Author Topic: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7  (Read 15696 times)

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #50 on: 07 July, 2009, 09:54:10 pm »

ps how long does it take for the bucketfulls of lactic to leave your legs ?

good stiff game of squash sorted it out for me ;) comes back again after you stop playing though.  ::-)


Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #51 on: 07 July, 2009, 09:55:04 pm »
nice pics...
whereabouts is the sun dappled lane?

Just before the Old Horseshoe Pass. That's what you missed by taking the main road on the Offa's Dyke. A lovely section but at either end there's a world of hurt.

Just about recovered now (if you think it's hard riding then try organising - I rode round the Clawdd Offa last weekend and it was a piece of cake compared to running the thing). So here's the organisator's report...

A good crowd gathered at the hall on Friday night before promptly disappearing down the pub. I left them to it in favour of an early night as that was the last sleep I was likely to get. Up early (definitely wasn't bright and) at 0400 to get the start on the road. In the end entries were split 13/19 between the two variants with 3 DNS on the Offa's Dyke and 1 on the Clawdd Offa.

Bad luck to Bez on the wheel blowout. 2 more packed on the return to U.M. on Saturday night, bringing the total DNF to 4. The first 300k of the Clawdd Offa on it's own has 5100m of climbing, or very nearly an MSG's worth.

The last of the survivors were out of the hall by 7am on Sunday, leaving me to set off the 11 electing only to do the second day in the form of the Clwydian Horseshoe. This in itself should not be underestimated - no-one has yet got under 11 hours for the standalone 200.

Needless to say, Ray Robinson was the first one back. The times made interesting reading in comparison to last year, when just under 50% of the field took more than 40hours. This year only 4 riders took 40hrs+. There was obviously a split between the two rides though as most of the Clawdd Offa's were back quite quickly compared to last year, whereas 8 of the 14 finishers on the Offa's Dyke were within the last hour.

Special mention must be made of David Jackson who was the first to lug his trike round only to finish 30 minutes out of time.

The 50 entrants for the Irish Mail have now been whittled down to 11 remaining in contention for the Pengwern SR. Having done the two hardest rides you owe it to yourself to complete the set now...

Well done to everyone who finished. The Offa's Dyke rides will return in 2011. Come and qualify for PBP the hard way.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #52 on: 08 July, 2009, 11:49:15 am »
Yes - 'Julian signs his life away' is about right ;D  I must as admit I didn't have a ride that was as quick as last year - several low points and just had to plod along.  Edwin - certainly is one very fit 60 year old and he must have been even quicker at my age (not saying).  Thank you John and Linda for all the support, food and a great hall.    You will get a entry for the 400 and 1000 km ride next year as soon as they go on the calandar.

A great ride and I agree with Swiss Hat - it is  'classic' put this ride on at the same time of year as the Chapman and it really would be a hard one.  All I can say is 'come and have a go if you are double hard enough and are just don't give up (have the bl**dy mindness and strength of an OX).

Thank you for Alastair for sticking with me on the way back and for Edwin (and the rest of the ride) et al company on the night section.

I have done the 200, 400 and 600 km ride.  Now for 300 km one one we after LEL, John says its the easy one - I don't agree because I know those roads.

See you up the road on 300 km.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #53 on: 08 July, 2009, 07:03:45 pm »
I'm the person sporting the "the cool spinning look" in Iddu's photo and also one of the people who DNF'd on the return to Upton Magna.

I started the ride with leaden legs and a sudden lack of enthusiasm. It took me a long while to get going. I enjoyed the ride to Chepstow and butcherboy's company helped the miles to Hay fly by. Unfortunately, I really struggled on the return to UM and despite arriving in reasonable-ish time I had had enough. I didn't enjoy the 200km back to Upton Magna and not even a Pengwern SR and a crossing of the Pontcysyllte aqueduct could induce me to struggle for another 200km.

It was a wonderful route and I'll definitely be back next time, fitter and hopefully more successful than this time. Many thanks to John, Linda and the other helpers at Upton Magna who made me very welcome, both on Friday and on Sunday morning when they had lots of other things to do.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #54 on: 08 July, 2009, 10:47:02 pm »
Ouch! Picking this ride as my first Audax with any AAA points at all was in retrospect a bit ambitious! But the fabulous countryside and the excellent facilities and welcome at Upton Magna village hall really won me over. I was tempted only briefly by the option of switching to the "real" ride but luckily common sense and funk prevented such folly and I watched the gang of Audax 'ard men set off at 5.00 a.m. whilst still munching my brekkie. My gang got away an hour later and as usual quickly split onto various groups. I gradually filtered gently backwards through the field until I was, I thought, at the back and settled down to plod my way up and down - mostly up it seemed - through Hay to Chepstow and on to Eardisley where having gradually accumulated time in hand, I spent rather too much of it waiting for lasagne and chips. This, coupled with a declining pace and some aggravation from the front mech, which had a fit of the temperamentals and starting throwing the chain inside the granny ring as soon as it got dark, caused me to arrive at Upton Magna with only an hour in hand.

My stop at the hall ate up all my spare time but rather surprisingly, I managed to resist the temptation to pack and got started again despite the fact that I now had to do the remaining 230k, including a lot more climbing, at the full 15kph. The run to the info however wasn't too bad, hills-wise and I was therefore able to "get a run-up" for the first climb to the Ponderosa. What a bl**dy awful road! Tackled earlier in the morning and without the strafing from the incessant motorcycle gangs it might have been enjoyable, but the traffic and the appalling road surface really got to me and I was in a foul mood by the time I hit the cafe. Luckily, I met up here with Alan, with whom I'd ridden the latter stages of the Severn Across, and we teamed up again to give mutual encouragement for the rest of the ride. Prestatyn was dealt with as promptly as possible, as the wind was now in our faces and we had only 30 minutes in hand. This was eaten up by the ascents back up to the Ponderosa which we gained bang on the closing time. The descent to Llangollen wasn't as much fun as it should have been as it showered just as we set off and only the strange farting sound made by an oncoming car as it drove over it reminded me that there was a cattle grid to cross where I would otherwise have been doing about 40 mph in the wet! Fortunately the final run home flattened out (a bit!) and we finally pottered into the finish in the company of two other riders who caught us with 4k to go (sorry, didn't get any names!) about 50 minutes ahead of the deadline.

Some welcome scoff and chat at the hall preceded a good night's kip and a steady drive home in the morning with that satisfied smug feeling you get when you feel you've done a good ride. Despite the usual promise to self made in the rain at God-only-knows o'clock in the middle of the night, struggling for the fourth time to replace the chain, that I'm never ever going to do one these rides again, no doubt I'll be back for more in 2011. Next time, perhaps I'll try the "proper" ride!

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #55 on: 22 August, 2015, 10:12:53 pm »
Sorry for bumping old threads but what happened to this event
nam dan on fb


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #56 on: 23 August, 2015, 09:24:12 am »
Sorry for bumping old threads but what happened to this event
We shot the Org and buried the body... ;D
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #57 on: 23 August, 2015, 02:13:10 pm »
The organiser stopped running it and nobody took over the reins.  This is the reason many events come to an end (usually because something in Real Life demands more time and this has to come from somewhere).

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #58 on: 23 August, 2015, 06:44:56 pm »
Ah sorry quite new to these things anybody have a gpx for me to explore
nam dan on fb

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #59 on: 23 August, 2015, 09:26:28 pm »
It was always a great event - challenging with plenty of contours and interesting route. Plus there was the special John H organisation and tlc at Upton Magna.

I can forward the gpx if you pm me your email.


  • aka John Hamilton
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #60 on: 25 August, 2015, 06:44:25 pm »
I last ran the original set of Pengwern events (Wrekin to Sea 300, Irish Mail 400 and Offa's Dyke 600) back in 2011. The 300 got replaced by the Elenydd when I took that over from Dave Pountney for the following year. The 400 and 600 were discontinued as a) the number of entrants (~20 each in 2011) wasn't sufficient to make them either financially viable or justify the amount of work required, and b) having got myself on the AUK board I just didn't have the time to run a full SR series of events.

I've still got all the route sheets, GPS files etc. PM me your details and I'll send you a copy.

After a break from organising this year, it may be time to give them another go in 2016. The routes were too good to disappear.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #61 on: 25 August, 2015, 08:58:30 pm »
I would certainly be interested in a John H run Offas Dyke 600 in 2016 if such was on offer at an appropriate date  :thumbsup: I do like the Upton Magna experience  ;D , and pub`s pretty good too !!!
....after the `tarte de pommes`, and  fortified by a couple of shots of limoncellos,  I flew up the Col de Bavella whilst thunderstorms rolled around the peaks above

Ben T

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #62 on: 25 August, 2015, 10:40:38 pm »
The offas dyke 600 was a great audax, one of the  first audaxes I ever did , back in 2009.

Wasn't there one called heart of Wales that was part of the SR as well?


Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #63 on: 27 August, 2015, 05:10:50 pm »
I should also remark that whilst events drop off the calendar, this can sometimes be temporary as they are "rested".  If I remember right, John felt he wanted a break from organising too many events, particularly the longer ones, having put on a large number (not just Offa's Dyke, but his full SR series, a clutch of 200s and Mille Cymru, and being heavily involved in LEL on top of being, phew, Events Secretary). 

Sometimes the fires reignite and it's not unheard of for organisers to come back and kickstart/refresh their events.  Best way to find out is to email John if he intends on running Offa's Dyke again, and if not then there may be the option to run it as the new organiser.


  • aka John Hamilton
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #64 on: 27 August, 2015, 06:17:56 pm »
Currently juggling dates with my own diary, plus other likely event dates. But subject to hall availability I'm considering Offa's Dyke 600 either end of June or first weekend in July. And a new 400 either early June or mid August depending on whether I decide to put on a calendar version of my Enter The Dragon (6 AAA) and Barcud Coch perms.

Plus the Elenydd (30th anniversary edition) of course.

Wasn't there one called heart of Wales that was part of the SR as well?

300k started life as Wrekin to Sea, then renamed to Heart of Wales.