Author Topic: Weight Loss Discussion Thread  (Read 1336062 times)

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #425 on: 29 January, 2009, 07:09:03 pm »
Static this week.
However, that did include a totally unexpected Burns' Night Supper (with too much beer) and a couple of other nights with more beer than sense.

When I said upthread about budgeting the booze in first I forgot to mention that you have to stick to the budget!  ::-)

"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #426 on: 01 February, 2009, 07:58:58 am »
Down to 104kg.

It would have been a better result had I stuck to my 'no booze' policy.


Chris S

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #427 on: 04 February, 2009, 07:27:36 am »
As well as weight, as tracked on the Weight loss thread, I'm also measuring BF% and waist measurement.

I measure BF% with a Tanita scale. TBH I didn't expect anything much - there are some who know a lot about them here who don't rate them as body composition devices. But what the hell - they're in the bedroom, I may as well use them. Here are the measurements so far:

Jan 1 22.5
Feb 4 19.9

So - whether you believe the absolute figure or not (if you look at me - about 20% doesn't seem unreasonable) there is a definite downward trend, born out (just about) by the weight trend and also by my waist measurements (in cm):

Jan 1: 96
Feb 4: 93

So, I'm encouraged by this - which helps to spur me on. It really looks like I'm losing fat rather than muscle (which I'm really trying hard to keep) and some of it at least is coming from my belly - which it needs to!

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #428 on: 04 February, 2009, 12:13:14 pm »
I've managed to loose the 7lb I put on over Christmas.  My partner's been doing weightwatchers for a couple of years and got down from nearly 14 stone to under 10, she's still going.  I've been half-heartedly counting points for the last year, and kept my weight more or less stable, but since Christmas started taking it a lot more seriously.  I've been doing most of the cooking for a while, and most of that in bulk, so it's not that much extra effort to record the calories and fat in everything going in - doing the arithmetic and putting the points value on all the freezer tubs.

I'm not finding it too hard at the moment - but it's early days.

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #429 on: 05 February, 2009, 07:33:56 pm »
I use the 'cold bed' technique to keep my weight down. I think it is very effective and easy too. You go to bed wearing nothing but shorts, pants or similar. You are allowed no artificial or external source of heating i.e. no electric blanket, no hot water bottle, etc. When you go to bed, yes, it's cold but it does warm-up and you know that when you wake the bed will be lovely toasty warm. This warmth comes from your body burning calories. You lose weight going to bed! Very easy. This technique is more effective for single people.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #430 on: 05 February, 2009, 08:17:44 pm »
Although I'm guilty of scales watching too, weight is actually a rather poor measure of progress.

Most people's weight bounces around all over the place, and only exhibits a trend over a long span of time - say, 6 months.

I don't think this is correct, your body weight will fluctuate depending how hydrated you are but a one pound fat loss a week (daily 500 Kcal deficit )  will show after a couple of weeks and definitely after a month. Unless you  are doing a lot of anaerobic work on the days before you weigh yourself I doubt glycogen depletion will be affecting your weight, with Audax it is more likely to be dehydration. Weighing yourself first thing in the morning ( lowest hydration) ) after having a pee will give the most consistent results I know Tanita recommend weighing yourself late afternoon which gives the lowest fat reading as you are normally well hydrated then. I have had to control my weight my whole adult life  and have always recorded a weekly loss when on a restricted intake. In my experience of friends, work colleagues  and relatives dieting and not loosing weight it is either that they don't know the calorific value of what they are eating or they underestimate the quantity or both.


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #431 on: 06 February, 2009, 07:35:46 am »
I'm astonished to find that this week, despite having flu and a bad case of the trots my weight has stayed the same.  I thought that having hardy eaten a morsel for several days I might have lost something.


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #432 on: 06 February, 2009, 09:01:18 am »
I use the 'cold bed' technique ... This technique is more effective for single people.

Depends how much like an ice block your partner is ;)

And it doesn't seem to be working for me.  My weight is going up :(
Getting there...

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #433 on: 06 February, 2009, 02:45:52 pm »
I measure BF% with a Tanita scale.
I have some of these scales but I've lost the instructions on how to set them up to give the body fat percentage - can you let me know the routine?


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #434 on: 06 February, 2009, 02:51:18 pm »
I measure BF% with a Tanita scale.
I have some of these scales but I've lost the instructions on how to set them up to give the body fat percentage - can you let me know the routine?

Just enter 'manual' in the searchbox and you can download a PDF for your particular model.


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #435 on: 06 February, 2009, 02:58:24 pm »
Weight up again.  Oh this is awful :(
Getting there...


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #436 on: 06 February, 2009, 08:40:16 pm »
As well as weight, as tracked on the Weight loss thread, I'm also measuring BF% and waist measurement.

I measure BF% with a Tanita scale. TBH I didn't expect anything much - there are some who know a lot about them here who don't rate them as body composition devices. But what the hell - they're in the bedroom, I may as well use them. Here are the measurements so far:

Jan 1 22.5
Feb 4 19.9

So - whether you believe the absolute figure or not (if you look at me - about 20% doesn't seem unreasonable) there is a definite downward trend, born out (just about) by the weight trend and also by my waist measurements (in cm):

Jan 1: 96
Feb 4: 93

So, I'm encouraged by this - which helps to spur me on. It really looks like I'm losing fat rather than muscle (which I'm really trying hard to keep) and some of it at least is coming from my belly - which it needs to!

I get a similar correlation.

It's rather more stark when I am doing shedloads of Audax.  At one point last year it was about 4% down on the peak body fat I hit at this kind of time of year.

It's only useful as a guide though - if I switch to athlete mode the number drops by more than the variation I get between thin and fat times of the year.  So how can it be accurate as an absolute measure?


  • I am a mole and I live in a hole.
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #437 on: 09 February, 2009, 10:52:59 am »
Oh I hope there's something wrong with my scales. Putting 7 pounds on in a single week shouldn't really be possible should it?  >:(

That's 4 weeks progress gone, back to stage 1.

Chris S

Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #438 on: 11 February, 2009, 08:31:56 am »
Bugger  >:(.

Not a good week; little exercise and too much rubbish to eat. Waiting for my cold to clear before I get outside and active again. Trouble with having a cold is, it encourages me to eat stodge and sugary stuff.

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #439 on: 11 February, 2009, 08:43:49 am »
I have deliberately avoided this thread until now. Started the year at 93.5ish. With a very careful approach (measure everything, don't snack between meals)  and trying to get some exercise in I am now down to something around 89. I have not yet seen 87 on the scales  and last night was a meal out, but still this morning before my run in to work it was under 90kg  :thumbsup:
Only 10kg to go before September, less than 5 before Easter.
"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #440 on: 11 February, 2009, 09:17:31 am »
Well done, David.  Being of a similar build to me, I imagine you find it hard to shift the excess, but you're somewhat lighter than me. 

I'm back to where I was a month ago.  So that has to be progress.  Getting back on the bike (albeit not full commuting) has certainly helped.

But there's a long way to go.  I need to lose another 2kg before I get to the magic 100kg mark.  I'll be happy to get through that.
Getting there...


  • I am a mole and I live in a hole.
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #441 on: 11 February, 2009, 01:02:00 pm »
Not as bad as I thought. Put a couple of pounds back on, I'm not being strict enough with myself.

Damn you tasty cider!

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #442 on: 11 February, 2009, 04:42:24 pm »
Well done, David.  Being of a similar build to me, I imagine you find it hard to shift the excess, but you're somewhat lighter than me. 

I'm back to where I was a month ago.  So that has to be progress.  Getting back on the bike (albeit not full commuting) has certainly helped.

But there's a long way to go.  I need to lose another 2kg before I get to the magic 100kg mark.  I'll be happy to get through that.

Three or four years ago I was 105kg. What I found worked:

Be obsessive about what you eat for thirteen days a fortnight.  Eat a small breakfast, a small lunch and a moderate evening meal.  Small means exactly that. 1 weetabix, no sugar for example. I measure the museli by the spoon (three desert spoons is the usual).
Don't eat between meals. If you are hungry then drink some water/herbal tea. Any amount of fruit or veg is allowed but limit the carbs - you don't need a portion that big. You should have enough to give you the energy you need but not enough to feel full full. 

Exercise when you can - on a good week I do six days out of seven. On a poor week, 1 with a session of at least half an hour.

And the weight will fall off like crazy. It does help having a not hugely stressful job as dealing with things when energy depleted is not the easiest.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #443 on: 11 February, 2009, 05:39:17 pm »
I like the sound of that David.There is a lot sense in there. I will try that & see if I can be firm with myself & make it happen because I seem to have reached a plateau at 94.5 kg.


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #444 on: 11 February, 2009, 09:16:43 pm »
I do comfort eat when stressed, and things are difficult just now.
Getting there...

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #445 on: 12 February, 2009, 09:45:13 am »
I do comfort eat when stressed, and things are difficult just now.

A comfort mug of coffee or tea is far better than comfort chocolate eclairs, at least in the long run.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


  • No Longer a western province of NĂºmenor
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #446 on: 12 February, 2009, 06:26:21 pm »
I've reached my danger stage.

Having lost about 7 pounds, I am now stalled again - this is the point at which I often give up - where as what I need to do is push it just that bit further.

Annoyingly I saw 13:8 on the scales at the weekend - 3lb lighter than now - but I think I was dehydrated after a 20mile ride and no fluids.


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #447 on: 12 February, 2009, 07:33:47 pm »
I've reached my danger stage.

Having lost about 7 pounds, I am now stalled again - this is the point at which I often give up - where as what I need to do is push it just that bit further.

Annoyingly I saw 13:8 on the scales at the weekend - 3lb lighter than now - but I think I was dehydrated after a 20mile ride and no fluids.

7lbs is great progress.  Don't be put off though, sometimes a plateau is reached.  Perhaps there has been an increase in muscle tone, which is always good. :-*


Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #448 on: 12 February, 2009, 07:56:08 pm »
Annoyingly I saw 13:8 on the scales at the weekend - 3lb lighter than now

It is tempting to weigh yourself more frequently than once a week but it can be misleading and demoralising if it doesn't show what you are hoping. I have found it is best  to get into the habit of weighing myself just once a week at the same time, the best  time for the most consistent results are after you get up and have had a pee. I find the Tanita fat scales useful, firstly they are more accurate than spring scales as they use a strain gauge and I find the fat, water and lean muscle figures interesting and motivating although I accept they are not completely accurate they do give personal trends. I find cutting out booze, visible fats and less of everything else works for me. I don't think exercise plays a big part in the short term.


  • Tyke
Re: Weight Loss Discussion Thread
« Reply #449 on: 13 February, 2009, 12:57:42 pm »
I do comfort eat when stressed, and things are difficult just now.

A comfort mug of coffee or tea is far better than comfort chocolate eclairs, at least in the long run.


True.  But I need to be careful about the caffeine intake too.

Time to bring herbal teabags to work, I think :)
Getting there...