Author Topic: The TT Thread  (Read 426533 times)


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1550 on: 06 November, 2015, 11:36:46 am »
CTT's claim that they have no option but to void this year's result is rubbish.  Here's why:

1) The CTT regs say that a course mustn't be short, but don't say what to do in the case of a previously-approved and previously-ridden course being found short.  They say that there's no provision to scale the times, but then neither is there any provision to retroactively disapprove courses.   
2) There is a clause that basically says "In special cases the board can do what they like", so all their 'rules is rules' speak would be false, even if the rules were as they say they were.
3) There's no distinction made between events in the current season and in previous seasons, so if rules is rules, CTT now need to go back and void everyone's results since the course was first approved - where's the betting they'll do that?

Basically, you could drive a coach and horses through this stuff.  I hope somebody does.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1551 on: 10 December, 2015, 08:47:12 pm »


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1552 on: 11 December, 2015, 09:32:30 am »
Two doping violations. On the steroids case, the attempted defence was just ludicrous.

The other case is a junior who was caught in possession of EPO:

2nd one was in our junior squad at the time of the incident and then left.   Great......

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1553 on: 11 December, 2015, 02:13:59 pm »
I don't know much about such things but surely you shouldn't 'borrow' some one else's syringe anyway - alright it's presumably not the needle that gets re-used but the health risks are rather high I would think.

Also, if he had put vitamin B12 into the syringe assuming it was empty, the remaining residual fluid that contained the steroid would be so small in terms of volume percentage surely it wouldn't put you over whatever the threshold is for having illegal drugs in your system anyway?

All complete nonsense so why can't he admit that he took the drug to make himself go faster rather than leave himself open to more questions and still get the ban but now no-one is going to believe anything he says, ever.

At least the kid who took EPO has been honest about it, it might give him another chance (debate whether he deserves another chance amongst yourselves) with a team willing to listen once his ban is over.
Duct tape is magic and should be worshipped


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1554 on: 11 December, 2015, 03:34:38 pm »
The alleged used syringe incident was around 100 days before the test. The two drugs have half lives of 1 and 4-5 days respectively. So the first would be at 1/2^100 concentration and the second at 1/2^20 concentration. That is 1 millionth. Even a normal dose should be undetectable.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1555 on: 13 December, 2015, 05:45:12 pm »
You've got to give the guy points for imagination in coming up with that excuse. Even if it's true, which it clearly isn't, it's a good job he's been given a ban as he's clearly stupid enough to be a serious danger to his own health. What a complete and utter moron.

The junior seems more of a tragic case to me, though it's the usual regret having been caught, rather than any real contrition.


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1556 on: 21 January, 2016, 11:51:57 am »
Another doping ban

I raced against Rob a couple of times last year: in the national 12 (which he won) and in an end of season 50.  He'll be DQ'd from the 50 but I think he gets to keep his 12 hour champion's medal, which he won two weeks before the adverse finding.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1557 on: 21 January, 2016, 12:03:42 pm »
I was offered that substance by persons unnamable for the last PBP.

I didn't need it- but its effects are largely comparable to a long lasting caffeine. I'd say that's well 'worth doing' as far as a performance enhancement is concerned.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1558 on: 27 January, 2016, 12:39:17 pm »
Another doping ban

I raced against Rob a couple of times last year: in the national 12 (which he won) and in an end of season 50.  He'll be DQ'd from the 50 but I think he gets to keep his 12 hour champion's medal, which he won two weeks before the adverse finding.

Reading that thread on the TT forum with's a like a soap opera; wild accusations, family feuds, the lot. Don't expect that kind of thing in this little world of time trialling we all love and cherish.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1559 on: 06 February, 2016, 01:23:05 am »
I'm 40th
Frank9755 is 68th. 
Hippy, if he's still round here, is 20th.

O hai!

I thought this forum was all about audax. Just found the racing section. ;)


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1560 on: 12 April, 2016, 09:12:19 am »
Time to start this off again.

Sydenham Wheelers 25 on Sunday morning.   Lumpy sporting cost and freezing at the start with the car showing -1 on the way down.   Managed 1:02:45 for 30th out of 61 finishers.   Not a bad start to the year after a few weeks unable to get going properly.

Addiscombe CC 25 this Sunday on a course near Horsham.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1561 on: 12 April, 2016, 11:09:43 am »
I rode a 50:02 on Saturday at the LVCC 25 to come in 5th, taking >5min off my 25 mile PB and breaking the Willesden CC (pending official results, obviously).

Down to ride the cursed H25/2 this Sunday but I'm not that bothered about it now I have my club record. I'll turn it into a training ride and add another 10 hours on.

Next goal is a 30mph 25. I should've got it last Sat but (insert 14 excuses here).


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1562 on: 12 April, 2016, 12:54:40 pm »
Wow, well done! 

I'm currently fat, lardy and pressed-upon, with outside commitments and hurty knees.  Don't expect to see me posting here for a bit :(

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1563 on: 12 April, 2016, 03:10:20 pm »
Well done, Stu - fabulous ride!
I remember a few years ago, after a TT on the Amersham Road, I think you had just gone under the hour for the first time, and you came back into the HQ and said that you were pleased as it meant you didn't have to do a 25 again - so I expect you'll be back going for 45 minutes in a year or two!
I'm lying pretty low with a hurty knee as well but I'm going back to the H8 on Saturday for a 25.  Not expecting much but sometimes that is the best way.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1564 on: 12 April, 2016, 03:40:00 pm »
Well done, Stu - fabulous ride!
I remember a few years ago, after a TT on the Amersham Road, I think you had just gone under the hour for the first time, and you came back into the HQ and said that you were pleased as it meant you didn't have to do a 25 again - so I expect you'll be back going for 45 minutes in a year or two!
I'm lying pretty low with a hurty knee as well but I'm going back to the H8 on Saturday for a 25.  Not expecting much but sometimes that is the best way.

Cheers. Ha! I'm never satisfied. :) There's always some other record or interim goal I can tack on.

45min might be stretching it a bit - I'm not getting any younger and I don't think I want to start training for short stuff now. :)

I'll have another go at Bentley but for the 50mi in May.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1565 on: 12 April, 2016, 04:29:17 pm »
I'll have another go at Bentley but for the 50mi in May.

I entered that one yesterday.   You decided against the F1B then ?

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1566 on: 12 April, 2016, 04:41:20 pm »
I'll have another go at Bentley but for the 50mi in May.
I entered that one yesterday.   You decided against the F1B then ?

Yeah, I thought about F1 because it's 'different' but then it's only a 50 so I can do without the hassle and I wanted to update my course best on the H50.
I'll be trying to get onto a faster 50 course (A50?) later in the year as I want another club record.

Lea Valley CC Tuesday Tens
« Reply #1567 on: 16 April, 2016, 10:09:07 am »
And  they are  back.....  A  great  way to start  time trialling. It's a closed  circuit

The Lea Valley Cycling Club  VELO PARK TUESDAY TENS    Evening 10 Mile Time Trials

To be held at   LEE VALLEY VELO PARK  Abercrombie Rd. E20 3AB

May 10th to July 19th 2016   Tuesday Evenings  -  7pm.  Sign on from 18.00, the  course  can be ridden  from 18.30. First  rider off at 7.01  and last  rider at 8.30


Please  forward and share.

 Don't hesitate to contact me if  you  want   to know more about the series..


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1568 on: 17 April, 2016, 11:55:43 am »
Addiscombe 25 this morning on a dual carriageway between Horsham and Crawley.  Roundaboutmungus, but I didn't get held up at any.  Thought I was on for a slow ride, but picked up time throughout finishing in 1:00:39.  22 seconds slower than PB and still not quite under the hour. 

My own clubs 10 next weekend and then onto proper distances from May onwards.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1569 on: 17 April, 2016, 08:34:06 pm »
Shocker of a ride today - 5min slower than last week (most people were 3min slower apparently so I was relatively shitter) and yet I was 5min faster than when I last rode the same course for ~40W less power, which kind of highlights my aerodynamic progress and what a crap day physically I had!

It's pretty funny how I smashed myself last time and failed to go under the hour and this time around I was watching the computer thinking to myself "well this is bollocks, I'm soft-pedaling, oh now look I'm at least I'm riding at my 24hr power" but at the same "well, I'm coasting and average is still over 27mph so I'll beat my course PB" Ha! Stupid legs.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1570 on: 23 April, 2016, 02:21:14 pm »
My club's 10 this morning on the Q10/19 Tonbridge bypass.

24:15 versus my PB of 23:46 done in the same event last year.   Cold headwind on the way out had me crawling to the turn, then fast back.  Splits roughly 14 mins out and 10 mins back.

Next weekend off.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1571 on: 08 May, 2016, 02:17:43 pm »
3min+ PB in the Charlotteville 50 this morning with 2:00:51.

Warm and sunny with a rising Easterley towards the end.   Tried to lift with 10 miles to go to get under 2hrs, but didn't have it in me.   Things starting to go in the right direction for me.

How did I do 12hrs on those roads last year.  Pretty rutted at the Western end.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1572 on: 08 May, 2016, 06:59:54 pm »
Good ride, Rob.  Saw your time on the board at the end but didn't spot you down there.  Not to be today, but it looks like 2 hours is within your sights, if you want to chase it.

I think I'll declare my TT season closed after today.  I sat up after 12 miles as my knee, which has been a problem for 6 months, started to twinge.  It was fine when I sat up, it's just the extra stretch from leaning right forward pulls something a bit too tight.  I was going to pedal back to the HQ but then I thought it was a lovely day and I was out in the country, so why not go for a bike ride!  So I got my 50 miles in mostly on some very pretty lanes I'd never been on before - including a ford (which I was able to walk round).  Looked a bit daft with aero hat, disc and a number on my back - and would have looked a lot dafter if I'd punctured as I had no pump, phone or money - but I had a good ride and felt a lot better than if I'd just limped straight back.

I've got too many other rides planned to have much chance of getting my TT position / knee sorted out so I think I'll just focus on other stuff to reduce the risk of things flaring up in a bad way.

Pedal Castro

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Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1573 on: 08 May, 2016, 07:45:44 pm »
Rode my first 50 since 1988 and a new PB by 20' so pleased with that :-) I think I was the only rider not on a TT bike.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1574 on: 09 May, 2016, 09:41:07 am »
Good ride, Rob.  Saw your time on the board at the end but didn't spot you down there.  Not to be today, but it looks like 2 hours is within your sights, if you want to chase it.

I think I'll declare my TT season closed after today.  I sat up after 12 miles as my knee, which has been a problem for 6 months, started to twinge.  It was fine when I sat up, it's just the extra stretch from leaning right forward pulls something a bit too tight.  I was going to pedal back to the HQ but then I thought it was a lovely day and I was out in the country, so why not go for a bike ride!  So I got my 50 miles in mostly on some very pretty lanes I'd never been on before - including a ford (which I was able to walk round).  Looked a bit daft with aero hat, disc and a number on my back - and would have looked a lot dafter if I'd punctured as I had no pump, phone or money - but I had a good ride and felt a lot better than if I'd just limped straight back.

I've got too many other rides planned to have much chance of getting my TT position / knee sorted out so I think I'll just focus on other stuff to reduce the risk of things flaring up in a bad way.

Sorry to hear it Frank.   I was off 4 mins in front of you and waved as I was queuing but I think you were in the zone.   I left for home about 11:30 and was giving cygnet a lift back. 

Hope you other rides go well.