Author Topic: Mid-Essex Mid-Week Nocturnal Series  (Read 1776193 times)

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7025 on: 17 June, 2015, 11:24:51 am »
So is a peloton leaving from the roundabout at 19:30 as usual, or is everyone making their own way there? I shall be coming along but not sure whether to:

a. Meet at the roundabout
b. Make my own way there
c. Leave now and ride all day first  :P
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7026 on: 17 June, 2015, 11:35:52 am »
Shouldn't you be tucked up in bed early psyching yourself for your "fun" extra 600 with Midshipman Snotblower.

Looking at the weather, c looks like the best option.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7027 on: 17 June, 2015, 12:23:02 pm »
So is a peloton leaving from the roundabout at 19:30 as usual, or is everyone making their own way there? I shall be coming along but not sure whether to:

a. Meet at the roundabout
b. Make my own way there
c. Leave now and ride all day first  :P

You can always opt for A bob and join myself, Andy and Huggy setting off from the roundabout at 7.30 possibly Tomsk too.....

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7028 on: 17 June, 2015, 12:47:02 pm »
Ok, I'll be at the roundabout then.

I think I will head off shortly for some preliminary miles as the arrival of workmen in the road and the big hole they're digging means I can't do any more work today as they've managed to trash the phones and interwebs!
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7029 on: 17 June, 2015, 01:20:04 pm »
That's bad luck bobb, you must be Gutted!


    • ACME
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7030 on: 17 June, 2015, 01:21:17 pm »
Shouldn't you be tucked up in bed early psyching yourself for your "fun" extra 600 with Midshipman Snotblower.
I hoped I had risen to at least Sub-lieutenant in the officer ranks by now, 'snot fair!!  :-\
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax


    • ACME
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7031 on: 17 June, 2015, 02:39:27 pm »
Proposed route for the Witham peloton on Wednesday night: nothing to strenuous and roughly 22 miles to the Swan.

I know Huggy was after a not too late return so pretty direct route back down to Witham avoiding the unwelcome Moutains Road surface  :thumbsup:
For anyone Garmin Edge device challenged, i.e. you have an eTrex, these links will download DL's published track & route files
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7032 on: 18 June, 2015, 08:03:15 am »
I really enjoyed that last night, although those strong beers (and the cheeky cider) do make me talk way to much...and I could feel my inner Kiwi coming out with a lot of use of the F word  ;D

I'd say I had 1 or 2 pints too many judging by the slightly misty feeling I have this morning but as Milli Vanilli once said...."Blame it on the Rain Yeah yeaaaaahhh"

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7033 on: 18 June, 2015, 08:06:38 am »
but as Milli Vanilli once said...."Blame it on the Rain Yeah yeaaaaahhh"
Or did they mime?  ;)

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7034 on: 18 June, 2015, 08:29:31 am »
...and I could feel my inner Kiwi coming out ...

 ;D  Really???  You mean to say that in normal running mode your Kiwiness is somehow repressed?   ;D

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7035 on: 18 June, 2015, 10:08:37 am »
I think DL is now old enough to be allowed to drive the company van and has been despatched off to Stevenage today which probably explains the lack of his normal incisive pub review and random picture of a pint.

So here goes...

After looping round the Swan in ever decreasing circles, the Witham peleton consisting of the Hustler, TRATF, Bobb and the Midshipman plus later arrivals Tomsk and me, arrived there just after 9.  The Hustler had shown himself at the front again so the pace was on the brisk side of moderate as I discovered when trying to get on the back of the Hustler's chain gang on the road to Kelvedon.

Jibber Jabber, Tippers, Oaky, Carlosfandango and Tippers' Tiptree Velo mate were already in place in their own marquee in the beer garden.  The Hustler was a bit peeved that we weren't out front with the female Morris dancers but soon got over it when he saw the beer tent.

A fine selection of ales was consumed, most opting for the two different halves strategy.  The animals amongst us (ie Tippers, TRATF and Tomsk) were tearing into Coggeshall Beast and Dark Horse both at over 6%.  Tippers had also found the cider bar by this point which may explain his inner Kiwi thing or then again maybe not.

Had it not been for the heavy rainstorm that arrived, we would, I am sure, all have left the pub nice and early but, having been reassured by the wise Midshipman that it would blow over, we settled in for the full session.

A good turnout at a good event. Some of the conversations overheard were interesting to say the least. 

Hopefully, OD, the father of MEMWNS, will be back on hand soon to apply a firm guiding hand to proceedings.

Oh and it peed down all the way home anyway.

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7036 on: 18 June, 2015, 10:57:59 am »
Oh and it peed down all the way home anyway.

That it did! I was just descending col du Danbury when it really got going and got absolutely soaked. My knee was also playing up badly, which was a bit concerning. Got home had some food and a cup of tea, hobbled to bed and got up this morning with no knee pain whatsoever! Bizarre. So all is good  :)
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7037 on: 18 June, 2015, 10:59:03 am »
It was good to finally catch up with you guys.  The ride out from Chelmsford was good, tail wind, the smells of summer, clear lanes, hairs and rabbits, TMNH & Market Hill - what more could one ask for... 17 miles flew by.

Good company at the pub, great range of well kept beers to sample as well.  Free kebab at the end of the night was welcome surprise too! :D

I also opted to delay my return on advise that it would blow over... it didn't and I made the 17 mile return journey in to the wet wind feeling like I was always climbing up a hill... even on the down hill bits!....  I couldn't see the Garmin display for most of the time and kept surprising myself that when I did illuminate it, what felt like a 4% hill was actually -2%, I'm sure the wet must have been effecting the internal barometer.  Return via Wickham Bishops & Ulting was probably a good idea as there was some shelter and a better alternative to braving a soul destroying A414 trip home.

Arm warmers and rain cape all worked well, and thanks to mud guards,  feet weren't soaking till I reached Danbury.  1 owl encounter on the return, home for 00:30.

34 miles was probably on the limit for a pub trip on a school night, but gave me a good gauge for attending future locations :)



Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7038 on: 18 June, 2015, 12:25:57 pm »
Hopefully, OD, the father of MEMWNS, will be back on hand soon to apply a firm guiding hand to proceedings.

Greetings my lovelies  :thumbsup:

My absence may become a little longer than anticipated so I thought I would offer a few words of explanation.

It has become apparent that this year we (myself and The Current Mrs R) have massively overextended ourselves with a huge To Do list that incorporates work stuff, stuff associated with our business plus family commitments plus sundry other bits and bobs.  This crashing realisation played a big part in my problems prior to and during the WCW and subsequent withdrawal from the PBP.  So I have decided to put cycling and a bunch of other things on temporary hold whilst I sort matters out.  I'm hope that in a few weeks time the decks will be cleared and normal services can be resumed.

Talking of the PBP, Kirsty, Mrs huggy and I will be in Paris during some of the PBP and plan on being at the finish on Thursday but I hope to have seen you all before then.  When I do re-appear I should be astride my new Surly whose build is also not without it's frustrations  >:(

In the meantime, I hope some of you are old enough to appreciate ... THIS!  ;D

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7039 on: 19 June, 2015, 08:46:18 am »
I'm only off air a day and Ted can't wait to jump in and fill my boots  :o I know how you feel OD.....!  :'(

It was another fine MEMWNS evening and good to meet Jiberjaber and one of the 'Jambusters' along with a guest appearance from Carlos  :thumbsup: with a fine beer festival in full flow with some cracking ales to sample my favourite was the Braggot tinted with honey - bloody lovely drop!

I'm sure Ted was mightily impressed with the chaingang he stumbled across along Park Gate Rd/Hollow Rd on the way into Kelvedon, the Hustler was indeed at this point dictating the pace and upon me reassuring him that we didn't need to let up to allow Ted to spin around and tag onto the back of the peloton, Andy gave it some beans and upped the pace to a moderate 22mph whereby Ted was saved by the level crossing gates coming down (sure he bunged Trainmanbri some cash for that........)

The only downside for Ted i'm sure was the lack of any fords or suitable ponds/lakes from him to take a dip in, he did however mention there was a suspected high tide on the way back over to Mersea so he may of got his swim in, in the end  ::-)

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7040 on: 19 June, 2015, 08:49:16 am »
Hopefully, OD, the father of MEMWNS, will be back on hand soon to apply a firm guiding hand to proceedings.

Greetings my lovelies  :thumbsup:

My absence may become a little longer than anticipated so I thought I would offer a few words of explanation.

It has become apparent that this year we (myself and The Current Mrs R) have massively overextended ourselves with a huge To Do list that incorporates work stuff, stuff associated with our business plus family commitments plus sundry other bits and bobs.  This crashing realisation played a big part in my problems prior to and during the WCW and subsequent withdrawal from the PBP.  So I have decided to put cycling and a bunch of other things on temporary hold whilst I sort matters out.  I'm hope that in a few weeks time the decks will be cleared and normal services can be resumed.

Talking of the PBP, Kirsty, Mrs huggy and I will be in Paris during some of the PBP and plan on being at the finish on Thursday but I hope to have seen you all before then.  When I do re-appear I should be astride my new Surly whose build is also not without it's frustrations  >:(

In the meantime, I hope some of you are old enough to appreciate ... THIS!  ;D

Your attendence has been sorely missed OD, luckily we have leaned on MEMWNS veterans Huggy, Tomsk and Oaky to pull us through these past few weeks without our entrusted leader! As you know we had a brief hiccup a couple of weeks ago when we only had myself, Andy and Ted out and that was where Ted said he could advise me legally on a hostile takeover bid  :facepalm:
Rest assured I politely declined the offer of his help and made him and Andy know that normal service would resume the week after  ;D

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7041 on: 19 June, 2015, 08:57:05 am »
 :thumbsup:   ;D

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7042 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:00:11 am »
I'm hope that in a few weeks time the decks will be cleared and normal services can be resumed.

Your wise counsel is sorely missed indeed.  Last week we had the lunatic taking over the asylum (aka DL).  I thought swapping his helmet for an admiral's tricorn was a bit presumptuous personally.

Best of luck with sorting everything and we will try to hold off from the Yacht Club visit until you make your Surly bestridden return.  :thumbsup:
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7043 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:01:33 am »
I'm only off air a day and Ted can't wait to jump in and fill my boots  :o I know how you feel OD.....!  :'(

I'm sure Ted was mightily impressed with the chaingang he stumbled across along Park Gate Rd/Hollow Rd on the way into Kelvedon,

If you're not going to take your pub reviews seriously and have them posted by 8.30am the next morning then what do you expect ?  One job.

I always thought a chaingang was a group of riders moving together, the Hustler's was more of a getawaygang.  It certainly wasn't the usual Wednesday night trundle along there - it's not often you see me on the drops  ;D

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7044 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:07:14 am »
Your wise counsel is sorely missed indeed.  Last week we had the lunatic taking over the asylum (aka DL).  I thought swapping his helmet for an admiral's tricorn was a bit presumptuous personally.

Best of luck with sorting everything and we will try to hold off from the Yacht Club visit until you make your Surly bestridden return.  :thumbsup:

Ted you were supposed to keep  :-X about that admiral's tricorn.... cheers  :facepalm:

Has the Hustler upset you by 'giving it some beans' on Wednesday night as I see drinks aboard the Yacht have now moved to drinkies at the 'Yacht club' !!  :(

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7045 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:08:19 am »
I'm only off air a day and Ted can't wait to jump in and fill my boots  :o I know how you feel OD.....!  :'(

I'm sure Ted was mightily impressed with the chaingang he stumbled across along Park Gate Rd/Hollow Rd on the way into Kelvedon,

I'm glad you seconded my thoughts around this it was tough driving the van from the City across Tower Bridge to Bermondsey yesterday afternoon......  ;D

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7046 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:18:23 am »

Has the Hustler upset you by 'giving it some beans' on Wednesday night as I see drinks aboard the Yacht have now moved to drinkies at the 'Yacht club' !!  :(

My wingman could never upset me even if he is showing his true racer colours now.

As I explained, we are having a little trouble with the temperature in the guest Jacuzzi to the rear of the helipad so you probably wouldn't want to come aboard in those circumstances.  Everything has to be shipshape for the Midshipman.

Talking of which, best of British to the Midshipman and Bobb on their extra 600 and to Carlosfandango on the Buzzard  :thumbsup:
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7047 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:28:09 am »
My wingman could never upset me even if he is showing his true racer colours now.

You probably didn't fail to notice the sly arm that kept coming out to try and grab onto any passing vehicles....... the true courier coming out  :thumbsup:

As I explained, we are having a little trouble with the temperature in the guest Jacuzzi to the rear of the helipad so you probably wouldn't want to come aboard in those circumstances.  Everything has to be shipshape for the Midshipman.
Yes i'm sure Huggy or in your 'private' bus shelter circles the Midshipman would want everything tip top so the yacht club it is then!

Talking of which, best of British to the Midshipman and Bobb on their extra 600 and to Carlosfandango on the Buzzard  :thumbsup:

Here here good luck and ride safe to all those on the 600's this weekend! We best go off shift now Ted as Huggy (aka the midshipman) says he finds it hard to get forum space these days as you and I appear on here so regularly  ???

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7048 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:40:08 am »
My wingman could never upset me even if he is showing his true racer colours now.

You probably didn't fail to notice the sly arm that kept coming out to try and grab onto any passing vehicles....... the true courier coming out  :thumbsup:

For those that have not had the pleasure.....

edit: You Tube one has no sound!

Re: Mid-Essex Mid Week Nocturnal Series (plus random E Anglian stuff)
« Reply #7049 on: 19 June, 2015, 09:40:25 am »
The Midshipman is driving the team car off to the start of his 600 so he will either be parked up in Hurrells Lane at the moment or on the road with Sideshow Bobb.

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways