Author Topic: things i'd like to eat  (Read 22696 times)


things i'd like to eat
« on: 27 January, 2021, 05:14:40 pm »
[hived off from the Haggis topic for sanitary purposes]

Has anyone eaten one of those all-day breakfasts in a tin? I quite fancy one. As students, we used to make what we called 'cowboy' which was basically baked beans with chopped up tinned meat product (we figured that was the horse component) or, memorably, kebab meat. Served with lashing of white bread and marg so you could make sandwiches out of it. Sometimes, fearing we might be lacking vegetables, we'd add a side of potato waffles or croquettes.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #1 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:18:59 pm »
[hived off from the Haggis topic for sanitary purposes]

Has anyone eaten one of those all-day breakfasts in a tin? I quite fancy one. As students, we used to make what we called 'cowboy' which was basically baked beans with chopped up tinned meat product (we figured that was the horse component) or, memorably, kebab meat. Served with lashing of white bread and marg so you could make sandwiches out of it. Sometimes, fearing we might be lacking vegetables, we'd add a side of potato waffles or croquettes.

No, but I have one in my Brexit-so-nothing-on-the-shelves-in-the-supermarket stash.
ETA - I suspect I will have worked my way through quite a few tins, before I get around to opening that one.


  • Her Majester
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #2 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:20:21 pm »
I have. I wouldn’t bother.

Tinned spag bol, on the other hand .... 🤤
Milk please, no sugar.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #3 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:24:28 pm »
I've also eaten all day breakfast in a can, the joys of being young and poor and going on a DofE expedition. We couldn't afford fancy hiking food so just bought a bunch of all day breakfast and spag bol in a can and carried those.

It's an experience I'm not keen to repeat.

A proper café all day breakfast though, I can't wait until after the pandemic.
Somewhat of a professional tea drinker.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #4 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:28:23 pm »
As students we also used to eat the stew-in-a-can stuff, that was awful. I think there was an 'Irish stew' which was basically bits of gristle and some root vegetable and potato that looked like a pig had chewed and spat out in an anaemic broth. Canned dysentery.

We'd try and salvage it by mixing it in a pan with a Pot Noodle, but it was little more than a bad fate for a Pot Noodle.

Pot Noodles I've not eaten for years, but I fancy one of those. You know how to make a Pot Noodle feel special? Add some Hula Hoops (the snack product, not the plastic things).

Spag bol in a can, that was awesome. What about those little sausages in beans, when I used to cook for my sister, I'd take all the sausages and just leave her a portion of beans. Strange that we've never really got on.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #5 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:29:19 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.


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Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #6 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:31:02 pm »
Canned ravioli - I remember having that as a kid, but I don't remember how it tasted. Probably like dog food.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #7 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:32:56 pm »
When I flew back from having worked in China, I was quite taken with the fact that the cabin crew allowed the (mostly Chinese) passengers free access to the galley so that they could sort out their own pot noodles.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #8 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:34:28 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

Yeah, we'd go down the road and get Mr Oz the Kebab Man to give us a portion, if you went at the end of the evening, he throw in all the manky shavings and dried-out bits for free, so you'd end up with an epic portion. Just add that to one of the catering-sized tins of baked beans and it was an ample supper after a night out.


  • Hornblower
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #9 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:38:27 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

Yeah, we'd go down the road and get Mr Oz the Kebab Man to give us a portion, if you went at the end of the evening, he throw in all the manky shavings and dried-out bits for free, so you'd end up with an epic portion. Just add that to one of the catering-sized tins of baked beans and it was an ample supper after a night out.
That sounds awesome.
Must be tea time.
There's no vibrations, but wait.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #10 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:43:08 pm »
If you were lucky, there'd be some left for breakfast on toast. Admittedly, it didn't look so attractive under a congealed overcoat of kebab lard, but a bit of warming and it'd all come back to together like a fine cassoulet.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #11 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:44:22 pm »
Tinned spag bol, on the other hand .... 🤤
Canned ravioli - I remember having that as a kid, but I don't remember how it tasted. Probably like dog food.

Both of these were staples of my youth. Loved them. Not had either for years though.

For many years, I craved a Fray Bentos pie. A pie in a tin! They looked such fun. When I was a student, I discovered that my girlfriend of the time had similar ambitions, so one day we bought one for our dinner. And it was... OK. Neither as bad as I feared nor as good as I hoped.

I could go for a pot noodle right now. I really could. In one of my former jobs, we once had a massive crate of pot noodles delivered to the office by a PR. Most of my colleagues wouldn't touch them. The fools! Not that I was complaining - it meant I had lunch sorted every day for a few weeks.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #12 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:44:52 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

Yeah, we'd go down the road and get Mr Oz the Kebab Man to give us a portion, if you went at the end of the evening, he throw in all the manky shavings and dried-out bits for free, so you'd end up with an epic portion. Just add that to one of the catering-sized tins of baked beans and it was an ample supper after a night out.

I was just remembering how, if I timed it right after or during a night on the piss, I’d walk past the Bosphorus just when they were closing up. They used to make up kebabs to use the last of what they had already cut off, and give them to whoever happened by at the time.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #13 on: 27 January, 2021, 05:57:52 pm »
I've mentioned elsewhere that the Fray Bentos pie was my sole reason for wanting to be an adult. The reason was that in my parental home, I'd get a quarter, my sister would get a quarter, and my dad would get half (my mother doesn't eat), one of the great injustices of my childhood.

I even tried buying my own with my own money and I'd always be intercepted with 'YOU CAN'T EAT ALL THAT ON YOUR OWN!' and I'd end up giving half to my dad and splitting the rest with my sister. Seriously whenever I cooked food, my dad would appear and eat it. I'd have ten of Capt Birdeye's finest sizzling away after school and by the time I got to plate, I've have about two left. Two fish fingers, what a cruel amputation that was. I had to cry into my instant mash and Knorr parsley sauce (I pretty much ate that meal three times a week as a teenager). Or boil-in-bag fish in parsley sauce with potato waffles.

So the first opportunity I got, I did just that, ate the entire bloody Fray Bentos pie. And no, not awful. But I'm too posh these days, I only eat pies out of cardboard.

Pot Noodles were the staple of student halls, we always missed the meals, and there was no guarantee the girls wouldn't be guarding their well-stocked fridges on their floors (fast learners are the female of the species, men only want sex or food), so you needed a post-booze food source that didn't involve being yelled at.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #14 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:01:17 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

Yeah, we'd go down the road and get Mr Oz the Kebab Man to give us a portion, if you went at the end of the evening, he throw in all the manky shavings and dried-out bits for free, so you'd end up with an epic portion. Just add that to one of the catering-sized tins of baked beans and it was an ample supper after a night out.

I was just remembering how, if I timed it right after or during a night on the piss, I’d walk past the Bosphorus just when they were closing up. They used to make up kebabs to use the last of what they had already cut off, and give them to whoever happened by at the time.

Yes, we learned to time it perfectly to harvest up kebab bits, chip scrapings, and the like from the closing takeaways. Then we got a gangster for a landlord, and the chippy down the road stopped accepting our money. Have a chip butty.

Mr Larrington

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Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #15 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:03:25 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

(Consults map)

Used to frequent that establishment as a Penniless Student Oaf, more years ago than I care to remember.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #16 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:21:34 pm »
Back from a hard day at sixth form (which might have involved a lunchtime drink or three), I decided to introduce some eastern exoticism into my life. Mother, meet my new friend Vesta Beef Curry.

My mum went mental. Absolutely. Threw it in next door's garden and wouldn't speak to me for weeks. She really, really doesn't like curry. She was sick on the manager of Morrisons when someone dropped a jar of korma on the floor. That was doubly unfortunate as she worked there.

I didn't have a proper curry till I did my PhD. I did occasionally have the chip-shop special after a teenage night out at Ritzy's though – a tray half rice, half chips, with a battered potato fritter on top, smothered in chippy curry sauce. I quite fancy that, I'm still a big fan of chippy curry sauce.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #17 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:25:39 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

If you're ever down that way, I can thoroughly recommend the Cyprus Mangal on Warwick Way in Pimlico.  It is just round the corner from our flat and used to be a regular pit stop on a Friday night.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #18 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:27:05 pm »
Was always partial to Butterscotch Angel Delight.

No idea what was in it; nothing natural that's for sure.
Hmm, I'll need to hunt some down if they still make it...


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #19 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:40:46 pm »
Was always partial to Butterscotch Angel Delight.

No idea what was in it; nothing natural that's for sure.
Hmm, I'll need to hunt some down if they still make it...

Oh man. Yes that was good.
Who mate  it?

Wasn't it an Instant Whip?
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #20 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:41:30 pm »
kebab meat.

That’s what I want to eat now. The filthier the better. Preferably from Bosphorus Kebabs in South Ken.

If you're ever down that way, I can thoroughly recommend the Cyprus Mangal on Warwick Way in Pimlico.  It is just round the corner from our flat and used to be a regular pit stop on a Friday night.

I have been there, I like a proper kebab, but this was the dirty stuff, stuff so dirty they'd even throw you off a night bus full of sick if you attempted to smuggle one on. The sort of kebab that smells like a combination of boiled dog and abandoned portaloo unless you're drunk, in which case it's meaty ambrosia.

As students, we used to be good friends with a bunch of female nurses in Manchester, and make use of their accommodations at the Royal Infirmary (Sparshott House*, you had to climb the drainpipes and get in through the window – invited, I'm not confessing to historical sex crimes). Anyway, once after a massive kebab – more chillis sauce, you sure, yes, yes, yes – I woke up to the look down the pillow and somehow I'd sweated out a perfect outline of my head in furious yellow chilli. My pleas that that was probably exactly how the Turin Shroud was formed fell upon deaf ears, and, kebab Jesus or not, it was a while before I got to sleep in that bed again.

*despite the draconian no-men policy (we barely qualified), come Saturday morning, I reckon it was 50:50. Those 30's era drainpipes were pretty sturdy.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #21 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:43:41 pm »
– a tray half rice, half chips,

Half and half, you say?  And so soon after the blocked nose homo tease...


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #22 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:45:07 pm »
I'm entitled to swing every which way.

This topic is making me salivate so much I'm wearing Speedos and water-wings.

Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #23 on: 27 January, 2021, 07:35:02 pm »
Best kebab, bar none, is from The Gardenia (Gardies) on Rose Crescent in Cambridge.  Lashings of tzatziki and chillies.  And yes, I've had gyros in Athens...

I'm quite a fan of the tinned Heinz beans 'n' tiny sausages.  With a couple of boiled eggs on toast, and loads of black pepper.


Re: things i'd like to eat
« Reply #24 on: 27 January, 2021, 08:06:31 pm »
Butterscotch Angel Delight actually came out of angels. You hug them hard enough and out it comes like some celestial effluvia. Fact.

I checked the ingredients (it is still a thing) and it's got all the good stuff. No preservatives, it claims. It's basically sugar. I have no idea what butterscotch is other than a flavour – the flavour – of Angel Delight

I used to like eating Roundtree's jelly, the blocks of flavoured gelatine, straight out of the packet, none of that water nonsense. Tangerine flavour was best.