Author Topic: Experiences of Teh Plague  (Read 88522 times)

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #75 on: 21 February, 2021, 10:29:12 am »
I had my jab on Tuesday. I'm 61, no risks either for me or MrsC (who is 68 and had her jab a week before me).
The person logging me in did seem slightly surprised that I was there--she asked if I was a carer for instance--but my name was on the list, so there was no question of turning me away.
In our case it may be down to a combination of demographics, although we do have a lot of older people in our village, and that fact that we're signed up to get texts and so on from the GP. Other friends who aren't have had to wait for the post to arrive with their invitations.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #76 on: 21 February, 2021, 11:56:01 am »
I had my jab yesterday, after being invited by text on Monday. I’m 55 with no known complications. The GP said that North Yorkshire is ahead of the wider delivery and I didn’t stand out as a young’un in the queue.

Pfizer vaccine and no side effects to date.

Chris S

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #77 on: 21 February, 2021, 12:05:48 pm »
Had mine Friday. Sore arm yesterday, achy and tired today.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #78 on: 24 February, 2021, 07:31:43 pm »
Don't know for sure whether I have had COVID, but back in late Dec 2019 I had a nasty illness which if I'd had it a couple of months later would have been diagnosed as COVID. I had been mixing in an industry group who'd been working with some people from the correct region of China, so possible.

Extreme fatigue, dry cough, overnight fever like nothing else since I had (bad) measles as a child. Note- I have had "proper flu" in the intervening years and the fever was nothing like this.

(I get fever dreams whenever I have a fever, level of total bizarreness/scariness directly related to level of fever).

The thing was, it started as a bad cold kind of, then went away then came back with a vengence and the fever. There was a point where I was struggling to walk, felt winded- no wheezing though, just couldn't get enough O2 in, had to walk VERY SLOWLY and an easy 10-min walk was a 20 min struggle.

After effects- tired, persistent cough/tight chest lasted several months, allergies flared. Some days better than others. In fact it's been best part of a year before I felt myself again. Antihistamines helped muchly. In the early days I woke up in the night a couple of times gasping for air. Never happened before, extremely scary. For some months could only sleep if lying on my left side/front.   

A few of us at the same industry event had a similar thing- we all had a really rotten Christmas.

Was it COVID? Probably, but I'm still being careful in case it wasn't.


Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #79 on: 25 February, 2021, 01:05:46 pm »
I'll try to keep this brief.

A friend of ours in his sixties who like me has been partially sighted since birth though his sight has not degenerated to legally blind has just received an invite to get his first jab.  He doesn't drive and has never driven.   He lives about 400m from the local mass vaccination centre where other friends of ours from all around Rugby have received their first jab.  He has been invited to travel to Coventry or Milton Keynes.


Which wanker has overseen such a ridiculously unfit for purpose pile of shite? 

He's trying but without any success at the moment to get this changed.  The system doesn't appear to cope with such clearly obvious requests.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #80 on: 25 February, 2021, 01:51:54 pm »
Not surprised PB. A VI friend of mine has managed to get themselves onto a consulting committee for Greater Manchester's vaccination stuff where they're only now discussing disability issues. Friend is a PA to a wheelchair user who gets social care and has lots of disabled friends so has been able to collect up anecdotal experiences to feed in.

I suggested all vaccination centres should have access info, a floor plan + instructions in full text explaining how the system works step by step as well as a video walk through so disabled people (or others who might need it) could look in advance and see whether a centre would work.

And yes, we should be able to say "no, I need X" in a centre.

I've given the vaccination backup list my phone number cos I know NHS/healthcare entities can't cope with anything else. I am utterly shit on the phone but I reckon that's my best chance of a vaccine. It would have been nice if I felt I could have said "use X or Y" methods but I am too tired to fight that battle (am currently fighting several others).

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #81 on: 25 February, 2021, 06:01:30 pm »
I had a chat with my GP today (senior partner) and she appeared genuinely pleased with local progress. That said, we have one local centre and the local GPS are all working together on running it. They’ve also had, it seems, a pretty good run at the local care homes. The worrying challenge is people with very limited mobility. There is a free vaccine shuttle bus service, but I’m not sure how that works - even then there will be some people that don’t have access I’m sure.

One of the challenges seems to be that they don’t know how much of what vaccine will be delivered until the last minute - but have to issue invitations in a way that matches capacity.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #82 on: 25 February, 2021, 06:07:26 pm »
Interesting rumours of anecdotal reports that having the COVID vaccine is reducing symptoms in some "long COVID” sufferers.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #83 on: 25 February, 2021, 08:04:58 pm »
It turns out that there are many "bodies" arranging vaccinations.  12 of the 14 or 15 ( not quite sure which number is right ) are signed up with and use the vaccination centrenin Rugby, the one 400m from his home.  The remaining surgeries are signed up with a different body and they are vaccinating high priority cases themselves but sending everybody else to the cour corners of wherever.  Apparently he could go to Coventry or Nuneaton instead but none of these venues thus far offered are accessible by public lic transport.

Then the Practice lied quite blatantly:  they said that he could join their list but they have about 15,000 people on it.  Rugby has just over 100,000 in the Borough split between the 14 or 15 surgeries.  And to date over 30,000 people have been vaccinated with first dose.  There is absolutely no way that his GPS practice has 15,000 on their books.  I would seriously doubt if any practice in the Borough comes anywhere near to be honest.

Not impressed.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #84 on: 25 February, 2021, 09:26:40 pm »
It turns out that there are miles "bodies" arranging vaccinations.  12 of the 14 or 15 ( not quite sure which number is right ) are signed up with and use the vaccination centrenin Rugby, the one 400m from his home.  The remaining surgeries are signed up with a different body and they are vaccinating high priority cases themselves but sending everybody else to the cour corners of wherever.  Apparently he could go to Coventry or Nuneaton instead but none of these venues thus far offered are accessible by public lic transport.

Then the Practice lied quite blatantly:  they said that he could join their list but they have about 15,000 people on it.  Rugby has just over 100,000 in the Borough split between the 14 or 15 surgeries.  And to date over 30,000 people have been vaccinated with first dose.  There is absolutely no way that his GPS practice has 15,000 on their books.  I would seriously doubt if any practice in the Borough comes anywhere near to be honest.

Not impressed.

Whilst I can usually sympathise with people trying to sort out complex logistical challenges subject to constraints, this does sound like they need to introduce some human flexibility and thought. You, well he, have my sympathy.


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #85 on: 25 February, 2021, 10:23:45 pm »
I'll try to keep this brief.

A friend of ours in his sixties who like me has been partially sighted since birth though his sight has not degenerated to legally blind has just received an invite to get his first jab.  He doesn't drive and has never driven.   He lives about 400m from the local mass vaccination centre where other friends of ours from all around Rugby have received their first jab.  He has been invited to travel to Coventry or Milton Keynes.


Which wanker has overseen such a ridiculously unfit for purpose pile of shite? 

He's trying but without any success at the moment to get this changed.  The system doesn't appear to cope with such clearly obvious requests.

I'd get him escorted (if necessary) to the vacc centre down the road, and park his bum there until someone puts a needle in him. Our local health centre has had a few cases like this, and it's easier for them to just fit the waifs and strays in than to jump the bureaucratic hoops to get it resolved officially.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #86 on: 28 February, 2021, 05:01:52 pm »

I suggested all vaccination centres should have access info, a floor plan + instructions in full text explaining how the system works step by step as well as a video walk through so disabled people (or others who might need it) could look in advance and see whether a centre would work.

I am due my jab on Tuesday & so had a quick google & this is what they have published for the hub in Bradford, quite impressed for a quick basic guide which has given me some idea of what I need to do.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #87 on: 28 February, 2021, 06:52:14 pm »

I suggested all vaccination centres should have access info, a floor plan + instructions in full text explaining how the system works step by step as well as a video walk through so disabled people (or others who might need it) could look in advance and see whether a centre would work.

I am due my jab on Tuesday & so had a quick google & this is what they have published for the hub in Bradford, quite impressed for a quick basic guide which has given me some idea of what I need to do.

That’s brill isn’t it. Sue was ‘done’ in Bradford, as she works for the trust there - different centre though. She was impressed at their efficiency.

Hope it all goes swimmingly.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #88 on: 28 February, 2021, 07:08:02 pm »
That's pretty good. I think more and more of them are realising people need info before they arrive.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #89 on: 04 March, 2021, 09:08:35 pm »
I passed a Lateral Flow test this am. I must have been asked at least 5x 'are you showing any symptoms?' Note:- the correct answer is no. It seems like they only want to test people who haven't got Covid.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #90 on: 05 March, 2021, 09:46:33 am »
I'll try to keep this brief.

A friend of ours in his sixties who like me has been partially sighted since birth though his sight has not degenerated to legally blind has just received an invite to get his first jab.  He doesn't drive and has never driven.   He lives about 400m from the local mass vaccination centre where other friends of ours from all around Rugby have received their first jab.  He has been invited to travel to Coventry or Milton Keynes.


Which wanker has overseen such a ridiculously unfit for purpose pile of shite? 

He's trying but without any success at the moment to get this changed.  The system doesn't appear to cope with such clearly obvious requests.

So, still no access for him to be vaccinated has been sorted.   This is truly shambolic.

I was wondering why so many people of my age or lower have been vaccinated and yet no sign of one for me.  I did some reading and discovered that we are still in group 6* and I seem to be in group 8.  Ah, not my turn yet then. 

*  Something to do with underlying conditions.  Bit like our friend in his sixties with heart issues then ...

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #91 on: 05 March, 2021, 10:00:56 am »
I passed a Lateral Flow test this am. I must have been asked at least 5x 'are you showing any symptoms?' Note:- the correct answer is no. It seems like they only want to test people who haven't got Covid.

Correct - My understanding is that the LFT tests are mainly being deployed to identify symptomless cases - If you have covid symptoms, then isolate and assume you have covid, or get a PCR test.

The LFT isn't reliable enough to find every case and the concern is that people who get a negative LFT will assume they are definately covid free and relax their safeguarding.
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #92 on: 05 March, 2021, 11:33:06 am »
I passed a Lateral Flow test this am. I must have been asked at least 5x 'are you showing any symptoms?' Note:- the correct answer is no. It seems like they only want to test people who haven't got Covid.

Correct - My understanding is that the LFT tests are mainly being deployed to identify symptomless cases - If you have covid symptoms, then isolate and assume you have covid, or get a PCR test.

The LTF isn't reliable enough to find every case and the concern is that people who get a negative LFT will assume they are definately covid free and relax their safeguarding.

This... exactly the case.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #93 on: 05 March, 2021, 12:35:51 pm »
School kids are being asked to get three LFTs before starting school: Monday and Thursday next week then Monday the week after, then that's it for the term. At my son's school at least. Seems odd...
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #94 on: 05 March, 2021, 12:43:24 pm »
School kids are being asked to get three LFTs before starting school: Monday and Thursday next week then Monday the week after, then that's it for the term. At my son's school at least. Seems odd...
My daughter has an LFT on Monday, in-person school starts on Tuesday, there will be another LFT on Thursday and after that she will be expected to do them twice weekly at home. Maybe they have't told you about the "home testing kit" yet?


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #95 on: 05 March, 2021, 12:46:12 pm »
Email gives three specific dates and timeslots. If it is going to be every Monday and Thursday then it makes a bit of sense.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #96 on: 05 March, 2021, 03:07:01 pm »
So, still no access for him to be vaccinated has been sorted.   This is truly shambolic.

Mike, I wish I was surprised.

I wrote an open letter to the NHS about accessibility of Covid testing and linked it to their legal obligations. Blind friends who can't self-administer a swab safely and don't have a household companion willing and able to do it are still unable to get tests. I know Fry Law has at least one claimant with cerebral palsy who was denied access to a test cos he couldn't self-administer and no one was set-up to administer it for him outside of a carehome or hospital setting...  So he probably had Covid based on symptoms but can't prove it.

There just isn't the anticipatory thinking and disabled people are largely drowning or unable to enforce their rights on anything more than a sporadic basis.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #97 on: 05 March, 2021, 03:16:06 pm »
My first jab tomorrow, through GP surgery


Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #98 on: 06 March, 2021, 07:11:06 am »
Email gives three specific dates and timeslots. If it is going to be every Monday and Thursday then it makes a bit of sense.
I'm working at a school testing centre, and it's just the three tests as they go back, and then home testing.
The school I'm at are making arrangements for a significant number of pupils who can't or won't test at home to be tested in school.
The school does not believe that the home test results will be at all reliable and predict another government u-turn on school testing.

(Would you self-report a positive test if you were 15 knowing you'd miss out on seeing your mates, and have to go for a blood test?)
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: Experiences of Teh Plague
« Reply #99 on: 06 March, 2021, 07:53:16 am »
It occurs to me that the apparently ramshackle manner in which vaccines are being offered conveniently hides the fact that the older and more tory voting demographic got their jabs conveniently locally but the younger and therefore less tory-voting demographic will be criss-crossing the country to get their jabs passing each other as they go.

If I was a cynical socialist ...