Author Topic: Cross Training: Rowing  (Read 232824 times)

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #375 on: 19 December, 2010, 01:19:03 pm »

It's a powerful thing, isn't it?  I was like that in early November - any excuse not to go out to my garage and row.  Too tired, too cold, monitor not working, any excuse, you name it, I used it.  What got me going again was a combination of things:

1. The weather preventing me from cycling, so I felt I had to do some exercise, and

2. This stupid 100,000 metre challenge thing.  It's so daft, you're not competing against anybody, it doesn't matter if you fail, but it just motivates me enough to keep going.

Don't know if that helps you at all, probably not as everyone is different, thankfully.  :)

Anyway I've just been out and done 13,000m, so now I'm on 90,000, which means that I should hit the target with my next session.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #376 on: 19 December, 2010, 05:52:08 pm »
I've got lurgy. Don't feel like going down to the gym. 601m short of 100 miles.  That could be it for me.

Chris S

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #377 on: 19 December, 2010, 06:16:52 pm »


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #378 on: 19 December, 2010, 08:43:59 pm »
I've got lurgy.

Another one?  :o


Not to worry, it's just a head cold.  2 or 3 colds in one year is about normal for me.

Marco Stefano

  • Apply some pressure, you lose some pressure...
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #379 on: 19 December, 2010, 10:09:03 pm »
Weird - I don't mind getting cold on the river or running to the gym in the cold to train with other rowers (and paying money to do it) but I cannot seem to get on my own C2. And it's indoors, not even in the garage any more (no room due to bikes).

And I should have been on it the last two days. Slacker.  ::-)


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #380 on: 21 December, 2010, 12:01:46 pm »
I tweaked my lower back about three days ago. Not badly but enough to stop me rowing. I wouldn't mind so much but I've been working on improving technique/form. Heigh ho.

The Holiday Challenge has been a bit of a pain in the neck, er, back, really, a massive distraction to my planned goals which were to get heavy in the gym and on the turbo. A bout of lurgy didn't help though I partly blame that on getting a bit run down from the effort of rowing every day.  I was flying on the bike in November and haven't been on the bike since. Feels like I'll be starting from scratch when the snow goes. Feeling a bit fed up right now. Heigh ho indeed.

Chris S

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #381 on: 21 December, 2010, 12:11:05 pm »
Continued lethargy here too. I've given up hope of completing the challenge - only 25k or so done  :(.

I forced myself out for my Dec 200 to complete another RRTY year; but the bikes have had little other use, and the rowing machine has a layer of dust on it  :facepalm:.

I thought I might develop cabin fever if I switched off all activity - but instead I'm quite happy to mope about doing nothing; eating stodgy comfort food and drinking beer. And Christmas hasn't even started yet!

I will have to pull myself together soon....


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #382 on: 21 December, 2010, 04:44:36 pm »
I find rowing more demanding than cycling. I have to pace myself if I'm doing 10000m stints or I struggle with heavy legs the next day. I've been sticking to around 2:06 split and I can do that ok because my HR is mid 150s doing that. If I get down below 2:00 then the final few thousand metres have my HR over 180. It's ok but takes too much out of me to repeat day after day. I would have the same issue with daily 2x20 on the bike.

Lurgy is a fact of life in the winter. I had a cold 6 weeks ago. I was out with someone the other night and they said they had a cold. Hey presto, I have it now. This one is less bad than the last, apart from the headache last night.  Late winter/ early spring last year I had a series of colds and it was very frustrating.

My 10ks for this time have been followed by swimming up to 1500m and adding 1h cycling in the day this adds up to 2h30 exercise.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #383 on: 22 December, 2010, 05:23:53 am »
We are taking part in a rowing competition monthly here in Denmark:

Vinter Otter Grand Prix

We have a lot of fun with this and the preparations to each challenge.  8 persons and one Concept2 rowing ergometer is all you need. There after you report your resultats and on the homepage you can compare with others.
Our problem is to remember doing some indoor bicycling because the muscles used in rowing are not the same as in rowing. We are about starting on slides this winter to train for our tandeming. Working on the rhytm. Fun.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #384 on: 22 December, 2010, 03:36:05 pm »
I've got lurgy.

Another one?  :o


Not to worry, it's just a head cold.  2 or 3 colds in one year is about normal for me.

It's actually:

One in April
One in November
One in December

The April one was the first for more than a year IIRC, so that's 3 colds in about 20 months.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #385 on: 22 December, 2010, 09:56:52 pm »
Free at last, free at last.....


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #386 on: 22 December, 2010, 10:00:38 pm »
Free at last, free at last.....

The virtual team challenge is next month.  :demon:


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #387 on: 22 December, 2010, 10:20:52 pm »
Free at last, free at last.....

The virtual team challenge is next month.  :demon:

No more empty km's for me. I'm going to shoot for a modest 1000km next year, a nominal 3x7km per week.

Having said that it would be nice to get a 90 percentile ranking (18:39/38:12 in 2010). I'm currently around the 60pc mark with 75pc acheiveable with a bit of effort.

Ms Manotea the Elder explains she cannot be doing with competitive rowers because they're all obsessed with their split times. Happily, I am not at all competitive...

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #388 on: 23 December, 2010, 11:39:27 am »
Free at last, free at last.....
Me too!!!

The virtual team challenge is next month: I prefer this challenge. And we're getting Concept IIs at work from 10th Jan. Can you remember what our total was last time Simon?


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #389 on: 23 December, 2010, 11:53:31 am »
Free at last, free at last.....
Me too!!!

The virtual team challenge is next month: I prefer this challenge. And we're getting Concept IIs at work from 10th Jan. Can you remember what our total was last time Simon?

Virtual Team Challenge 2010 Team Results

400,505m with 7 people.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #390 on: 23 December, 2010, 04:47:26 pm »
Completed my 100K today, after chickening out on Tuesday when the temperature in my garage was around -7 deg.  I don't think one little fan heater would have made much impression on that!

I'll be up for the team challenge again, by the way.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #391 on: 28 December, 2010, 09:34:52 pm »
Right.  I've just signed team yacf up for the virtual team challenge.  Those who are already members the team need to sign up to the challenge even though they are already team members.  You can do this from your Team page - see the Team tab at the top of the logbook page.  Remember: you need to both join the team (if not already a member) and sign up from the challenge, both of which you can do from this page.  Team membership is open so there's no need for confirmation from the team captain (aka: me).

Any problems, let me know.

The challenge doesn't start until 1st Jan, and there are some rules:

Concept2: Virtual Team Challenge

In particular:

# Important: Complete the following tasks by January 15 or your team will not be enrolled in the challenge and/or your team members' meters will not count for the challenge:

    * Your team must be enrolled in this year's VTC. (See the Team Administration page for details.)
    * All team members must be added to your team.
    * Team members who have their own logbooks must indicate in their logbooks that they are actively participating in the current challenge. (See the Team Member page for more information.)

i.e. you can't join up after 15th Jan.


# Meters completed each week should be entered no later than midnight on Friday of that week. This works on the honor system. It makes it fair and fun for everyone if you can watch the progress of the teams that you are competing against.

Also, if you're new to this please don't start with 10,000m efforts.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #392 on: 29 December, 2010, 05:21:55 pm »
Right, I've signed up for the January Team Challenge. 

I really need to do this, after all the nuts, chocolates, crisps and other excess food I've eaten over the Christmas period.  At the moment I'm about 4 kg heavier than I'd like to be a this time of year, so a regular dose of 10,000m efforts on the rowing machine might help to get my weight going in the right direction. 

I also need to eat less, but I always find that much harder to put into effect!

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #393 on: 29 December, 2010, 07:16:25 pm »
I typically only do a paltry 2km once per week - is this an every little contribution no matter how small helps sort of thing or would my pathetic little effort drag the team down by lowering the average per team member or something? I can cope with the public ridicule if it'll help (a bit) but as I clearly wouldn't be doing it for any sort of personal challenge I'll only enter if instructed to do so.


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #394 on: 29 December, 2010, 07:54:34 pm »
There is a sort by average and a total metres. Give us your metres! :)


Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #395 on: 29 December, 2010, 11:47:07 pm »
Right, I've signed up for the January Team Challenge. 

I really need to do this, after all the nuts, chocolates, crisps and other excess food I've eaten over the Christmas period.  At the moment I'm about 4 kg heavier than I'd like to be a this time of year, so a regular dose of 10,000m efforts on the rowing machine might help to get my weight going in the right direction. 

I also need to eat less, but I always find that much harder to put into effect!

Good luck!

I did my first one since I bailed at 160k due to lurgy on the holiday challenge. Kept it to 2k + 5k to keep the 2k felt harder than normal and I was sweating more than usual. Possibly lurgy related. I still did my 1500m swim, I'm down to under 40 minutes on that.

My train back to Englandshire from Glasgow is not til 15.50 on Monday. This will give me time to sneak in a row beforehand at the gym in Renfrew. In fact it will stop me wasting an hour between trains at Glasgow: the train from here is cunningly timed to arrive at 14.52; the next at 15.52. If I get the train to Paisley then cycle to the gym I can then get a much better choice of connection from Paisley.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #396 on: 01 January, 2011, 05:43:28 pm »
Well, we're up and running now, as I've just done my first 10,000 of 2011.  It seemed hard, which probably says something about my alcohol consumption yesterday evening.

Chris S

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #397 on: 01 January, 2011, 08:08:29 pm »
OK. I'm in.

Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #398 on: 01 January, 2011, 09:52:23 pm »
Me too.  :)

Hope I've added my 5k.  :thumbsup:


  • Джон Спунър
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Re: Cross Training: Rowing
« Reply #399 on: 02 January, 2011, 02:41:35 pm »
I've just signed up and logged this morning's metres.

Look who we're beating in the team standings:

et avec John, excellent lecteur de road-book, on s'en est sortis sans erreur