Author Topic: UFEI - Mint install with Windoze secure boot question  (Read 1541 times)

UFEI - Mint install with Windoze secure boot question
« on: 16 January, 2024, 06:11:42 pm »
I'm planning to install mint onna Dell Desktop dual booting with win11.
The Live USB won't 'just work'

Tried menu option
'UFEI firmware settings'..
Takes me to BIOS
What next plse.?

The BIOS 'secure boot config' has the following options
<set> Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Enable <set>
          Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable
          Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Disable
Plus 'enable MS UFEI CA key' ticked,  greyed until BIOS Sure Start protection disabled (separate menu)

Also, if there is room I may put Mint on a seperate physical drive - can that work?

Re: UFEI - Mint install with Windoze secure boot question
« Reply #1 on: 16 January, 2024, 08:09:36 pm »
Typically "Legacy Support" refers to MBR booting, you probably want UEFI boot and so legacy support should be disabled. You could disable Secure Boot, but Linux Mint should support secure boot. That means the current setting, legacy disabled, secure enabled, is probably the one you want. The last time this came up (a Dell laptop the answer was that USB Thunderbolt Boot needed to be enabled.

You can certainly put Linux on a separate drive, but you need a way to select which OS to boot. This probably involves installing grub2, the Linux boot loader, on the Windows drive, unless you want to always use Dell firmware to select the boot OS.

Re: UFEI - Mint install with Windoze secure boot question
« Reply #2 on: 16 January, 2024, 09:02:00 pm »
Phil, Thanks for the reply and link. I thought it would have come up before and did have a search about before posting a new thread.
Windoze sick of the shitverts , ATM can only think of one occasionally used app program that actually requires it.


  • some kind of fruitcake
Re: UFEI - Mint install with Windoze secure boot question
« Reply #3 on: 13 February, 2024, 11:13:53 pm »
Separate HDDs for different OSs will work fine.

I previously (like 15 years ago) ran Ubuntu dual boot with a single HDD. In the end I found it a faff having to make a selection each time I powered on the PC - I disliked having to be involved in the boot procedure - and so from then til now I've run two computers, one running MSWindows, one running a Linux. It can be good to use both at once. I was doing that today. Windows for MS Word (which still works better than LibreOffice for docx files with tables) and Linux for quick web searches when I just need to check something. They're laptops, but the same can be done with desktop PCs if used with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse as long as each PC has a bluetooth receiver. That way you only need one keyboard and one mouse.

The key is not to store any of your files (i.e. your work) on either PC, but instead to use a USB drive. Just plug in the USB drive to whichever PC you're using for a given task. Fringe benefit of this is that you can easily take your files to any computer anywhere else (e.g. a PC in a workplace). I use a HDD in an external caddy but could use a USB thumb drive. Create backups regularly in case of USB drive failure (because we should be backing up our work files anyway). The PCs themselves can be used for creating and storing backups.

I realise this post is not an answer to the question you asked, but another way of achieving the same end. Forums, ay?  :-D