.  😒

As for Beardy: I sense an Annie moment forthcoming ...


  • Shedist
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1232 on: 17 February, 2021, 02:42:31 pm »
I think I should,just kick back and enjoy the CBA rather than fretting about it every day.  :facepalm:  This cold is receding a little, but I’m fairly busy until the weekend and Sarah gets arse if I go running when she’s not working or out on her exercise, so it might be Monday before I get going again.

I’m just looking into MAF at the moment in the hope that it will either inspire me or allow me to go further with the energy I do have. It does highlight on issue that I have recognised though, I need to kick my sugar habit. I’ve never really had a sweet tooth, but over the last 6 months or so I’ve been eating more and more biscuits and although I have been controlling my weight ok, I think if I could kick that habit I’d probably be losing weight.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1233 on: 17 February, 2021, 03:09:24 pm »
I have just come back from what turns out to be my fastest ever 5K. I did it in 39 1/2 minutes, my previous fastest was 41 minutes.

I hadn’t run for two weeks because of the snow, and also have had no cycling because my velomobile is having its electrics repaired. It seems the break has helped, as has also having lost 11 kg over the last four months.

I was running at a fair pace for me and definitely not giving my all, so there is room for improvement. Hit a maximum heart rate of 198, not bad for an almost 50 year old.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1234 on: 17 February, 2021, 03:12:36 pm »
I think I should,just kick back and enjoy the CBA rather than fretting about it every day.  :facepalm:  This cold is receding a little, but I’m fairly busy until the weekend and Sarah gets arse if I go running when she’s not working or out on her exercise, so it might be Monday before I get going again.

I’m just looking into MAF at the moment in the hope that it will either inspire me or allow me to go further with the energy I do have. It does highlight on issue that I have recognised though, I need to kick my sugar habit. I’ve never really had a sweet tooth, but over the last 6 months or so I’ve been eating more and more biscuits and although I have been controlling my weight ok, I think if I could kick that habit I’d probably be losing weight.

I have a definite sugar habit. Life long. I have managed to kick it on a few occasions, but I need a couple of weeks with no shite in the house. That is almost impossible with two young children, an obese grandmother who likes feeding them shite and an ever plumper wife who ignores my requests to not furnish me with chocolate. She doesn't seem to grasp that it is entirely different if I buy it or request it, to being offered it when unsolicited. It is an addiction. On the occasions when I have kicked it, it has had a knockon effect on my dietary desires and I've only been interested in fresh produce,and correspondingly never felt better. It is a bit like exercise in gereneral, in so far as you have to work at it and the benefits are much subtler than an immediate hit of sugar, crack,alcohol or whatever your poison might be.

Anyway, if you are poorly then just enjoy the enforced rest. Rest is good.I always find my performance goes up after rest. So maybe just set an alarm on your phone to review the situation on saturday and then forget about it and enjoy the time off.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1235 on: 17 February, 2021, 03:28:07 pm »
I think I should,just kick back and enjoy the CBA rather than fretting about it every day.  :facepalm:  This cold is receding a little, but I’m fairly busy until the weekend and Sarah gets arse if I go running when she’s not working or out on her exercise, so it might be Monday before I get going again.

I’m just looking into MAF at the moment in the hope that it will either inspire me or allow me to go further with the energy I do have. It does highlight on issue that I have recognised though, I need to kick my sugar habit. I’ve never really had a sweet tooth, but over the last 6 months or so I’ve been eating more and more biscuits and although I have been controlling my weight ok, I think if I could kick that habit I’d probably be losing weight.

Hello again Arnie.  😉  Life has it's own devious methods of interrupting best laid plans and all that.

Impressive AH.  Good to see that you are doing so well.

I have mulled over my thoughts and today's run was targeted at HR limitation.  I have decided that I will switch back to working on max hr for my sessions for a while from March except when I do my weekly interval session which will be as full on as I can manage.  Two runs will be below threshold (the medium and longer runs) and there will be a MAF type hour once a week.  I think that the mix will serve to keep the interest if nothing else.  I will start monitoring my MAF and interval runs using a spreadsheet in the hope of seeing some gains over six to 12 months.  I am also planning at least two half marathons for October now and I'd be interested in one per weekend in October if I could find events for the currently available weekends.

Looking at last year I am about five weeks away from fasted early sessions again.  I can be more consistent with my start times this year as I have a nice Petzl Iko Core headtorch to defeat those dark starts.

I don't know why exactly but I feel optimistic about this year.  Hey ho!  🙂🙃😉🙃🙂

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1236 on: 18 February, 2021, 07:55:16 am »
How do you do MAF if you live somewhere hilly?  There aren't any big hills around me, but the land is 'hummocky'. Up and down by 30m constantly. Walk?
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1237 on: 18 February, 2021, 08:24:27 am »
I recall that Harris and Lewis are a bit like my native Northamptonshire in that you are almost always going up or down, virtually never on the flat.  I'd expect that you'll be trotting down the slopes and walking up them whilst MAF'ing.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1238 on: 18 February, 2021, 09:10:22 am »
How do you do MAF if you live somewhere hilly?  There aren't any big hills around me, but the land is 'hummocky'. Up and down by 30m constantly. Walk?

Mr Smith spent some trying to MAF cycling. Even aside from the dullness of it, on Teesside there were very few roads he could use.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1239 on: 18 February, 2021, 02:15:03 pm »
For both running and cycling MAF starts with quite a lot of walking if you have done trainer road type training.  I live in a not too hilly area of the country so probably found it easier and still walk up a few hills when running.  It is about learning new speeds to move at to control the heart rate.

There is also the difference between training and doing an addax.  MAF training you may walk or pedal so slowly you might as well walk but in the actual addax you do whatever you want in terms of HR.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1240 on: 19 February, 2021, 09:20:42 am »
Rain stops play today.  I was initially a bit grumpy but then I remembered that I am not on the full marathon training plan.   I'll just go tomorrow instead then.  👍

Looking at the overnight temperatures I could get up early and do a fasted run.  Test out the head torch too.  Hmmm ...

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1241 on: 19 February, 2021, 11:17:07 am »
Bad week with changes at work then a discussion with a colleague last night who is a complete and utter fruitcake.  So only exercise was a catchup TdZ stage 1.  Went out this morning and needed an urgent return to home after 2km.  Barely made it!!

I will try again later

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1242 on: 21 February, 2021, 10:32:52 am »
Ive been awake since well before six, having not slept well before that, so wasn't entirely keen on the idea of a run this morning.
But MrsC asked if I was going out and said she'd go for her walk at the same time, so I had no excuse. Sunday is usually the 10k day, but I've just done my usual 5k loop instead. Drizzle all the way, but otherwise not too bad.
Strava tells me "This was easier than your usual effort."  So why was it only 19 seconds slower than my fastest for that route?
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1243 on: 21 February, 2021, 04:03:53 pm »
Strava is just nasty. I managed my 1k run this morning. I was stiff and sore, HR less well controlled than usual yet Strava tells me it was an easier run.

I just wish I could choose a setting for “62 yo male, slightly overweight, running for mental and physical relaxation and health” rather than Strava thinking I am planning to challenge Kipchoge to a match!

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1244 on: 21 February, 2021, 04:52:40 pm »
Strava is just nasty. I managed my 1k run this morning. I was stiff and sore, HR less well controlled than usual yet Strava tells me it was an easier run.

I just wish I could choose a setting for “62 yo male, slightly overweight, running for mental and physical relaxation and health” rather than Strava thinking I am planning to challenge Kipchoge to a match!

Garmin is just the same.  The problem is these apps with their algorithms are entirely oriented to a particular type of person as oppose to being a proper "personal trainer" albeit a virtual one.

I have managed to overcome my anxieties with Garmin but it took longer than I expected it to.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1245 on: 21 February, 2021, 05:34:46 pm »
You can resolve all your Garmin worries by using more than one device alongside physio trueup. It works so poorly, in fact not at all, that all data apart from actual session stats is obviously, completely worthless. Hence, no worries be 😀

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1246 on: 22 February, 2021, 11:42:41 am »
Changed my route - normal 5km route takes me around a loop, past my house to the end of the road and back home (going via bastard hill).  Trouble is, in poor weather, I get very tempted to stop as I pass my house . . .

So I varied the loop. It means I'm running up a gentle hill for nearly 2km, but scenery makes up for it.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1247 on: 22 February, 2021, 12:06:24 pm »
Quite jealous of your location.

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1248 on: 22 February, 2021, 02:27:08 pm »
I am in danger of an attack of lethargy.  It was raining this morning but the weather is fine now.  I know that I should be preparing to run but the sofa is comfy.

Hopefully I will find the required mojo by posting about my laziness here ...

Re: Beardys running log - Ct5k
« Reply #1249 on: 22 February, 2021, 02:42:43 pm »
I am in danger of an attack of lethargy.  It was raining this morning but the weather is fine now.  I know that I should be preparing to run but the sofa is comfy.

Hopefully I will find the required mojo by posting about my laziness here ...

Think about some nice woods you can run through.

Then go and run through them  :thumbsup: