Author Topic: Coronavirus and Audax  (Read 91766 times)

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #75 on: 14 March, 2020, 07:01:48 am »
Where ever you stand on the rights and wrongs of cancelling or continuing with events, there is one thing that this thread tells me. Entries will be will fewer compared to normal. Whilst I have cancelled my event alongside others, I wish my continuing colleagues and entrants the best - just stay healthy and look after yourselves.

I would just ask people to refrain from being negative to others who support or cancel future events.  Every one has their own legitimate reason for their decision and it is not for you to judge. Courtesy is free.
Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #76 on: 14 March, 2020, 08:25:42 am »
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Where ever you stand on the rights and wrongs of cancelling or continuing with events, there is one thing that this thread tells me. Entries will be will fewer compared to normal. Whilst I have cancelled my event alongside others, I wish my continuing colleagues and entrants the best - just stay healthy and look after yourselves.

I would just ask people to refrain from being negative to others who support or cancel future events.  Every one has their own legitimate reason for their decision and it is not for you to judge. Courtesy is free.

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #77 on: 14 March, 2020, 08:26:48 am »
I would just ask people to refrain from being negative to others who support or cancel future events.  Every one has their own legitimate reason for their decision and it is not for you to judge. Courtesy is free.


I was about to say the same after observing the talk on Facebook...

If an org cancels, they’ve not done so lightly, and only done so because they believe it’s the right thing to do
If they don’t cancel, you can make a personal choice to ride or not

It’s only a bike ride, people seem to be losing perspective!

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #78 on: 14 March, 2020, 08:41:46 am »
Well, I was entered for two events this weekend, but I'm canning them both. Both kids are ill and have been all week, and I've got a sore throat. Now does not seem the time to further stress my immune system with 400k and probably poor sleep.

It's not easy to make sense of this all at the moment. We have a plague coming, we know that for 80% of us it will just be mild, but for the 20% it wont,  and as it progresses it will be horrific for both the 20% and the frontline medical staff trying to treat them.

How do we know this? Because we can look forward in time by looking at Italy now, China last month, and by next weekend, Spain.

So whilst the virus might prove mild for me it wont be for all, and to me mass audax events are causing many  people to congregate in start locations, cafes and so forth, in many parts of the country to which they would not otherwise travel, potentially acting as vectors for the disease. Added to which, in control points they will be fatigued, breathing heavily, potentially sneezing from cold air, and perhaps not able to observe the level of hygiene they should.

If we are wanting to slow down the disease in order to prevent frontline medical services from being overwhelmed, doing mass start audax does not seem to be a helpful contribution.

For once, people might actually have to think beyond themselves rather than charging on regardless.

See you all on the other side. Wherever and whenever that might be.

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #79 on: 14 March, 2020, 09:15:16 am »
I would just ask people to refrain from being negative to others who support or cancel future events.  Every one has their own legitimate reason for their decision and it is not for you to judge. Courtesy is free.


I was about to say the same after observing the talk on Facebook...

If an org cancels, they’ve not done so lightly, and only done so because they believe it’s the right thing to do
If they don’t cancel, you can make a personal choice to ride or not

It’s only a bike ride, people seem to be losing perspective!

Funny you should mention the FB Group.  We have instigated the following measure to ensure good communications on AUK and organiser positions.

(1)  It is important this group is focused on information and communications regarding the positions of AUK and individual organisers over forthcoming weeks. Endless and circuitous Covid19 debate will damage the effectiveness of news and announcements on events and mitigation measures.
(2) Respect must be maintained at all times.
Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #80 on: 14 March, 2020, 11:42:55 am »
Indeed. The point of an institution like Public Health England is to provide a source of truth for us to refer to instead of being stuck in endless loops of stress, hesitation and confusion. Our attitude should be to stay focused on the strategy the boffins have come up with. Of course if an organiser no longer wants to put on an event that is absolutely their prerogative but the demands that all events be written off immediately is undermining the strategy to manage the illness imo.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.


  • Human-cyborg relations
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #81 on: 14 March, 2020, 01:09:01 pm »

Wash your hands
Use tissues which you bin
Wash your hands
Remain excellent

I don't want to put my D-Lock on this thread!


Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #82 on: 14 March, 2020, 01:11:32 pm »
As a precautionary measure I am avoiding pangolins.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #83 on: 14 March, 2020, 01:12:36 pm »
email from andy cox to organisers, today

To all AUK organisers.


Sport England issued a statement regarding sporting events in light of the measures announced by the Government following the COBRA meeting on Thursday 12 March. Follow this link for the latest advice updates:-


AUK’s specific advice:-


Ensure you & your helpers pay scrupulous attention to hygiene at controls you organise.
Check that none of your helpers have any symptoms (as described in official advice), and do not allow them to attend.  Similarly for yourself, hand over duties to someone else if you have symptoms.  Elderly or otherwise vulnerable helpers should be asked to stay away.

Minimise contact with others, e.g. cards could be laid out on a table for self-collection.

Encourage riders to use hand-washing facilities, and ensure these are adequately stocked.

If your event attracts a very large entry, consider staggering start-times to reduce the numbers at any one time.

If you feel that your event poses too great a risk to health for any particular reason, you should discuss the possibility of cancellation or other measures with your regional delegate.  AUK will offer support for your decision.

AUK may issue further updates as the situation develops.

Organisers are advised to include the following in communications with their entrants:-

Do not attend an event if you have any symptoms (as described in official advice), or have been in recent contact with any sufferers.

At controls and during the event, observe good hygiene procedures (hand-washing, minimal personal contact, avoid crowding any area).

After the finish it may be prudent to leave promptly, or find space away from others.

AUK may issue further updates as the situation develops.


13 March 2020

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #84 on: 14 March, 2020, 01:18:24 pm »
^ And how many audaxers have you met who you know will not comply with that?

There will come a point (very soon) where organisers will need to bear that in mind.


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #85 on: 14 March, 2020, 01:29:54 pm »
The Public Health England/Sports England advice is formulated with that risk in mind.

Stick to the strategy!
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #86 on: 14 March, 2020, 02:23:35 pm »
That advice wont age well


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #87 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:17:46 pm »
Ok pal I'm sure 'everyone stop coordinating and start doing their own thing without reference to a shared strategy devised by public health experts' is definitely the thing to do.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #88 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:22:08 pm »
What is the likely effect of me choosing not to ride audaxes, with regard to me not catching and spreading CV?

Am I more likely to contract and spread or less?

Govt strategy is to delay.


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #89 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:25:25 pm »
The discussion is on AUK as an organisation and the guidance for organisers, in terms of alignment with public health England and other relevant authorities, not your individual choices of ride/don't ride.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #90 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:27:46 pm »
No it isnt. See OP.

Nor is it your place to say what is and isnt permissible in this discussion. It is noted that you are unable to answer the point I make in my previous post.


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #91 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:30:17 pm »
You were replying to vorsprungs sharing of the advice to organisers...  ::-)

The board are publishing sensible advice in line with the scientists' strategy for the management of public health. Some organisers have cancelled because of their own risk tolerance which is up to them. But for those who are happy to work with the auk board in continuing to put on ridesw hich the scientists' judge to be of acceptable risk, this is fine to be getting on with.

Personally I am more wary of the Car Owner virus which kills over 1.3 million a year.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #92 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:39:49 pm »
Maybe you missed this part:

"If you feel that your event poses too great a risk to health for any particular reason, you should discuss the possibility of cancellation or other measures with your regional delegate.  AUK will offer support for your decision."


Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #93 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:40:39 pm »
It really depends what you do instead. According to the w.h.o. analysis the most common way is to catch it is from a family member through direct or indirect physical contact in the home. The more hours riding a bike the safer you are as long as you don’t touch anything. Avoid tandems, licking other people’s handler bar tape and pangolins in general.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #94 on: 14 March, 2020, 03:44:17 pm »
And how did the infected family member bringing it into the home catch it?

From someone else in the home?

Tourists skiing in Italy brought it here. How did they catch it?

Got it yet?

The number of cases has doubled in 2 days.


Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #95 on: 14 March, 2020, 04:16:15 pm »
Almost certainly not whilst riding a bike outdoors. The most certain way is direct contact, shaking hands, hugging, kissing etc. The next is via an intermediate object e.g. a door knob, brevet card. There is a small risk of fecal-oral route. The w.h.o. don’t believe air born transmission is major driver. This is why so much stress is being placed on washing hands.

The government advice is based on quite sophisticated modelling designed to flatten and delay (but not delay too much) the peak so that it arrives in about 10 weeks time.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #96 on: 14 March, 2020, 04:24:19 pm »
And what happens to hygiene in an audax cafe control with a big queue for the single basin?

I hope the govt are correct with their modelling and strategy. WHO think they arent.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #97 on: 14 March, 2020, 04:27:12 pm »

One of the things to consider. How would you feel in x weeks time when you find out that someone's gran died, and vector/contact tracing puts you on the transmission path. As an event organiser, that's a lot of people "because of you".

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #98 on: 14 March, 2020, 04:35:06 pm »

Your audax points arent, perhaps, as important as you might think they are

Re: Coronavirus and Audax
« Reply #99 on: 14 March, 2020, 04:41:59 pm »
I think we are past the "Keep Calm & Carry On" poster.

Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark