Author Topic: Bugging out for the Zombocalypse - S24O on Friday the thirteenth of June  (Read 82804 times)


  • Playing with a big steamy thing

Sorry to hear of your repeated visitation, may I respectfully suggest that a you need to be ABSOLUTELY sure all is well before the WNBR...the consequences are just to awfull to contemplate  ::-)


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Oh bugger  :(

What is it with this blasted bug?  I had several revisits to Runnybum City before it cleared up, too.

You'll be sadly missed, WB.  We're going to have to find someone else to keep the zombies busy whilst we run away...
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...

Sorry to hear of your repeated visitation, may I respectfully suggest that a you need to be ABSOLUTELY sure all is well before the WNBR...the consequences are just to awfull to contemplate  ::-)

Nobody'll want to ride behind Wow....
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Playing with a big steamy thing
But, I assume that you will be OK for the Suffolk ride as you are coming in your huge Camper Van towing a trailer, complete with Toilet facilities ??


  • Peroxide Viking
Moar Immodium, Wow...

Right, I'm off.  07740 820 026 if needed.  See y'all at HPK under the arch (I'll be the one getting tazed). :thumbsup:
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
OpenStreetMap UK & IRL Streetmap & Topo: updates weekly.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather

Sorry to hear of your repeated visitation, may I respectfully suggest that a you need to be ABSOLUTELY sure all is well before the WNBR...the consequences are just to awfull to contemplate  ::-)

I get plenty of notice so you can rest assured that there is no real "point of no return". If I get a train to London tomorrow, get to HPC and then feel that though the Bottom is about to fall out of my World (or some other arrangement of that phrase) then I find a kharsi after which I wend my way home again.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Oh dear, Wow. Sorry to hear that. Now whose porridge will I steal?!

Seriously though, hope it gets better soon.

Chris S

Did anyone contact the YH at Dolgellau in the end? You lot sound pretty ill to me.

GWS Mr W Bagger, and anyone else still loose in the nether world.

I'm afraid I won't be joining you - required on the domestic front.  (It's Pete's last day at his current job & he's getting a bit stressed out about the whole business.) 

Wow - was it something greasy that set you off?  I had a revisit after about a week (upchucking rather than the other end in my case) due I think to overly oily food.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Oh dear, Wow. Sorry to hear that. Now whose porridge will I steal?!

Seriously though, hope it gets better soon.

You are Goldilocks AICMFP! ;D
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
I'm afraid I won't be joining you - required on the domestic front.  (It's Pete's last day at his current job & he's getting a bit stressed out about the whole business.) 

Wow - was it something greasy that set you off?  I had a revisit after about a week (upchucking rather than the other end in my case) due I think to overly oily food.

I did have a very nice piece of trout baked in butter last night.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Lactose intolerance is a giardiasis symptom - the butter may not have been a good move.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
I've made a doctor's appointment for 5 p.m. Hopefully he will give me something or other to sort me out.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Did anyone contact the YH at Dolgellau in the end? You lot sound pretty ill to me.

GWS Mr W Bagger, and anyone else still loose in the nether world.

I've just sent a friendly email to the warden.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Sometimes.  Not much though.  Have a look on the photos on Google Maps.  It's not marvellous, but it's quick.

If we take a less direct route, we'll be putting tents up in the dark...

I've loaded both TimO's Bikely routes into my not-so-trusty Geko, and it's too late to change them now. However, not to worry. I shall simply push on along Garratt Lane and attempt to intercept you at Tooting Broadway. Not a disaster if we fail to meet as I can push on alone to the bug-out location if need be.
The old Legion hand told the recruit, "When things are bad, bleu, try not to make them worse, because it is very likely that they are bad enough already." -- Robert Ruark

Well, that was interesting.  The loaded trailer had surprisingly little effect on the bike handling, less so I feel than the equivalent weight in panniers.  You obviously have to be aware that it's there, so go a bit wide when taking corners, and it can make you wobble a bit at low speeds, like when pushing off, but in general it had little effect.  At one point when I was tanking it a bit, a sidewind made things wobble, but otherwise no real stability issues.  I was marginally slower than my normal commute, 13.2mph average vs normally between 13.5 and 14.5mph, but that may just have been due to taking additional care when going around obstacles (ie cars, lorries, vans etc)

I'm glad I put the flag on the trailer, since otherwise it's a black trailer with a black bag in it, at about 6" above the ground.  More than one car driver who looked like they were waiting for me to clear the junction before the accelerated out actually seemed to pause when they realised that there was something behind me, which I think would have been less obvious without the flag fluttering in the breeze.

The spare sleeping bag, which I just bungeed on top proved to be interesting, since it's quite hard to attach something which is essentially round and slippery in that fashion.  I ended up using three bungees and the handles of the Yak Bob Sac to hold it in place!

Sorry to hear that we're already loosing people to the Zombies... (metaphorically speaking anyway).  I hope you improve soon Wow, that sort of things isn't exactly fun (not that being ill ever is).
Actually, it is rocket science.

OK, I've loaded the route into Bikely, essentially by copying Charlotte's route from Gmap-Pedometer, with Bikelys "Auto-follow the road" turned on, so it's pretty close to following the major turns in the road.

The elevation looks "interesting":

I'll probably be OK on the hills so long as I don't stop, hill starts with the trailer are "interesting"!  I'll remember not to worry until around 23 miles along the way. ;D
Actually, it is rocket science.

Yikes, it gets worse, the Active 10, with it's OS 1:50000 Landranger mapping reckons that there is 2250 ft of ascent and 1932 ft of descent.

<Worried Again>
Actually, it is rocket science.


I'll probably be OK on the hills so long as I don't stop, hill starts with the trailer are "interesting"!  I'll remember not to worry until around 23 miles along the way. ;D

Hill climbing with a trailer isn't the issue - the fear I always have is braking on a descent only to have the trailer overtake me (and yes, this has happened to me in the past on a section of dual carriageway, and yes, I did need to change my shorts afterwards). :-\


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Now you see why I'm glad to be taking a train most of the way...  ;D

Never thought I'd say thank God for meetings with solicitors.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

Hill climbing with a trailer isn't the issue - the fear I always have is braking on a descent only to have the trailer overtake me (and yes, this has happened to me in the past on a section of dual carriageway, and yes, I did need to change my shorts afterwards). :-\

That's easily solved, don't brake on the descents ! ;D

Laura, you may wish to not follow me and Andy on the downhill bits. :-\

(...but I am carrying a spare pair of shorts!)
Actually, it is rocket science.

*whimpers at talk of hills seeing as she is bad at both climbing and descending the buggers*

Greg you deserter!

Well I have bought myself Blacks' cheap version of a Thermarest.

TimO, hypothetically, since you have gone to the effort of lashing the spare bag to the Bob, would you hate me very much if I'd also seen a sleeping bag I liked the look/price of and had very naughtily bought that too...meaning you had to leave the spare bag at work?  ::-)

I won't be trying to follow you down any hill, trailer people...


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
I'm not deserting.  I made clear from when I first said I was coming that I had a meeting this afternoon, which meant I wouldn't be able to ride down there and get there before nightfall.  I hope to get there between 8.30 and 9.00 p.m.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

Yeah I know, I was only teasing m'dear.  :D

TimO, hypothetically, since you have gone to the effort of lashing the spare bag to the Bob, would you hate me very much if I'd also seen a sleeping bag I liked the look/price of and had very naughtily bought that too...meaning you had to leave the spare bag at work?  ::-)

LOL, I take it this isn't a terribly hypothetical statement, and is more verging on reality?  It's easy enough to leave the sleeping bag here, I can pick it up from work on Monday, it's not as though it weighs that much (and definitely not in comparison to the rest of the trailer!)

The weather out at the moment seems glorious, this bodes well for later on. <fx: fingers crossed>
Actually, it is rocket science.