Author Topic: Cross Training: Rowing  (Read 232872 times)

Chris S

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #925 on: 07 January, 2016, 06:50:38 pm »
Maffetone AeT test. Quite possibly the most boring thing I've ever done on the rower.

Thirty minutes, maintaining 124bpm (180-age - the "Maffetone Formula") on the HRM.

Being really really unfit, this translated to 5383m, 2:43 average split, at a mind-numbing 14spm.

The theory being, I suppose, after three months of base-level training, I should be able to go further, at a faster split, for the same HR. Or something.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #926 on: 20 January, 2016, 05:23:15 pm »
My fitness is OK and technique is quite good but I'm still too heavy and not fit enough, so I've just binned myself from the 2nd eight before I get pushed..  I don't want to row in the 3rd 8 so I'll spend more time coaching, sculling and sitting on the erg.  Bugger.  I need to do more to be in a decent boat for the summer!   


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #927 on: 20 January, 2016, 05:42:00 pm »
I remain the lowest of the low, a recent recruit in the novice boat.

Last 2K test, I was fastest in the boat. For the most recent 5K, I was beaten by Tom - he's 15 years younger and taller. Bah.

On Saturday we did the entire session apart from the initial warm-up, rowing as 8. Longest I've been in continuous rowing as an 8 to date. Main issue for me is that we're usually down on bow side and I'm always skimming the water on the recovery.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #928 on: 16 February, 2016, 10:42:29 am »
16 of us doing 10 x 500m on the erg this morning, working in pairs so 1.40/45 (ish...) of work and then 2 minutes off.

Nearly sick. 


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #929 on: 16 February, 2016, 12:39:22 pm »
Nice. We did 5K test on Thursday. I acted as stroke, r24. Was fastest. And nearly sick.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #930 on: 19 February, 2016, 08:50:35 pm »
Head race on Sunday is off. Not sure if relieved or sad.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #931 on: 20 February, 2016, 01:11:39 pm »
Sad. Something clicked today in our double training session and we won't be able to take that into a race tomorrow.

Though the missing skin on my left hand is still relieved.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #932 on: 20 April, 2016, 10:19:31 pm »

Our squad is improving a lot. We had a productive session last night - and as much of the club was away at rowing camp (is that like band camp?) at the weekend, I was in an 8 with 7 IM on Saturday which was a nice change as the boat was more stable. We rowed as an 8 from the first stroke and did pyramids and ten green bottles - max HR 172 so there was plenty work. On Sunday I subbed with the Nov ladies squad and had another good work session.

We're targeting Monmouth regatta. Unfortunately this clashes with the Kernow 600k so I might have to ride the 600 Andy Corless is running. Not sure if this is good or bad news. I may not get in a boat, crew selection is yet to happen.

I haven't done a test erg for a while but I've been fastest in every session I've attended recently. If my cycling fitness is any guide, I should be able to improve my 2K time. My season PB for 5K is a long way off my lifetime best and I'm not so sure I can get sub 19 minutes again.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #933 on: 21 April, 2016, 12:17:53 am »
I acquired a C2 at Christmas.
Starting of it was all I could do to manage 500m - weak as a kitten and my CV system completely shot.
Currently at 2km @ 2:092:-6 and can just about manage 5k @ 22m.
So moving on but a long way to go yet....


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #934 on: 21 April, 2016, 01:05:50 am »
Your 2:09 is better than some I could mention.

Main drive comes from the legs. Legs, then body, then arms right at the end. Then the reverse order. Strong core, straight back, relaxed shoulders.

Easier said than done.

Another tip: the return down the slide is called the recovery for a reason. Aim for a 2:1 ratio between recovery and drive, in terms of time.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #935 on: 21 April, 2016, 07:51:59 am »
I'm doing too much coaching and not enough rowing.. struggled through 3 x 10 minutes on the erg last night and it was embarrassingly bad. More required!

aiming for a 2:1 ratio works well at lower rate / firm pressure but as the rate comes up the drive time doesn't actually change that much, so as the rate goes up over 34ish the ratio heads towards 1:1.  You can still keep control on the slide by spinning the hands a bit quicker.


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #936 on: 28 April, 2016, 12:34:13 pm »
Your 2:09 is better than some I could mention.

Main drive comes from the legs. Legs, then body, then arms right at the end. Then the reverse order. Strong core, straight back, relaxed shoulders.

Easier said than done.

Another tip: the return down the slide is called the recovery for a reason. Aim for a 2:1 ratio between recovery and drive, in terms of time.

Quite. First 5K yesterday in 21:33, but at a stupidly high 30 s/m?  Not collapsing, no strain, but not really feeling anything thru the legs?? 

More practice / find a (better) rower for critique???
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #937 on: 28 April, 2016, 12:44:53 pm »
I find dropping the rate allows me to feel it through the legs more.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #938 on: 29 April, 2016, 04:00:02 pm »

Quite. First 5K yesterday in 21:33, but at a stupidly high 30 s/m?  Not collapsing, no strain, but not really feeling anything thru the legs?? 

More practice / find a (better) rower for critique???

post a video, we can all have a go!!  :) 


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #939 on: 07 May, 2016, 04:21:12 pm »
Tuesday we did some race pace pieces rowing all 8 - after weeks of technical work it was a nice change to put some power down. We were comfortable up to about 26-28 and it started to get a bit ragged as we pushed above 30. Big improvement in the set of the boat but we all got quite wet.

Today we went out again and would've done more race pace but there was too much debris coming down the river. Apparently a paddling pool went past earlier on. Another good outing and the boat was the most stable I've been in. The drills appear to have really helped.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #940 on: 10 May, 2016, 11:42:38 pm »
Zoiks! I'm in 3 seat in an 8+ for Monmouth Regatta. My first actual race.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #941 on: 11 May, 2016, 06:39:53 am »
Good luck.  i have not been in an eight since university but the feel of an eight moving perfectly is awesome.  (i think we got there once)


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #942 on: 11 May, 2016, 11:38:46 pm »

Quite. First 5K yesterday in 21:33, but at a stupidly high 30 s/m?  Not collapsing, no strain, but not really feeling anything thru the legs?? 

More practice / find a (better) rower for critique???

post a video, we can all have a go!!  :)


There ya go.

Down to 20:32, @ avg 29s/m
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #943 on: 12 May, 2016, 12:07:24 am »
Slow down the recovery and do it in the correct order! You're doing all three parts (arms, body swing, legs) together. It should be in sequence.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #944 on: 12 May, 2016, 09:01:00 am »
A couple of things to try:
 - when you finish a stroke you are in about the right position, but you get the next bits in the wrong order.  Let your hands go first while you're still leaning back, and get them as far away as you can.  Then lean over, pivoting from the hips until you can feel the stretch in your hamstrings.  Keep your back fairly straight, dont go *too* far, but you need to get the handle ahead of your knees and only then you bend your knees and start to slide forwards. 
-  it's the same thing but in reverse during the stroke... again you're in about the right position at the catch but you're doing too much with your back and arms before your legs are finished, so concentrate on keeping your shoulders forwards while your legs do most of their bit and only then start to lean back and bend your arms.

try dropping your feet a couple of holes on the footplate and do five minutes with your feet not strapped in, that should bring you into a better position at the finish (take the first few strokes gently, and point your toes the whole time!)

watch this:
(she's exceptionally flexible, not many people can rotate forward that far!)

For 20 minutes, try and get the rate down to 22/24ish.  This will need moar power from your legs per stroke, but if you get the movements in the right order it should be easier to get there.


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #945 on: 12 May, 2016, 11:54:25 am »
Alright, guvn'rs...we'll see what 'appens.

Much the same as life then, the beginning and end are OK, it's the bits between I can't cope with  ;D

>She's exceptionally flexible
Specialized BG Shop Bod: "You've broken my calculator, (blokes are) not supposed to be able to bend like that(*)..." ;D ;D
(*) The upside of daily stretching and pilates...
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #946 on: 18 May, 2016, 03:28:50 pm »
Last night we focused on race starts. I think we did about 30. Maybe more.



  • Are we there yet?
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #947 on: 19 May, 2016, 11:36:40 pm »
[chant]Legs, Bend, Pull, (beat), Throw, Bend, Legs, L, B, P, (b), T, B, L, L, B, P, (b), T, B, L[/chant]...  ;)

Mmm, 22:40 @ 23s/m (down from 28m last week)

The thing I find odd is not feeling any resistance on the stroke until legs are straight - it's all body/arms.  That supposed to feel like that?
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #948 on: 19 May, 2016, 11:38:10 pm »
The power should be developed mostly from the legs. They're the most powerful muscles.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #949 on: 21 May, 2016, 12:33:03 pm »
3x1000m race pieces today. Hard work.