Author Topic: On the commute today  (Read 2524598 times)

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4825 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:23:51 am »
Oh well done Clarion!

p.s. I very much doubt that driver will now be worse to other cyclists, quite the opposite.  Getting a telling off has a positive effect on almost everyones' behaviour.  Even though they might be angry and deny it at the time, the next time they're in that situation, they will almost certainly moderate their own behaviour a little better.
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4826 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:34:31 am »
I hope so.  I have a relentlessly optimistic view of human nature, and I am most often proved to be right.
Getting there...


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4827 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:40:43 am »
Bit windy, but it's only 5-ish miles so who's complaining when the sun is shining and the dog walkers/drivers behaving!

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4828 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:49:45 am »
Nice tailwind, spoilt by worse than normal traffic on the New King's Road (a minor shunt and traffic lights in Parsons Green). Freed up by Chelsea Embankment and romped along at 130rpm.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4829 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:55:07 am »
I thought I was seeing the last moments of one idiot today.

The van in front of me indicated left nice and early to go into the builders suppliers which is reasonably heavily used, so regular commuters should know to be cautious there.  He slowed down to check it was clear.  I indicated and moved to the right, ready to go round the rear of him when a gap appeared in the traffic in the lane to the right.

An idiot on a bike, came steaming round on my right, swung to the left, and tried to pull, at speed, across the nose of a carefully turning van.  Only the caution and excellent reactions of the van driver stopped it being a crash.  The cyclist was unhurt, but may have been shaken, as he was a fair bit slower afterwards.  Maybe he's had enough of a shock to give him some sense.
Getting there...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4830 on: 10 March, 2011, 10:53:59 am »
I wore my new cycling shoes for the first time today. In lacking the foresight to loosen off the pedals a little in compensation for the new cleats, I spent my commute a) narrowly avoiding clipless incidents and b) doing comically exaggerated and noisy releases because the cleats were practically welded to the pedals.

The shoes are very white. I'm not sure I like them because I keep catching sight of them out of the corner of my eye... That said, I did go very fast today, so it must be down to the shoes (and not the roaring tailwind).


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4831 on: 10 March, 2011, 01:11:40 pm »
I'm on holibobs today. Late night last night after hard gym sesh (it was fine until my PB swimming attempt). Spent this morning tidying the kitchen, washing some clothes, making cappuccino, listening to Making Scotland's Landscape (episode 2: The Highlands), filling the dishwasher. Didn't start packing til 11:42 with train to catch at 12:33.

I left the house at 12:11 and headed into a monster headwind. Two panniers, Barley saddlebag, messenger bag; 71" gear. My legs complained. I arrived at the station at 12:28 then had the usual fight with the ticket machine to collect my prebooked tickets. It would be nice if it didn't eject the tickets in a random order in random orientations. I had enough time to buy some water and Red Bull and catch the train.

It was only when I removed the company fleece we were given a few years ago that I realised how much I sweated under it during the 3 miles. I think I'll change my shirt once I get on the next train.


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4832 on: 10 March, 2011, 03:24:11 pm »
Picked this up from my twitter feed...this lady was assaulted whilst cycling in SE1 parts this morning.

Attacked this morning - any SE1 witnesses?


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4833 on: 10 March, 2011, 03:40:23 pm »
Getting there...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4834 on: 10 March, 2011, 03:44:55 pm »
Too early for me, but that bit under the bridge is a nightmare to try and cycle through given all of the pedestrians going to/from Waterloo.

Luckily I only go through there once a week (tonight) on my way to 5-a-side.

If I had to go through there every day I'd choose a different route to avoid it, at peak times anyway.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • Commuter Proof
    • Tinyfish
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4835 on: 10 March, 2011, 03:50:02 pm »
A very uneventful ride in for me today but reading in other posts here about some of the stuff going on around the Chelsea/Parsons Green area reminded me of just how much of a rabbit warren that part of the world is.

I used to commute through that location and cars, trucks, busses, bikes and pedestrians can come at you from all directions without any warning. Full respect for all those who traverse those roads as you have to have eyes in the back of your head to navigate it safely.
Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live.
 - Mark Twain

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4836 on: 10 March, 2011, 06:51:37 pm »
Too early for me, but that bit under the bridge is a nightmare to try and cycle through given all of the pedestrians going to/from Waterloo.

Luckily I only go through there once a week (tonight) on my way to 5-a-side.

If I had to go through there every day I'd choose a different route to avoid it, at peak times anyway.

Agreed, that point is just too much confrontation with pedestrians. I used to go through there and then straight on to Lower Ground. I now go further along The Cut and up Hatfields.
[Quote/]Adrian, you're living proof that bandwidth is far too cheap.[/Quote]


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4837 on: 10 March, 2011, 08:27:57 pm »
That was ridiculously gusty!  A very odd, yet still enjoyable, ride.
Getting there...


  • benbravoorpapa
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4838 on: 11 March, 2011, 01:44:20 am »
I didn't seem to have too windy a day of it. I ride in to town around four in the afternoon and home approaching midnight. There were occasional gusts, one was strong enough to whip the back of the bike round as I raised my back wheel to set my pedals at lights, however the whole headwind/tailwind thing didn't seem to materialize, which is a nice change from the subtle, yet extremely effective headwind that seems to have been waiting for me every time I've set out over the last week.

Downside this evening - another homicidal bus driver whose attempt on my life I haven't yet recovered from (hence still being up).

Upside - I dropped in behind a black cab 6km from home and as he actually obeyed the speed limit I was still just behind him as I turned off into my road. Not bad as there is an 80m climb in the middle.
A world of bedlam trapped inside a small cyclist.


  • John Diffley
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4839 on: 11 March, 2011, 02:03:00 am »
@ clarion. I love what your doing with the TfL. Is this Transport for London ?

Anyways how do you go about it ? What details do you need ? Evidence and such ?

I think I need to fight back more.

Thanks John


  • benbravoorpapa
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4840 on: 11 March, 2011, 02:28:01 am »
John, I've been using this link:

Click on Contact London Buses on the right hand panel and then select Make a complaint, then Buses, then Safety and Security.

You're then given a form which has entries for time, date and location; vehicle details, i.e. route, registration, destination; driver description; and a comment box to describe the incident. Only time, date and location are mandatory fields.

You're then given an option as to what form of communication you would prefer and then you enter your contact details.

In terms of buses you should be fortunate enough to have the on board cameras to corroborate your complaint. However, I think it's easier to make a stink with your own video. Trying to get witnesses to come forward from on board a bus or from a bus stop is pretty much pointless in my experience.

Oh, as I may as well. My last two days encounters with buses, both now reported:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
A world of bedlam trapped inside a small cyclist.


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4841 on: 11 March, 2011, 07:25:36 am »
Well, that was..... interesting.
Commute home last evening was the slowest in many years!
Directly into the teeth of the first real gale of the year over the tops. I was having to struggle against the wind in the lowest granny gear on the flat and had to pedal to keep going downhill on a 1:8 ! :(
Almost 2 hours to do 22 miles - normally do it in less than 1:20.
I estimated the wind at over 40mph in places.


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4842 on: 11 March, 2011, 07:30:38 am »
Having ridden tandem, commuter, then recumbent in to work on three successive days this week, I've decided to go for the full set.

Tourer today, Brompton tomorrow.

But this could get costly - the last time the tourer was used was the Yorkshire Puddings ride, and the chain has decided to go a crunchy shade of brown.  The brompton looks similar.  So I'm off to the LBS tonight to buy new transmissions for both.
Fell at the last hurdle!  The chain that the LBS sold me for the Brommie was a 1/8", but the one I've just taken off (driving the rivet all the way through, making re-attachment not-worth-the-effort) is a 3/32". I hope the shop will take the new one back, even though it's out of its box.  It's not been fitted to a bike at any time, just offered-up against the old chain to check for width.
So I've reverted to the reassuringly reliable rubber-band drive.
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4843 on: 11 March, 2011, 07:46:58 am »
Crikey Ben, those were not pleasant at all!!!  Thanks very much for making the effort to upload and report them.

A week ago I had a completely different experience:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I thought that was good enough that I'd write an email to the bus depot complimenting them, and got this response:

Dear Wendy,

Many thanks for your kind comments about one of my staff who, it would appear, did what he is supposed to do, which is drive professionally, courteously and safely at all times.
It is nice to find that others appreciate the efforts of drivers who, in the main, do a very hard, stressful job, very well.
Thank you again and I will pass on your remarks to the Driver in question.
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4844 on: 11 March, 2011, 09:29:39 am »
Always worth sending compliments rather than complaints, but I realise that a lot of what seems like kindness is actually just ordinary boring decent driving.

I've rung a few companies to make a mention.  They are always surprised when it's positive. ;D

ben/Yahuda: Yup, that's the route I use to register a complaint.  It's not worth the hassle to try doing it by phone - you're bound to miss something.  If it's a complex incident, I sometimes write a Word document to cut & paste so I know I've got it right before posting.

Useful information for reporting a bus: Route number, Registration, Time, Position, rough description of driver.  Although I have been told that the yellow plate number on the side of some buses is important to identifying the driver, TfL don't seem to think so.

Useful information for reporting black cabs: Don't bother unless it's going to make you feel like you;'ve done something.  The Public Carriage Office Will Not Act.  Nor will the Met.

There may be a value in a sticky for how to report incidents.  I know LFGSS have one on busses.

All that said, I spend an awful lot of time on bus-heavy roads, and have countless successful negotiations with them on every journey.  Most bus drivers in London seem to be very competent and considerate.
Getting there...


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4845 on: 11 March, 2011, 09:51:55 am »
Thats a good response you got there Wendy!

I had a reasonably quickish commute in, apart from one girl who passed me near Deptford and then completely slowed down  ??? I guess she was not feeling as confident in traffic.

Everything was going smoothly until I reached the roundabout in Rotherhithe that leads to Jamaica Road. 2 motorcyclists had stopped and 1 female cyclist was lying on the floor. I pulled in to see if they needed anything and gave location details to the motorcyclist who was on the phone to the ambulance service. The motorcyclist and cyclist had collided with each other on the roundabout  :( She was in a lot of pain with her back and was feeling sick, poor thing. Before the ambulance arrived, a female motorcylist pulled in, turns out she was a doctor. Then 2 ambulances turn up. Situation was being handled.


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4846 on: 11 March, 2011, 09:54:14 am »
Eek!  Good one for stopping to help. :)

Hope all turns out well.
Getting there...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4847 on: 11 March, 2011, 10:23:53 am »
Nice one h_w!!  You're always a star to people in need.   :)
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4848 on: 11 March, 2011, 10:48:27 am »

The shoes are very white.

Not for long, they aren't.
The journey is always more important than the destination

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #4849 on: 11 March, 2011, 10:51:45 am »
Picked this up from my twitter feed...this lady was assaulted whilst cycling in SE1 parts this morning.

Attacked this morning - any SE1 witnesses?

That's awful. Especially since the woman was being so sensible and considerate.
The journey is always more important than the destination