Author Topic: It's snowing!  (Read 647607 times)

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1800 on: 30 November, 2010, 08:04:05 pm »
Tell her to come inside with her tape measure now.

 ::-) ;) ;D

She'll have cold hands...    :D

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1801 on: 30 November, 2010, 08:20:01 pm »
YES!!! WE HAZ SNO!!!!   :thumbsup:

Well, sort of.  :-\

Walked to the station in fluffy white stuff about 2 1/2 inches deep with more big fluffy flakes falling from the sky. Lots of snow all the way into work. Get to work station - nothing. Not one flake.

Lots falling throughout the day, but nothing settled.

Get home and back to the land of snow. Although most of it has been compacted to ice now as they don't clear anything other than the bits of pavement with shops on. But we seem to have more than areas close by.
Abnormal for Norfolk

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1802 on: 30 November, 2010, 08:40:36 pm »
There's a bus across the road parked up and won't be moving.
2 cars with damage from the bus
All because he thought he knew better then an older bus driver and couldn't wait for me to get some sand under his wheels to help him about.
I hope he gets the sack. Ill be writing a letter of complaint tomorrow as I hope others do.
I did help out a fit young girl though whose car was stuck sideways across the road

Don't question. It makes people angry.

Chris S

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1803 on: 30 November, 2010, 09:43:22 pm »

I love the combination of 24 Hour News and thick people.

News 24: "How long does it normally take you to drive to work?"
Thick Bloke: "15 minutes"
News 24: "How long did it take you today?"
Thick Bloke "An hour and a half"
News 24: "Why was that?"
Thick Bloke: "There was a lot of snow, and a jack-knifed lorry and stuff."

Fuck me, son - get off your lardy arse and fucking WALK!1
LOL! May oi larf.

1 Or cycle. Assumes enough intelligence to use appropriate equipment.


Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1804 on: 30 November, 2010, 09:47:26 pm »
I wished I'd left the bike at home today  :(

got to work OK; it didn't settle in London and I was togged up to the 9s when I left home on sno covered roads to the station;

the journey home was less enjoyable; Clapham Junction had seen about 2 trains south in as many hours; when the trains eventually crawled in it was a case of 10 sardines off 15 on, for about an hour and anybody with a bike no matter how foldable was liable to get set alight by the crowd for warmth. Tried jumping the stopping trains to Croydon to no avail either. Finally decided that if the one and only train to my station was full I was going to cycle to East Croydon. Lo and behold I got on  :). At EC 50% off the train got off to be replaced by another 60% back on. Lost my potential seat in the melee; plus having to stand in 8" of sno with bike at each platform to let everyone off. Finally when it looked like I might get a seat away from the icy blast near the door they decided to terminate the train and kicked us out on the platform to wait for the next one 15 min later (fair enough it was the only train they could actually run back up to London)

Everyone was in Dunkirk mood; wonder how many days that will last  :-\

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1805 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:04:24 pm »
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Gonna ride my bike until I get home...
    • Angus Bike Chain CC
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1806 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:07:14 pm »
The Tunnocks lorry!
Relax Kirst, I think it's a toy lorry.  :facepalm:
Our Caramel Wafers will get through.
It's a bit weird, but actually quite wonderful.


  • Droll rat
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1807 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:07:26 pm »
School off again today.  Built a snow sauropod, to go next to the tyranosaurus; read (aloud) more of The Hobbit ...

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1808 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:12:52 pm »
I wished I'd left the bike at home today  :(

got to work OK; it didn't settle in London and I was togged up to the 9s when I left home on sno covered roads to the station;

the journey home was less enjoyable; Clapham Junction had seen about 2 trains south in as many hours; when the trains eventually crawled in it was a case of 10 sardines off 15 on, for about an hour and anybody with a bike no matter how foldable was liable to get set alight by the crowd for warmth. Tried jumping the stopping trains to Croydon to no avail either. Finally decided that if the one and only train to my station was full I was going to cycle to East Croydon. Lo and behold I got on  :). At EC 50% off the train got off to be replaced by another 60% back on. Lost my potential seat in the melee; plus having to stand in 8" of sno with bike at each platform to let everyone off. Finally when it looked like I might get a seat away from the icy blast near the door they decided to terminate the train and kicked us out on the platform to wait for the next one 15 min later (fair enough it was the only train they could actually run back up to London)

Everyone was in Dunkirk mood; wonder how many days that will last  :-\

Martin, that sounds wincingly pants.
My plan is to run the gauntlet between mine and ECR tomorrow am.
Can't say it's something I'm looking forward to.

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1809 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:36:18 pm »
We are forecast to get a -9 on Friday night / Saturday morning.

The Norwegians think it will be raining early Saturday.
Weekend forecast for Southend-on-Sea in England (United Kingdom) –


Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1810 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:37:11 pm »
My plan is to run the gauntlet between mine and ECR tomorrow am.
Can't say it's something I'm looking forward to.

the 8" looks like it's now arriving at home too,

I shall have a trudge to the station tomorrow; I don't expect to see anything in the platform though, I suspect tonight's token gesture train service was just to disperse an otherwise angry mob!

All the time I lived in W London we had virtually no snow when N S and E did;

a Cow Orker explained that this was due to the warm air in the Thames basin caused by the London Clays rather than the Chalk surrounding it; does this sound like bolleaux?

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1811 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:45:59 pm »
My plan is to run the gauntlet between mine and ECR tomorrow am.
Can't say it's something I'm looking forward to.

the 8" looks like it's now arriving at home too,

I shall have a trudge to the station tomorrow; I don't expect to see anything in the platform though, I suspect tonight's token gesture train service was just to disperse an otherwise angry mob!

I suspect that, after the cars have carved some ruts that have frozen solid overnight, I shall be stood on a platform a few stops north of you peering forlornly south.
[Quote/]Adrian, you're living proof that bandwidth is far too cheap.[/Quote]


Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1812 on: 30 November, 2010, 10:58:28 pm »
Local mountain got 70cm overnight, but wont open for night-riding until next week :(.
Was sorely tempted to call in sick today.


Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1813 on: 30 November, 2010, 11:17:19 pm »

Waitrose delivery tonight - completely unprepared, managed to get stuck at the end of our drive,  unable to get back up the hill.  A road blockage brought out the neighbours and it became a social event, with grit being ferried from down the road.


  • Lavender Bike Menace
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1814 on: 30 November, 2010, 11:29:36 pm »
The Tunnocks lorry!

I hope it was full of their "tea cakes".  Every last one, along with the secret recipe.  Lost forever.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked: Allen Ginsberg
The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads: Jeff Hammerbacher

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1815 on: 30 November, 2010, 11:40:18 pm »
The Tunnocks lorry!

I hope it was full of their "tea cakes".  Every last one, along with the secret recipe.  Lost forever.

Can I interest you in one of these;)
It didn't look at all like that in the photographs

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1816 on: 30 November, 2010, 11:43:47 pm »
I suspect that, after the cars have carved some ruts that have frozen solid overnight, I shall be stood on a platform a few stops north of you peering forlornly south.

IRTA "peeing". It's yer age you know.

In other news: I've replaced a spoke in The Boy's cast off bike and fitted it with Nokian Spikey tyres. I'm all set for a ride in tomorrow. It had better keep snowing tonight , or there will be trouble. 
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1817 on: 01 December, 2010, 04:16:01 am »
I think I'm going to invest in some proper snow boots and gaiters tomorrow. I didn't even know such a thing as 'snow boots' for men existed outside of Canada (Uggs don't count, they're for gurls, and fashion victim gurls at that). The boots that did me proud last year are just not up to the job at the moment, not nearly warm or waterproof enough. Even if it stops snowing, the temperatures mean what's already fallen will be around for a few weeks yet, and since the pavements out here are rarely used and never cleared, it's worth the small investment.

Took me an hour and a half to walk to the shops this afternoon, a journey that normally takes 15-20 minutes, and everything below my knees was soaked to the bone and freezing cold within 100 yards of leaving the house. I still haven't regained the feeling in my toes and have now discovered some rather painful muscles in my buttox that I never knew existed, just from trying to wade through it.

Currently 18 inches in the back garden, taken as an average from the path, the lawn (a whopping 22 inches!), the picnic table and the shed roof.

Rig of Jarkness

  • An Englishman abroad
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1818 on: 01 December, 2010, 07:13:20 am »
I think I'm going to invest in some proper snow boots and gaiters tomorrow.

Cross country skis would be more fun  :thumbsup:

Mind you don't go making any snappy decisions about gators.  ;D
Aero but not dynamic


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1819 on: 01 December, 2010, 07:25:05 am »
Tesco's are doing gaiters for £7.50 per pair....
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1820 on: 01 December, 2010, 07:37:44 am »
Mind you don't go making any snappy decisions about gators.  ;D

@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1821 on: 01 December, 2010, 07:47:46 am »
Relax Kirst, I think it's a toy lorry.  :facepalm:
Our Caramel Wafers will get through.
Do you promise?  :-\
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1822 on: 01 December, 2010, 08:07:07 am »
Uggs are not for girls apparently.
There's a guy at work with 2 pairs. One pair for around the house the other pair for outside.

Don't question. It makes people angry.

Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1823 on: 01 December, 2010, 08:24:07 am »
minus 5 outside, am working from home with my slippers on.  Cats are very confused.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: It's snowing!
« Reply #1824 on: 01 December, 2010, 08:42:22 am »
I really need to take the recycling out to the collection bins but the thought of having to carry it across a street of over a foot of snow plus slushy tracks is defeating me.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.