Author Topic: Cheltenham Flyer 200 (Cider With Rosie 150, Character Coln 100) Sat 13 May 23  (Read 1729 times)


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Later this year to avoid clashing with the PBP 200km qualifiers, you can enjoy the Flyer 200 without the risk of wintery blasts or soakings. Most should be home in daylight (or you will be out of time!).

I have booked the excellent local support teams that previously welcomed and fed riders down-route. All riders will use the Fernham Village Hall (converted/shared Church) personed by Uffington Ladies, whilst the 200km riders will continue to The Church Hall in Burbage.

Same established routes as in recent years, using the Village Hall in Andoversford as event HQ.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Hurrah - I'm booked on this. My 2nd outing. It's a lovely route and we had great weather last year - even in March. It was one of my favourite rides last year.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Final reminder to enter

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Sincere thanks to our new King C111 for taking my preferred event date of 6 May and inheriting that day's horrid weather. I ended up with a super weather day, bit cool early but warmer later and everyone had a great day.

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Sincere thanks to our new King C111 for taking my preferred event date of 6 May and inheriting that day's horrid weather. I ended up with a super weather day, bit cool early but warmer later and everyone had a great day.

Another fabulous Cheltenham New Flyer Stephen.

It is such a pretty route with big changes in scenery from the intimate Coln valley, to the open Pewsey Vale, returning through the rolling Cotswolds.

Run at this time of year,  we witnessed spring in full bloom. Rape fields burning bright yellow patchwork across the land. Bluebells humming quietly with that otherworldly radiant blue, together with wild garlic under the canopies. Fields of buttercups and dandelion, grazed by livestock. This is the stuff of constable paintings.

Once the sun had burnt through the mist, and the temperatures rose the smells of blossom was almost overpowering. The evening was glorious. With the 'just right' temperature and the soft light highlighting contrasts - it was a glorious taste of Elysium to come of long summers days.

We got a double dose of Jerusalem in the WI run church and old school hall. With wonderful food and supportive hosts. I got to trade first class dad jokes with the controllers and test how often I could return for seconds of cake and soup. My new dad joke is, "These aren't pot holes - they are craters, and they wouldn't be out of place on the moon!".

These are some my favourite things. If you brought an Anglophile American tourist into this environment - they would melt with joy.

This is my second visit and as always you share it with fabulous people. Both organiser, controllers and riders are a very varied and interesting bunch. You scratch the surface and find normal people that have done incredible things.

I chose to make the second visit harder by taking my new fixed bike: I love riding my fixed bike, it is extremely addictive, but it is much harder at distance. However - not as hard as I imagined. I don't think I'll do every audax fixed, but I'm beginning to get a sniff of the way you can ride fixed and conserve energy: These are puzzles I love to solve - indeed there is no solution, just an infinite journey of refinement.

Thanks again Stephen - this really is a five star audax. One of the best in the calender.

Thank you Stephen. 

Lovely day out on the 100.  As pretty as the Coln valley is in March, it excels itself in May! 

The ladies at Fernham were wonderful again.