Author Topic: What have you fettled today?  (Read 2206166 times)


  • watch for my signal
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12850 on: 25 March, 2018, 08:44:36 pm »
Remounted a suicidal Cateye.
Doubt is is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12851 on: 27 March, 2018, 12:11:24 am »
Spent a couple of hours very carefully installing a magnetic pickup on an autoharp for a friend.  My main qualification being that I'm not dyspraxic and can therefore be trusted around self-untapping screws, which appears to have been sufficient.  In a general failure of roadieness I couldn't get it to cooperate with the convenient PA system that happened to be lying around, but I found a Rigol 1052E and it made all the right wiggly lines, so muttered something about "impedance mismatch" and declared it a success anyway.

And then a great many more hours fucking about with felt, a glue gun and an SMD rework station in a incompletely successful attempt to reconfigure the chord layout for voodoo ergonomics reasons.  New felt of exactly the right thickness and elasticity required to finish the job.

(Nikki will be pleased to know that I made extensive use of a Stanley knife without adult supervision, and didn't draw blood.)

Oh, I also fixed a window handle.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12852 on: 27 March, 2018, 07:25:51 am »
Found the holes in three inner tubes, or at least I found three holes in three inner tubes.  Will repair them today.  I don't tend to use them on the road, but they're perfectly fine for on the turbo.
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12853 on: 27 March, 2018, 09:47:12 am »
LW&B. Is there anything original left of HK's bike...?
Is it still the same bike if you change everything including the frame but you're very careful to always pump the original air back into the new tubes?  ;D
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12854 on: 27 March, 2018, 06:21:21 pm »
Found that the head of my trusty O-light 3EOS keyring torch had come loose in my pocket.   On closer inspection the LED assembly had come loose & screwed itself down the barrel & the lens was reversed. How the hell did that happen ?   

Managed to get the lens the right way up with a fingernail & stuck a pin into the hole in the LED assembly to wind it snugly back up.   I'm glad I could fix that, they are good little units.

Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12855 on: 27 March, 2018, 09:07:15 pm »
New chain, cassette & middle chain-ring on my Croix de Fer this evening. About an hours fettling when I got in from work but it was whilst my tea was simmering so I got to sit down to a delicious quorn and sweet potato curry as soon as I was done.

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12856 on: 27 March, 2018, 09:22:43 pm »
Fitted a horn to my Pompino.


  • Professional Gobshite
  • Just a tart for retro kit . . .
    • John's Bikes
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12857 on: 28 March, 2018, 02:18:09 am »
That's a euphemism, right...?

Well that's the more blunt way of putting it but as usual he's dead right.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12858 on: 29 March, 2018, 12:03:31 am »
This evening I have mantled a prototype for a flicker-free[1] dimmable constant[2]-current LED driver.  Because PWM is evil[3], and barakta has been nagging me for ages.  Naturally I haven't got the precision resistors I need to get the component values completely nailed down, but that can wait.

[1] Well, there's a bit of ripple at about 248kHz, but that can be safely ignored.  Both barakta's eyes and the flicker-o-meter are happy with the output.
[2] Except when adjusting the dimmer, IYSWIM.
[3] Prioritising stability at very low duty cycles over headaches and stroboscopic artefacts is, for most practical purposes, a Bad Choice.

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12859 on: 29 March, 2018, 09:40:12 pm »
Decided to spend the evening reassembling the summer bike, finally. Got as far as the cables before realising I have no idea where I put the plastic guide thingies for the internal routing, without which I can't install the cables. >:( Still, I have a hella shiny cassette...

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12860 on: 30 March, 2018, 09:35:32 am »
[1] Well, there's a bit of ripple at about 248kHz, but that can be safely ignored.  Both barakta's eyes and the flicker-o-meter are happy with the output.

I'm happy to accept either only slight ripple, or 248 kHz as perfectly good ways of preventing visible flicker. On the other hand, at 248 kHz, only a tiny capacitor needed to turn on-off control into slight ripple.

I've run LEDs with simple capacitor smoothing from half-wave rectified 50 Hz, and not been able to see flicker. Of course, I've overdone the capacitor so much that the lamp takes 5 seconds to fade out, so the reduction during 20 ms can't be that big.

I would guess that slight ripple could be seen by whatever the flicker-o-meter is, or it wouldn't detect full on-off PWM against any significant background lighting, so it could well be over-sensitive to ripple against real people's requirements. As I understand it, the way that flicker induces migraines etc is by turning off the light as the victim is trying to move their view to a new object, so the eyes have no feedback at that moment and overshoot. If the light is slightly dimmer at that moment, rather than off, the effect vanishes.

Having said that, it's not my eyes that anyone else sees with, and my "good enough" may well be "stop that ****ing flashing" for others, as I'm well aware that I've been the on the other side of that divide, with VW rear lights for instance. (see rants passim)
Quote from: Kim
Paging Diver300.  Diver300 to the GSM Trimphone, please...


  • unfuckwithable
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12861 on: 30 March, 2018, 01:01:11 pm »
swapped the seatpost from alloy to carbon on a gravel bike which added some springiness and saved 120g. with a gentle bend towards the back it looks elegant too.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12862 on: 30 March, 2018, 01:31:12 pm »
[1] Well, there's a bit of ripple at about 248kHz, but that can be safely ignored.  Both barakta's eyes and the flicker-o-meter are happy with the output.

I'm happy to accept either only slight ripple, or 248 kHz as perfectly good ways of preventing visible flicker. On the other hand, at 248 kHz, only a tiny capacitor needed to turn on-off control into slight ripple.

I've run LEDs with simple capacitor smoothing from half-wave rectified 50 Hz, and not been able to see flicker. Of course, I've overdone the capacitor so much that the lamp takes 5 seconds to fade out, so the reduction during 20 ms can't be that big.


I would guess that slight ripple could be seen by whatever the flicker-o-meter is, or it wouldn't detect full on-off PWM against any significant background lighting, so it could well be over-sensitive to ripple against real people's requirements.

Flicker-o-meter is a cheap handled oscilloscope kit (250kHz bandwidth or something rubbish) with a visible-spectrum phototransistor and some strategic black paint where the innards of the input BNC connector should be.  Powered from a USB battery pack, it's portable enough you can point it at random light sources in the real world (some technique required to aim it off-axis with bright sources to avoid saturating the sensor).

It can detect slight ripple that barakta can't see, and of course any flicker in the 10s of kHz.  But crucially, since you can see the waveform, you can reasonably infer how serious such things are.   There have been occasions where she's had migraine symptoms without visual artefacts, and the meter has typically shown strong ripple from one particular lamp where others in a room are okay.

As I understand it, the way that flicker induces migraines etc is by turning off the light as the victim is trying to move their view to a new object, so the eyes have no feedback at that moment and overshoot. If the light is slightly dimmer at that moment, rather than off, the effect vanishes.

All bets are off with barakta.  Bilateral Duane Syndrome means that horizontal eye movements are achieved by turning her head, or by tilting her head diagonally and using vertical eye movements[1].  Which means most of the time she has no saccadic suppression, leading to stroboscopic artefacts with any heavily-modulated light source.  That's enough to give anyone a headache.  In experiments she's been able to detect square-wave flicker at up to 6kHz (reliably at up to 2.5kHzish).  There's more to it than that though, as her sensitivity has increased in recent years.  (Devices with PWMed backlights or multiplexed LED displays that didn't used to bother her are now unbearable.)

The relevant medics are frustratingly unscientific about such things.  All they know or care about is that "some lights give some people problems", and tend to recommend tungsten.  (Barakta can see the 100Hz ripple on some tungsten lamps.)

I'm one of those people who can see flicker (at least PWM below 1kHz; I don't tend to notice ripple), but isn't particularly bothered by it, unless movement is causing stroboscopic artefacts.

[1] This seems to be her strategy for avoiding double vision while lipreading.  Unfortunately, it means she's often bringing sources of glare into her visual field.

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12863 on: 01 April, 2018, 07:46:21 pm »
Put a replacement BB on the rigid fork saracen.  Checked front mech.  Went to service the RoadMorphG pump, and realised I'd left it on when I hosed the bike down a few days back, as a load of water drained out.  So cleaned and lubricated it.
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12864 on: 02 April, 2018, 09:38:42 am »
Skinned back the hood of my left shifter to see if the long-nose end cap on the cable housing was still holding up. 'Tis.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12865 on: 02 April, 2018, 02:41:12 pm »
A spreadsheet, that logs all my excercise and produces annual summaries etc.

Simplified some of the functionality adn summarising using "COUNTIFS" and "SUMIFS", never used those before. 

I had thought about using some VLOOKUPs but didn't need to in the end.  Could have also done it with a pivot table I think, but what would I have learned?
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12866 on: 03 April, 2018, 02:19:26 pm »
A replacement o-ring onto my track pump.

A kit of o-rings from eBay cost me £6-39. A "rebuild" kit for the pump (and I wasn't even certain it was the correct kit) would have cost me £3 and £2.99 postage.  So, by spending another £1-40, I've got another 9 replacement rings for this pump and another 409 spare o-rings in various sizes !  I think that's a useful expenditure of money. :D

(I can't quite work out why there are 419 o-rings ... 11×38 would be 418).
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12867 on: 03 April, 2018, 02:35:35 pm »
One spare in case you lose one  :thumbsup:
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12868 on: 04 April, 2018, 06:18:16 pm »
Fettled new springs into the kitchen door handle. Nobody got shut in.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12869 on: 05 April, 2018, 12:30:50 pm »
Fitted a new cassette, chain and BB to the audax bike ahead of Sunday's 200. It will also be the first proper outing for the new ERE tubeless tyres. Should feel like riding a whole new bike!
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12870 on: 07 April, 2018, 08:27:22 pm »
Removed slug snot from the Red Baron.  At least Ventisit can go in the washing machine.  Fuckers.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12871 on: 07 April, 2018, 09:07:19 pm »
Fitted new rear V-brake pads on HK's Condor, deflinted the tyres and replaced the dead freehub. Unfortunately the RH cone in the T670 hub is also deceased, probably due to metal from the freehub. Annoyingly, replacement RH cones appear to be in short supply in the UK until July. Hopefully I can find something acceptable to get the bike operational before her replacement bike is up and running in July.

Deflinted the tyres and brake pads on my fixed and was ready to fit a new chain and chainring but I can't find the 16t cog that is hiding somewhere. Perhaps tomorrow.

Replaced the worn 10sp Chorus rear mech on HK's Roberts with a SH Record. It looks like I need to replace the brake hoods and front gear cable and retape the bars.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12872 on: 07 April, 2018, 09:15:34 pm »
Checked over the Renegade and TLD's Cube, ready for a muddy ride out tomorrow.
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12873 on: 07 April, 2018, 09:47:07 pm »
Replaced the surround of a raised bed, removing the rotten scaffold planks I’d originally used (gifted by a friend in more impecunious times) and replacing them with pressure treated 47mm boards. And shortened another bed back to widen the path.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What have you fettled today?
« Reply #12874 on: 08 April, 2018, 09:15:36 am »
Nowt yet. Got a tyre waiting. :(
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight