Author Topic: Garmin etrex legend hcx scrolling issue- please help  (Read 1773 times)


Garmin etrex legend hcx scrolling issue- please help
« on: 10 October, 2009, 01:14:17 pm »
Hello all.

Can you please help with a small problem that I am having with the above unit that belongs to a friend.
I have the oregon 300 and as you travel the map constantly scrolls with you, keeping your position in the middle of the screen.
However, the etrex is not doing this and we constantly end up walking off the screen. I have trawled the not very helpful manual and the menus and cannot find the answer. I believe that it is called "auto-scrolling".
Any help would be very useful thanks,

frankly frankie

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    • Fuchsiaphile
Re: Garmin etrex legend hcx scrolling issue- please help
« Reply #1 on: 10 October, 2009, 03:43:32 pm »
I've never come across 'auto-scrolling' as such.
As long as a GPS is in 'GPS mode' - it will show you where you are, and in a map view that means centred on the visible map (ignoring subtleties of Track up/North up for the moment).  As you move, the map continually re-centres to cope with that, its what a GPS does.

What I think can happen, is, as soon as the map is manually scrolled for any reason (eg just touching the front pip can do this) - or you do a Find, say - the display drops into a different static 'pointer' map mode which is superficially just the same as the GPS map mode.  It can be somewhat confusing, but one clue is a white pointer on screen, very similar to the typical mouse pointer on a PC.  
[edit] So in the scenario you describe, as soon as you once try to compensate, you have dropped into the static mode and will stay there - getting the effect you describe - until you get out of it by using the Quit/Page key or by restarting the GPS. [/edit]

The way back to the scrolling map mode is simply pressing the Quit/Page key, which is the top right one.  
Often a single press is sufficient to clear the 'pointer' mode, or you may have got into a deeper mode where you have to press Quit repeatedly to cycle through several pages to get back to the GPS map page that way.

(Top Tip: go into setup and remove all the pages you rarely use, from the page cycle. Including the Menu page.  Ultimately the Quit/Page key just becomes a simple switch between your 2 favourite modes - I find this makes the GPS much slicker to use.)
when you're dead you're done, so let the good times roll


Re: Garmin etrex legend hcx scrolling issue- please help
« Reply #2 on: 10 October, 2009, 06:01:28 pm »
Many thanks for your prompt reply Frankie.  :thumbsup:

When I go out with the GPS tomorrow I will put your advice to use.