Author Topic: Norwich 100/50  (Read 6786 times)


  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #25 on: 08 June, 2008, 08:05:25 pm »
Sounds like you had a great ride, and it's good your not having saddle trouble anymore.

 One guy sat on my wheel for several miles, 

each time I turned around some other guy would be on my wheel, no one was in front, one of the guys said 'hope you don't mind but this is a good pace and I am quite comfortable behind you',

Do you think these guys were looking at your bum ;) ;D



  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #26 on: 08 June, 2008, 08:06:22 pm »
Maybe she forgot to put her bib longs on again... ::-)
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #27 on: 08 June, 2008, 08:34:06 pm »
Sounds like you had a great ride, and it's good your not having saddle trouble anymore.

 One guy sat on my wheel for several miles,

each time I turned around some other guy would be on my wheel, no one was in front, one of the guys said 'hope you don't mind but this is a good pace and I am quite comfortable behind you',

Do you think these guys were looking at your bum ;) ;D


That just reminded me of something else.  A pleasant chap with long hair in a pony tail commented on my nice wheelset, 'we were admiring it from behind', I had to say 'excuse me' as I thought he had said something else.

No Wow, my biblongs were most firmly attached to my body, in fact they were stuck on, collecting a nice pool of salty water for when I unzipped and it trickled down my legs :-\


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #28 on: 08 June, 2008, 08:41:58 pm »
Why, you hadn't caught a mullet in there, had you, my dear? :o
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #29 on: 08 June, 2008, 09:00:38 pm »
Why, you hadn't caught a mullet in there, had you, my dear? :o
Tut tut ;)


  • Playing with a big steamy thing
Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #30 on: 09 June, 2008, 07:08:08 am »
Glad to see you enjoyed it Annie.

I also had a silly o clock start from Home, with a 0720 start in Norwich.  I was lucky enough to hitch up with a small peloton travelling at my exact pace and got towed into the rather annoying ( and cold )head wind all the way to the 2nd refreshment stop at Hindringham.

The ride along the coast was only marred by the amount of mist about but the climb out of Sheringham to Felbrig had me overheating in spectacular style by the time I got to the top. Similar problem to Annie, what to wear ?

Copious quantities of Marmite Sandwiches where consumed at Felbrig, along with about half a gallon of water.

The ride back to Norwich was an absolute hoot, warm sun and a (mostly ) following wind. The section of road between Potter Heigham and Coltishall was noticeable for the number of brainless morons in prestige cars who felt they owned the road.  ( Being Norfolk, they probalby did )

Got round in 7hrs 30 Minute which include the 1 hour of  stops. ( Ride time of 6 hrs 29 mins )

An excellent day out.

Analog Kid

  • aka noquitelance
Re: Norwich 100/50
« Reply #31 on: 09 June, 2008, 06:59:50 pm »
Talk about a game of two halves....

I hated the fog / low lying cloud / sea mist in 1st half of the ride. I seemed to spend mile after mile peering at a blurry world through my glasses (THAT wasn't in Specializeds' description). I'm sure the countryside was beautiful but since I could only see the first 20m in any direction it's hard to be sure.

The 1st stretch along the coast road, even in the sea mist, was glorious though - flat fast and very scenic - especially the long section by the saltmarshes. As we approached West Runton the sun appeared and the "climb" up to Fellbrigg was as much fun as I'd expected. The experience for me was heightened by being cut up by a 4x4 that immediately forced me to come to complete stop on the steepest bit, on a wet road. Oh joy.. >:(

Felbrigg always amazes me at how it only takes 15 people to arrive at the same time to create queues in cafe and the toilets..I envied those better organised riders who'd managed to get loved ones to meet them in the car park with hot drinks and food (and did I see a portaloo?). Beats me why they bother having any Coach Parking. And then..the bit I was looking forward too - Felbrigg to Waxham.

What a joy! The sun was shining and every group seemed to be flying, the tailwind giving that extra push. The sun even glinted off the gas terminal at Bacton where the temperature was positively tropical for a change. I couldn't believe how quickly we arrived at Waxham where we paused briefly to scoff a cereal bar. And so to Martham where, shortly after, we turned right - back into the wind.

At this point it dawned on me that actually my preparation for this ride was still at least, oh, a month short. We just missed the change of lights at Potter Heigham Bridge and had stand for what felt like hours waiting and being able to smell the chip shop 10 yards back down the road. I thought about the last cereal bar in my jersey pocket and looked longing at the chip shop....well......chips are carbohydrate aren't they? :thumbsup:

A mile or so down the road I realised I was running on will power more than muscle power and sent my brother ahead to see if he could make a decent time and slogged the remaining 15 miles out in the company of other a few others who were also looking forward to the finish.

With the new route I missed the descent down Mousehold Heath at the end of the ride but equally, I was lucky approaching the final roundabout and felt like I'd been catapulted into the Cathederal Grounds finishing in 5hrs 56min ride time (give or take.)  ;D

Lowlights for me - Damp start

Highlights? - Lots - the long blast along the coast with a tailwind will stay in the memory a long time. The enthusiasm of the staff / volunteers at Hindringham School and I also thought the signage was the good this time.

This was the 5th time I'd cycled this and I know I shouldn't really be proud of this but........our group was big enough and fast enough dropping in towards one the villages on the coast that we set the 20mph speed sign off. :-[ ;D

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