Author Topic: Southend Cycle Town - part 2  (Read 246324 times)

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #625 on: 12 August, 2010, 09:19:49 pm »
Does it mention what has been slagged off about the path here and elsewhere?
Yes, pretty much!
Will anything be done?  ::-)

Some points missing from there, I don't know whether missed or not thought to be an issue.   I did note though that the site visit lasted for just one hour 35 minutes, on a Thursday lunchtime in June; I wonder what it would have said had it been on a busy sunny bank holiday weekend?

I do think that there's a minor difference between the experiences of those of us who use it daily, and those who visit for just a short time.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #626 on: 12 August, 2010, 09:32:34 pm »
From the stage 1 and stage 2 reports: 'The provision of a new two-way segregated 2.5m wide cycle track;'

I'll go down there with a tape measure, but I'm pretty sure that cycle track isn't even 1.5m wide (less with the white line painted in it), let alone 2.5m.

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #627 on: 12 August, 2010, 10:08:17 pm »
I measured it during construction.   It is exactly 2.5m if measured from the bottom of the old kerbstones to the edge of the road.  i.e. that 2.5m includes the top surface of the new kerbstones...   of course you can't ride on them, plus there's a white line painted at the edge of the cycle track quite a way in from the road...   meaning the usable track has to be less than 2.5m wide.

I think upthread we commented on the designs showing a usable track width of 1.9m, so not wide enough to safely pass cyclists (guidelines comment on a cyclist being 1m wide, and many cycle trailers are around that width).

edit:  Ah yes...  Southend Cycle Town - part 2

2.5m minus the 0.5m for line minus the 0.2m for the kerb upstand equals 1.8m usable width.
This needs to be highlighted

1.8 metres in total! Not 1.8m eastbound and another 1.8m westbound.

Please be clear about this.  Don't be vague.

It's 0.9m eastbound and 0.9m westbound.

If there is a central divider lane painted (I'm not certain about that at present) then that will further reduce the widths!

If there is to be a formal opening ceremony I do hope families attend.  Aren't the child trailers 1m in width?  :demon: :demon: :demon:

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #628 on: 13 August, 2010, 12:25:09 pm »
As you may remember I reported, via fillthathole, an oil slick just west of the casino. Nothing has been done about it and it's now spread. I advise you to avoid this when wet!

A fresh load of carp courtesy of the rubbish collectors.

The offending vehicle?


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #629 on: 13 August, 2010, 12:31:41 pm »
I do hope you've sent those pictures to Cllr Flewitt DtB!

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #630 on: 13 August, 2010, 12:39:34 pm »

I couldn't add them to the hazard report, Fillthathole says that it has been reported though.
I think that rubbish truck stops there Mon-Fri and collects those large wheelie bins. I don't see why it can't stop on the parking and drag the bins over.

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #631 on: 13 August, 2010, 03:38:47 pm »
As well as the dust cart the Casino sewage tank emptying lorry parks there in the mornings.  I haven't gone past since the track was built, but I'd be interested to know where that parks and drapes its hoses now...   on the path or on the road?  either way the track will have obstruction.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #632 on: 13 August, 2010, 03:48:56 pm »

I couldn't add them to the hazard report, Fillthathole says that it has been reported though.
I think that rubbish truck stops there Mon-Fri and collects those large wheelie bins. I don't see why it can't stop on the parking and drag the bins over.

I would still email the council directly. If the refuse truck is the source of whatever is on the track, then it could pose a serious health risk. Many cycles don't have mudguards so that stuff could be spraying up into riders' faces.

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #633 on: 13 August, 2010, 04:04:48 pm »
As well as the dust cart the Casino sewage tank emptying lorry parks there in the mornings.  I haven't gone past since the track was built, but I'd be interested to know where that parks and drapes its hoses now...   on the path or on the road?  either way the track will have obstruction.

Yup, have called a contact who commutes along there in the early mornings.   The sewaqe tanker does park on the lane.  Usually somewhere between 06:00 and 06:30, not certain of the days but I recall it always used to be Friday (I presume ready for the friday night and weekend bog rush).  They said that it's usually parked for an hour to an hour and a half while it does its stuff.

Therefore this oil could be dripping from the pump engine, or it's something nasty leaking from the hoses  :sick:

Any locals want to try to get a photo?   (I wouldn't normally be up at that time in that area at the moment)


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #634 on: 13 August, 2010, 04:43:00 pm »
I think Cllr Assenheim would be very interested in those photographs and explanation. He is councillor responsible for H&S in the borough.

CllrAssenheim <>

I would also CC it to Cllr Flewitt,

CllrFlewitt <>

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #635 on: 15 August, 2010, 03:03:53 pm »
Clandy If you want to email the photos to Cllr Assenheim feel free, ICBA.

The Greenway, Highfield Crescent section, is almost done. I think though that there should be a keep clear sign so that queuing traffic doesn't block the entrance/exit from the Gainsborough Drv./Highfield Cres. area.

Looking to the east.

The new track just needs a top dressing.

To Springfield Drive.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #636 on: 18 August, 2010, 12:13:30 pm »
A bit of a tangent, but relevant to this thread.

I've just walked round the park with the dog. There's been a whole load of work going on around the lakes, whose perimiters were 75% earth / grass. The 25% has for a long time been asphalt path.

Now the other 75% is being surfaced as well. Some of it is with some sort of compound which looked to me like a hard surface. There were some besuited, hivizzed types discussing the work when I was there so I interrupted their meeting to ask about the work. How are anglers going to get their rod rests into a hard surface? The Head besuited hivizzed honcho explained that it was not actually a hard surface but was loose and anglers will be able to penetrate the surface with a rod rest. What about the fact that there's a hard core base? Well, there's been consultation.

Also, this new surface extends right around the back of the lake which used to be rather wild an interesting. Now it's got a surfaced path and has lost its wildness. Oh, that was needed because there were so many tree roots that people could fall and hurt themselves and sue the Council. So Hockley Woods (public woodland about 5 miles from Southend) can expect urban-style paths in the future to stop people suing the Council? Quite possibly, yes.

So expect the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path to have a hand rail fitted any time soon.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #637 on: 18 August, 2010, 01:53:43 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #638 on: 18 August, 2010, 02:18:15 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I would hazard a guess that it stops at the bus stop, although the road markings were obliterated by the cycle path. It stops on the cycle path because it's got to stop somewhere and stopping on the cycle path is a safer option than stopping on the road and having lemmings passengers crossing over the cycle path.


  • I come from a land up over!
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #639 on: 18 August, 2010, 10:34:37 pm »
A bit of a tangent, but relevant to this thread.

I've just walked round the park with the dog. There's been a whole load of work going on around the lakes, whose perimiters were 75% earth / grass. The 25% has for a long time been asphalt path.

Now the other 75% is being surfaced as well. Some of it is with some sort of compound which looked to me like a hard surface. There were some besuited, hivizzed types discussing the work when I was there so I interrupted their meeting to ask about the work. How are anglers going to get their rod rests into a hard surface? The Head besuited hivizzed honcho explained that it was not actually a hard surface but was loose and anglers will be able to penetrate the surface with a rod rest. What about the fact that there's a hard core base? Well, there's been consultation.

Also, this new surface extends right around the back of the lake which used to be rather wild an interesting. Now it's got a surfaced path and has lost its wildness. Oh, that was needed because there were so many tree roots that people could fall and hurt themselves and sue the Council. So Hockley Woods (public woodland about 5 miles from Southend) can expect urban-style paths in the future to stop people suing the Council? Quite possibly, yes.

So expect the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path to have a hand rail fitted any time soon.
Best thing would be to fell all the trees, (so people can't trip), drain the lake, (so people can't drown) and fill it all in with a nice level asphalt, people friendly surface!  Just like they're doing to Warrior Square. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
This isn't just a thousand to one shot. This is a professional blood sport. It can happen to you. And it can happen again.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #640 on: 20 August, 2010, 11:44:06 am »
Dear Cllrs Flewitt and Assenheim,

For some time cyclists using the seafront have been puzzled by the sticky, slippery, slick on the cycle track outside the casino on Western Esplanade.

It would now appear it is raw sewage dripped by refuse vehicles parking in the cycle lane while emptying bins and pumping out the casinos' sewage tanks. Other cyclists have reported seeing a sewage truck at around 6.00am to 6.30am on Fridays, parked in the cycle lane with a hose across the pavement as it pumps out sewage from the casino. There is absolutely no need for refuse and sewage trucks to stop in the cycle lane at this time of day as the central car parking is virtually empty, and if necessary vehicles could pull onto the pavement right next to the casino so hoses are not running across the pavement and cycle lane.

I trust the council will now send a clean up crew to clear the sewage slick? Please note that after several weeks it has now spread to cover quite a large area either side of where the sewage is being dripped. In my opinion this sewage slick constitutes a serious health hazard to every single cyclist using the Western Esplanade cycle lane, even more so if their cycle has no mudguards (I.E. the majority) as the sewage could be sprayed up into their faces.

Please see attached photographs taken this morning (Friday 20/08/10).




Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #641 on: 20 August, 2010, 12:28:21 pm »
Email sent at 11.48.59 this morning. Reply received at 11.50.46 this morning:

I am dealing with this urgently.
Cllr Mark Flewitt

It seems Cllr Flewitt IS very much more on the ball than his predecessor!


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #642 on: 20 August, 2010, 01:03:01 pm »
I emailed Cllr Flewitt thanking him for his prompt reply. I have now received the following:

You are welcome,

A site inspection is currently in progress.

More-as I am informed.

Best wishes
Cllr Flewitt

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #643 on: 20 August, 2010, 01:23:52 pm »
Well done Clandy.

Lets hope Cllr Flewitt is as good as his word

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #644 on: 20 August, 2010, 01:38:08 pm »
A site inspection is currently in progress.
now I really am impressed by the speed of response. Can we borrow your Councilor Flewitt up here in Durham - we could use him. The very fact that he has organised an inspection so quickly bodes well for some action for you.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #645 on: 20 August, 2010, 01:43:29 pm »
He does seem much better at his job than his predecessor, Cllr Anna 'the Chainsaw'* Waite, who rarely answered emails.

*as she is known locally for her penchant for cutting down trees and building roads.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #646 on: 20 August, 2010, 06:10:08 pm »
Ok, I have now had a response from Stephen Crowther (Group Manager Waste & Street Scene)

Dear Mr …….,
Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Councillor Mark Flewitt who has asked me to investigate the incident you reported and to provide you with a direct response.
Firstly, I can inform you that a site visit was undertaken early this afternoon by on of the Council’s Street Scene Officers. At the time of the visit there did not appear to be any signs of spillage found at this location. However, the liquid residue could have possibly dried out as it was an hour or so since you first reported this and our subsequent visit.
From the photographs that you provided it would appear that it was in fact a Commercial Refuse Vehicle that was collecting general waste from the euro-bins at the Casino this morning and not a Sewage Collection Vehicle. Unfortunately, it is quite common that all waste receptacles do hold some residual liquid waste that does sometimes seep out during the collection process. However, the refuse company who collects the waste should clear up any spillage that they make as a result of their operations. I can advise that I have already addressed this matter with E&B Waste, who is the company concerned and made them aware of this incident. The manager has assured me that he will discuss this matter with the collection crew to ensure that any residual liquid waste that is spilt is washed down in future.
With regards to your suggestion to park vehicles on the footpath or the central parking areas for collection purposes, I can advise the following:-
- Parking on the footpath would be potentially dangerous to pedestrians and would also cause damage to the footpath due to the weight of the vehicle and the footpath not being strengthened to take the weight of a 20-25 tonne vehicle.
- Parking on the central parking area would not be practicable for either collection operations as the sewage drainage pipe would also block the road as well as the footpath and cycle lane and it would also be operationally unsafe for operatives and road users to wheel the waste receptacles across the roadway to the central parking area to be emptied.
I am aware that the cycle path will be temporarily obstructed as a result of waste collection operations, which is something that we would not want, however, this obstruction will be for no more than several minutes at any time and the business is entitled to have both its general waste & sewage collected. However, I will ensure that the Street Scene Officer for this area monitors this closely over the coming weeks to ensure that the company that collects waste & sewage are acting in a proper manner.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Crowther - Group Manager Waste & Street Scene

My reply to that was as follows:

Dear Mr Crowther,

You say there were no signs of spillage. Did you visit the correct location? Please see attached photographs which I took this afternoon at 3.50pm. (The photographs' exif data will verify this):

As you can see, there is actually a great deal of evidence of spilled sewage. Regarding the sewage collection vehicle this has been witnessed on several Friday mornings between 6.00am and 6.30am parked on the cycle lane while pumping out sewage from the casino. I am very concerned about this filth being left on the cycle lane surface. This is a hazard to cyclists' health and should be cleaned up. As soon as it rains this stuff will become liquid again and will spray up into cyclists' faces.

Regarding parking on the footpath being dangerous to pedestrians and damaging to the footpath.... parking in the cycle path is just as dangerous to cyclists and just as damaging to the cycle lane which also was not built to take 20 - 25 ton vehicles. This is evidenced in the corrugation of the cycle lane surface which was caused when the seawall contractors drove a much lighter dump truck along it. As for the lane only being blocked for 'a few minutes at a time', this morning the lane was blocked for over twenty minutes. Perhaps you could advise east bound cyclists how they are to pass the truck and this filth hazard, they cannot mount the pavement as that is illegal, they cannot use the road as they are on the wrong side of the road.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #647 on: 21 August, 2010, 07:40:57 am »
Was the spreading oil slick not mentioned?

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #648 on: 22 August, 2010, 10:10:30 am »
A pleasant pootle along the Greenway and Western Espl.

A drain at the end of the Highfield Crescent, west side, section!  :facepalm:

Might it be replaced with one of these?

The path is going to be pea shingled. ATM it's OK on the straight section, as most of it is, but this corner will be dodgy while the shingle is loose.

I rode west from Lifstan Way. Plenty of other cyclists both ways but most seemed to be on the Western Espl. side.
Fresh spillage and broken crockery sherds outside the Casino! The oil slick is still evident and will be lethal when wet!

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #649 on: 23 August, 2010, 08:45:23 pm »
The path is going to be pea shingled. ATM it's OK on the straight section, as most of it is, but this corner will be dodgy while the shingle is loose.

OMG - How moronic do you have to be to be a cycle path designer?

I rode home this way tonight.

That's loose pea shingle poured over a firm tarmac base.  It's going to be dodgy there until all the shingle is swept from the path by passing pedestrians/cyclists/etc.

I was on the Airnimal (small wheels).  The rolling resistance of the path is now high when compared to the previous tarmac, good for training but not good for using a bicycle to get around.  Braking and cornering traction is non-existent.  :facepalm:

I'm not certain how easy it will be to push pushchairs etc along there now.