Author Topic: Roundabout SMIDSY  (Read 8368 times)


  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #25 on: 15 May, 2008, 02:06:45 pm »
It looks like a close thing (I cannot see the white lines in the video), but if he was on the roundabout before you doesn't he have right of way.
"Give way to the right but also give way to traffic already on the roundabout"
I get this in the lorry when I enter a clear roundabout, to get someone enter at breakneck speed from the other side and have to brake because my trailer is in the way, they then procede to blast the horns and call me all sorts of names just because I'm on the road in front of them.


Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #26 on: 15 May, 2008, 06:54:51 pm »
It looks like a close thing (I cannot see the white lines in the video), but if he was on the roundabout before you doesn't he have right of way.
"Give way to the right but also give way to traffic already on the roundabout"
I get this in the lorry when I enter a clear roundabout, to get someone enter at breakneck speed from the other side and have to brake because my trailer is in the way, they then procede to blast the horns and call me all sorts of names just because I'm on the road in front of them.


I agree with Rich.
OK so BM was riding fast, but was also aware of the risks and what could happen, he had the good sense to ake sure that he was able to stop if needed so never came to grief. I ride like that too. But I would argue that if someone is on the roundabout well before you are, then what you are possibly doing, is catching them up, then going on to make an overtaking maneuver. If everyone entered the ro8ndabout at the same speed and at the same time. Assuming the roundabout is large enough to accommodate everyone at the same time, you would all be able to keep moving.
If you are going to ride on a roundabout at speed, that is the way to do it, by checking that you can escape. Motorists tend to drive like this all the time and complain when they have to brake, thinking that they have the right of way. There is a point where someone pulling out becomes someone who is travelling along the carriageway (or roundabout) There is also that grey area inbetween.
Common sense and caution are the order of the day.

Ray 6701

  • SO @ T
    • Tamworth cycling club
Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #27 on: 15 May, 2008, 07:05:01 pm »
How the bloody hell were you steering, braking and operating the video camera at the same time ???
SR 2010/11/12/13/14/15
RRTY. PBP. LeJoG 1400. LEL.

Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #28 on: 15 May, 2008, 07:07:17 pm »
He's a clever dick.

Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #29 on: 15 May, 2008, 07:29:13 pm »
How the bloody hell were you steering, braking and operating the video camera at the same time ???

You forgot to add pushing the AirZound button and pedalling to that list.  A bit of thought should come up with the safe and obvious solution.

Your Royal Charles are belong to us.

Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #30 on: 15 May, 2008, 09:10:29 pm »
How the bloody hell were you steering, braking and operating the video camera at the same time ???

You forgot to add pushing the AirZound button and pedalling to that list.  A bit of thought should come up with the safe and obvious solution.

Simple - mounted camera, on a recumbent you can operate the AirZound with the heel of the hand, which just leaves steering and braking - most of us can manage this!

Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #31 on: 15 May, 2008, 09:48:57 pm »
The cars I really hate are the ones who prance onto the roundabout at excessive speeds and expect everyone else to fall back, I once needed stitches after going into one of these, the car I was driving alongside had to brake suddenly.  So I tend to favour the "arse-sniffing" approach myself - let them suss each other out and proceed steadily and with caution, I would slow down as I wouldn't think they would be expecting a cyclist bolting out of the blue round the roundabout.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: Roundabout SMIDSY
« Reply #32 on: 16 May, 2008, 12:15:31 pm »
I was just overtaken on a mini roundabout by a council van with a sticker on the back saying Driven With Care? Phone 0131 529 5770. So I phoned and told them it wasn't. I didn't get the numberplate, but like I said to the guy on the phone, I don't want anyone disciplined for it, I just want them all to be reminded that there are rules about how they should drive and the rules are there for a reason.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.