Author Topic: Peacocks and Kites 300km  (Read 4496 times)


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Peacocks and Kites 300km
« on: 15 May, 2008, 12:21:16 pm »
I am hoping to do this calendar ride which is on the 31st of May

I've not done it before but it has a good rep.  I have done another Dave Lewis ride ( Bridge too Far 600 ) and that was fun.

It starts from Tongwynlais in Cardiff which I assume implies the dreaded "Quality" hotel

I am not sure of what pre ride arrangement I will make yet.  At the moment I favour riding from Devon to Cardiff the day before, staying in the Youth Hostel, doing the ride, another night at the Hostel and then back the next day


Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #1 on: 15 May, 2008, 12:23:12 pm »
It is a great ride.  One of the best 300s.

5 am from the Unquality Unfriendly, I believe.  I once made the mistake of staying there before the P&K; last time I rode it I preferred to get up at stupid O'clock and drive up.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #2 on: 15 May, 2008, 03:29:25 pm »

I am not sure of what pre ride arrangement I will make yet.  At the moment I favour riding from Devon to Cardiff the day before, staying in the Youth Hostel, doing the ride, another night at the Hostel and then back the next day
According to my maths, the finish is a 1am cut-off; are Youth Hostels still open at that hour?
(Not that you'll finish that late ... )
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #3 on: 15 May, 2008, 04:04:37 pm »

I am not sure of what pre ride arrangement I will make yet.  At the moment I favour riding from Devon to Cardiff the day before, staying in the Youth Hostel, doing the ride, another night at the Hostel and then back the next day
According to my maths, the finish is a 1am cut-off; are Youth Hostels still open at that hour?
(Not that you'll finish that late ... )

It starts at 5am

Based on other 300s I have known and loved under fair conditions I should be finished in 16.5 hours which is 9:30pm.  I've not asked the YH what time it locks up for the night but it is quite close to the event finish so i am hoping for a scenario where I am back at the YH with a potion of fish and chips picked up on the way at 10ish

If the worst come to the worst and I don't finish until some 'orrible hour I start back home a bit earlier than I thought....:)  I prefer the chips and a bunk bed outcome

Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #4 on: 15 May, 2008, 04:10:07 pm »
potion of fish and chips

It won't taste right without eye of newt.  ;)


Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #5 on: 15 May, 2008, 06:10:00 pm »

I am not sure of what pre ride arrangement I will make yet.  At the moment I favour riding from Devon to Cardiff the day before, staying in the Youth Hostel, doing the ride, another night at the Hostel and then back the next day
According to my maths, the finish is a 1am cut-off; are Youth Hostels still open at that hour?
(Not that you'll finish that late ... )

It starts at 5am

Based on other 300s I have known and loved under fair conditions I should be finished in 16.5 hours which is 9:30pm.  I've not asked the YH what time it locks up for the night but it is quite close to the event finish so i am hoping for a scenario where I am back at the YH with a potion of fish and chips picked up on the way at 10ish

If the worst come to the worst and I don't finish until some 'orrible hour I start back home a bit earlier than I thought....:)  I prefer the chips and a bunk bed outcome

If you're staying for both nights you shouldn't have a problem as it's 24 hour access. Just make sure you remember the code to get in. Reception is generally open until 10pm and from 7am.


  • Inadequate Randonneur
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #6 on: 16 May, 2008, 12:37:56 pm »
If you want somewhere a little nicer nearby there is a farmhouse B&B at Gelynis Farm. They should be cycle friendly they have a cycle hire buisness.

They are just over the Iron Bridge that seperates Tongwynlais from Morganstown, on
the Morganstown side of the river. Bicycles use the iron bridge from the farm yard to
Iron Bridge road, Tongwynlais, left under A470, R@T, L into hotel. Around 1km in total.

Car access is from Morganstown.

frere yacker

Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #7 on: 16 May, 2008, 12:51:18 pm »
Lovely ride; if it wasn't for a date clash with the Irish Mail 400 I would have done it.

Well thought out route with some different roads travelled (thinking of the climb and descent to Tregaron in particular, but there are others).  It also takes in Cwm Ystwyth - cycling territory out of the top drawer.

Keep a little bit in the tank for the last stage.  There is a bugger of a climb after Talybont Reservoir (although the blast through the mining villages of the Taff Valley should help you recover).


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #8 on: 18 May, 2008, 07:32:01 am »
If you want somewhere a little nicer ...

No i want somewhere cheap :)

I have time to cycle there for the start from Devon.  This is because I am workless at the moment


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #9 on: 20 May, 2008, 11:36:53 am »

According to my maths, the finish is a 1am cut-off; are Youth Hostels still open at that hour?
(Not that you'll finish that late ... )

If you're staying for both nights you shouldn't have a problem as it's 24 hour access. Just make sure you remember the code to get in. Reception is generally open until 10pm and from 7am.

Thanks for the info John - I'll put this ride on the "attractive possibles" list.
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #10 on: 20 May, 2008, 12:46:32 pm »
I'm not doing this now .. never mind maybe another time


  • Monsieur Escargot
  • Velo Club L'Escargot - we're great at going slow!!
    • Velo Club L'Escargot - Ultra Distance Cycling Club
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #11 on: 28 May, 2008, 06:42:02 pm »
I'm really, really looking forward to this now!

Just looked at the BBC 5-day weather forecast (mad fool) and it's saying it's sunny on Saturday - so that'll be torrential rain and a force-9 gail then :P

And 5am start, well, shall we just say the last time I was up at 5am, I was just getting in!!!

How times have changed...anyone else looking forward to this one?

I'm hoping to meet lots of interesting people plus a few members of my local club...
Velo Club L'Escargot - we're great at going slow - steady as she goes Captain :) -


Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #12 on: 28 May, 2008, 10:18:02 pm »
I really enjoyed this one last year - but I'm committed to a charidee ride which I've turned into 2 back to back 200 diys.  It's wierd, in the real world that is a gargantuan effort which causes gasps of astonishment and people throwing money at you - In our world it's just another weekend  8)

Keep a little bit in the tank for the last stage.  There is a bugger of a climb after Talybont Reservoir (although the blast through the mining villages of the Taff Valley should help you recover).

Wise words indeed - That is the only climb that got me walking last year   :'( (then again, I didn't do the Elineth last year)


  • Monsieur Escargot
  • Velo Club L'Escargot - we're great at going slow!!
    • Velo Club L'Escargot - Ultra Distance Cycling Club
Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #13 on: 01 June, 2008, 11:51:44 am »

Hope noone minds, but thought it useful to give a report on my first 300Km.  Useful for who? I don't know, but it's kind of nicer to write about it rather than ride it :P!!!

Well that has to count as the single hardest thing I've ever done!  What a route, absolutely amazing views and countryside and the weather was in the main really good.

Shame I felt completely rubbish.  About 2 miles into the ride I was feeling sluggish and perhaps I should have seen the warning signs and turned back there and then.

But all this talk of bl**dy minded determination on yacf was in my head and come rain, shine or anything else that could be thrown at me, including feeling like death, I was going to finish this ride.

I felt ill at the start and so missed the official start at 5am, so was 10 minutes behind everyone else starting, but finally caught the tail end just before Llandovery, but it was really, really hard going.  Had something to eat there and felt a little better.

Looking at the route sheet I felt comforted that next it was a short stage, only 42Km to the next control.  Ha ha, I have a lot to learn about Audax - short stage must mean hilly stage!  That was a tough one to Tregaron, with one bit where I honestly thought I was going to go over backwards on the bike, I had no energy to get out of the saddle and was pulling that hard on the handlebars that I swear the front wheel left the ground.

Just before Tregaron, I had a blow out at high speed coming down the hill, but managed to control it.  Having looked at the tube I can only assume that it was because of the heat of the rim from all the braking.  I was only using the brakes when absolutely necessary (in my head), but the rim was absolutely scorching, so much so that I actually burnt my fingers when taking the front wheel out!!!

Pretty much the rest of the ride until Talybont-on-Usk was spent suffering at a silly slow pace and with constant thoughts of packing but with the reality being that the only way of getting home was by bike so I may as well just keep going.

Fortunately a stop at the White Hart Inn allowed me some time to recover and start to feel a little more like my usual self (only 14 hours too late!!).  Having chatted with Richard (Exeter Wheelers), Irish Alan on fixed and my team mate Andy Dade, we thought that perhaps 3 and half hours back was a reasonable estimate, so hopefully back for around 10.30pm!!!  Alan mentioned that I had until after 1am to finish - which I thought was highly amusing!

The Torpantau climb is an absolute beast and for sure one of the hardest I've done, maybe because of the time in the ride when it comes, and I was determined I was going to have a good go at it.  Alan on fixed clearly wasn't even going to contemplate this, poor guy having to pretty much push his bike all the way up from the bottom!

I managed to make it just past the cattle grid (about 7/8's of the way up), but the legs just would not take anymore, so I have to admit to having walked the last little bit.  I know I could nail this climb if I was feeling better and fresher, but yesterday, well I was quite proud that I made it as far as I did.

From there I felt surprisingly good, probably because I know the roads from Merthyr like the back of my hand and knew I was nearing the end, and so made excellent progress.  I got back to Tongwynlais just before 10pm, so had actually completed the last 57Km in under 3 hours (2 hours 53 to be precise), which I reckon under the circumstances is pretty good - ironically I felt better during the last 57Km than I did for the first, how weird is that?

Total time was 16 hours 57, although accordingly to my computer I was only riding for 13 hours 45 minutes of that.  Calories burnt went over 10,000!!! Average speed for time riding was 13.5MPH.

So there you go, I managed my first 300Km and am pretty proud to be honest.  I've not had many worse days in the saddle in terms of how I felt but there was no way I was going to give in!

Lessons learnt, however, are (1) I need a new saddle, going to try out a Brooks soon, and (2)  a saddle bag (probably a Barley), since keeping all my stuff in my back pockets just felt really uncomfortable and I think as well caused some back pain because of the weight of various items.

I'm pleased to have completed the ride but it has not exactly given me the confidence to go on to do a 400 let alone a 600, but after a couple of days I hope my confidence will return and also realise that we all have bad days and this was one of them.  Perhaps some more 200s and another crack at a 300 would be a better approach, but you never know with me!
Velo Club L'Escargot - we're great at going slow - steady as she goes Captain :) -

Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #14 on: 01 June, 2008, 01:22:38 pm »
I'm pleased to have completed the ride but it has not exactly given me the confidence to go on to do a 400 let alone a 600, but after a couple of days I hope my confidence will return and also realise that we all have bad days and this was one of them.  Perhaps some more 200s and another crack at a 300 would be a better approach, but you never know with me!

You were not feeling very well.  You did a very hilly ride.  You had the drama of a blow-out.  It was the longest ride you'd done (I assume).  You've learnt stuff about equipment.  You had oodles of time to spare and finished better than you started.  A 400 should be a doddle.

Well done.

Re: Peacocks and Kites 300km
« Reply #15 on: 01 June, 2008, 01:31:02 pm »
Well played Dodge, thanks for the RR.