Author Topic: Easter Denmead 600 perm  (Read 3057 times)


  • Where there is doubt...
Easter Denmead 600 perm
« on: 16 March, 2009, 09:51:54 pm »
Assuming all goes well on The Dean, I'm minded to ride the Denmead 600 perm sometime over Easter on the grounds that I have a slightly used Brevet in my drawer (ahem) and the calendar event is a tadge close to LEL. My objective is simply to clock some long miles before heading off to Wales in May whilst hopefully getting round in something under 40 hours. Left to my own devices I'll probably start near Membury. I know its a busy time and there are other events on but letters of interest are invited.

n.b., For those not familiar with the route it breaks down to 400km and 200km loop so its possible to ride part of the route if you dont fancy the whole distance.


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #1 on: 17 March, 2009, 08:15:31 am »
Can't help there.

Am confined to barracks over Easter.

Next out on the 18th.


Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #2 on: 17 March, 2009, 08:25:03 am »

Will keep an eye on this, and hope to offer at least a wave as you fly through Bradford on Avon.

Family stuff likely to prevent riding.
And at the moment, I'm not confident of surviving The Dean, or the CCB 6 days before.
Unfinished business on the Denmead, though.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #3 on: 20 March, 2009, 11:10:03 am »
Cheers Tony. I'm flexible on dates if it means some company.

Has anybody got a GPX route/track for the Denmead 600?

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #4 on: 09 April, 2009, 06:06:36 am »

As anticipated, family stuff  IS  preventing me from riding. (Plus alarming lack of miles.)

Manotea - if you are having a go at it, if you give me a rough idea when you might be coming through Bradford on Avon (going north presumably), I'll try and ride out to meet you and then ride with you for a bit.  Depends on time of day/night and what else happens here.

I've got a routesheet from the hot Calendar Event of... 2006?


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #5 on: 09 April, 2009, 03:47:00 pm »
I'm currently thinking of riding on the 23/24 April (a Thursday/Friday). Last chance to get some miles in before a week away from home from the Saturday. Its a moveable feast though.

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #6 on: 10 April, 2009, 08:19:06 am »

I'll watch for updates!

Anyone else??

(I'm hoping to get a 200 perm in on Monday. And fearing it may be best to let Elenith closing-date-for-entries pass me by. Not riding well.)


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #7 on: 22 April, 2009, 10:39:37 am »
Well, it looks like I'm set to ride tomorrow. Plan is to start from Sutton Scotney about 6am. This puts Bradford around the 200km/4pm mark (hopefully...).


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #8 on: 22 April, 2009, 11:48:45 am »
Well, it looks like I'm set to ride tomorrow. Plan is to start from Sutton Scotney about 6am. This puts Bradford around the 200km/4pm mark (hopefully...).

When are you aiming to be at Denmead?



  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #9 on: 22 April, 2009, 12:31:47 pm »
Thats an interesting question.

I'm allowing 22hrs for the 400km loop, a 4hr break then 12 hours for the 200km loop, leaving a couple of hours for contingency.

Assuming a 6am start from Sutton Scotney on Day 1, that would put me into Denmead (45km) ~7:45 and a depart from SS going north on Day 2 ~8am. 

A SS start has the attraction of flushing loos, but if there's company to be had (for either day) I could start from Denmead. I could park outside 'The Nest'...


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #10 on: 22 April, 2009, 03:00:21 pm »
Thats an interesting question.

I'm allowing 22hrs for the 400km loop, a 4hr break then 12 hours for the 200km loop, leaving a couple of hours for contingency.

Assuming a 6am start from Sutton Scotney on Day 1, that would put me into Denmead (45km) ~7:45 and a depart from SS going north on Day 2 ~8am. 

A SS start has the attraction of flushing loos, but if there's company to be had (for either day) I could start from Denmead. I could park outside 'The Nest'...

I was interested to see if I could offer moral support.

It now seems like I am in London for the rest of the week.  :-[


Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #11 on: 24 April, 2009, 08:16:16 am »
Well, it looks like I'm set to ride tomorrow. Plan is to start from Sutton Scotney about 6am. This puts Bradford around the 200km/4pm mark (hopefully...).

I didn't see this until after your possible start time...   At 2.30 I rode south from Bradford along(?) the route: Faulkland, Nunney, Truddoxhill, Maiden Bradley, then the wrong road to Sutton Veney. Sorry not to find you (and would probably have had trouble keeping up) but thanks for getting me out of the door!


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #12 on: 24 April, 2009, 09:23:35 pm »
Well, I'm definately getting Full Value from my Denmead 600 Perm brevet. It's clocked 800km so far.

I drove down to Sutton Scotney and spent a vaguely pleasant night in the back of my MPV in the Sutton Scotney Travelodge carpark and woke up to heavy early mist. Wandered over to the services to get changed and grab a coffee and receipt, moved the car and set off for Denmead circa 6:30. The mist was a bit of a surprise as I was expecting it to be clear overnight in which case it would have been really cold. Whilst the air felt a bit damp - there was a heavy dew - and there was a rather cool southerly wind blowing I soon warmed up and peeled off an outer layer. By the time I reached Denmead the mist had given way to a glorious spring morning.  Perfect.

After Denmead the southly headwind turned into a crosswind which was to accompany me most of the ride. I knew the first section of the route was fairly flat so I kept the 75' gear (42x15) I''d used for my last couple of 200km outings. My fitness has improved dramatically since I started riding this year and I was pleased with my form, climbing well out of the saddle and spinning along hard on the drops. I made it up the hill which wound its way up past Old Sarum which was good and was only beaten by one 1:5 ish hill before Bradford which I reached shortly after 4pm, call it 9:30 for 200km. Things were looking good. I knew the next stage was going to be a lot tougher so I turned my wheel round  for 71" (42x16) under the watchful eye of a Sainsburys security guard, "You're doing a good job there, are you a pro?". "er, not exactly".

Following my GPS through a side street out of town, it helpfully took me straight up a 1:4 which I of course walked until it joined the main road where I finished off the hill out of town, keenly aware that I only had a few hours of daylight left. The next stage had a couple of info's - Hawkesbury Upton and Wotten under Edge - but I didn't have the info questions so I picked up some receipts instead, which cost some time. A glass of lemonade from the pub in Hawkesbury hit the spot. The barman regretted asking the traditional question ('going far'). Fortunately the route approaches Hawkesbury from the easy side; the same cannot be said of Wotton which has an interesting climb at Alderley (walked) before the main approach to Wotton (rode). The sting in the tail of Wotton is that on the way out the road dips down before climbing up (very) high again. As I headed off down a country lane I realised that I'd made a hash of plotting the route on my GPS and spent some time grovelling around in hilly country lanes before I made my way back to the main route where I resumed the long climb to the top (so I'm 'morally' claiming that one). After that I pushed on to Cirencester arriving around 9:30. I was rather nervous about getting lost on the final approach to the control as the route sheet goes 'off road' at the last so I'd previously decided to stick to the road. This cost me a couple of km but meant that I was sure to arrive. (If you're on the calendar ride make a point of asking Pam exactly where that 'Red and White' gate is!). Leaving I kicked off straight down the A419 but tempted by a signpost for 'The Ampneys' turned to early and found myself heading away from Down Ampney. An adjustment to the GPS saw me heading more or less straight for Castle Eaten, the waypoint beyond Down Ampney, so that was all right. Then it was simply a matter of keeping on keeping on, pushing along mostly country lanes until I approached better known territory on the approach to Lambourn.

I was feeling good as I pushed up the road to Highworth but I had forgotten about the climb immediately after at Ashbury which is beyond me so I walked up only to meet the full force of that southerly wind as I crested the hill. It had been a constant companion for the day, mostly as a crosswind but now I was heading due South, straight into it, and at 1am after and 18hrs+ on the road, it wasn't warm. At this point I realised that a) I was at least 3, probably 4 hours to Sutton Scotney and b) on arrival I would be totally cold and shattered, so I packed into Membury Services. Ho Hum. I don't particularly recommed the tub seats but I managed several hours dozy sleep nonetheless  In the morning I hung around long enough to let the day warm up a little and then headed off back to Sutton Scotney. A happy discovery was that the route went through Hungerford so I popped into the Tutti Pole for some Egg on Beans on Toast and a pot of Tea. Excellent. After that I pushed on back to base through yet more glorious but not terribly warm spring sunshine. I played with the idea of doing the second loop anyway but it was past 12 by the time I reached the car and I didnt fancy a midnight finish so that was that.

On the plus side I've had a good day and a half on the bike covering ~425km with good energy levels and 'good legs' all the way round, and the fact is that I've always found 400km a tough distance. On the downside, the Brian Chapman is in three weeks and then there's the little matter of LEL. Happily there is still time and scope to improve so confidence remains high. Ish.

Epilogue: Riding along the Bourne valley, a racing snake passed by, all carbon frame, dura ace and assos. "This headwind is strong, is'nt it", he shouted as he disappeared down the road. 

Epilogue 2: The obvious question is why did I pack? I could have taken a sleep break at Membury and then got away before dawn to tackle the second day. I guess once my original schedule was blown I rather switched off but the real answer is that I wasn't fully committed to finishing. I was riding to train and test fitness as much as anything and it was important that I finished in good condition and morale so that I could continue to train. I find it takes me time to recover from a real hard ride, and the real test is in three weeks time.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #13 on: 24 April, 2009, 09:34:16 pm »
Well, it looks like I'm set to ride tomorrow. Plan is to start from Sutton Scotney about 6am. This puts Bradford around the 200km/4pm mark (hopefully...).

I didn't see this until after your possible start time...   At 2.30 I rode south from Bradford along(?) the route: Faulkland, Nunney, Truddoxhill, Maiden Bradley, then the wrong road to Sutton Veney. Sorry not to find you (and would probably have had trouble keeping up) but thanks for getting me out of the door!
Hi Tony. Sorry to have missed you. I hope you enjoyed the day. All the best. M.


Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #14 on: 24 April, 2009, 09:38:37 pm »
interesting climb at Ardingly (walked) where have I heard that before?

bad luck M; would have liked to join you; going for Severn Across?

having said I would never ever ever do another 600 I noticed I was free for South then North this year; although paying 50% income tax to Mr Darling (as if) is likely to intervene


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #15 on: 24 April, 2009, 10:05:15 pm »
interesting climb at Ardingly (walked) where have I heard that before?

bad luck M; would have liked to join you; going for Severn Across?

having said I would never ever ever do another 600 I noticed I was free for South then North this year; although paying 50% income tax to Mr Darling (as if) is likely to intervene
Sorry, that should read Alderley. No 7Across/Brevet Cymru for me as I'm away that weekend. I'm not making any more plans until after the Brian Chapman other then to say my objective thereafter is to work on getting faster for LEL, so unlikely to ride anything longer than 300km. So if I was making plans that would be it.

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #16 on: 25 April, 2009, 06:52:09 am »


A fine ride, and thanks for the interesting account.

There are several places around Bradford where GPS would send you on ways different from the (old) routesheet (eg both the steep hills you mention), so it wasn't really surprising that we didn't meet.

Sounds like you are going better and better, congrats!

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #17 on: 25 April, 2009, 09:05:53 am »
A good effort Manotea as Denmead is a hard ride on fixed. Maintaining the energy levels after 200+ km and keeping the average speed up is the key for longer rides; it sounds as though you kept it going better on this outing :thumbsup:

Suggest we plan for a 300 km (3 Down or WCW?) in 1st week of May.


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #18 on: 25 April, 2009, 10:10:09 am »
Never mind sweetie, it's all training.




Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #19 on: 25 April, 2009, 10:59:53 am »
I've attempted this ride as a perm 3 times; score MV 1, Denmead 600 2

Not at all an easy one

frere yacker

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #20 on: 25 April, 2009, 08:46:15 pm »
FY 0 D600 2

Third attempt this later year.

Re: Easter Denmead 600 perm
« Reply #21 on: 25 April, 2009, 08:59:50 pm »

TH nil     D600 one