Author Topic: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7  (Read 15689 times)

Chris N

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #25 on: 29 June, 2009, 04:22:46 pm »
Roll call and whos doing the Clawdd Offa  ::-)  I'm in


Neither - I came to my senses and entered the Clwydian Horseshoe instead.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #26 on: 29 June, 2009, 05:03:56 pm »
I'm dns'ing, reckon I will enjoy a weekend at home in the garden more.

Best wishes for a great ride for all those that do!


Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #27 on: 29 June, 2009, 05:31:07 pm »
How many entries so far?

30 entries so far. 13 Clawdd Offa (including 5 repeat offenders from last year - interestingly no-one from last year has opted for the easier version) & 17 Offa's Dyke.

YACF Roll Call - Joolz, iddu, mikek, swisshat, daveb, bez. All on the Clawdd Offa.
Paul D, Ben_Taylor, ploddinPedro & vistaed on the Offa's Dyke.

I got my ride in at the weekend. The heat and humidity made it tough. Forecast is for it to cool down at the end of the week so should be a bit easier for you all.


  • Real name: James
    • Everyday stories
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #28 on: 29 June, 2009, 07:39:38 pm »
I'm entered for the Offa's Dyke route, but might be persuaded on Saturday morning to head out on the Clawdd Offa.

Looking forward to it after my DNF on the Brain Chapman but I'm bringing gears for this one!

after hardship comes ease -

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #29 on: 29 June, 2009, 10:14:40 pm »
Does anyone have a .gpx file for this? (Either event.)

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #30 on: 30 June, 2009, 07:03:17 am »
I'm on the easier Offa's route, and shan't be changing on the day thanks! Are the controls the same for both?


Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #31 on: 30 June, 2009, 08:28:02 am »
I'm on the easier Offa's route, and shan't be changing on the day thanks! Are the controls the same for both?

Not quite. Offa's Dyke misses out the second visit to Hay in favour of going to Eardisley instead for a visit to The New Strand cafe/restaurant/pub/bookshop/post office/everything else in the village.

Does anyone have a .gpx file for this? (Either event.)

I've got both routes plotted out on TrackLogs. I'll sort them out later. Anyone who wants one PM or email me. I'll have my laptop with me at the weekend as well so I can transfer straight to GPS.


  • Real name: James
    • Everyday stories
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #32 on: 30 June, 2009, 12:49:01 pm »
Is there any hall space the night before Irish Mail style? My usual tardiness means I have no digs yet for Friday night and I think the drive from Dorset will be a bit much on Saturday morning.
Yep. Same arrangements as the 400. In the hall or camp outside. Hall is booked for Sunday night as well if needed.

John,  I plan to sleep in the hall on Friday night.

James G
after hardship comes ease -

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #33 on: 30 June, 2009, 02:50:03 pm »
yeah I'm hoping to sleep in the hall aswell please John if that's ok.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #34 on: 30 June, 2009, 04:49:43 pm »
I'd like a spot in the hall on friday night, sunday morning and sunday night please!

Chris N

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #35 on: 04 July, 2009, 09:12:24 pm »
Message from Paul D at 7 o'clock - 250km, heading North towards Newtown with another rider.  Sounded like he was going well, but the hills are relentless.


  • Carpe Cerevisi.
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #36 on: 04 July, 2009, 10:10:39 pm »
"Come and have a go (if you think you're hard enough)" as the tagline for this event goes.

Whether I am or not is unproven. Today unfortunately my bike wasn't, with a badly broken rear wheel rim ending my participation in the Clawdd Offa near the top of the Gospel Pass at approx 105 k.

I'd had a bad journey down last night, not much sleep, gone off route within the first 10k and was physically struggling a bit after only 20k. However after that I was going well and caught up with Joolz and Edwin Hargraves (not on a trike this time) at the Hay-on-Wye control.

They left there slightly before me and when I left I had nearly 2hrs in hand after the first control (still a long way to go though!). The Gospel Pass climb was not proving too bad when I heard a bang and looked down to see a blown tire and a chunk of wheel rim missing - game over.

A call to John confirmed that Abergavenny was the best way to get back to Shrewsbury. I then managed to flag down a Range Rover driven by a bloke called Toby who drove me down to the main road - what a star.

Managing to get to the railway station I joined Tim from Shrewsbury who had just packed from the Offa's Dyke with bad cramp. Our next challenge was that after Hereford the train had been replaced by a bus service due to engineering works. "You won't be able to take your bikes on that" was the ticket inspector's considered opinion but the bus driver let us - another bit of luck/ kindness.

Got back to Shrewsbury station then people carrier taxi back to the hall and on my way home by 16:30.

Could have been a lot worse: could have happened going down the Pass or in the middle of the night. However my first ever DNF and very disappointing.

John very kindly offered a spare wheel so I could take part in tomorrow's Clwydian Horseshoe but mentally I was already in an "cycling over this weekend" state so home it was.

I didn't see much of the route but can vouch for the relentless hills.

Many thanks John for putting this on - I hope to be back when it runs again.

Chris N

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #37 on: 04 July, 2009, 10:49:14 pm »
Paul and vistaed have just left Newtown - 310km done, 60km to go back to the hall in Upton.  It's pretty much flat back to the hall, so they should be back by 1-ish for a kip.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #38 on: 06 July, 2009, 08:48:47 am »
I'm just back home after a long weekend.

The ride was excellent, and I'm happy with my Offa choice rather than the Clwdd route as we got some faster sections to recover in between the tough but lovely hilly sections. Everybody seems to make comparisons with the Chapman so I'll follow suit - certainly a tougher way to get similar AAA points but more to look back on and smile about. I think they're like your two sons - you're supposed to like them equally, but secretly you always have a favourite. ;)

vistaed was excellent company start to finish, and in return I made sure he didn't even consider going back to bed at 5.30am sunday morning, and apparently provided a service in pacing him for the first sections (I think that means I slowed him up :P). Congrats on your first SR James. Chris N also dawdled along with us for the ride back from the coast on Sunday.

More later maybe. I need some more sleep first, then might make an appearance at work this afternoon.

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #39 on: 06 July, 2009, 09:40:01 am »
got back at about 17:40 on sun with a fella called Robin who I'd rode with for most of the ride, not sure if he's anybody on here but sound chap, good company and excellent riding :)

exxcellent weather, only had one slight shower on the way back up the horseshoe pass from the north on the sunday but it had eased off at the top. The best thing about this ride I would say is the descents - pretty much every single one was really enjoyable. Nice to have a ride with lots of climbing but where none of it is wasted - the reward for every bit of altitude is eked out for maximum fun. The descent down into newtown takes some beating, and i'm a mtber! Only problem is it spoils you for cycling (further east in) england really.

Would definitely do it again.

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #40 on: 06 July, 2009, 09:42:01 am »
i've never done the Brian so can't compare with that, but will probably have to do it next year since this isn't running...

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #41 on: 06 July, 2009, 09:53:21 am »
catering and orgnisation was fantastic aswell, many thanks to John and Linda for putting it on.
The hall was great - the only other 600 i've entered was the cambrian which i packed after about 320k, due to being very wet and cold, but i think even if it was good weather it would have been harder than this was, as despite the greater hilliness, having the hall to sleep in after the first lion's share of it was done was really nice. Good idea having a figure of 8 shaped ride.

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #42 on: 06 July, 2009, 11:04:56 am »
Having had another go at the C Offa I'm now convinced it's a great ride. My bike ran well throughout and, thanks to John and team at Upton Magna, so did the rider most of the time. After the Gospel Pass I rode with MikeK for a good run to Chepstow where a Morris dancing convention seemed to be in full swing. Black and white Morris dancers anyone? The return was tailwind assisted and we copped just one soaking on the way to Pandy.

I slept through my alarm on Sun and missed the appointed start with MikeK. The Panorama road was as lung/leg testing as before and a bacon bap at the Ponderosa cafe with Mike T and Richard was appreciated. We stayed together through the undulations to Prestatyn. Got separated on the hills afterwards but re-grouped with R at the Ponderosa again and worked together into the headwind on the home run. An excellent feed was had at the finish; I think at tried nearly all the menu! Thank you Linda.

I might just be tempted to try the 300 now... 


  • Real name: James
    • Everyday stories
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #43 on: 06 July, 2009, 12:03:27 pm »
What a great ride!   :thumbsup:

Don't think there is much more to say about the route that has not already been said, other than I loved the climb up to the horseshoe the second time round! For me, rides are made as much by the people as by the route, so thanks Paul D and his mostly very good humor for getting me trough my first 600, and yes I would of stayed in bed being grumpy had you not hassled me out the door for 6! And good to meet up with Chris N, even if it was a bit tough watching you glide up the hills and away from us.

Thanks for the great food and general all round smiles coming from John and Linda. I'm sure I'll be back to Upton Magma a few times next year.

I'd better sign up and register my first SR now.
after hardship comes ease -


  • You must be joking
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #44 on: 06 July, 2009, 07:53:32 pm »
Here is a ride which contains (amongst other things ) much pain and much  pleasure. The pleasure is mostly in day1. The pain is all in Prestatyn. ;)

Weirdy Biker

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #45 on: 06 July, 2009, 08:27:12 pm »
The pain is all in Prestatyn. ;)

Is that Welshspeak for "the extremities"?

PS: Well done for those that completed this ride.  It's one I fear and covet in equal measures.

Chris N

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #46 on: 06 July, 2009, 09:21:02 pm »
Just a few photos:

Pontcysyllte aqueduct

Panorama road

Paul D and Vistaed at Prestatyn

I really enjoyed the 200, but I'm not so sure that the full 600 is a good plan on fixed.  I'm glad it's not on next year.  The descent from down Horseshoe Pass to Llangollen was utterly bonkers: 3 miles at 30+ mph on 63".  My thighs ache lots today. ;D

Anyone know if iddu made it back?


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #47 on: 06 July, 2009, 11:51:48 pm »
I really enjoyed the 200, but I'm not so sure that the full 600 is a good plan on fixed.  I'm glad it's not on next year.  The descent from down Horseshoe Pass to Llangollen was utterly bonkers: 3 miles at 30+ mph on 63".  My thighs ache lots today. ;D

Anyone know if iddu made it back?

More spin, IGOR, more spin...

"Come & have a go if you're hard enuf"? Piece o'cake. No - really; Look at this angelic face - would I shine you on? ;D

The thighs are OK & like rock, but, ouch, the left forearm aches like buggery, what with all the tacking and braking.

Turned up early Fri evening and enjoyed good repast at the local ("Corbett Arms") - big portions of fresh stuff, recommended if passing.  Went down to the hall & unloaded, then like all good people returned for a few more bevvies.  A lock-in was thought on, but ambling out at 4:30am into a 600 after an all-nighter didn't garner much more than theoretical interest ;)

It was never going to be a fast ride (although the first 380 was sub-23, which was OK for me), so from the off I was treating it as a solo, as the whippets vanished into the distance.

mwahahahaha - Julian signs his life away.

There's no need to look so happy you're not riding this, Mr Sadist! 5am, and the off...

Approaching Hay

Cafe culture - Breakfast^N

Grumping the Gospel Pass climb. As usual, I made it up to the cattle grid before going "arrrgggh!"

As opposed to the cool spinning look :thumbsup:

Ze organizer is a GIT! Now look, it's just not ON...

...sending me to places where people wear silly attire(*)...

...n'make music, and have a BEER festival...

...then make me carry on riding. GIT!

(*) First person that starts taking the piss out of old folkies will find a pile of caltraps underwheel - I can handle it, I'm having therapy :)

"Tea? Just round the edge of that mountain range, young sir!". Approaching Hay^2...

"Take zis boat to Cuba - or anywhere it's not raining on me, please..."

FROM: Knees
TO:     EGO
RE:     YO!
Hey Big Boy. Nxt time 1+N gears plz, 'kay. 'preciate, Thxs

But who cares when you climb to sun-dappled lanes like this :D

This sign is borked!

It needs to be rotated 90-degrees to match this!


When pets go bad - Budgies on Steroids.

Yay!!! DOWN, and DOWn and DOwn and Down and down...ouch - New knees please

A damn fine weekend jaunt. Thanks. ;D
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.

Euan Uzami

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #48 on: 07 July, 2009, 02:27:22 pm »
nice pics...
whereabouts is the sun dappled lane?

Re: Offa's Dyke 600 4/7
« Reply #49 on: 07 July, 2009, 07:03:46 pm »
my first (last?  ;) ) 600 - thanks to Edwin, Alastair and Julian for getting me back to Upton Magna at 2.00am and Edwin for towing us all to Prestatyn.  Never seen anyone take two 6 hour stints on the front before  :o

Big thanks to John and Linda for the superb organisation

great ride and amazing scenery - 

ps how long does it take for the bucketfulls of lactic to leave your legs ?

pps that pic of me groaning up gospel pass - the truth is  I was really flying but you caught me at a bad moment just trying to let that van pass me  ;)