Author Topic: Sunflower heads  (Read 1710 times)

Sunflower heads
« on: 16 September, 2009, 01:27:18 pm »
I grew some magnificent sunflowers this year and the heads are now turning into seeds on most of the flowers.

When is the best time to chop off the heads? Will they seed better on the plant or if I remove them?

If I keep some of the seeds, will they in turn grow into such lovely flowers next year?
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


Re: Sunflower heads
« Reply #1 on: 19 September, 2009, 12:56:12 pm »
I'd leave them for the birds in the winter, some will fall (seeds not birds) and grow of their own accord.

Re: Sunflower heads
« Reply #2 on: 19 September, 2009, 01:14:26 pm »
Thanks Fi.

I read elsewhere that the heads can be harvested when the backs of the heads turn yellow. I lopped off a couple and kept some of the seeds and put the heads into a better place in the garden for the birds. I might save some of the smaller ones for midwinter when the birds will get better use of them.

We have one plant that went to 9' in the end, another with a head that must have been 18" across in flower and various others. I kept some seeds from the best. I can pass on a few if anyone is interested, though the plants were grown from a mixed packet bought from Poundstretcher.
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


Re: Sunflower heads
« Reply #3 on: 19 September, 2009, 01:18:53 pm »
That's great. It's huge fun watching them grow and strange how the height will vary between seeds from the same packet.  I get small sunflowers in the grass below the bird feeders.