Author Topic: Close passes  (Read 16053 times)

Re: Close passes
« Reply #100 on: 30 March, 2021, 12:52:39 pm »
.......Loads of people have taken up cycling this past year. It's brilliant. I hope they keep cycling. The more cyclists there are, the safer the roads are, which makes my life better. I don't care if they've spent ten grand on something spun out of fairy jizz and spider tears because they haven't had to shell out on gym fees and fuel for their Porche SUV for 12 months. I don't care whether or not they say hello. They are making my life better just by being out there on a bike..............


Re: Close passes
« Reply #101 on: 30 March, 2021, 12:59:01 pm »
...I prefer to just model good behaviour...

Are you bored, old chap?

Re: Close passes
« Reply #102 on: 30 March, 2021, 01:00:26 pm »
Increasingly, Ian.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #103 on: 30 March, 2021, 01:03:57 pm »
.......Loads of people have taken up cycling this past year. It's brilliant. I hope they keep cycling. The more cyclists there are, the safer the roads are, which makes my life better. I don't care if they've spent ten grand on something spun out of fairy jizz and spider tears because they haven't had to shell out on gym fees and fuel for their Porche SUV for 12 months. I don't care whether or not they say hello. They are making my life better just by being out there on a bike..............


Except that they are behaving with exactly the same attitude as if they are in a Porsche...and this thread is about close passes by cyclists. QG is pissed off by them. I'm offering a solution.


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #104 on: 30 March, 2021, 01:30:44 pm »
It's...err...kind of implied in a thread title called "Close passes", and an OP that is all about close passes from cyclists that my reply (quite early in the thread) is also going to be about close passes. Sometimes people are so eager to get all stompy on their self-imagined moral high ground that intelligent reading of a post doesn't happen. This is not uncommon on Internet fora.

I don't know you. In order to understand your POV, all I have to go on is the sum total of what you write in your posts. This, too, is a feature of the internet. It is not uncommon on internet fora for people to jump into a thread with some opinion that is only vaguely related to the original post.

We've already been through this many times with you banging on about me not mentioning this and not mentioning that, and me then pointing out to you that I had.

You hadn't.

When I haven't I have provided you with clarification, but you respond with accusations of 'changing goalposts', or just ignoring the clarification totally.  You are doing it here again with a 'but in your first post you said'. It makes me think that you are just here to point score.

I'm genuinely not. Jeez, I have MUCH better things to do with my time. Just when I thought we'd got a common point of understanding, which was you having a very specific issue with some dude in Castelli kit who shaved your elbow at some point while you were out with your mate Steve, you then talked about going out noob-hunting again. You keep contradicting yourself, which is why I mentioned moving goalposts. First it was any cyclist, then it was rude people who are marginally dangerous, and then it was this one specific dude in Castelli, and then we were back to noobs, however the hell you are supposed to  tell a person's riding experience from what they are wearing.

We've already done the 'smile luv' and women thing to death. In fact, you and a couple of others have exhausted pretty much every possible scenario possible in an attempt to avoid the one that actually happened. My OP was not about you. You weren't there.

If you can't understand how your expectations of "hello" based on your subjective opinion of what complete strangers owe you socially is thematically related to how men expect women to smile for them, then the problem isn't mine. You keep conflating the general with the specific. Is this a specific instance or not? Was it one instance, or do you go out looking for opportunities to catch people on a hill and extract a resentful hello? Because it sure as hell sounds like the latter.

I wasn't there. You are correct. But as far as I can tell from the sum total of your posts on this, this is an ongoing, habitual response to anyone who meets your definition of kitwanker, which seems to be someone in matching gear who doesn't say hello. If I'm wrong, if it's just this one dude, then I don't get the whole "noob surfing" or whatever you call it.

Yeah, sure, it's great that people are discovering cycling, but no, dickpasses are not cool.  You are now suggesting I should ride up and confront their behaviour. I don't want to do that...I prefer to just model good behaviour and encourage cycling etiquette by saying 'hello'. Twice, if needed.

This is not modelling good behaviour. If you wait until they are dying on a hill -- to be, in your own words, petty -- you are absolutely not modelling good behaviour. How about just catching them up almost immediately and offering some friendly advice if you want to model good behaviour? They may not even realise they have done something wrong.

There are two scenarios described here, and I genuinely can't tell which it is.

1. You and your mate Steve tool around the rural highways and byways of the Cotswolds, and when ANY cyclist passes you without saying "hello," you engineer it that you catch them on a hill just when they are suffering the most, and try to get them to say hello. This is more enjoyable if they are wearing matching kit and are riding a road bike built for speed.

2. One time, you and your mate Steve were passed closely by someone on a bike with deep-rim wheels wearing Castelli kit who did not respond to your cheery "Hello!" You then made sure to catch them on a hill when they were suffering and said "Hello!" again.

What I think you might mean is that you chase down people who are on expensive road bikes and wearing team kit, and who have passed closely but not greeted you. You then say "Hello!" again when they are out of breath on a hill, because you think they owe you a greeting. You present this as some sort of "solution" when the actual solution is to speed up a bit, catch them quickly while they know who you are and what you're talking about, and suggest they leave a bit more room next time.

Honestly? I DGAF what you do. I do know I'd rather not ride with someone who thinks this is modelling good behaviour. As that seems highly unlikely ever to happen, I'll leave you to your petty fellow cyclist bothering.

"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."

Re: Close passes
« Reply #105 on: 30 March, 2021, 02:54:32 pm »
Sum total of noobkitboy's experience= two cyclists ride past him and say hello.

Kind of need to think about it in that context.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #106 on: 30 March, 2021, 03:23:59 pm »
Hardly. It's not exactly a "Smile luv" scenario, is it  ::-)

It's just manners and not being an asocial weirdo.

Remember, this isn't an urban area.

Apologies for going backwards in the thread,

I had commented earlier that I like to chase racer types up hills on the e-bike and overtake them, well I do but never to say hello. Usually it's because I'm bored on yet another commute home up the hill at birdlip and frankly yeah I've got a bonus 250w of assistance so I am going to climb quicker than you unless you are a pro.

The saying hello thing, it's not politeness, it's some pseudo rules of the road made up bollocks.  Yeah you like to say hello in your cycling club.. fine I'm not in your club nor do I want to be, don't expect me to respond I'm listening to an audio book thinking about the shit I've got to deal with / dealt with at work. I owe you exactly fucking nothing.  You want to chase me and then shout hello loudly fill yer boots, I probably won't hear you anyway my hearings knackered and audio book but don't be too upset when I give you the finger and tell you to fuck off.

There's an old boy in my Morris side who's the same, chased someone down because they didn't respond to his hello. Alas he got thumped for his pains because chasing someone and lecturing them is often taken badly especially by someone who had gone out for a ride because they had a whole bucket of life shit to deal with.

And for it not being urban, I'm in the same bit of the Cotswolds, it's full of wankers who think I've got to respond to their "cheery" hello. No sight of them when it's bloody snowing though, wimps.

Somewhat of a professional tea drinker.


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #107 on: 30 March, 2021, 03:30:29 pm »
I have a riding mate who is terrible for chasing people.  As he's 20 years younger, the usual scenario is:

Sam* sees rider half a mile ahead
Sam accelerates
Sam passes rider with a cheery "hello"
A minute later, I pass rider with a cheery "sorry for my friend, he's got the wind up his arse today"

*no relation to any Sams on this forum

As the thread is about close passes, may I nominate Dulwich Paragon on the Dun Run?  They nearly had my front wheel on the A104, and were shouting abuse as they went.  I understand they get complaints every year.  Still got to the beach before the bastards, as they couldn't navigate for toffee.  The same group passed us two or three times and we saw them heading in the wrong direction near Gosbeck.

Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #108 on: 30 March, 2021, 03:43:40 pm »
shouty sweary ranting

We are at the point now that people are getting angry because somebody said 'hello' to them.

Could this get any more surreal.

I once said hello to you from the window of my van. I now realise it was a terrible mistake and you have my sincerest apology.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #109 on: 30 March, 2021, 03:57:06 pm »
shouty sweary ranting

We are at the point now that people are getting angry because somebody said 'hello' to them.

Could this get any more surreal.

I once said hello to you from the window of my van. I now realise it was a terrible mistake and you have my sincerest apology.


Right it's not about people saying hello.

It's about feeling the need to chase people overtake them and shout hello because they "ignored you"

You have the right to say hello to people, I likewise have the right to wonder who you are talking to when I'm clearly doing something and ignore you and hope you go away.  Sometimes I'm in a jovial mood and would respond, sometimes I've had a hideous day of services on fire (sometimes literally) and am in no mood to talk to anyone cheery hello or not.

If you feel I've been impolite or broken some unwritten rule of the road and need to be corrected then frankly that's your problem and a bit creepy to be honest just let people be.
Somewhat of a professional tea drinker.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #110 on: 30 March, 2021, 04:31:06 pm »
Shout? Who shouted?

See thread title. Read thread. It's about people doing dickpasses and behaving ignorantly, but having me reappear with a cheery hello.  It isn't about not being able to cope with being overtaken, nor is about people not saying hello in response (although, frankly, I think people who can't respond to a greeting are just, well, maybe a bit odd)


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #111 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:07:25 pm »
I am definitely going to get a Castelli shirt with 'I am the Reincarnation of Greta Garbo' on it.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #112 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:24:30 pm »
I'm going to visit adamski at some point in the near future (Hadleigh).  We'll circle round you shouting "hello Tim!" through megaphones


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #113 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:42:19 pm »
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: Close passes
« Reply #114 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:44:37 pm »
Show them your new kit, Adam...

Re: Close passes
« Reply #115 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:55:36 pm »
As I cycled towards a horse rider today (just before the ascent to  Knapps Lane and Catswood Lane, adjacent to Slad Valley road B4070, as I rode toward The Camp) I made her aware of my presence from about 20-25 yards away. She thanked me for it, before criticising cyclists who whizz past her, too closely and without letting her or her horse know they're approaching from behind.


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #116 on: 30 March, 2021, 07:56:12 pm »
Defo not some new Castelli ¾s. Oh no.... Not that brand....
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


Re: Close passes
« Reply #117 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:08:36 pm »
There is one miserable cunt who just scowls (cosplaying kitwanker too) but that just means my hellos have become more exuberant over the years, yes, just for my own petty amusement. 
That sounds like a prime example of antisocial behaviour.


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Re: Close passes
« Reply #118 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:09:59 pm »
As I cycled towards a horse rider today (just before the ascent to  Knapps Lane and Catswood Lane, adjacent to Slad Valley road B4070, as I rode toward The Camp) I made her aware of my presence from about 20-25 yards away. She thanked me for it, before criticising cyclists who whizz past her, too closely and without letting her or her horse know they're approaching from behind.

Motorists not giving a shit is normal and ordinary, but how anyone thinks that passing half a tonne of steel-toecapped neuroses at close range on a bike is a good idea baffles me.   ???

Re: Close passes
« Reply #119 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:12:00 pm »
There is one miserable cunt who just scowls (cosplaying kitwanker too) but that just means my hellos have become more exuberant over the years, yes, just for my own petty amusement. 
That sounds like a prime example of antisocial behaviour.

Saying hello = anti-social behaviour.

We are truly through the looking glass with that little piece of wisdom.  :thumbsup:

Re: Close passes
« Reply #120 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:12:58 pm »
As I cycled towards a horse rider today (just before the ascent to  Knapps Lane and Catswood Lane, adjacent to Slad Valley road B4070, as I rode toward The Camp) I made her aware of my presence from about 20-25 yards away. She thanked me for it, before criticising cyclists who whizz past her, too closely and without letting her or her horse know they're approaching from behind.

Motorists not giving a shit is normal and ordinary, but how anyone thinks that passing half a tonne of steel-toecapped neuroses at close range on a bike is a good idea baffles me.   ???

I simply can't imagine who these people are

Re: Close passes
« Reply #121 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:14:35 pm »
As I cycled towards a horse rider today (just before the ascent to  Knapps Lane and Catswood Lane, adjacent to Slad Valley road B4070, as I rode toward The Camp) I made her aware of my presence from about 20-25 yards away. She thanked me for it, before criticising cyclists who whizz past her, too closely and without letting her or her horse know they're approaching from behind.

Motorists not giving a shit is normal and ordinary, but how anyone thinks that passing half a tonne of steel-toecapped neuroses at close range on a bike is a good idea baffles me.   ???
As I stated upthread, I saw it myself on my Bredon Hill ride last Saturday.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #122 on: 30 March, 2021, 08:17:11 pm »
I've seen it too.  Motorists on bikes.


Re: Close passes
« Reply #123 on: 30 March, 2021, 09:19:52 pm »
There is one miserable cunt who just scowls (cosplaying kitwanker too) but that just means my hellos have become more exuberant over the years, yes, just for my own petty amusement. 
That sounds like a prime example of antisocial behaviour.

Saying hello = anti-social behaviour.

We are truly through the looking glass with that little piece of wisdom.  :thumbsup:
Nothing wrong with saying hello. That is completely normal social behaviour and most people will be happy with that. A small minority will not be. You have deduced this person is not happy with it and yet you say for your amusement you continue. I think that is close to the text book definition of antisocial behaviour.

Re: Close passes
« Reply #124 on: 30 March, 2021, 09:28:59 pm »
Yeah well I remember your input on the covid threads a year ago, so the notion of you lecturing me on what constitutes anti-social behaviour is more than a little amusing 🤣🤣.