Author Topic: How angry should you get with errant car drivers?  (Read 11449 times)


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: How angry should you get with errant car drivers?
« Reply #50 on: 20 May, 2008, 07:30:44 pm »
On my way home tonight, I shook my head at a driver that tried to squeeze past a bus - and through me - and got a 'Fuck off!' bellowed at me.  Even the cabbie parked next to me was forced to ask "What's his problem?"
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • I come from a land up over!
Re: How angry should you get with errant car drivers?
« Reply #51 on: 20 May, 2008, 07:46:55 pm »
On my way home tonight, ... ... ... a 'Fuck off!' bellowed at me.  Even the cabbie parked next to me was forced to ask "What's his problem?"
Were you smoking?   :demon:
This isn't just a thousand to one shot. This is a professional blood sport. It can happen to you. And it can happen again.

Re: How angry should you get with errant car drivers?
« Reply #52 on: 20 May, 2008, 07:59:52 pm »
I do shake my head, but I can't get away from the fact that sometimes it's me making the mistake - in bike or car. Arguably, though, there is a difference between pulling out and failing to see someone, and going past when there clearly is no room - which appears to be a deliberate decision.

The more aggressive or careless the driving, the more cross I get about it - because yes, we all make mistakes, but if someone chooses a style which makes mistakes more likely, then that *is* their fault.  And that decision affects everyone else's safety. 

But I do try to wave apology when I screw up, and I do try to remember that everyone screws up sometimes.  It occurs to me that to some extent, the fact that there are so *few* road accidents is testament to the facts that
a) there's more room for mistakes than one sometimes thinks;
b) the majority of people on the road are paying attention enough to allow for others' mistakes.

Which is good.  I mean: I've had far more near misses (a fair few) than I have actual accidents (none); and yet more incidents that in different circs could have been much worse.  Any accidents are too many, of course, but when sunk in gloom about standards of driving etc, it can be useful to contemplate this :)

gordon taylor

Re: How angry should you get with errant car drivers?
« Reply #53 on: 20 May, 2008, 09:11:00 pm »
I've pretty much stopped being angry at all. I love my cycling; it makes me feel great and I hate being wound up by aggressive people.

From advice on this (and earlier fora) I now bellow "STOPPPPP" if someone pulls out onto my front wheel - it makes other people look round - but I revert to calm almost instantly.

Mind you, I was mightily pissed-off tonight by the cyclist trying to ride across four lanes of moving traffic on a pedestrian crossing with the red man showing. Me and the friendly guy in the adjacent cabriolet decided (after some debate) that the cyclist was a "complete fucking dickhead."

But most people out there are OK.