Author Topic: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK  (Read 2970 times)

Re: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK
« Reply #25 on: 07 March, 2024, 03:40:48 pm »
500k is the ideal audax  touring distance. Means you can do a 6am start,  300k, finish by 7pm, shower, few pints, meal out, loads of sleep, then a nice 200k the next day feeling super fresh.

The extra 100k in a 600k really makes it a different experience.

That's kind of the Liz Creese method of riding a 400. She liked 400s that started at 10am.
Good sleep in a bed before the start. 300km by midnight to 2am. Sleep about 4 hours or so then knock off the last 100. She rode a lot, often with a good bunch of riders and was faster than most.

Re: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK
« Reply #26 on: 07 March, 2024, 03:42:48 pm »
500k events also allow for an anniversary 200k series of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 events. I believe this was done before for some reason.

Before my audax time but wasn't it for the Millennium? 2000km accumulatively?

Yes. The Millennium SR series.

Re: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK
« Reply #27 on: 07 March, 2024, 03:50:53 pm »
What an unusual life you lead.  I would have thought that a HUGE majority of the Audax membership would get nowhere near 13 hours for a 300.  And where is the sleep coming from? Almost nobody sleeps very successfully in the middle of such a ride!

That's the thing.  There is no middle.It's a nice 300k.  The 200k the next day is just the casual ride home.

I will admit its been a while since I've done anything like this in this manner (and all audax is out of the window for me at the moment) but when I did the BCM route, cutting off the 50k to Menai, and the 50k back it was an absolute revelation.

360/240 seems to be the winning formula for a 600 that starts at around 6am. I think that Bryan Chapman would be much easier if there was a sleep control about half way between Menai and Dolgellau. It's OK when you're fit and flying but a big long haul when you're struggling and getting sleepy.

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK
« Reply #28 on: 31 March, 2024, 11:22:36 am »
Commemorative 500km events would be a smashing idea. 

Though as 2026 is a pre PBP year there would need to be some consideration of where (if at all) such 500km events fit in to the roolz for PBP pre qualifying silly season. 

Of course the major sporting anniversary of 2026 is Falkirk FC hitting 150 years old.

Which will coincide with them trying to get out of the 3rd division .... again?!  They should make it this year ok.  When I were a lad, Falkirk were a top side, like ... Bury.   :'(

I didn't want to reply before now in case I jinxed it.   ;D

Re: Golden Anniversary: Audax UK
« Reply #29 on: 31 March, 2024, 09:10:54 pm »