Author Topic: Brompton Handlebar choice  (Read 954 times)


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Brompton Handlebar choice
« on: 01 November, 2023, 01:07:28 pm »
I'm considering using Bike2Work to get a Brompton. I know I want the C-Line Explorer, but is it worth asking the local Edinburgh Bikes if I can test ride one to help with handlebar choice? I don't know whether the low or the medium would suit me better. Is there much difference?

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  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #1 on: 01 November, 2023, 01:48:28 pm »
Yes, there is a noticeable but not drastic difference.

Which one is best for you will to some extent depend on how tall you are - because the bars are a fixed height, their position relative to the saddle will be different for riders of different heights.

I'm 175cm and find a standard seatpost ideal - at its full extent, it is the perfect height for me and matches well with the M bar for a fairly upright riding position, though I always had a hankering for the slightly sportier position of the S bar.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #2 on: 01 November, 2023, 03:08:08 pm »
I'm 1.85m. The M gives me bars that are level with the saddle at the grips (having said that, they are Kuosac M bars, but there isn't much difference in rise).


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Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #3 on: 01 November, 2023, 03:12:17 pm »
I feel most comfortable with bars at a similar level to the saddle or slightly lower, and I'm 167cm, so maybe the S bar? It might be worth a trip to EBC.

"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."


  • Timelord
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Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #4 on: 01 November, 2023, 03:42:38 pm »
is it worth asking the local Edinburgh Bikes if I can test ride one to help with handlebar choice? I don't know whether the low or the medium would suit me better. Is there much difference?

Yes.  This is exactly what I had to decide when I bought mine.  The rest of the spec was obvious, but I'd only (briefly) ridden an M-type before, and didn't know how the others compared.  Took all of about 20 minutes, including a bit of folding and unfolding practice, to determine that the P-type was silly (the lower handlebar positions rendered largely useless by Knees), and that while the M-type was eminently rideable, the S-type handled more like a 'normal' bicycle.

I've since fitted a widget to raise the bars by 40mm or so, which means they play nicely with a C-bag and have a bit more room for toys.

I don't think it's an unusual question from prospective Brompton owners, and On Your Bike were happy to oblige.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #5 on: 01 November, 2023, 03:54:12 pm »
Yes, definitely worth test-riding both, only way to be sure. Though I would put money on you preferring the S-type.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #6 on: 01 November, 2023, 03:55:51 pm »
S bar for your height, definitely.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • Someone's imaginary friend
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Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #7 on: 01 November, 2023, 04:21:25 pm »
Thanks all. I'm leaning towards the S bar, but I'll see if EBC in Furryboottoon will oblige with a test ride.

"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."

Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #8 on: 01 November, 2023, 05:39:20 pm »
I'm 169cm and have S bars/stem on mine.
I don't find it particularly comfortable, but I think that's more to do with it being a Brompton than anything else.
I've never understood how people can do the likes of a Dun Run or FNRttC on a Brompton.
The most I've ever done was a day ride from Long Itchington which was ~40 miles as I recall.
Never again.


  • Someone's imaginary friend
  • No, RB3, you can't have more tupperware.
    • Someone's imaginary friend
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #9 on: 02 November, 2023, 09:16:37 am »
Dave Halliday came and did the second half of the Dumb Run with us on his and nearly didn't make it, but that was because his spokes kept exploding, Munky's fettling skills were all that kept him on the road.

This is a good point, though. I'm assuming a Brompton will be as good for me as those who do epic adventures on them, and it might not be, so another good reason to go for a test ride first.


"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."

Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #10 on: 02 November, 2023, 10:35:06 am »
I'm 194 and the S bars are just fine for me. I have an extended seat post and the reach to the S bars is just a bit higher than the bottom of hte drops on my road bike.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #11 on: 02 November, 2023, 01:35:15 pm »
Dave Halliday came and did the second half of the Dumb Run with us on his and nearly didn't make it, but that was because his spokes kept exploding, Munky's fettling skills were all that kept him on the road.

Yeabut that one's a tortured mutant Brommie.

This is a good point, though. I'm assuming a Brompton will be as good for me as those who do epic adventures on them, and it might not be, so another good reason to go for a test ride first.

I've been known to say that the ideal Brompton ride is a couple of miles of gentle uphill to the station.

I have a fairly low opinion of anything with a saddle, and the Brompton's 'adequate' braking system compounds those inherent ergonomic failings.  But their convenience means they score highly on the tool-you-have-to-hand factor.  Cycling is, in general, a lot better than Not Cycling[1], and Bromptons are fantastic at enabling that in a world infested with Bloody Trains, bike thieves, small cars, London flats, and similar obstacles.

To be fair, they are rather good at nipping around in an urban environment.  Preferably one that's pothole-free, and not infested by impatient motorists (who in general seem to regard Brompton riders as stationary objects that aren't there).

[1] Especially Running and Buses.


  • Velonautte
Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #12 on: 03 November, 2023, 01:15:19 pm »
Yeabut that one's a tortured mutant Brommie.

It was hardly looking any better when he turned up at the York Rally this year.  In fact, his Pashley Mailstar shows all the signs of gradual deterioration too.  I thought it was impossible to break those bikes.  ::-)

I've been known to say that the ideal Brompton ride is a couple of miles of gentle uphill to the station.

I have a fairly low opinion of anything with a saddle, and the Brompton's 'adequate' braking system compounds those inherent ergonomic failings.  To be fair, they are rather good at nipping around in an urban environment.  Preferably one that's pothole-free, and not infested by impatient motorists (who in general seem to regard Brompton riders as stationary objects that aren't there).

I've done some 40-50 mile rides on mine and I wouldn't care to repeat the experience, but that too is because of my general aversion to saddles.  Or at least, the combination of the somewhat sub-optimality of bike geometry + saddle type + core muscle strength.  The Brompton was conceived in London and IMO is about the best machine for that environment, where the tarmac is good, the hills are modest and the provision of public transport variations is high.
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Re: Brompton Handlebar choice
« Reply #13 on: 03 November, 2023, 04:01:12 pm »
just a bit higher than the bottom of hte drops on my road bike.

There's no way I'd want to be that low on my Brompton.