Author Topic: Weight Loss Discussion Thread  (Read 1336193 times)

Chris S

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4000 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:19:36 pm »
I'm back on MFP as ad libitum feeding is causing slow weight gain. Need to eat more, it says.  ;D

I note that Strava appears to give more realistic calorie estimates than MFP.

I know when I was using MFP religiously, I had to cut ~40% from my calorie allowance to make the numbers fit my historic weightloss.

Weight is coming off slowly here. ICBA to go back on MFP. Instead, I've taken to mediating on how skinny my carbon fibre seatpost is, and how much pain I'll be in if I chub up and am impaled upon it. That, and having entered the Pendle 600 (10AA) are helping me make better food choices.

Strava's estimates seem on the low side to me. I haven't entered any exercise into MFP for today, it says I should eat more because I've not eaten very much.  ;D

(Goes to check)


Well - you haven't eaten very much! As of now (mid-afternoon), I've had almost three times the calories as you! And no commute.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4001 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:21:00 pm »
You know that thing where you weigh yourself, and it makes you so miserable that you just eat cake and other crap?  Even though you know, because you aren't stupid, that, obviously, that is stupid.  But you're too miserable about it to care, and anyway too knackered to contemplate Actual Cooking.  And you can't bear to ride your bike because it is physically so completely fucking unpleasant because after 5 miles everything hurts like fuckity when you would need to lose damn near 40kg just in order to not be obese (having never ever been "normal" I don't even aspire to that, just overweight would do) and you discover that, once again, you can't actually go for a walk because you can't walk up the fecking hill any more?



Nobody wins in that game of Top Trumps.
If it's any consolation there's a lot of it about.

Riding a bike is meant to be fun. What makes it fun is either pleasant conditions so that you can cycle as slowly as you like and still enjoy it, or good company. Solo rides when it's so cold that you get a headache, even though you are wrapped up in all sorts of insulation material, are Not Fun. The alternative is sitting at the computer and pretending it's a bike ride, eating the cake and drinking the beer anyway. I'm kidding myslef that one day it will become warm and I will start cycling again. Utility rides aren't enough.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4002 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:27:59 pm »
I'm back on MFP as ad libitum feeding is causing slow weight gain. Need to eat more, it says.  ;D

I note that Strava appears to give more realistic calorie estimates than MFP.

I know when I was using MFP religiously, I had to cut ~40% from my calorie allowance to make the numbers fit my historic weightloss.

Weight is coming off slowly here. ICBA to go back on MFP. Instead, I've taken to mediating on how skinny my carbon fibre seatpost is, and how much pain I'll be in if I chub up and am impaled upon it. That, and having entered the Pendle 600 (10AA) are helping me make better food choices.

Strava's estimates seem on the low side to me. I haven't entered any exercise into MFP for today, it says I should eat more because I've not eaten very much.  ;D

(Goes to check)


Well - you haven't eaten very much! As of now (mid-afternoon), I've had almost three times the calories as you! And no commute.

Well, I hadn't got round to adding the 3rd coffee of the day, or the tin of soup. Both added since I posted that I needed to eat more. But that still leaves me on only 622 calories consumed so far, and hungry. I drove in today, so no exercise to speak of, but that still leaves me with 1250 calories left. I'm hungry, but that shouldn't be surprising given how little I've eaten so far.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4003 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:28:29 pm »
I think not logging it is making me a bit more relaxed and that I'm eating less.

Not eating carbs has evicted binge eating pretty thoroughly. I don't even really fancy cake, tbh.  :o
It's very hard to overdo it on egg mayonnaise  ;)

But I'm not logging it, so I don't know.  ;D

I think I've lost weight this week. Presumably what I did at the weekend (staying in bed, pretty much) burnt more calories than 200k the other weekends in March did.

Chris S

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4004 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:42:29 pm »
Well, I hadn't got round to adding the 3rd coffee of the day, or the tin of soup. Both added since I posted that I needed to eat more. But that still leaves me on only 622 calories consumed so far, and hungry. I drove in today, so no exercise to speak of, but that still leaves me with 1250 calories left. I'm hungry, but that shouldn't be surprising given how little I've eaten so far.

For me (and Boab, I think) this has been one of the most striking aspects of low-carbing. Hunger is a completely different sensation. Not only that, hunger seems completely detached from energy level - so I can be hungry in so far as my guts are grumbling, but it doesn't slow the energy flow at all, and there is no mental imperative to eat.


Low carb hunger: Erm. When you've next got a moment... y'know, I know you're busy and everything... but it's empty down here, so when you get a chance...


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4005 on: 26 March, 2013, 03:52:50 pm »
Y'know those spinning and gym classes we're all so sniffy about. Well, fact is for the last 4~6 weeks, for five days a week or more I've put in 45 minutes fairly intense exercise on a bike shaped object, and whilst it's not getting any easier (it never gets easier; you just work harder) I can now just about pace my self through each session with the resistence settings at a vaguely respectable level. I get the impression that most of the others in the class - a couple of chaps but mostly gurls of all shapes and sizes - are just spinning the pedals but who knows/who cares, they are getting a cardio workout. As a fixer though, my quads need to feel the burn. Anyway when it comes to weight loss and general fitness, it's definately on-trend to focus on intensity as much as duration, and that's what I get from the spin classes. I'm utterly incapable of using a turbo left to my own devices - peer pressure is a wonderful thing - and unless you have some stonking hills to hand its hard to work as intensly on the road as you can in the gym.

The point is that if what you're doing isn't working then it makes sense to try something else. Especially if it doesn't involve cold, wind and rain. I'm lucky I guess because I have a local gym and can get to the early morning sessions. It's pretty cool to walk away from the gym at 8am knowing you're set for the day.

Probably posted this in the wrong place but hope it helps.

FWIW my weights plateauing a bit right now but I'll get over it. Other stuff may come and go but right nowI'm pretty commited to the spin classes to keep me in-line, at least till the weather gets a bit warmer.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4006 on: 26 March, 2013, 04:10:53 pm »
I've done a few spinning classes. I find it incredibly hard work. Probably over-doing it, hitting my max HR etc.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4007 on: 26 March, 2013, 04:23:46 pm »
Well, I hadn't got round to adding the 3rd coffee of the day, or the tin of soup. Both added since I posted that I needed to eat more. But that still leaves me on only 622 calories consumed so far, and hungry. I drove in today, so no exercise to speak of, but that still leaves me with 1250 calories left. I'm hungry, but that shouldn't be surprising given how little I've eaten so far.

For me (and Boab, I think) this has been one of the most striking aspects of low-carbing. Hunger is a completely different sensation. Not only that, hunger seems completely detached from energy level - so I can be hungry in so far as my guts are grumbling, but it doesn't slow the energy flow at all, and there is no mental imperative to eat.


Low carb hunger: Erm. When you've next got a moment... y'know, I know you're busy and everything... but it's empty down here, so when you get a chance...

Normally, I don't find it too bad. Yesterday I had a 1,000 calorie deficit which is catching up with me a bit today. My target is a 250 calorie deficit.


  • Крис Б
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4008 on: 26 March, 2013, 05:30:42 pm »
Come on, cheer up folks!  ;D

I've eaten less than 400 calories so far today, as I'm on a fasting day (still doing that intermittent fasting thang). Dinner will be between 200 and 300 calories all in. It will taste great, because food does when you're feeling HUNGRY.

Hunger pangs not too bad today. I find it helps if you've got plenty to occupy yourself. That's why I usually fast at work, most days I simply don't have time to notice I'm a bit peckish...
Embrace your inner Fred.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4009 on: 27 March, 2013, 06:41:37 am »
I think I've lost weight this week.
Or not.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4010 on: 27 March, 2013, 07:00:03 am »
I've done a few spinning classes. I find it incredibly hard work. Probably over-doing it, hitting my max HR etc.

On another thread ... Sufferfest vids if you think you are not YET overdoing it. (tbh I can't hack the suggested cadence for much more than the warm up, but the idea is that you put in a % of your own ability)


  • Fat'n'slow
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4011 on: 27 March, 2013, 08:34:34 am »
Usual first-week "easy" loss. Hard work starts now.  :'(


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4012 on: 27 March, 2013, 09:30:36 am »
I've done a few spinning classes. I find it incredibly hard work. Probably over-doing it, hitting my max HR etc.

On another thread ... Sufferfest vids if you think you are not YET overdoing it. (tbh I can't hack the suggested cadence for much more than the warm up, but the idea is that you put in a % of your own ability)

Did my first Sufferfest last week.

Oh my.


  • Крис Б
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4013 on: 27 March, 2013, 10:03:11 am »
Down another 1.1kg this week. I've now reached the target that I originally set for the end of September. 4kg have come off in less than two months. So I've a new target, to lose another 4kg. Then I should be at what I consider an 'optimal' BMI and % body fat. I'll just stick to the intermittent fasting, it's manageable and it seems to be working.
Embrace your inner Fred.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4014 on: 27 March, 2013, 10:10:38 am »
Spent the weekend away at a wedding, and properly, properly feasted.  Need to get the eating reined back in. I'm currently an insatiable monster again.  Will look at perhaps kicking off the alternate day fasting again.  It's very difficult once you've gone off it for a while. Especially after a long weekend of waking up to full cooked breakfasts every morning...


  • Just do it!
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4015 on: 27 March, 2013, 01:09:47 pm »
Have (yet again) not been weighed.
Big Passover meal Monday night.
I think my hip and waist measurements are about 1cm less than when last measured so I am hopeful I might have lost a little.


  • Крис Б
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4016 on: 27 March, 2013, 02:01:04 pm »
Another handy indicator is to just look in the mirror. The slight chubbiness is gone from my cheeks; the double chin is receding; my abdomen, seen in profile looks substantially slimmer than it did two months ago. The love handles, moobs and spare tyre are slowly shrinking. This, to my mind, is the best possible motivation to keep going. That, and power to weight ratio on a bike: just seems less effort to get up hills these days...
Embrace your inner Fred.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4017 on: 27 March, 2013, 03:26:28 pm »
Another handy indicator is to just look in the mirror. The slight chubbiness is gone from my cheeks, the double chin is receding, my abdomen, seen in profile looks substantially slimmer than it did two months ago. The love handles, moobs and spare tyre are slowly shrinking. This, to my mind, is the best possible motivation to keep going. That, and power to weight ratio on a bike: just seems less effort to get up hills these days...
I have set up a couple of mirrors in the bedroom.One is set at the side of the bed so I see myself every time I get out of bed ,not a pretty sight.I look terrible sat on the bed.The other mirror is set up on the wall and that doesn't look as bad if I breathe in.A good motivator,if a tad depressing.
Trouble is I seem to have reached a plateau. I am not doing any special diet,but preparing  my own food and avoiding takeaways and processed foods.On the plus side I have lost quite a lot this year,look thiner in the face and my jeans have become looser.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4018 on: 28 March, 2013, 07:26:15 am »
Back up this week.  :(
But not surprising considering what I eat over the weekend (Party on Saturday night with excellent buffet.  Don't often get cheese like that!) and of course the weather is still curbing the exercise. 
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Lavender Bike Menace
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4019 on: 28 March, 2013, 02:38:13 pm »
Another handy indicator is to just look in the mirror. The slight chubbiness is gone from my cheeks, the double chin is receding, my abdomen, seen in profile looks substantially slimmer than it did two months ago. The love handles, moobs and spare tyre are slowly shrinking. This, to my mind, is the best possible motivation to keep going. That, and power to weight ratio on a bike: just seems less effort to get up hills these days...
I have set up a couple of mirrors in the bedroom.One is set at the side of the bed so I see myself every time I get out of bed ,not a pretty sight.I look terrible sat on the bed.The other mirror is set up on the wall and that doesn't look as bad if I breathe in.A good motivator,if a tad depressing.
Trouble is I seem to have reached a plateau. I am not doing any special diet,but preparing  my own food and avoiding takeaways and processed foods.On the plus side I have lost quite a lot this year,look thiner in the face and my jeans have become looser.

Suspicious of self-disgust as a motivating tool.  Tends to depress people.  Which can lead on to self-defeating comfort eating (and worse).
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked: Allen Ginsberg
The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads: Jeff Hammerbacher


  • Крис Б
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4020 on: 28 March, 2013, 08:26:31 pm »

Suspicious of self-disgust as a motivating tool.  Tends to depress people.  Which can lead on to self-defeating comfort eating (and worse).

I wasn't referring to self-disgust, It's the visible improvement which is motivating. You can literally see what has been achieved.
Embrace your inner Fred.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4021 on: 28 March, 2013, 10:25:30 pm »
You can now add your waist, in cm. You need to add weight at the same time or it will be treated as weight (order is weight then waist).

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4022 on: 29 March, 2013, 12:37:33 am »
Need to join in this again. A lot of work to do...
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4023 on: 29 March, 2013, 12:58:05 am »
For anyone who wants to record their waist, and has also recorded their height, the graph computes the waist:height ratio. Wikipedia has a page giving a table here

The ratio should ideally be <0.5. Obese is defined as 0.5770 and above and substantially increased risk 0.5820. As with BMI, I will add some coloured bands to represent the ranges when I have time. Mine is about 0.44; I haven’t measured my waist today, I’m assuming it is about the same as it was last time!


  • Just do it!
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #4024 on: 29 March, 2013, 01:03:52 am »
0.45. I think that's OK...