Author Topic: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start  (Read 4293 times)


  • Next ride: TCRno10 '24
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #25 on: 02 March, 2023, 04:56:13 pm »
Weather has improved.  Low of 2, feels like 5.

Do you mean low of 5 feels like 2? I've never known the feels like to be warmer than the actual.

The warmth of our peloton will make it feel like 5!

the route goes past my new place in Lewisham and my girlfriend Myrna has offered to be waiting for us with coffee as we ride by between 12-1am!

Shall I bring cake?  ;D

This is why your Audax events get posted on the Audax UK FB group and mine are "not in the spirit"!  We'll find some cake too!

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #26 on: 02 March, 2023, 06:21:15 pm »
All sounding good Mark! Advance thanks to Myrna.


  • Next ride: TCRno10 '24
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #27 on: 03 March, 2023, 11:35:35 am »
Not too late to join us tonight.

We have 12 registered!

Myrna better get aeropressing.

As the group is a bit larger now, a note to try and keep noise levels within reason when we pitstop at my building’s lobby for coffee and a cake/cookie at km 62. We’ll only be there 10 minutes. Bow McD’s is not long after that - the only other group stop for the night - at km 85.


  • Loving the lanes
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #28 on: 03 March, 2023, 12:17:33 pm »
Have a good one!
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #29 on: 03 March, 2023, 02:28:52 pm »
Finch's energy bars have been prepared  :)

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #30 on: 05 March, 2023, 09:56:57 am »
Many thanks to Mark for organising this, and to Myrna for the coffee and brownies! My first night ride since my last FNRTC, years ago now.

What an excellent exploration of London, much of it new to me despite having been here nearly 25 years now. I liked seeing the remaining industrialised parts of the river near Woolwich, the Isle of Dogs section, and the run from there up towards Hampstead. Part of this section was along the almost completely deserted Limehouse Cut and Bow Creek. And the lifts at Greenwich were working which was a bonus. Rode through the tunnel  :thumbsup:

Almost every traffic light along the way was against us, with only one or two serial runs through greens. The tranquil period for traffic in London is quite short, with people starting to get out and about from 4am or so.

I admit to struggling around the 3-4 am mark but was OK and didn’t run out of steam at any stage. Should have eaten and drunk more during the ride but when the opportunity was there (Bow McD’s) I just didn’t feel like much at that point.

Great to meet everyone, good luck to all those doing PBP, TCR, etc. and I hope Bryn made it home after finding himself with a fixed wheel axle nut that wouldn’t tighten at Victoria.


  • Oh dear
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #31 on: 05 March, 2023, 11:14:29 am »
Had another brilliant ride - can't understand how I remain alert all night when I'm normally tucked up under the sheets by 10pm. It was a cold night but thankfully I had sufficient layers. Thanks to Myrna for the coffee and cake and to everyone else who kept stopping to let me catch up.
Pleased to say that the ride was validated - there was debate about what minimum speed was allowable but Paul Stewart tells me it's 10kph so that's  :thumbsup:.
And many thanks to Mark for organising again. I very much look forward to watching his dot in July.
alfapete - that's the Pete that drives the Alfa

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #32 on: 05 March, 2023, 02:55:56 pm »
Saw the video, looks like a good turnout. Well done all, and min overall average sounds nice and sociable.


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #33 on: 06 March, 2023, 10:14:13 am »
Great ride, good weather. food OK.

Looked at joining Mark on this when I realised my car was not in a condition to travel to another audax. 161km, no points for that, so maybe add on the journey to/from home. checked the distance by my enjoyable ride into London (maidenhead, windsor, staines, Richmond, Putney) as opposed to the misery of uxbridge ealing shepherds bush. 75km to Victoria. A bit much for a 200, so why not make it a 300?  ::-)

Left home at 18:15 and pushed reasonably hard to arrive at Victoria at 21:30, time for a mcdonalds before departing. Luckily the christian missionaries were trying hard to convert the couple at the next table and left me alone.

Twelve departed and made slow progress through the lights and traffic, over to Fulham, and then back to cross the river and enter lands unknown to me. Very quickly the twists and turns of the route had me totally disorientated, not only did I not know where I was, but I no longer had any idea which direction I was going in, with no sun to act as a reference.

struggled up a few hills and after an incredibly long time reach Mark's building for the coffee and cake stop. My faith in the statement "Navigation is easier when you ride with Mark as he knows the route" took a major blow when he took a wrong turn within 100m of his front door, and we had to retrace rather than swim across a small river.

Quickly after that Greenwich came up and a return to the right side of the river, the cable car was not running alas, I can imagine the views of London by night would be worth the price, but at least the foot tunnel lifts were in service. "No cycling at any time" read the sign, but surely 3am with no one else around deserved an exception, so we crossed the river in record time.

Onto the Limehouse cut, and a step before a raised walkway section caused me to stumble and nearly become a reluctant duathlete. Luckily I managed to get my balance and didn't end up with a bracing dip.

Surprising busy mcdonalds at Bow, and then the nostalgia started, the Olympic park, arsenal stadium, then Finsbury park scene of many afternoons bunking off school to go bowling at Rowans, then back down to Regents Park, sadly the giraffes were not awake yet, and along Avenue road up to swiss cottage I must have ridden that road hundreds of times commuting into London as a teenager, it seems so much shorter now, not because I used to be tired by the top, but just because a long time in the saddle has been significantly recalibrated. Up to Hampstead, luckily not right to the top as I was feeling very tired by now, then west Hampstead (where the bike shop my first bikes came from used to be) and Kilburn finally back to Fulham and then back to Victoria.

My duplication of the route had omitted the strand section, so I rode down and up the Mall and waited to photo the group outside the palace. At this stage I was running on empty and couldn't keep pace with the group anyway. Then off to find a cafe for breakfast, which was nice and leisurely, but eventually I had to leave to finish my 300 DIY. When I remembered DIY BRs have a minimum speed of 14.3, rather than 15kmh the pressure to get home was off, but the long ride west into a headwind felt harder than ever before. The London loop might have been flat and only 100 miles, but with all the stops and starts for traffic lights it felt like much more.

Overall time 20 hours and 20 minutes, 5 hours stopped time (30mins at Victoria, 30 mins at Mark's, 50m ins at McD's and 1hr 10 at breakfast, 20 minutes at two petrol stations travelling in and out, leaving 1hr 40 which I can only account for as either traffic lights, or waiting for the group to come together again)

(edited missing word)

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #34 on: 06 March, 2023, 01:57:13 pm »
A bit much for a 200, so why not make it a 300?  ::-)

Good to meet you and well done on the 300!

Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #35 on: 08 March, 2023, 06:01:55 pm »
In news via markldn, kudos are due to Zahoor and Syed who got round about noon.  :thumbsup:

It was unfortunate to leave them, but I for one would have got too cold if the group had gone at their pace. It was nippy enough as it was.

I think it is a challenge to keep a group together on a ride like this and it was clear most in the group were capable of going much faster so a lot of patience was in evidence, not least that of markldn  :thumbsup: Junctions with lights. Junctions with no lights. Various crossings and pinch points. This ride was almost all ‘burbs or city and I can’t recall any lights being jumped.

It’s not like a FNRttC, where everything stays marshalled and tight-ish through the traffic light strewn ‘burbs until open country is reached, more freedom is possible, and a bit of waiting is done at the tops of hills.

Org did well to keep disparate group very largely intact.


  • PBP (11,15,19,23), 1001Miglia (2021), TCRNo8(2022)
    • SWRC FB
Re: London Lockdown 160 - Group DIY Perm - Fri 03.03.23 - 10pm start
« Reply #36 on: 08 March, 2023, 08:12:00 pm »
A night time ride around town with many well known places on the way around.
There are many things to see on this ride around London but as it was night-time for most of it, not always easy to photo. I've lived here my whole life but still found a new road near where I now live along Harbut Road and near where I was born in Streatham up Downsview Road, the first of 6 steep climbs. We had a fast descent down Knight's Hill into West Norwood. We had to keep on the pavement as the workers were tarmacing the one way road in Tulse Hill. The next two climbs came in quick succession as we skirted around Horniman museum and Crystal Palace park. We were in the heart of SE London passing Penge, Brockley and Catford. We had a lovely reception in Lewisham where Mark had organised a coffee and choc brownie stop at the lobby where near where he lives. Thank you Myrna. From here it was onto Greenwich and the foot tunnel where thankfully both lifts were working. There bright lights and tall buildings of Canary Wharf were a highlight for me as was the Traffic light tree where we all stopped to gather. Then it was onto the Limehouse cut canal path out to one of my old jobs in Bromley by Bow and our half way feed stop at McD in Bow. Here I was ready for a meal deal, supersized and a hot apple pie. What's not to like. We all sat down with security guard looking after our bikes.
The second half started with the Mile End park, a bit of the Hertford Union canal and the Stratford Olympic park. We didn't have time to do a lap of the velodrome there in the Olympic park, soon passing Hackney marshes, Homerton and London Fields. Through Hackney, and skirting Abney and Clissold Parks. Passing the Arsenal ground and heading northwards again we climbed towards Highgate, crossing the Archway road at suicide bridge. By this time it was 6:30am and getting brighter although the streets in Camden were still quiet, around ZSL zoo and on up to Hampstead for our last steep climb. Down through Kilburn, Maida Vale, and Bayswater. Down Holland Park avenue to Shepherd's bush roundabout, and I was getting towards my local roads and my years of commuting these roads. Along to Hammersmith instead of riding towards home we turned once more towards the city, through Kensington, before turning back again to do a final triangular loop around Fulham. It was just time to complete the outline of the syringe by heading up to Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Trafalgar Square, The Strand and Aldwych before finishing back at Victoria Station. After congratulating each other some of us headed off for a cooked breakfast at a café in Horseferry road, the last time I'd been there was thirty years ago.
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