Author Topic: Scottish Borders Randonneurs - The Annual Long Dark Teatime of an Audax Soul....  (Read 2390 times)


  • More Pedalling Less Paperwork
Two weeks to go until...................The Long Dark Teatime 200k plus it's shorter version Home in Time for Teatime 118km.
Although it is late in the year this is our most popular event with spectacular autumn scenery,good cafe stops and even a chance to watch the fireworks from the hilltops on the return journey. Hot soup etc and finishers medal to come back to at the HQ in Galashiels.

I'm starting to Get Routesheets etc ready to send out. Anyone still to enter either the 200km or 118km I would appreciate if you could do this soon so I can let the weather fairy(and the cafe's) know numbers 8) :thumbsup:

Links for entry and more details here:

Keep Pedalling!



  • Not Small
If anyone heading to Gala wants to make a weekend of it there is a plan to ride the Border hills perm on the Sunday
8am-ish start from Innerleithen, it's GPS enabled although some of us have the paper cards.


  • More Pedalling Less Paperwork
Routesheets and all information is now winging it's way to the current list of entries. If you don't get yours let me know and if you haven't entered yet but would like to still space for more :thumbsup:

Two weeks to go until...................The Long Dark Teatime 200k plus it's shorter version Home in Time for Teatime 118km.
Although it is late in the year this is our most popular event with spectacular autumn scenery,good cafe stops and even a chance to watch the fireworks from the hilltops on the return journey. Hot soup etc and finishers medal to come back to at the HQ in Galashiels.

I'm starting to Get Routesheets etc ready to send out. Anyone still to enter either the 200km or 118km I would appreciate if you could do this soon so I can let the weather fairy(and the cafe's) know numbers 8) :thumbsup:

Links for entry and more details here:

Keep Pedalling!



  • More Pedalling Less Paperwork
Final call for last entries with one week to go and pretty good weather forecast before I close the door and get brevet cards ready :thumbsup:  8)

What is the time limit for the 116KM ride?

What is the time limit for the 116KM ride?

"to finish by 19:40"

Yes I saw that, but was confused as my Brevet card for this event from a couple of years ago says "Finish: Galashiels Focus Centre - 13:52-17:44" which made me think 17:44 was the limit.

Thanks again.


  • Not Small
Yes I saw that, but was confused as my Brevet card for this event from a couple of years ago says "Finish: Galashiels Focus Centre - 13:52-17:44" which made me think 17:44 was the limit.

Thanks again.

Just checked my card from 2018; it was set at 15-25kmh that year

Yes I saw that, but was confused as my Brevet card for this event from a couple of years ago says "Finish: Galashiels Focus Centre - 13:52-17:44" which made me think 17:44 was the limit.

Thanks again.

Just checked my card from 2018; it was set at 15-25kmh that year

Interesting - 15kmh gives a maximum time of 7hrs 44 min, which matches what was on my Brevet card as the final time to arrive back at Galashiels (17:44).

I'm none the wiser - my brevet card and yours suggest the clock stops at 17:44 but the webpage says 19:40 ???

The speed is 12-30 kph this year

The speed is 12-30 kph this year

Ah - thanks for the clarification. Any idea why it would change from last year?


  • Not Small
hm yeah, the website showed 12-30kmh that year.

But 17:44 is home in time for Tea while 19:40 isn't...  :P

Only really matters that you get back from a prolonged stop at the Tushielaw or Cross Keys before Lucy stops validating!