Author Topic: Close passes  (Read 16049 times)


Re: Close passes
« Reply #25 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:08:48 pm »
To be honest, you are the last person I'd take advice from on what is normal  ;D ;D ;D

Abnormal and asocial? Yes, you'd be my first port of call.  :thumbsup:

Oh dear.


Re: Close passes
« Reply #26 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:09:50 pm »
What, somebody on a bike  saying "hello"?

Saying hello is fine.  Expecting anything in response is not.

You are abnormal and asocial!!!! ;D :facepalm:

Re: Close passes
« Reply #27 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:12:14 pm »

Another person's bike ride doesn't imply any obligation to entertain you, just like existing while female doesn't imply any obligation to entertain random creepy men.

Nobody is asking for entertainment. Just politeness. And trying to elide this situation with sexual harassment by men towards women is ridiculous.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #28 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:12:46 pm »
For more introverted people* coming out of their bubble to vocalise a friendly hello can be a huge mental leap. A lot of people go on bike rides in the countryside to spend some quality time in that bubble.

It sounds like you have no empathy for people who aren't exactly like you.

(* or even just averagely verted people)


Re: Close passes
« Reply #29 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:13:06 pm »

Another person's bike ride doesn't imply any obligation to entertain you, just like existing while female doesn't imply any obligation to entertain random creepy men.

Nobody is asking for entertainment. Just politeness. And trying to elide this situation with sexual harassment by men towards women is ridiculous.

Fuck off  ;D ;D ;D

Re: Close passes
« Reply #30 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:17:37 pm »
For more introverted people* coming out of their bubble to vocalise a friendly hello can be a huge mental leap. A lot of people go on bike rides in the countryside to spend some quality time in that bubble.

It sounds like you have no empathy for people who aren't exactly like you.

(* or even just averagely verted people)

A guy in full Castelli on an £8k bike an 'introvert' Right. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Keep going..

Re: Close passes
« Reply #31 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:28:18 pm »
I still say hello to everyone but I don't get upset if they don't respond - especially people of any of the different sexes.  It's impossible to tell when somebody is just being vague, self-absorbed, cautious or merely exercising their "right" to be rude (inverted commas because technically we don't have any rights in this country).  Further (as well as also), life experiences I'd rather not be having have alerted me to just how many people are plagued by things like Asperger's and have a hard enough time interacting with what to them can seem like an intimidating world.  It's quite clear from this forum that some of these ride bikes, so I try to cut slack - and, of course, some people are deaf.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #32 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:33:32 pm »
If a kitwanker smashes past you, close, on an £8k bike, on a rural road, doesn't bother with a hello, nor respond to yours then, sorry, its a statement, and they are fair game.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #33 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:44:57 pm »
Testosterene causes most of the trouble in the world.  I'm learning to do without it - though I've still got the jiffy bags.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #34 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:47:04 pm »
If a kitwanker smashes past you, close, on an £8k bike, on a rural road, doesn't bother with a hello, nor respond to yours then, sorry, its a statement, and they are fair game.

Yes, I'm sure you've constructed a set of rules in your brane to make you feel like you're a nice ordinary person doing god's work to people who deserve it and definitely not an arsehole.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #35 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:52:04 pm »
Testosterene causes most of the trouble in the world.  I'm learning to do without it - though I've still got the jiffy bags.

I think it was Bertrand Russell who described his experience of dwindling testosterone as like being unchained from a lunatic.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #36 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:54:37 pm »
Correct.  Lessons for us all, there!

Re: Close passes
« Reply #37 on: 28 March, 2021, 02:55:09 pm »

Re: Close passes
« Reply #38 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:10:38 pm »
TBF Flatus catching up with a cyclist is != punishment. 
IIUC Flauts is annoyed at people passing him without saying "hi".  Personally I rarely say much when overtaking, because, to me, breezing past someone and then making point of the fact that I've gone past them is a bit ... 
Similar to using a bell on a shared use path, you get grief for doing it and you get grief for not doing it.
If the worst thing to happen to me on a ride is someone making a point of catching up with me, no big deal.  I provided you with some motivation to pedal faster, you're welcome.
If the worst thing that happens o Flatus today is that someone call's him a bit of a dick for his behaviour, business as usual on YACF?
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Close passes
« Reply #39 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:16:56 pm »
This thread is fast turning into a sort of bingo card, albeit with only 4 boxes to tick.  Just need Karla and its house!

Re: Close passes
« Reply #40 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:19:37 pm »

Re: Close passes
« Reply #41 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:24:51 pm »
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: Close passes
« Reply #42 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:25:40 pm »
He usually doesn't


Re: Close passes
« Reply #43 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:31:47 pm »
This thread is fast turning into a sort of bingo card, albeit with only 4 boxes to tick.  Just need Karla and its house!'re trolling? Looks like projection to be mate, you saying other folk are abnormal/asocial - go look in the mirror.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #44 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:38:29 pm »
Anyone got a turbo trainer for sale?


Re: Close passes
« Reply #45 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:46:32 pm »
Anyone got a turbo trainer for sale?

Here we go, I had a brand new trainer for sale that was being offered just under sale price on CRC, the price on CRC goes back up so the cost of the trainer went up as well. Not sure if I'm flattered or worried that I've been living rent free in your head for the best of a year because of this - hey ho.

'If a kitwanker smashes past you, close, on an £8k bike, on a rural road, doesn't bother with a hello, nor respond to yours then, sorry, its a statement, and they are fair game.'

All because someone did not say hello to you - get a life.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #46 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:50:33 pm »
simplicity, truth, equality, peace


Re: Close passes
« Reply #47 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:56:30 pm »
For more introverted people* coming out of their bubble to vocalise a friendly hello can be a huge mental leap. A lot of people go on bike rides in the countryside to spend some quality time in that bubble.

It sounds like you have no empathy for people who aren't exactly like you.

(* or even just averagely verted people)

A guy in full Castelli on an £8k bike an 'introvert' Right.

Keep going..
Is there something specific about castelli clothing ? I have to admit I am occasionally clothed head to toe in the brand.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #48 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:57:24 pm »
Anyone got a turbo trainer for sale?

Here we go, I had a brand new trainer for sale that was being offered just under sale price on CRC, the price on CRC goes back up so the cost of the trainer went up as well. Not sure if I'm flattered or worried that I've been living rent free in your head for the best of a year because of this - hey ho.

'If a kitwanker smashes past you, close, on an £8k bike, on a rural road, doesn't bother with a hello, nor respond to yours then, sorry, its a statement, and they are fair game.'

All because someone did not say hello to you - get a life.

It's ok, LMT. I get that you are utterly individualistic, that when you placed an item on the for sale board here for a set price, and then later raised the price when the pandemic hit you did so because you thought you could price gouge the forum.

Other people think differently. They understand community. That is why many people found your behaviour repugnant and said so at the time. You then deleted the thread.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that you also don't respond to people saying hello to you whilst out on your bike  ;D

Re: Close passes
« Reply #49 on: 28 March, 2021, 04:58:41 pm »
For more introverted people* coming out of their bubble to vocalise a friendly hello can be a huge mental leap. A lot of people go on bike rides in the countryside to spend some quality time in that bubble.

It sounds like you have no empathy for people who aren't exactly like you.

(* or even just averagely verted people)

A guy in full Castelli on an £8k bike an 'introvert' Right.

Keep going..
Is there something specific about castelli clothing ? I have to admit I am occasionally clothed head to toe in the brand.

Me too. It's the new Rapha, though isnt it?

Anyhoo, despite all the shrill ranting from LMT and Grams (cheers for the laughs, guys  :thumbsup:) , point being made in QG's OP and my first reply is that there are loads of noobs out there cosplaying at being Pros and being dicks in the process. In other words all the gear and no idea.

If you are in a town, city, Richmond Park or whatever and surrounded by cyclists then fair enough,but in a very rural environment its just bullshit, just as it is when you pass someone hiking in the middle of nowhere and they just walk past ignorantly.