Author Topic: 0-400 in 4 months  (Read 3907 times)


0-400 in 4 months
« on: 09 January, 2010, 10:46:38 pm »
I seem to recall that there were a few brave folks who had entered LEL but had never ridden any thing longer than a 200k.
How did they get on and what sort of mileage did they do prior to LEL?
I have my eye on the Lincoln 400 in May ,but I had a quiet year in 2009 ,just scraping a 200 in November. My last 400 was in 2008 and I finished with a couple of hours to spare. Obviously the weather has stopped any activity at the moment so need a bit of inspiration.

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #1 on: 09 January, 2010, 10:52:44 pm »
I did that in 2005. My first 200 was in 2000, my next in February 2005, my first 300, 400, 600 were all between February 2005 and July 2005 when I did LEL. 400 was Spurn Head in May 2005. I got on fine with LEL that year. I did loads of miles prior to LEL, I did over 10,000 in total that year but I don't remember how many before, it's too late to get my memory stick out to check my log.  It's easily doable, you've done it before so know if you are going well enough or not. Go for it. Regrettably I'll not be doing the Lincoln 400 as it clashes with another 200, The Old 240 IIRC. I say regrettably because Nigel Halls events will be good ones. So will Chris Cs I am sure.  ;)

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #2 on: 09 January, 2010, 10:56:15 pm »
It sounds as though you're starting with a clear idea of what's necessary, so you do have an advantage.

I rode my first 200 last April, then my first 300 and 400 in May, though admittedly with a lot of regular mileage and long rides.

I definitely plan to ride the Lincoln 400: it starts 6 miles from my doorstep.  See you at Nige's ;D


  • Just do it!
Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #3 on: 09 January, 2010, 11:03:11 pm »
Just go for it! There's no reason why you shouldn't succeed. My first Audax was a 300 and went fine.
I stamped the card of a successful LEL finisher in 2005. I believe it was his very first Audax.
Don't try to break any records, but don't hang around too much.
Do not let yourself become too:
Just do it! You will succeed barring medical and mechanical mishaps.

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #4 on: 09 January, 2010, 11:08:59 pm »
FWIW we are planning 400km for the first weekend in April, I've done zero kilometres since December 15th and nothing longer than 200km since end of August when I DNF'd a 1000 not even half way through

Weirdy Biker

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #5 on: 10 January, 2010, 11:14:12 am »
Very similar to MSeries.  I went from doing my first 100km AUK event in mid-March 2005 to my first 400km event on the May Day bank holiday.  Prior to the 100km event, I was simply a club cyclist doing around 50 miles a week (but coming out of the winter had done less, albeit I was generally fit from sessions in the gym).

So yes it is possible.  That said, that first 400km ride (it was the Severn Across, nothing like a hardcore event) still counts as one of the toughest rides I did.  I got to the stage where I was cycling for 15 mins and then stopping for a rest within 25km of the finish.  It wasn't the distance, it was the lack of sleep (and having to work through it) that was tough and completely beyond my experience.


Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #6 on: 10 January, 2010, 12:57:53 pm »
I did my first 200 in 2001; didn't then do another until June 2002.
Did my first 400 in July of that year; having never done a 300.

it's a question of mind over matter

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #7 on: 10 January, 2010, 01:17:32 pm »
It is definitely do-able, just depends on how much you want to complete the ride.

My first Audax was a New Forest 100 in 2006 then followed by a SR in 2007 to qualify and complete for PBP.  Many people packed that edition very early IMHO due to the weather rather than the distance.

As for the last couple of years, audaxing has taken a back seat (is that a very bad pun?? :facepalm:) mainly due to family & work commitments but I have completed and DNF'd (bike failure) the Dorset Coast 200 recently but last year I was determined to ride LEL.  I even worked out a schedule of rides to build up to it but mainly because it didn't need the qualification my participation in these rides vanished but LEL came and I completed it.

There were times, just before Thurlby, when with a failing set of neck muscles and a rear wheel giving way that I thought I may have packed but the energy, enthusiasm and all-out helpfulness of the volunteers re-invigorated me, so a big thanks to them.

So it is really all in the mind....

Go on you know you really want to do it......

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #8 on: 10 January, 2010, 03:44:43 pm »
I had two months off the bike away travelling around South America back in November/December 2008. I did plenty of walking but no cycling in that time and lost most of my cycling fitness. I had put on half a stone too. But then I had completed an SR in the year up to November.
I tried to ride a DIY 100 down to the South coast a few days after getting back home (just before new year) and had to give up at 70km (Hayward's Heath).

From then I put good effort into the commute (a flat 23km round trip) every day.

Audax wise, I then did:-

31-JAN: Willy Warmer 200
27-FEB: Brazier's Run 100 made into DIY 200 (250km)
15-MAR: DIY 300: Putney to Thorne (310km)
16-MAR: DIY 200: Thorne to Alston (220km)
17-MAR: DIY 200: Thorne to North Berwick (205km)
28-MAR: The Dean 300
25-APR: The Elenith 300
16-MAY: Bryan Chapman 600
27-JUN: Midlander Super Grimpeur 300
04-JUL: Dun Run and back home as DIY 400 (430km)
26-JUL: London-Edinburgh-London 1400km

Monthly kilometerages up to and including LEL were:-

JAN: 600.12km
FEB: 539.92km
MAR: 1306.3km
APR: 581.33km
MAY: 853.4km
JUN: 902.68km
JUL: 1979.61km

So, nothing to 700km over 3 consecutive days in just two and a half months. All but the MSG 300 was on fixed too.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #9 on: 10 January, 2010, 03:52:19 pm »
Riding Audaxes is very poor physical training - better than nothing, but nothing like optimum.

As posted above, it's 50% mental. If you've already ridden a 400 in the past, you'll probably be fine, even if you don't ride more than 2 hours straight in 2010.

... but the more 2hr rides you do, the easier the 400 will be!
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #10 on: 10 January, 2010, 04:33:37 pm »
It's pretty well how I did my first SR in 2003.  A 200 in Feb building up to to a 600 in May never having done anything more than slow 100's and carrying quite a bit of weight and having a very stressful time at work. 

I think the main thing I needed was a very tolerant and supportive family


Uncle Eric

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #11 on: 11 January, 2010, 12:06:10 pm »
Last year I started biking in April after 3 years complete non-biking (but plenty of weight work in the gym and some long-distance walking/jogging in the 40-60k range). Did a 200k Audax in June, a 300k in Aug and a 450k DIY two weeks later. No problems with that, really, except mentally getting used to the many hours and darkness riding since my longest ride before starting Audax was 186k. And I'm in my mid 40s so no young stud type of guy. Seems if you've done endurance stuff in the past one can come back in decent endurance-shape quite quickly. Just do it!


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Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #12 on: 11 January, 2010, 01:35:44 pm »
I seem to recall that there were a few brave folks who had entered LEL but had never ridden any thing longer than a 200k.
How did they get on and what sort of mileage did they do prior to LEL?
I have my eye on the Lincoln 400 in May ,but I had a quiet year in 2009 ,just scraping a 200 in November. My last 400 was in 2008 and I finished with a couple of hours to spare. Obviously the weather has stopped any activity at the moment so need a bit of inspiration.

I was one of those...

Before the Brevet Cymru, I only had a 200 (monmouthshire meander), a 100, two 300 (the dean and heart of england) in my bag.

I was commuting as often as possible, so not impossible at all...

I struggled for the Brevet Cymru but mainly because I came off just after a few hours and cycled the remaining 300km with a badly bruised right hand side.

So go for it....
Chief cat entertainer.


Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #13 on: 11 January, 2010, 08:43:57 pm »
Many thanks for your encouraging remarks.Its interesting to note that there are a few northern correspondents .I guess that part of my problem has been that in the past I have not bothered to analyse how I arrived at a given fitness/endurance level,it just happened.Now as age catches up I have to prepare a bit more.Anyway went out yesterday and did 30 miles non stop .It was rather  chilly and the undulations around Knaresborough had me using a few more gears than I wanted to but I enjoyed it. Now I have to juggle miles and work.
I have printed off the entry for the Lincoln. I know it clashes with Chris Crosslands events  but I rode the Spurn Head 400 a couple of years ago( and twisted my knee falling off on the cobbles near the lighthouse) so fancy a change.The Old 240 is not for me. The Lincoln should also pass near my house on the last leg and i should know most of the roads if it does not meander too far into the Wolds.

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #14 on: 11 January, 2010, 09:48:15 pm »
Many thanks for your encouraging remarks.Its interesting to note that there are a few northern correspondents .I guess that part of my problem has been that in the past I have not bothered to analyse how I arrived at a given fitness/endurance level,it just happened.Now as age catches up I have to prepare a bit more.Anyway went out yesterday and did 30 miles non stop .It was rather  chilly and the undulations around Knaresborough had me using a few more gears than I wanted to but I enjoyed it. Now I have to juggle miles and work.
I have printed off the entry for the Lincoln. I know it clashes with Chris Crosslands events  but I rode the Spurn Head 400 a couple of years ago( and twisted my knee falling off on the cobbles near the lighthouse) so fancy a change.The Old 240 is not for me. The Lincoln should also pass near my house on the last leg and i should know most of the roads if it does not meander too far into the Wolds.

I don't know the exact route, but Nigel said that it didn't cross the Humber Bridge, so we stay west of the Wolds.  Going south from the start in Aldbrough St John, I believe the plan is to swing east of York, towards Goole and down to Lincoln, then there is a stopover in York on the way back (in case anyone needs a kip).  Flat Vale of York roads all the way.


Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #15 on: 12 January, 2010, 08:48:41 pm »
Thanks for the route info.Guess that means Howden/Boothferry again. There must be  stinger somewhere-a final flog up Gilling bank to cross the A66 perhaps.Hope to see you there if everything comes together.

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #16 on: 12 January, 2010, 08:51:45 pm »
Thanks for the route info.Guess that means Howden/Boothferry again. There must be  stinger somewhere-a final flog up Gilling bank to cross the A66 perhaps.Hope to see you there if everything comes together.
I don't think Nigel does that sort of thing. It'll be a good event but a route rather too dull for me I think. So Madcow are we going to see you out and about in the North before then ?


Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #17 on: 14 January, 2010, 09:27:08 pm »
Iam just in the process of negotiating my audax calender with the domestic manager.


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  • Suus cuique crepitus bene olet
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Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #18 on: 15 January, 2010, 06:02:50 pm »
Iam just in the process of negotiating my audax calender with the domestic manager.

I would suggest that it is harder work than the riding itself!
Chief cat entertainer.

Re: 0-400 in 4 months
« Reply #19 on: 17 January, 2010, 10:16:45 pm »
Thanks for the route info.Guess that means Howden/Boothferry again. There must be  stinger somewhere-a final flog up Gilling bank to cross the A66 perhaps.Hope to see you there if everything comes together.

That's not Nigel's style, as MSeries says.  A more likely route is through Barton.

You should feel free to go via Richmond, Gilling and Melsonby, but you'll probably be on your own ;)