Author Topic: Pavement parking issue  (Read 7964 times)

Pavement parking issue
« on: 26 April, 2021, 08:04:33 am »
Can anyone suggest a good way forward. A rented property in our road has one of the cars parked so the back completely blocks the footpath and when I say completely its overhanging into the road

I realise I could knock and ask them not to but judging by the state of their drive I'm not imagining they're going to be receptive.

From my Google search pavement parking isn't illegal but does that change when the path is completely blocked and who do I contact?

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #1 on: 26 April, 2021, 08:35:35 am »
Empty the contents of the blender into the vents at the base of the windscreen.


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #2 on: 26 April, 2021, 08:45:34 am »
I think the traditional method is to squeeze past the car wearing clothes or accessories festooned with excessive buckles and studs.  Or to post a picture on YPLAC.  It's the British pass-agg way.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #3 on: 26 April, 2021, 09:34:37 am »


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #4 on: 26 April, 2021, 09:39:52 am »
If it obstructs the entire pavement, call the police, it's a problem for them.

I'd ban all and any parking on pavements (and anywhere that isn't a road and driveway) tomorrow. There's no excuse and it's simply unacceptable.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #5 on: 26 April, 2021, 09:50:45 am »
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #6 on: 26 April, 2021, 09:56:53 am »
If it obstructs the entire pavement, call the police, it's a problem for them.

I'd ban all and any parking on pavements (and anywhere that isn't a road and driveway) tomorrow. There's no excuse and it's simply unacceptable.

Cant agree with you. Sometimes its the lessor of two evils. Our village has narrow roads and sometimes people park half on the pavement as unless they did there wouldn't be room for tractors or ambulances etc to pass. Mind half the village has no pavements and quite a lot of where there are pavements the houses have steps to the from door that actually cross the pavement so even if there was no pavement parking you would always be walking into the road anyway.  There is no car park and some cottages have no drives, they are terraced straight on to the road. And don't say then they should use public transport, all the time I have lived here (25 years) there has been one bus a week and that's it. A three mile walk with no pavement at all to the next bus stop with a regular service (once an hour).
I do agree that if there are drives or car parking spaces then there is no excuse not to use them but blanket bans seem inappropriate.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #7 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:01:54 am »
Sorry, no. It's not about cars or not.

Sort out your parking so you can do it in a legal way, if that involves paying to put in proper parking, then that's what it takes. There is never any excuse to block a public pavement and force pedestrians into the road.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #8 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:05:07 am »
Sorry, no. It's not about cars or not.

Sort out your parking so you can do it in a legal way, if that involves paying to put in proper parking, then that's what it takes. There is never any excuse to block a public pavement and force pedestrians into the road.

How do you propose someone would do that when the nearest car park is 5 miles away ?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #9 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:43:56 am »
Buy some land and tarmac it.

Japan doesn't even have on-street parking. The idea we superior Brits need to park on the pavement is just gross.


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #10 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:47:00 am »
I have no idea, but it's not my problem, it's the owners of the cars' problem. I can't believe your entire village has no space suitable for car parking and you have to block the pavement.

Really, we have to manage parking like anything else, it's a finite resource and it's not acceptable to leave vehicles where they will be a hazard and hindrance. It can't be acceptable to simply leave your car on the pavement because you've invented a justification (it's the same around here, we all have more cars than space, and the constant bleat 'but there's nowhere else to park').

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #11 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:54:50 am »
If it obstructs the entire pavement, call the police, it's a problem for them.

I'd ban all and any parking on pavements (and anywhere that isn't a road and driveway) tomorrow. There's no excuse and it's simply unacceptable.

I'm not sure it is police. If you can confirm I'm wrong I'll report to them but from what I can find out it's only a police matter if your blocked on your own drive


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #12 on: 26 April, 2021, 10:59:09 am »
In London it is an offence to park on the pavement but not elsewhere.

Parking vehicles is a compromise in what you obstruct.

One day we will have autonomous on demand appropriately sized vehicles. The appropriate size in a densely populated city is probably bus sized, but in a low density rural or semi rural area it is probably car sized. There is no point in a 50 seater bus with 1 person on board.


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #13 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:02:43 am »
... and it is a criminal offence to wilfully obstruct free passage on the highway and would be a police matter.

Someone parking in your drive is not the highway and would be a civil matter.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #14 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:03:56 am »
Buy some land and tarmac it.

Right. Persuade someone to sell you a field - difficult enough the apply for change of use from agricultural land then apply for planning to tarmac it. Not going to get passed the council. No development permitted outside the current village perimeter. It took us 10 years to get someone to sell us enough land for small children's play ground and the land we got wasn't adjacent to the village.

Since walking around the village means you will have to walk in the road anyway as there are not pavements everywhere and as I said some house steps extend into or right over the pavement there is I really cant see what difference a bit of pavement parking makes. The road I live on is maybe 200 yards long and has about 20 yards of pavement, for all of the rest of it your walking in the road or you ain't getting there.

I think what I am trying to say here is that in rural areas there is different expectancy regarding pavements. In rural areas you don't have any expectation that you can walk between point A and point B on a pavement as there simply won't be one or it will be blocked by a building or part thereof sticking out into it so a bit of pavement parking hardly makes any substantive difference. Much more annoying is people parking on corners or in the passing paces in the single track roads.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #15 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:04:24 am »
Thanks. Just to clarify as tone can't be picked up on a forum I wasn't being an arse questioning ian just wanted to make sure

I'll get some pictures and send them to the boys in blue


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #16 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:05:34 am »
If it obstructs the entire pavement, call the police, it's a problem for them.

I'd ban all and any parking on pavements (and anywhere that isn't a road and driveway) tomorrow. There's no excuse and it's simply unacceptable.

I'm not sure it is police. If you can confirm I'm wrong I'll report to them but from what I can find out it's only a police matter if your blocked on your own drive

If it's the following:

Quote from: The Police
  • a blocked driveway and you need to get out now
  • someone blocking the pavement, grass verge or cycle lane (please note not all cycle lanes are enforceable)
  • dangerous parking on bend or junction

then it's a police matter.


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #17 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:08:55 am »
Buy some land and tarmac it.

Right. Persuade someone to sell you a field - difficult enough the apply for change of use from agricultural land then apply for planning to tarmac it. Not going to get passed the council. No development permitted outside the current village perimiter. It took us 10 years to get someone to sell us enough land for small children's play ground and the land we got wasn't adjacent to the village.

That's the deal though, you live there and you want to own more cars than there is currently available parking.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #18 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:20:14 am »
I think what I am trying to say here is that in rural areas there is different expectancy regarding pavements. In rural areas you don't have any expectation that you can walk between point A and point B on a pavement

I grew up in a rural village where we had pavements and nobody parked on them. There's a free car park in the middle of the village.

Poking around Street View it has many many double yellow lines, which presumably means many decades ago someone at Somerset County Council was on the ball enough to install them before people filled every inch of space with cars as they apparently have everywhere else. I wonder if there was uproar at the time.

I'm sorry you live somewhere shit, but please don't think that shitness is inevitable.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #19 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:28:09 am »
Parking in Forest Hill.
This road isn't even narrow.,-0.0419206,3a,75y,138.82h,78.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUsq8Iq2MBoRHEz-vrPSWYQ!2e0!5s20190701T000000!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
The Mini is parked next to where the 'B' of Bus Stop is painted in the road.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #20 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:33:27 am »
I wonder if that Mini will get keyed if it continues parking like that?

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
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Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #21 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:33:41 am »
In London it is an offence to park on the pavement but not elsewhere.

A law which is frequently overridden by local councils.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #22 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:35:18 am »
If I ran out of space in my house, I think most people would think it out of order if I opted to store my excess possessions on the pavement or built a shed on any available public space nearby. I'd hazard I'd soon receive a visit from the authorities and I don't think I'd be getting much sympathy from my neighbours, even if I legitimately claimed 'there's nowhere else for me to put it.'

Unless it's a motor vehicle where at some point it's become OK to do precisely that.

I'd agree that councils need to do a better job but that doesn't absolve vehicle owners of the ultimate responsibility for their possession.

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #23 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:38:25 am »
I wonder if that Mini will get keyed if it continues parking like that?

Just my thought

Re: Pavement parking issue
« Reply #24 on: 26 April, 2021, 11:40:15 am »
I wonder if that Mini will get keyed if it continues parking like that?

Just my thought
Don't think that it hasn't crossed my mind.....