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  • Severn Across 400: 24 April, 2010

Author Topic: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P  (Read 35428 times)


Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #175 on: 25 April, 2010, 09:57:23 pm »
I think the 7A took me about 24h the one and only time I've done it.

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #176 on: 25 April, 2010, 10:38:33 pm »
JJ (or is it Obi-wan) - I see I have much to learn from you. 3 naps and a lie down and you still finished an hour before me.

boab - pretty audacious, recovering from heat stroke and then cycling 200km. Sorry I said there were only 2 more hills after Tewkesbury - how was I to know?


Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #177 on: 25 April, 2010, 11:08:01 pm »
You'll find better tutors than me hereabouts, even in the art of finding the skiver's alternative.


Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #178 on: 26 April, 2010, 12:06:22 am »
You lot got sun burn in April?  Guess the River Monnow is gonna burst its banks next weekend for the Brevet Cymru then.  >:(

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #179 on: 26 April, 2010, 06:12:27 am »
My third ride of this event and the best yet. I made a cod's of the start, caught up in ablutions to emerge at 6.01 a.m. to find everyone gone, so no early lift with the fast train. I tend to (a) take forever to warm up and (b) suffer from the cold, so as it was only just above zero, I struggled for miles until I had to give in and stop to add layers and spend ten minutes with my hands in my armpits, trying to get the blood back into them, since I could no longer work the Ergolevers.

So a solo ride to Woodstock, where Deniece and two others were just about to leave and Chris B. said he was begining to worry about me! With no one left in the cafe, the beans on toast came and went swiftly. Having seen the delights of Guiting Power enough times before, at Stow I took the soft option of the B4077 to Tewkesbury. Here I found several riders and by good luck, involving confusion in the Great Grandfather's kichen, got served before Ed and Jane and was thus able to jump aboard to make up a six strong bunch, with boab, Fidgetbuzz and Bron heading into the wind for Chepstow.

We lost boab on the lumpy bit before Aston Clews. Despite you saying to Ed to go on without you, before Aston Clews, we were all concerned about you until word came through that you'd been seen kipping soundly on a bench! Of course we didn't realise at the time why - applause to you for finishing in a very creditable time, despite considerable travails. I can strongly agree with Chris S by the way, about the benefits of Nuun tablets, which I now consume like sweets and which help enormously.

There was a short debate about whether we really needed to tackle Yat Rock but Ed damn him, said we'd feel short-changed if we didn't and in a moment of weakness I allowed myself to be diverted from the path of common sense. The climb exposed the folly of compact double ringed chainsets and we were a fractured group at the top, the more so after the long grind up to St. Briavels. There was a regrouping in the Tesco's car park - oh joy - before Ed, Jane and I set off to clamber up to the bridge, always a delight on a newly stuffed stomach!

A steady run then to attain the Somerset Monument and rest a wee while before a run into Malmesbury and a welcome pause at the chippy, where we were joined by Bron and Fidgetbuzz, among others, F'buzz struggling manfully with only the middle ring working.

Onwards again, with fatigue begining to show. A brief pause at the Copen Hall garage for more water and then on into Membury, where we enjoyed the delights of the garage rather than the plushness (!) of the services. Found Rich F. here, quietly slumped on a barstool trying to recover from stomach ailments. Pressed on after tea and muffins with a couple more rest and snack stops after climbing out of Streatley and at the crossing over the M40. Many thanks to Ed and Jane for patiently waiting for me at the tops of several climbs.

A final effort at Welders Lane and we were home, followed shortly by a large group who we'd unknowingly jumped at Membury, as they were all in the services, but who had nearly caught us by dint of the A4 option, which they described as A Thoroughly Good Idea.

Most welcome scoff and chat at the finish before sloping off to the car for some kip before the drive home.

Once again, many, many thanks to Chris B and helpers for their efforts, especially for organising the favourable weather, and providing such a splendid ride.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #180 on: 26 April, 2010, 07:17:29 am »
It took me 90 minutes to get from 195.5 R @ T sp COLEFORD B4228 to 197.5 L @ T sp CHEPSTOW B4228. I stopped 3 times, bought water, drank it, felt sick and dizzy, ate, drank some more, shivered, lay down on a bench, shook, felt dizzy, lay down in a verge. That'd be dehydration/heatstroke then.  ::-) I felt concussed, it was actually quite scary...

A couple of pints of water and I was a bit more human, thanks to those who paused and offered assistance.

I won't bore you (again) with my heroics on the 24H, but safe to say it took me about 8 hours (of very slow riding, sleeping, stopping ...) to get over heatstroke. Luckily it was on a flat route. It's 'orrible isn't it? I was amazed to find I could carry on and finally got back to full speed. You learn a lesson ... :-/

And today?

Audax pr0n - we want more!

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #181 on: 26 April, 2010, 10:49:13 am »
Earlier on, rode much in the company of Kcass and Greenbank,

Not me guv. I wasn't riding...
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Pete Mas

  • Don't Worry 'bout a thing...
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #182 on: 26 April, 2010, 10:50:09 am »
Very enjoyable ride, had loads of sociable company, and met a few fellow YACF folk. Was my fastest ever SA ride, with my finishes being approx  2008  6am 2009 9am (well out of the zone!) and 2010 3.45am. Superb weather and scenery, apart from all the Conservative billboards in the Cotswolds!Fastest ever service for food at the first two controls - excellent!

Felt great on the hills, (well most of them..). I believe commuting to work on fixed since feb is helping my fitness.

At Membury I said I was considering the A4 option from Newbury via Slough, as I had a cold and also have the Wuze ride coming up to save my legs for, and Pete T said he would probably take the lanes,but in the end 9 of us including him and Rich on recumbent took the A4 option. Was Ok and painless apart from all the red lights in Slough (no not red light district, Hummers...)
After a couple of hours kip on chairs at the finish I waited around to watch the final riders come in, and then cycled back home to Surbiton.

''It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."



  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #183 on: 26 April, 2010, 11:28:35 am »
We should have been introduced - i was the small old guy blue top, - on the zerofour - who had broken his front mech cable - tended to trundle along near the front of the 9 of us. After Rich broke his chain - as I was getting cold and couldnt help I think I was the first to ask him if he minded if I went on - and then with no lower gears - crawled slowly up the hill to Gerrards Cross.
I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!

Pete Mas

  • Don't Worry 'bout a thing...
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #184 on: 26 April, 2010, 11:38:27 am »
Yes I actually stopped when you broke your gear cable at the Severn Bridge, but the chap in the Peterborough top, who I was cycling with at the time, was giving you good advice, and as i'm no mechanic, i went on ...
I also left with you when Rich broke his chain, and was chatting to the guy with the same bike as me, Shimano Roubaix.
I was wearing a light blue Rapha spring jacket with a yellow gilet over the top, peaked cap and joystick. also have  a waterproof altura seatpack and strange (Czech) blue triangular bag fixed to the frame.
''It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."


Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #185 on: 26 April, 2010, 11:41:46 am »
Out of the gate first again and shortly thereafter overtaken by The Fast People never to see them again. This time I managed to wait until overtaken by a group going just a bit faster than me and jumped on the back. Bizarrely, I even managed to do a fair turn on the front although the group of around twenty was only about ten as we pulled into Woodstock for some much needed beans on toast.

After Woodstock I headed out with a couple of riders but pulled up in Charlbury to get snacks and was solo for a bit. Shortly after Bledington I was picked up by the group led by a guy from Witham which I think included both the ill-fated boab and the ill-fated Fidgetbuzz. They pulled away from me on the flats and I seemed catch the tail of them on the climbs. At Stow I parted ways for the Upper Swell option. I'm glad I did because I heard more tales of driver silliness around Sudely Castle and, as mentioned before, I'm tired of pushing my luck on that descent. Alas I wasn't without incident as I managed to break a spoke coming down to Toddington. Luckily a bike shop on the way into town cut and threaded me a spoke within the space of ten minutes and it was into the control for lunch.

Things went OK as far as Newent but from there I really started to cook and had to go much slower. I might have ridden Yat Rock but half way up the hard bit I ran into traffic and had to dismount to reverse. After that I lost my impetus and walked a bit before riding under the bridge and toiling away up the rest. I was rather annoyed at having a headwind on the descent to Chepstow, I was really looking forward to that.

After Chepstow I stopped briefly to offer some technical advice to Fidgetbuzz (I'm the one in the Peterborough top). I would have stopped longer but wanted to get back on the tail of the guy I was with. He did me a good service most of the way to the Somerset Monument whereupon I started sagging. After Malmesbury it was into home for cat feeding, dinner and a bit of HIGNFY before back on the road. Climbing out of Wroughton I encountered a Scottish woman walking up the hill and through what sounded like a mouth full of cream crackers she complained that she didn't know it would be this long and asked for water. I think this may have been Denise having a bit of a moment.

I wish I had been quicker to Membury as I didn't get to down my coffee before heading out in the A4 posse and suffered some very heavy liddedness. Thanks to Mr. Forrest and others for helping keep me awake and navigational advice about when to turn for the finish. I was trundleing very slowly after you snapped your chain and had a few of my own moments and was certain you'd catch me. Inside my target of 22 hours so quite happy with that.


  • On my way out of here
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #186 on: 26 April, 2010, 11:44:42 am »
Thanks for the reports, I have enjoyed reading them.  I particularily enjoy the "full value" ones as I really can't imagine finishing a 400 other than the day after I started it.

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #187 on: 26 April, 2010, 11:51:21 am »
.......... I was picked up by the group led by a guy from Witham.
That'll be Ed Nevard.

....... I managed to break a spoke coming down to Toddington. Luckily a bike shop on the way into town cut and threaded me a spoke within the space of ten minutes and it was into the control for lunch.
That's good service - which shop was that and exactly where? (in case of need next time!)


Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #188 on: 26 April, 2010, 12:02:21 pm »
Not me guv. I wasn't riding...

Big tall lad on a (red?) Thorn.  Wearing a err..., a top.  Of some kind. And err... Oh never mind!

Nice chap anyway, and a familiar face.  Next time I see him I'll ask him who he is.  And next time I see you,  I won't know it is you, obviously :facepalm:, so you'll have to say!

I used not to be this bad.

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #190 on: 26 April, 2010, 12:45:19 pm »
Just as an addendum to my report, as I headed back to Sluff for the train, I passed two riders and waved, perhaps a little feebly. Neither of them noticed me, or indeed notice anything more than six inches in front of them. Poor souls, at least they were close.


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #191 on: 26 April, 2010, 02:05:12 pm »

After Chepstow I stopped briefly to offer some technical advice to Fidgetbuzz (I'm the one in the Peterborough top).

Much appreciated Mr Rogers ( and Andrew if my memory is still engaged)- as a mechanical thickie - I was always going to need guidance on what to do - otherwise it would have been granny ring all the way home. Perverse fact - on Friday pre ride, I spoke to LBS and booked bike in for a complete overhaul on Weds this week.

After you left C st P to ride to Slough - I felt very guilty - as with brain engaged I could have offered you and bike a lift to Cambridge - much closer to Peterborough -- but looks as if you were not going that way as you went "" Home after Malmesbury".

However - thx for your help.

I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #192 on: 26 April, 2010, 02:17:26 pm »
Yes, just to confuse matters, I live in Wootton Bassett, am a member of Swindon RC but the only top that I own is for Peterborough.

Driving me to Cambridge would have done little to improve my tired grumpiness.

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #193 on: 26 April, 2010, 02:19:09 pm »
Enjoyed reading these reports.

Should have been there myself, but twinges in my right knee (from the elenith) caused me to be DNS.  :'(

Just want to get my knee better in time for the BCM next month.

Such good weather too

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #194 on: 26 April, 2010, 04:59:49 pm »
My thoughts are on my blog:  Clicky

Thank you to Chris Beynon and the Willesden CC for a well run event.


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #195 on: 26 April, 2010, 05:10:25 pm »
Just as an addendum to my report, as I headed back to Sluff for the train, I passed two riders and waved, perhaps a little feebly. Neither of them noticed me, or indeed notice anything more than six inches in front of them. Poor souls, at least they were close.

If that was about 8.15 I guess that might have been Anton and me.  Somebody also waved from a car with a couple of bikes on the roof as well.  I think I managed a half-hearted nod in response.
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #196 on: 26 April, 2010, 07:01:24 pm »
Just as an addendum to my report, as I headed back to Sluff for the train, I passed two riders and waved, perhaps a little feebly. Neither of them noticed me, or indeed notice anything more than six inches in front of them. Poor souls, at least they were close.

If that was about 8.15 I guess that might have been Anton and me.
Flippin eck Rob - you're cutting it fine these days! Too much riding with me does that ...
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #197 on: 26 April, 2010, 07:09:29 pm »
My thoughts are on my blog:  Clicky

Thank you to Chris Beynon and the Willesden CC for a well run event.

Nice ride report

The, ahem, larger gentleman on the left is me, Ian Oliver, and to my right is Mike "The Bike" Ellison.

I felt pretty good at that point, but no so great by Goring at 2.00 am. Anyway got round my first 400K since I last did 7Across in 2007 as part of my PBP-Qualifier. Mike was taking it slowly so I don't know when he finished.

Something I found heartening is how much better car drivers have become around cyclists since then. Apart from 1 jerk in a Range Rover near Malmesbury who came a bit too close and a drunken moron yelling abuse from a taxi after Henley, no issues all ride.
Events I am running: 5th September 2021, the unseasonal Wellesden Reliability; HOPEFULLY Early April 2022, 3 Down London - New Forest 300K Audax;

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #198 on: 26 April, 2010, 07:24:50 pm »
Mike was taking it slowly so I don't know when he finished.
When Ray and I came close to Chalfont St Peter, at the traffic lights, Ray shouted: "Oy Mike the bike, are you lost?".  So he had overtaken us by taking the 'high road'.  We finished between 7-7:30.

Something I didn't write in my blog, is how you get into the habit of avoiding potholes whilst cycling.  When I got into the car to drive home, I found myself still doing the same and getting a tad too close to cars in the middle lane!

Re: Severn Across 400k 24/Apr/10 - from Chalf St P
« Reply #199 on: 26 April, 2010, 09:29:42 pm »
Holidays and other distractions mean't that I’d only done about 150km in the 3 weeks leading up to this, so I was glad that at least the weather was looking kind.  Training just consisted of a trip to the Wantage Tesco express to learn how to use the self-service check-out, ignorance of which had cost me a lot of time in Chepstow last year.
My plan to hold onto any pelaton to Woodstock worked, lots of good chat to take my mind off the cold, and I arrived in a group of about 12 in a silly time (for me) of 2:45.  The cold had clearly got the better of me, as half the riders seemed to have changed into teddy bears, but I must have been imagining this.  After a superfast beans service, I fixed up my wayward front mudguard with a cable tie, and I went onwards with Geoff who I had earlier done the Dean* with.

Geoff and I made good progress to Tewkesbury, appreciating the "Road closed" sign Chris had put up just after Winchcombe to keep non-bikes off the road.  There seemed to be a bit of head-wind on the next stage, and I was tempted to join Rich T for a drink at the Penny Farthing pub. Yat rock was long, with the bridge frustratingly only marking the half way point.  The granny ring and MTB cassette of my hybrid came into their own on this ascent, and it didn’t feel as energy sapping as the undulating Cotswold stage. 
Geoff filled me in the history and architecture of the local castles, which was quite fascinating, and then suggested an extra stop on the road coming into Chepstow.  I hadn't realised that the road is actually on the top of a (very) high cliff, and just 10yds to the right is a stunning viewing point over the Wye, well worth stopping for next time. (Looking on streetview I think its at 51.66, -2.66, just after the sharp left hand bend coming into Woodcroft, by the two black bollards just before a big pinkish house on the right)  Unfortunately on the final descent into Chepstow there was a ping of something serious sounding hitting the road, which turned out to be the end of his Compag front mech shift lever.  The bit that was left was too short to be able to move it, and so for the second part of the ride changing gear meant either pulling the cable on the downtube, or stopping and pushing the cage over.  It was now impossible to shift it onto the big ring, but even so he kept up an impressive speed to the end.  He's definitely a slightly stronger rider than me, and so his occasional stops generally evened things up, but it can't have been at all pleasant to do 200km like that.  As ever, lights on the bridge into Chepstow were on red, and then we did a raid on Tesco, eating in the car park al fresco café.  There may have been cars and exhaust fumes around, but I was too jaded by this stage to notice or care.
After crossing the bridge, we made good progress, this time using the routesheet, rather than my local "knowledge" that had got us lost both going in and out of Malmesbury a few weeks earlier.  Hawkesbury hill came and went, and we soon reached the Mace services where we joined a larger group of now 7 riders, most of who made it to Membury at about the same time.  As is traditional, we missed the entrance the first time around, which I compounded by leading us the wrong way out of the Services.  I was certainly feeling tired by this time, with multiple signs to Wantage and a nice hot bath just too tempting, and so I just wanted to get to the end fast.

Looks like we had an identical conversation about routes as Peter Turnball and co did just a few minutes later, with 4 of us opting for the A4 option. Apologies if there were any muddy fingerprints on the road atlas you borrowed…  I was nervous of pot-holes on Streetley hill and so went for the flat option, although the A4 had quite enough to keep us entertained.  I’d stuck my Hope LED light to my helmet, which worked really well as a long distance pot-hole spotter, although it was only really effective when you were on the front, which I confess I was getting less fastidious about.  There were also multiple garages open, and even some mobile kebab joints – we eventually picked on a Wild Bean café and declared the chilled food aisle to be the seating / lying down area.  But by now my muscles objected to being in anything other than a cycling position for too long, and so it was on the bikes again before sitting around was too unbearable.   Apart from somehow losing the road in the middle of Reading, I thought this “cityscape” route was a great way to finish a night ride, as its well lit and there are lots of buildings and things to keep you amused.  If anyone picked up the half packet of “traditional welsh cakes” that jumped out my barbag somewhere in Maidenhead, they were a bit of a disappointment weren’t they?

We clocked in together at 2:55, which was a pleasant surprise, as without a watch I was clueless as to the real time, although this made for a more relaxed ride.  Top marks to Chris for the great organization and flawless route sheet.  + 1 for Noon, which also got me around the circuit in reasonable shape.  Tri-berry is best.

*  After my experience in 2008, the Dean was most enjoyable, but ultimately pointless.  If you’re modifying an existing ride, don’t assume that the total is what it says – I got caught out because as I now know, the stated distance may be based on the old rules that use the then 5% tolerance allowance.  So when its re-calculated, even for a small change in distance, this allowance is lost, and hey presto, its under-distance.  Apologies to Danial for wasting his time, but sort of mollified by realizing that another rider from my area had also fallen into the same trap.  Anyway, a good excuse to ask for a day pass for a replacement 300km later in the year….