Author Topic: Essex and Suffolk Borders / Estuaries 200 / 100 from Manningtree: 2/4/2022  (Read 14151 times)

Wow. Yes, that's a success :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Route checked on Sunday  :thumbsup: 99.9 % of the roads were in pretty decent condition, esp. considering it's mid March. The weather was fab.

Brevet cards have been ordered.

Emails have been sent out to the people on the Buntingford start.

Emails for the Manningtree 200 & 100 will be sent today or tomorrow.

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Hurrah - I've put myself down for the Manningtree 200km. I very much like the idea of finishing with a beer overlooking the river Stour!

I've not ridden in this part of the countryside before - but very much looking forward to it: I imagine it is rural and pretty (lurks on Google street view...)

I've had to scratch from the Buntingford start  :(

I've been down with a cough and cold over the last few days and, whilst I'm testing negative for Covid, it can't be a good idea to ride. Pretty disappointed - I was looking forward to the cheers (or jeers) of those going the other way around. I suppose there's always a permanent some time.


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Preparations are under way

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


Not been on completely top form this week so have rested up for a couple of days.   Ditched the planned ECE as leaving at 6am in sub zero temps not really appealing.   I will also be on gears for the first time since last Autumn.

Looking forward to a decent day out.

I am on the Buntingford start in the morning. It’s looking a bit chilly for the first hour or two but hopefully the roads won’t be too slippery.


Not been on completely top form this week so have rested up for a couple of days.   Ditched the planned ECE as leaving at 6am in sub zero temps not really appealing.   I will also be on gears for the first time since last Autumn.

Looking forward to a decent day out.

Soooo…..I was the bloke walking back to the start with his chain in his hand.   I think this is down to mechanical incompetence.   Still got the lawn mowed a day early.

the straggler

  • ACME Award Recipient & ROTY 2021
I found it difficult to resist this new local event and the day did not disappoint.

Rode out with Andy Terry to Harwich pier at a steady pace had a tasty burger and tea before heading back towards Manningtree with a favourable tailwind. Andy swings off home for lunch whilst I carry on towards Shotley marina, a new section of the route that I  have never ridden before. I found the undulating terrain a mirror image of the Harwich-Manningtree section.

At Shotley, I joined up with clubmates Andrew and Keith to the next control at Suffolk food hall. Met up Tomsk to lead us back on the final section to finish at the station. A welcome drink at the station buffet bar to end an enjoyable day out. The minimum 12.5kph speed was also a bonus - so no rush to spoil the ride. I think made the correct decision to choose this 100km over the 200km one.

I almost forgot, special thanks to Adam and his team for putting on this maiden event.
CCS - Setting the Standards

I was right, it was perishing cold at the Buntingford start but the early hills soon got me warmed up and I maintained a cracking pace (for me) all the way to Manningtree.  Roads were dry and the scenery was enough to take the thoughts off the task in hand.  The Station Buffet staff were very accommodating given the fact they were packed out with Ipswich Town fans having a pre-match bevvy or two.  I stood out like a sore thumb in my cycling kit with no Blue and White in sight, a cup of tea not a pint.  The return leg, into a slowly setting sun was beautiful, showing off some very pretty Suffolk villages to the full.  I paid for the fast morning pace with the complete loss of my climbing legs and the winch was well used on even the slightest incline. A massive overdose of sugary treats in the bus stop at Lavenham helped restore a bit of form, some great route foresight (or luck) routed me between all the very threatening rain clouds.  Although the roads showed evidence of some very recent heavy rain, I remained totally dry and returned to Buntingford in exactly 10 hours, which I am very happy with. A very enjoyable and challenging day out.

Thanks to Adam for organising and Andrew for sorting the Buntingford start. 


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Seems people had a good day which is great. More from me tomorrow. Right now I need food and then sleep. Oh and

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

I've had to scratch from the Buntingford start  :(

I've been down with a cough and cold over the last few days and, whilst I'm testing negative for Covid, it can't be a good idea to ride. Pretty disappointed - I was looking forward to the cheers (or jeers) of those going the other way around. I suppose there's always a permanent some time.
Tested positive this morning before going to church. Just as well I didn't ride then.

I will take vicarious enjoyment from your ride reports. JellyLegs had the ride I was hoping for by the sounds of it, albeit probably a bit faster.


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
From my point of view that worked out really well.

I was getting quite worried in the days leading up to the event because it felt like I was getting a constant flurry of messages from people saying they wouldn't be riding because of:

a) weather - we were back to early spring, which meant 0°C at the start & single digit maximum
c) non-COVID illness / not yet COVID illness in drossall's case

However in the end a good turn out (numbers below).

The Essex and Suffolk Borders 200 riders were off from the station between 8am and 8:30am, with Felstead rider managing ~500 m before having to quit (see above), which was a really shame. Apart from him there were only a few other DNFs despite the biting wind.

The companion ride was The Essex and Suffolk Estuaries 100, which was two 50 km loops, one in Essex to Harwich & back and one in Suffolk to Shotley, with a big group of riders from Kent Velo Girls, which was great. Herman Ramsey, who set up the original 200 ride (plus Green & Yellow Fields 300 and Asparagus & Strawberries 400) was stamping cards in Harwich and afterwards at the finish in Manningtree, which was brilliant. Results for the 100 are here:

After sending off the 100 km riders we headed out to Great Chishill Windmill in Cambridgeshire to run a checkpoint with a load of food for The Essex and Suffolk Borders 200. It would be possible to have this as an info, but makes it more of an event IMO and allows me to interact with the riders on the event rather than just sending people off and seeing them again 8+ hours later. The weather worked out well, with snow only starting as we were packing up. After closing we found one rider out of time having had two punctures, but some food and air from the track pump helped and he finished well within time.

After driving back to Manningtree Station Buffet we relieved Herman of his controller duties and waited for the 200 riders to finish. People arrived in a variety of states, but the warmth of the buffet bar and support of the staff helped no end. Final two riders arrived just after 9pm, tired but pleased.

There's a decent amount of climbing on the 200 due to the constant ups and downs, which surprised a lot of people. But despite that there were a number of people who were on their first audax and longest ever ride; well done all!! Provisional results are here

psyclist had the brevet cards for the Buntingford 200 starters and they set off at 08h30. I briefly glimpsed some of these riders in Lavenham as I drove back from the Great Chishill Windmill checkpoint, but otherwise I didn't see these riders. As the organiser it's a bit odd knowing there are riders out who you never see, but from comments I've received the concept worked really well, esp as some of the Buntingford starters wouldn't have made the effort to start in Manningtree. Results will be updated once everyone has posted back their brevet cards (as it had to be a postal finish).

Manningtree 200
Entries = 68 entries
Starters = 35
Finishers = 31

Manningtree 100
Entries = 66 entries
Starters = 42
Finishers = 42

Buntingford 200:
Entries = 37 entries
Starters = 25
Finishers = 19

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Top draw - cracking day out despite the cold, had a catch up, etc.

Thank you Adam and helpers for all your efforts.



  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Provisional results for the Alternative E&SB 200 have now been processed:  Cards will be back with the riders once everything has been processed by AUK.

The brevet cards for the 100 km riders got posted last night and I'll try to get the Manningtree 200 brevet cards in the post tonight. 
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
I can now offer up the perm version of the Essex & Suffolk Borders 200 having taken it over from Herman Ramsey. Details here: Start from any location and ride in either direction.

(I've also taken over Herman's Ixworth File 100, which is an out & back from Manningtreee to Ixworth, Herman's Manningtree 100 which is an out & back to Finchingfield and Herman's Red Lodge Triangle 150 which goes from Manningtree to Sible Hedingham to Red Lodge to Lavenhem & back to Manningtree. All rides can be validated by paper, gpx or the e brevet app. Details are here: )
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
I've set the 2023 edition set for Saturday 1st April and the 200 will be a PBP qualifier.

I'm happy to also organise the Buntingford start but I'll need some help from someone to:

Job 1) Hand out brevet cards at the start. psyclist did this for me and also rode

Job 2) Collect brevet cards from riders and post cards back to me. Could be done as simply as leaving a collection box in a Buntingford pub for riders to deposit their cards and then collecting the cards at 10pm. Could potential be done by same person as Job 1.

(I want to avoid a postal finish as it's a faff waiting for riders to actually post back their brevet cards over Easter. And it's PBP year!)

I don't need a firm commitment at the moment but just an idea if I have some potential help 🙂
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

I’d be happy to help with the Buntingford start, BUT I’m currently waiting the dates for a family holiday over Easter. I should know the dates soon.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Cheers psyclist.
Even if you're busy hopefully someone else will be able to help out :)
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!