Author Topic: A random thread for small things that don't really warrant a thread of their own  (Read 3071691 times)

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
My friend who lives in Rotherhithe has an attitude to spiders of "KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!".
She's from Melbourne.

I can understand that. Me, I don't mind the little ones, and I don't mind big chonky hairy tarantulas.
But there is a 'sour spot' in the middle, of medium sized spiders with extremely long legs that seem to be all knees, and seeing them running just freaks me out.
And yeah, if someone says bird eating jumping spiders on a nature programme, that's my cue to look away now.

Hmm, how about cats with wriggling spider legs still poking out of their mouth, like extra whiskers?

This is fine.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Shedist
Nurses. Is it something in their genes that leads them to the career or is it something that they pick up over the training? Even the scariest of nurses, and I’ve met a few, are incapable of saying no when they are faced with someone who needs their help. I mean, <deity> help any malingerers, but those in need...

Ms Beardy the younger has just responded to a text from her employer to go and help her charge to bed because he forgot to ask her earlier in the week and the older lady is waiting for someone to arrive. Mo has declined to stay the night as is usually, but I wouldn’t bet on her not doing so if the lady asks her to.


She’s staying for ‘a little while’ just to be sure that her charge is alright.  ::-)

ETA some more
She’s home now but she’s committed to go in ‘in the morning’ to get the old girl out of bed. I’m completely relieved that she’s home and I didn’t in any way stay up to make sure she got home safely. But, and I admit perhapsly misguidedly, I’m completely in awe of her commitment and totally and wholly proud of her professionally dedication.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Spiders. Ack! Spiders.

I don't operate a kill on sight policy. But that's because I have my partner, who, bless 'er, if I operate the door, catches them and puts them outside for me.

I'm a scientist, I know they can't hurt me but by God they give me the heebie geebies.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Spiders.  Evacuation thereof from Premises.

Take one glass of appropriate diameter.
Place over unwanted, temporary, tenant.
Slide piece of thin card or stiff paper under rim of glass, carefully, so that your friendly neighbourhood spiderman ends up sitting on same.
Walk to door or window. Open.
Retrieve spider and glass.  Place outside. Lift glass.
Confirm arachnid moves in direction of "away".

This procedure may also be used to remove wasps and other small undesirables from your accommodations.
Τα πιο όμορφα ταξίδια γίνονται με τις δικές μας δυνάμεις - Φίλοι του Ποδήλατου


  • Apprentice geezer
We never remove spiders, but I use the same technique on stink bugs, which do not make good company.  I use the top half of a plastic water-bottle and a brevet card.

Chum in Oz (BFO spiders) uses half of a 4-litre plastic bottle mounted on a broomstick and a shovel to slide in under. Also works on small snakes.  Last year he had a female Huntsman spider standing guard over her egg-sac in his lounge for a while and was talking about having to move her out before the wee ones hatched, but he left it too late and had dozens of the things to deal with.  Wiki says up to 200 per hatching.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

I do use the glass and paper approach when needed but they tend to be in the bath on a curved surface and it's much quicker for partner to reach in and grab them.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1


I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.


  • Quiet please
I beg your pardon, young man?


If it's any consolation the sex was fantastic.


I read that the fear of snakes and spiders was innate, but then again “Look and learn” also predicted we would be in an ice age by now.


  • Whimsy Rider
For me it isn’t anything to do with fear (I’m Aussie after all) but I simply don’t want any insect telling other insects that it is quite nice inside my home. Dead thingies tell no tales!
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.

Were you ever a habitue' of the Cabin Club in Wood St, Ian ?  Where the nurses went to party after the social club at Walton hozzie chucked out ?    I had many a good night in there & the Razz.  Made early morning escapes from the nurses accommodation at most of  the Liverpool hospitals.   Ah ,  my mis-spent yoof.  :-\
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Shedist
I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.

Were you ever a habitue' of the Cabin Club in Wood St, Ian ?  Where the nurses went to party after the social club at Walton hozzie chucked out ?    I had many a good night in there & the Razz.  Made early morning escapes from the nurses accommodation at most of  the Liverpool hospitals.   Ah ,  my mis-spent yoof.  :-\
I never escaped! I ‘lived’ with 4 nurses for a while, although not all of them were as happy about it as I was. And yes, the parties were legendary.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
At the risk of receiving the "this isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure" style comments, I am going to back away from the forum for a while. How long, I don't know yet.

What was once a lovely place where we all could hang out, chat and respect one another has turned into yet another pit for conspiracy theory idiots to spout their shit and for the more vocal to bite back.

It's not nice and not somewhere I want to be.

I might come back, might not.

I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter

I was just thinking it is very grumpy in here at the moment, all over the forum.
Hope to see you again soon, tiermat.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
I was just commenting that some of us should get out more on our bikes.

I hope you come back soon Tiermat, you'll be missed.


  • Cycle:End-to-End webmaster
  • cyclist, Cytech accredited mechanic & woodworker
    • Cycle:End-to-End
The "ignore this user" feature is useful . . . I have a few in that classification that either spout crap, post excessively with trivia or are just tiresome.

Thankfully most of the more “robust” discussion still stays in POBI, and of course that whole board can be ignored should one wish to. I too hope Tiermat, and Fuzzy, return.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
A bizarre case of mistaken recognition earlier this afternoon. I was out running across the Downs, when a girl about my son's age (16) got up from her friends and started running towards me while waving at me and calling out "Stuart! Stuart!" As I'm not Stuart and I didn't know the girl, I thought she must be calling to "Stuart" behind me. But no, she was looking directly at me. I gave her a puzzled quizzical look. "Oh no! It's not Stuart" "No, I'm not Stuart." "Sorry, I thought you were my dad."

Zoinks! Being mistaken for some random Stuart is one thing, but thinking I was your dad is a bit odd!

(TBF she did explain that Stuart is her step-father, but even so... )
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Oh, I can relate to that

Somewhere in that thread is the story of me driving past my daughter at a bus stop, and the frequent times I fail to recognise my wife in other than usual circumstances.

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
(Reads thread)

Wait… WHAT?!?  Rory Gallagher playing a Telecaster?
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.

Were you ever a habitue' of the Cabin Club in Wood St, Ian ?  Where the nurses went to party after the social club at Walton hozzie chucked out ?    I had many a good night in there & the Razz.  Made early morning escapes from the nurses accommodation at most of  the Liverpool hospitals.   Ah ,  my mis-spent yoof.  :-\

Might have been a bit before my time, we had Macmillan's nightclub. Occasionally, because there weren't enough nurses in Liverpool we'd occasionally go to Manchester and legendary Sparshot House at the infirmary (because that was where flatmate mad Jenny's sister stayed). I believe they had to strengthen the drainpipes to support the number of people climbing in and out.

I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.

Were you ever a habitue' of the Cabin Club in Wood St, Ian ?  Where the nurses went to party after the social club at Walton hozzie chucked out ?    I had many a good night in there & the Razz.  Made early morning escapes from the nurses accommodation at most of  the Liverpool hospitals.   Ah ,  my mis-spent yoof.  :-\

Might have been a bit before my time, we had Macmillan's nightclub. Occasionally, because there weren't enough nurses in Liverpool we'd occasionally go to Manchester and legendary Sparshot House at the infirmary (because that was where flatmate mad Jenny's sister stayed). I believe they had to strengthen the drainpipes to support the number of people climbing in and out.

I think I only went to McMillans once.   A former girlfriend was injured there, when a framed poster fell off the wall & landed on her head.  She needed several stitches & being American sued* them for damages.  She was disgusted at the £3k she was awarded, saying she'd have been set up for life in the US. 

* During a 3 year stay in the UK she also sued an employer, a university & a TV company.   She's now a lawyer in NYC.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

A couple of weeks ago I sold the "winter" wheels from my Audi, and received half the payment in cash, some £175. My wife went to the PO to deposit it, and got a receipt.  Some 10 days later it hadn't appeared in our account, so I checked the receipt. Correct account number, but amount was shown as zero.  My wife went into the PO this morning, and they said they'd check the CCTV.  Less than an hour later, they've asked her to go back and they'll re-do the deposit (minus the cash iteself of course), so presumably human error. All credit (no pun intended) to the local staff.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


I'm not bothered by spiders, they're kind of furry and cool. Then the cat eats them. She eats moths too. Moths crunch.

Nurses, on the other hand, are fucking mental. Trust me, our student house was infested with them (they may have claimed they lived there). Those girls knew how to party. We had the best most popular parties, totally – I'm sure – unconnected by the 800:1 female to male ratio.

Not as mad as librarians though.

Were you ever a habitue' of the Cabin Club in Wood St, Ian ?  Where the nurses went to party after the social club at Walton hozzie chucked out ?    I had many a good night in there & the Razz.  Made early morning escapes from the nurses accommodation at most of  the Liverpool hospitals.   Ah ,  my mis-spent yoof.  :-\

Might have been a bit before my time, we had Macmillan's nightclub. Occasionally, because there weren't enough nurses in Liverpool we'd occasionally go to Manchester and legendary Sparshot House at the infirmary (because that was where flatmate mad Jenny's sister stayed). I believe they had to strengthen the drainpipes to support the number of people climbing in and out.

I think I only went to McMillans once.   A former girlfriend was injured there, when a framed poster fell off the wall & landed on her head.  She needed several stitches & being American sued* them for damages.  She was disgusted at the £3k she was awarded, saying she'd have been set up for life in the US. 

* During a 3 year stay in the UK she also sued an employer, a university & a TV company.   She's now a lawyer in NYC.

I'm pretty sure I was injured a lot at Macmillans. It was rumoured the ceiling was so sticky that if you did a particularly energetic pogo you might stay up there.

If I recall we spent a lot of time at the Poly union (I date myself, now, of course, the Liverpool John Moores University) which had a good indie disco and, according to our ill-formed theory, the girls were better.