Author Topic: Weight Loss Discussion Thread  (Read 1334740 times)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3450 on: 29 August, 2012, 03:11:07 pm »
It's rather less than half a me. But over a third of a me, even when I was at my absolute lardiest and weighed in at, I think, about 119.  And if I lost that much I would be within spitting distance of normal on a BMI chart! 

And you sound like you're enjoying it.  Splendiferous!

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3451 on: 29 August, 2012, 03:34:09 pm »
just over 40 kg lighter

 :o :o :o

Well done.  Whatever your start weight was, that's an amazing amount to have the willpower to lose.  It doesn't matter if the rest comes off slowly, just keep chipping away at it.

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3452 on: 29 August, 2012, 04:26:06 pm »
Fantastic Howieduck!

I lost 52kg in a year eleven years ago and I've kept at least half of it off ever since. I remember how my eating changed, finding herbs and pepper and spices all tasted much more interesting when things weren't swimming in fat. I have slipped somewhat in the intervening years but have still kept to some things I learned when I did my big diet, and I still drink skimmed milk rather than semi or full cream which I started on the diet.

Bet it was expensive in clothes for you - I went down from a ladies' size 24 to a 12/14 which meant I had to hang around charity shops to refresh my wardrobe.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3453 on: 29 August, 2012, 04:54:17 pm »
Thank you all.
I have so far sent 12 black bags of clothes to the charity shop n have replenished my cycling wardrobe courtesy of Lidl. I have gone down 4 sizes in clothes n tend to look a bit raggedy as I'm constantly wearing baggy things! I can't justify buying expensive clothes and sometimes don't see the point in buying things at all.
I sometimes have to wear smart clothes at work n can never work out in advance if they will fit me or I'm going to look like a scarecrow.
Still. I'm looking to lose another 11 kilos now and see if I am the right size for me then. It's certainly made cyclin easier and inspired/allowed me to take part in some audax rather than just reading about them and dreaming of being fit enough to complete the distance.


  • mojo operandi
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3454 on: 29 August, 2012, 06:05:09 pm »

I'm now just over 40 kg lighter and still losing slowly but surely.

That's inspirational :thumbsup:


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3455 on: 29 August, 2012, 07:22:20 pm »
Do we have a forum Biggest Loser?  ;D

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3456 on: 29 August, 2012, 07:49:12 pm »
40kg is incredible. The biggest of congratulations to you.

I've so far only put on 2lbs whilst taking some steroids but getting a bit down in the dumps about having to be so so careful about what I'm eating to keep the gain small. Unbelievably frustrating.


  • Just do it!
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3457 on: 30 August, 2012, 12:37:10 am »
Do we have a forum Biggest Loser?  ;D


I think gb155 might get that accolade, though he's not posted much here recently...
(He's not been active on the forum for over a year but is nearer 13 stone now.)

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3458 on: 30 August, 2012, 01:19:38 am »
I'm stepping back from this thread on the basis that I'm not having battles in the same league as others here are. I'm still watching how you're all doing though and cheering you on. Opinions on another thread have upset me enough not to want to discuss the minuniae of my weight loss alongside those who have a larger battle on their hands. I get what you are up against and do not wish to make light of it by posting about my more minor battles.


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3459 on: 30 August, 2012, 07:29:44 am »
I'm 1kg down this morning on yesterday.  ???
Getting there...


  • Fat'n'slow
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3460 on: 30 August, 2012, 08:29:36 am »
I'm stepping back from this thread on the basis that I'm not having battles in the same league as others here are. I'm still watching how you're all doing though and cheering you on. Opinions on another thread have upset me enough not to want to discuss the minuniae of my weight loss alongside those who have a larger battle on their hands. I get what you are up against and do not wish to make light of it by posting about my more minor battles.

That's totally up to you, but I don't think you should have to feel that way. I've got plenty to lose, and even if you only want to lose half a pound I don't feel that "makes light" of what I'm trying to achive. Either way, good luck with your battles, I hope it goes smoothly for you  :thumbsup:

And as for me... biiiiiiig blip over the last couple of weeks but back to -14lbs. Phew. Nose wedged firmly back against grindstone.


  • mojo operandi
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3461 on: 30 August, 2012, 09:27:31 am »
I'm 1kg down this morning on yesterday.  ???

Similarly I am 0.5kg lighter this morning than yesterday ???

I deliberatley ate no cake nor did any cycling yesterday which seems to imply that if I maintain this philosophy for 26 days I will reach my target weight.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3462 on: 30 August, 2012, 10:23:54 am »
I'm stepping back from this thread on the basis that I'm not having battles in the same league as others here are. I'm still watching how you're all doing though and cheering you on. Opinions on another thread have upset me enough not to want to discuss the minuniae of my weight loss alongside those who have a larger battle on their hands. I get what you are up against and do not wish to make light of it by posting about my more minor battles.
Thank you.

I'm sorry you were upset by the comments in another thread, and your reasons for weightwatching are perfectly valid, but as I've said before, I find it very demoralising reading about people who already have a healthy BMI quibbling about the difference between a BMI of 20 and one of 19.5.
I'm well aware this is my problem- after all, this isn't the 'lazy fat bastards and emotional eaters thread'.

Fast day today. Sods law being what it is, Chris fasts for a day and sheds kilos, I fast for a day and gain 200g. Both of these are noise. One of them pisses me off (and it isn't Chris being lighter).

After 8 months of alternately calorie counting and filling the empty miserable hollow of my heart with cake, I am, quelle surprise, the exact same weight as I was in January. Whoop de fucking doop. I'm toying with taking up smoking again. I reckon my obesity is probably just as unhealthy, and given my level of fitness (pretty good, just for clarification) reduced lung capacity would be less of a cycling hindrance than the spare 20+kg I'm lugging around.
Shame it's so vile.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3463 on: 31 August, 2012, 08:33:04 pm »
Dipped below 90kg this week :thumbsup:My problem is getting down to 85kg,it just seems to get harder once I get below 90Kg.Maybe its because Ive been this size or heavier for about the last 10 years or so?It's like my body is telling me I am supposed to be slightly overweight.I have noticed several others on here are of a similar weight and age and seem to have the same problem :-\

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3464 on: 05 September, 2012, 08:31:34 am »
Well, my weight has changed this year, by 10kg, only in the wrong direction. The turn around in my eating habits seems to have coincided with my scheme to consider 2013 LEL which I have to admit was scaring me as an idea. So, I'm going to drop the idea and head back towards my January weight by the end of the year. Ho hum.


  • Андрій
  • Ερασιτεχνικός μισάνθρωπος
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3465 on: 05 September, 2012, 08:48:40 am »
Up a bit more than I'd like, but not too bad in light of being off the bike since Friday.   Not worried yet, but if I get to a week off the bike I'll have to be careful with what I'm eating.
;D  Andrij.  I pronounce you Complete and Utter GIT   :thumbsup:


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3466 on: 05 September, 2012, 09:13:27 am »
Back to 110.8 today, an alleged loss of 1.5kg after last week's rise of 1.4kg. I think that one's mostly down to the scales.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • mojo operandi
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3467 on: 05 September, 2012, 09:20:08 am »
I have decided to suspend my participation.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3468 on: 05 September, 2012, 09:28:05 am »
Where can I buy a Participation Suspender?
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3469 on: 05 September, 2012, 10:16:14 am »
Fast day today. Sods law being what it is, Chris fasts for a day and sheds kilos, I fast for a day and gain 200g. Both of these are noise. One of them pisses me off (and it isn't Chris being lighter).

After 8 months of alternately calorie counting and filling the empty miserable hollow of my heart with cake, I am, quelle surprise, the exact same weight as I was in January. Whoop de fucking doop. I'm toying with taking up smoking again. I reckon my obesity is probably just as unhealthy, and given my level of fitness (pretty good, just for clarification) reduced lung capacity would be less of a cycling hindrance than the spare 20+kg I'm lugging around.
Shame it's so vile.

I can empathise.

Food is my drug and skinny people will never understand that you can address the disappointment of gaining weight by eating more.

At least with Heroin and cigarettes it's possible to use total abstinence as a recovery technique.

After my post-PBP blob-out I finally said "enough is enough" last week (PBP anniversary would you believe).  I've said "enough his enough" many times but, in the space of 1 year I have experienced the extremes of my fitness (2 weeks after PBP I was flying on my bike effortlessly and clothes fit me) and lack thereof (I'm struggling up hills and running out of belt holes).

You see I'm fighting an evil side of my brain, it really is like the angel and devil stood on my shoulders, whispering conflicting advice.

I guess that the devil is actually a million years of evolution telling me to eat while I can, because there won't be an Antelope to eat tomorrow (substitute Chicken Tikka as appropriate), and the angel is my conscious brain thinking how great it would be to ride up hills and wear 32" waist jeans again (without taking a big deep breath and hoiking on my belt of course).

You see I could eat everything in my fridge followed by 20 Cadbury's chocolate mini-rolls (and I'm not even joking).

So, what I learned over the years is:

1. Your Brain will trick you into giving up.  It really will do anything to make you give up, make you depressed, make you consider smoking and, most of all, will make you start eating.  Your brain really wants you to start eating.  It will make you depressed, tell you to eat something to make yourself better and then make you depressed for eating...ahhh..what a wanker my Brain is.

2. I don't enjoy eating as much I as think I will.  My Brain tricks me into thinking I will.  If I pig out I ALWAYS regret it afterwards.  Damn that fucking brain.  I could make a video to myself, to watch before I eat too much, "You really won't enjoy this as much as your brain is telling fool". 

I don't think I need the video now, I've learned what my brain is doing.

3. I prefer feeling fit and light on the bike to any meal I've ever had.  I prefer looking good in clothes to the feeling after a heavy meal.

Of course I love the feeling of eating a guilt-free heavy meal, 70km into a 200km ride say.

4. I know it's frustrating that, after a week of dieting, you gained a few pounds.  That's just your Brain's way of saying "give up, it just isn't working".  But it will.  Usually the following week I make up for that "noise" and things get back on plan.

You just have to write that week off and know that, over a month, it will work out.

Ergo.  People weigh themselves far too frequently.

5. Weight loss is simple maths.  Calories in vs Calories out.  I know it's impossible NOT to lose weight if I burn more calories than I eat. 

Therefore I don't kid myself.  I don't have a slow metabolism, I have a metabolism and that's that. Slow metabolisms can't make calories out of air.  If you continue to gain weight then you are eating too much.  Your evil  Brain won. It told you "you have a slow metabolism", that "you get fat just by breathing" so "what's the point?".

If this happens then you are kidding yourself.

6. 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat (give or take).  You gain a pound of weight then you ate 3500 calories too many.

You burn an extra 3500 calories then your body will source that by "chopping off a lump of body fat and lobbing it on the fire".

1 pound a week is a perfectly sensible and achievable amount to lose in a week, that's 500 calories a day deficit, but let's use 1/2 pound a week, or 250 calories a day.  250 calories  (yes, yes..Kcals, I know) is really nothing.  It's a chocolate bar or a couple of spuds.

1/2 pound a week is 26 pounds a year, let's call that 2 stone a year.

Coincidentally, 2 stone would get me to 12 stone "something" (I don't care about anything else, I just want to see 12st xxx on the scales because I've only see 13st, 14st and 15st for the last 10 years).

7. If I look at the long term, like PBP 2015 then 1/2 pound, or even 1/4 pound per week will get me into great shape. I just have to battle my Brain until then (actually it's a forever deal).

So, summary (for me, if this is going to work): Prepare to have a life-long fight with my evil brain, always remember how much I regret eating lots, remember how great it is to be light on a bike,  weigh myself every month and that 1 pound a month is perfectly fine.

This may make sense to food-addicts but naturally skinny types will tend to think "just don't eat so much" in the same way that Tory MPs tell Heroin addicts to stop taking so much Heroin.


  • Mushroom
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3470 on: 05 September, 2012, 10:35:17 am »
Lee that makes a lot of sense to me, and I recognise rather too many of those points in my own behaviour :(
Climbs like a sprinter, sprints like a climber!


  • NB have not grown beard since photo was taken
  • The Fat And The Furious
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3471 on: 05 September, 2012, 10:49:24 am »
Coincidentally, 2 stone would get me to 12 stone "something" (I don't care about anything else, I just want to see 12st xxx on the scales because I've only see 13st, 14st and 15st for the last 10 years).

I couldn't tell you the last time the scale said 15 anything. I've apparently hit a plateau between 16 and 17st. Which is frustrating, but in context that it wasn't all that long ago that my scale went up to 20st and my weight was off the scale it's maybe not so bad. Ironically now I don't need it my scale goes up to nearly 30st.

Always carry a small flask of whisky in case of snakebite. And, furthermore, always carry a small snake.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3472 on: 05 September, 2012, 11:12:01 am »
Fast day today. Sods law being what it is, Chris fasts for a day and sheds kilos, I fast for a day and gain 200g. Both of these are noise. One of them pisses me off (and it isn't Chris being lighter).

After 8 months of alternately calorie counting and filling the empty miserable hollow of my heart with cake, I am, quelle surprise, the exact same weight as I was in January. Whoop de fucking doop. I'm toying with taking up smoking again. I reckon my obesity is probably just as unhealthy, and given my level of fitness (pretty good, just for clarification) reduced lung capacity would be less of a cycling hindrance than the spare 20+kg I'm lugging around.
Shame it's so vile.

I can empathise.

Food is my drug and skinny people will never understand that you can address the disappointment of gaining weight by eating more.

At least with Heroin and cigarettes it's possible to use total abstinence as a recovery technique.

After my post-PBP blob-out I finally said "enough is enough" last week (PBP anniversary would you believe).  I've said "enough his enough" many times but, in the space of 1 year I have experienced the extremes of my fitness (2 weeks after PBP I was flying on my bike effortlessly and clothes fit me) and lack thereof (I'm struggling up hills and running out of belt holes).

You see I'm fighting an evil side of my brain, it really is like the angel and devil stood on my shoulders, whispering conflicting advice.

I guess that the devil is actually a million years of evolution telling me to eat while I can, because there won't be an Antelope to eat tomorrow (substitute Chicken Tikka as appropriate), and the angel is my conscious brain thinking how great it would be to ride up hills and wear 32" waist jeans again (without taking a big deep breath and hoiking on my belt of course).

You see I could eat everything in my fridge followed by 20 Cadbury's chocolate mini-rolls (and I'm not even joking).

So, what I learned over the years is:

1. Your Brain will trick you into giving up.  It really will do anything to make you give up, make you depressed, make you consider smoking and, most of all, will make you start eating.  Your brain really wants you to start eating.  It will make you depressed, tell you to eat something to make yourself better and then make you depressed for eating...ahhh..what a wanker my Brain is.

2. I don't enjoy eating as much I as think I will.  My Brain tricks me into thinking I will.  If I pig out I ALWAYS regret it afterwards.  Damn that fucking brain.  I could make a video to myself, to watch before I eat too much, "You really won't enjoy this as much as your brain is telling fool". 

I don't think I need the video now, I've learned what my brain is doing.

3. I prefer feeling fit and light on the bike to any meal I've ever had.  I prefer looking good in clothes to the feeling after a heavy meal.

Of course I love the feeling of eating a guilt-free heavy meal, 70km into a 200km ride say.

4. I know it's frustrating that, after a week of dieting, you gained a few pounds.  That's just your Brain's way of saying "give up, it just isn't working".  But it will.  Usually the following week I make up for that "noise" and things get back on plan.

You just have to write that week off and know that, over a month, it will work out.

Ergo.  People weigh themselves far too frequently.

5. Weight loss is simple maths.  Calories in vs Calories out.  I know it's impossible NOT to lose weight if I burn more calories than I eat. 

Therefore I don't kid myself.  I don't have a slow metabolism, I have a metabolism and that's that. Slow metabolisms can't make calories out of air.  If you continue to gain weight then you are eating too much.  Your evil  Brain won. It told you "you have a slow metabolism", that "you get fat just by breathing" so "what's the point?".

If this happens then you are kidding yourself.

6. 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat (give or take).  You gain a pound of weight then you ate 3500 calories too many.

You burn an extra 3500 calories then your body will source that by "chopping off a lump of body fat and lobbing it on the fire".

1 pound a week is a perfectly sensible and achievable amount to lose in a week, that's 500 calories a day deficit, but let's use 1/2 pound a week, or 250 calories a day.  250 calories  (yes, yes..Kcals, I know) is really nothing.  It's a chocolate bar or a couple of spuds.

1/2 pound a week is 26 pounds a year, let's call that 2 stone a year.

Coincidentally, 2 stone would get me to 12 stone "something" (I don't care about anything else, I just want to see 12st xxx on the scales because I've only see 13st, 14st and 15st for the last 10 years).

7. If I look at the long term, like PBP 2015 then 1/2 pound, or even 1/4 pound per week will get me into great shape. I just have to battle my Brain until then (actually it's a forever deal).

So, summary (for me, if this is going to work): Prepare to have a life-long fight with my evil brain, always remember how much I regret eating lots, remember how great it is to be light on a bike,  weigh myself every month and that 1 pound a month is perfectly fine.

This may make sense to food-addicts but naturally skinny types will tend to think "just don't eat so much" in the same way that Tory MPs tell Heroin addicts to stop taking so much Heroin.

A lot of truth and a hell of a lot of similarity, but a couple of points:

"Fighting" is doomed to failure, one or the other of you is going to lose.... The alternative it to find a positive approach for yourself, eg, convincing yourself you are thin (mind you, as I have said before, I think I'm anorexic as every time I look in the mirror I see a fat person). That's not to say there aren't battles along the way, but heading towards BEING something positive has a greater chance of long term success. That's in what you are saying, too, but I'm just emphasising that aspect. The only way I get to win against the fridge is stopping fighting it. When I stand in front of that damn box and tell myself NO, there is almost always a YES not that far down the line. When I tell myself that the thin person I want to be doesn't need the contents of the fridge, it works for me.

Also I rather like weighing myself every day, I scratch the result on a graph.  I know some days are down, some up, but overall I can see the trend and it gives me incentive.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3473 on: 05 September, 2012, 01:00:31 pm »

2. I don't enjoy eating as much I as think I will.  My Brain tricks me into thinking I will.  If I pig out I ALWAYS regret it afterwards.  Damn that fucking brain.  I could make a video to myself, to watch before I eat too much, "You really won't enjoy this as much as your brain is telling fool". 

I have this.  :(

I've read that people who are overweight generally don't enjoy their food as much as those who don't.  Specifcally, that the thought of the enjoyment prior to eating is always greater than the enjoyment of actually eating the food.  This leads to continual diappointment on the act of eating, which leads to a desire to eat something more, based on the anticipation of enjoyment.  This is then met again with relative disappointment.  Vicious circle, eating to get over the combined relative disappointment of the food vs its anticipation, and the regret of eating it.  This is compounded by bring 'on a diet' because then you add being disappointed with yourself, especially if you feel that the calories weren't worth it  :'(


  • Fat'n'slow
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #3474 on: 06 September, 2012, 08:02:54 am »
Totally agree with PM and Ham's posts.

 Minor victory this morning - haven't seen 14 st something on the scales in a while!  :thumbsup: