Author Topic: Your LBS?  (Read 4950 times)


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #25 on: 09 May, 2010, 02:18:54 pm »
We live within striking distance of Pearsons, Wallington Cycles, Geoffrey Butler, BikePlus and Corridori.

The first I wouldn't trust their workshop ever again, and it's only cause Sutton's so easy to get to that I buy things there anyway.  Wallington Cycles (formerly an Action Bikes) is a bit meh, but has decent stuff at decent prices, and is a proper local business.  Currently using Corridori most.  Good service, friendly people, and a cute dog

Same here.  I live exactly one mile from Pearsons but much prefer Corridori.


  • Tyke
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #26 on: 09 May, 2010, 02:20:50 pm »
It's the dog, isn't it? ;D
Getting there...

Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #27 on: 09 May, 2010, 02:39:12 pm »
I have two near me, first one never has what I want and the second I trusted them with £400 worth of suspension forks to fit to my MTB, did a great job...that was until I had a look, he had only cut the fork steerer a ¼ inch out of line I could have done that myself without too much trouble and he charged me £40 never again.

Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #28 on: 09 May, 2010, 07:56:30 pm »
I'm racking my brains now trying to think what they used to be called. Derek something? I always liked looking in the window under the previous owner, but it was all a bit spendy for me as a schoolboy. I did buy a chainset from there once.

I don't know that, they were here before I was. Not long after they'd taken over someone wedged a Range Rover pretty comprehensively in the small showroom to the right.
Hope this doesn't happen with the new place, they've got the corner unit under the big Tesco and are probably still shifting stuff now.

Skidmores is a great name but I've not been in there.


  • L'enfer, c'est les autos.
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #29 on: 09 May, 2010, 10:58:07 pm »
Sid's standards in Beaston are good but very very pricey - sadly Sid is now dead which may have some effect on that.

A certain second hand dealer on Beaston high street is well dodgy as I have seen them buying bikes off kids for cash, to quote the words of the shop owner "without ID I can only give you twenty quid".

The best chap runs two little shops in Beaston, one near the fire station and the other just up the road from ultimate pursuits, one is the workshop for MTBs and the like the other is a little road shop, he is a race mechanic IIRC.

Freewheel in Notts city centre have always been trustworthy, Bunnys next to the train station are good for hard to find second hand bit's as he buys scrappers from the recycling centre, he is the only second hand dealer you can trust, he will also let you store your bike in his cellar for 50p for the day which is way more preferable to locking it up in Notts city centre.

Sid's went (IMO) downhill after it changed hands. However, I've heard (and seen) better things since it changed hands again in the last 12/18 months. It's small scale, bit basic. They might have a part you want, if it's not exotic. No idea what the service side is like.

The second hand bike dealer on Beeston (sp) High St and the sales/service shop near the fire station used to be (at least) one and the same business. Have they gone separate ways?

Small world.

I've ridden with Sid a few times - used to go out with the CTC bunch in Nottingham, late 90s/turn of the millennium. Very sorry to hear he passed away (when?)

Can't have been long after that that he went. I understand he was hit while cycling.

Freewheel - yes a good shop but they wound me up because I was pretty sure (can't be totally sure) that on a fair few previous visits I'd asked if they gave CTC discount. Was told no, but I used to continue to support them as my LBS even though I could get the discount from London bike shops on my frequent business trips there. Then later by chance I was told that they'd always done it - at which point I asked for past discounts (they always asked for my complete name and address for even the smallest purchase so that they could log it on the computer) – with their one opportunity to use this for maximising customer relationships, the owner refused. It then got a bit hysterical and the owner started wittering about “caveat emptor” and then, as he followed me out into the street, with a manic  note of triumph in his manner and a strange  gleam in his eye, said: “I bet you don’t even know what that means do you?”  Maybe he thought someone with a northern accent couldn’t possibly have any sort of education. I don’t know. Probably my most bizarre experience ever in a bike shop. Ever used any Latin on them Zoidberg?

Was this the guy with the beard - looks a bit like Richard Branson? I've always found him to be very decent. I went there for the first (or second time) to try out a bike for the young one (as she was at the time): £500 worth of Trek road bike. So I could ride with her, he let me borrow the Ti Brommie they had in - best guess about £900 worth of bike. Okay, he had my credit card, but I was out with £1400 worth of stock, and I could have been anyone...

My reply to OP

An embarassment of riches:

Leisure Lakes (Breaston, Derbyshire - about 3m into my commute). Flashy, modern, but friendly. And if you've thrown a spoke, they'll probably have the right size in to replace. Oh, and they once opened an account for me, because they didn't normally deal with the supplier I wanted a part from. Best bank account ever. Oh, and open late on Thursdays, and again on Sunday mornings.

Mercian (Raynesway, Derby - about 8m into my commute). Fantastic. Old, new, wierd, straight, beautiful and bespoke: they do it all, with fewer square metres than you'd think possible.

Shut Wednesdays, I think. Quite endearing, that. Unless you go there on a Wednesday.

Samways (Ashbourne Road, Derby - my LBS at work). Bit hit and miss. Chances are, they'll have something that will do at very least. But if you have something specific in mind, they might need to order it. I know that could be said about most places, but Samways is quite a big place, and I expect a bit more. Surprisingly, Mercian (with about 1/4 of the floorspace) have been able to fill my basket on spec when Samways haven't, but I accept that Mercian are probably after about 1/4 of the clientele that Samways is.

In dire straights (straits?) there are 2 more shops in Long Eaton and 2 more in Derby I could use at a push. 7 reasons not to move anytime soon.
What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #30 on: 10 May, 2010, 11:32:47 am »
The only true proper LBS in Chelmsford is Chelmer Cycles (not to be confused with Chelmer CC which it often is) There are plenty of "Bike shops" in town, but they're pretty much just BSO pushers.

I've had a couple of pairs of wheels built by them and they are excellent, but were expensive. The guy who runs the place is a bit of a twat. Every single person I know in Chelmsford who cycles holds exactly the same opinion of him! He talks bollocks and is so opinionated that you start to wonder if he actually wants your custom or not.

I think all he's interested in is selling overpriced Cannondales to naive dicks. You may have seen his truck on the dun run.....
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #31 on: 10 May, 2010, 11:48:51 am »
Chelmer Cycles is good if you know exactly what you want, and you're not put off by the owner telling you that you're purchasing the wrong thing!

For LBS services and knowledge, Whisker's in Welwyn is well worth the 40 mile round trip.


Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #32 on: 10 May, 2010, 05:23:42 pm »
Small world.

I've ridden with Sid a few times - used to go out with the CTC bunch in Nottingham, late 90s/turn of the millennium. Very sorry to hear he passed away (when?) - I think he'd just come out of hospital for some heart thing (??) when I was out once but he kept plugging up the hills. I didn't know him well at all but he struck me as a really nice guy - I remember one rainy Sunday sitting in the tearoom at Rothley station:

Never new Sid that well but sadly he was killed on a club run in Derbyshire when he ran into the back of a tractor towing a piece of very sharp and pointy farm machinery.


Leisure Lakes that you mention I would not touch with a barge pole as they are so far up their own arses they could go into partnership with Rapha.

Being deliberately ignored for 15 minutes when the shop was empty apart from one other customer looking at a pricey dale who had 3 members of staff kissing his backside is not my idea of fun. Raise your hand, make eye contact, say "excuse me" and still they ignore you.

I only wanted some wheels serviced, spookily as I left a chap I worked with went in after me, I didn't notice him at the time but the next day he asked if it was me he saw. I said yes - I had just walked out after they ignored me, he had the exact same experience, being ignored because he did not look like he was going to spend 3K on a new MTB. He walked out as well after ten minutes of waiting to book his Allez in for repair while being ignored. If it had been very busy it would be understandable but it was the middle of the afternoon on week day and the staff were just being snobs. They lost my trade and his forever after that.

The previous blinder they pulled was when I put down a fairly large deposit on a new MTB, I returned on the pre-aranged day to collect the now set up bike.

Bike not there - arsehole behind the counter sold it, even though he knew it was already half paid for and waiting to be collected, he didn't even seem sorry, just smug.

Demanded the deposit back and went elsewhere for a new MTB.

Rig of Jarkness

  • An Englishman abroad
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #33 on: 10 May, 2010, 06:26:40 pm »
Being deliberately ignored for 15 minutes when the shop was empty apart from one other customer looking at a pricey dale who had 3 members of staff kissing his backside is not my idea of fun. Raise your hand, make eye contact, say "excuse me" and still they ignore you.

That sounds like some of my early visits to bike shops as a youth in the 80's.  There was one particular shop where the owner's wife used to look at you as if to say 'What are you doing my shop ?'.  Then I cottoned on to the fact that you only got served if you were wearing the jersey of one of the local clubs.  After that everything was fine...   
Aero but not dynamic


Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #34 on: 10 May, 2010, 06:28:12 pm »
Being deliberately ignored for 15 minutes when the shop was empty apart from one other customer looking at a pricey dale who had 3 members of staff kissing his backside is not my idea of fun. Raise your hand, make eye contact, say "excuse me" and still they ignore you.

That sounds like some of my early visits to bike shops as a youth in the 80's.  There was one particular shop where the owner's wife used to look at you as if to say 'What are you doing my shop ?'.  Then I cottoned on to the fact that you only got served if you were wearing the jersey of one of the local clubs.  After that everything was fine...  
No getting served because you did not pull up in a new BMW and break out the credit card is somewhat more dodgy.

They remain twats.


Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #35 on: 10 May, 2010, 07:06:35 pm »
My LBS is Saddle Safari. A really nice shop with staff that couldn't be more helpful if they tried. If they haven't got it they will get it for you and usualy withing a few days.

Buy a new bike from them? Get an account card included for 10% discount on future purchases.

On more than one occasion I have been a bit stuck when fettling. Wheel the bike round and the workshop guys will drop what they are doing, unstick the stuck bit and send you on your way foc (and sometimes with a selection of foc bits and bobs to help finish the job). If they can't drop everything I have been sent home with the tool to do the job.


Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #36 on: 11 May, 2010, 10:17:59 am »
Leisure Lakes that you mention I would not touch with a barge pole as they are so far up their own arses they could go into partnership with Rapha.

They are fantastically variable. Went to the shop in Tarleton once. Also left after 10 minutes being ignored.  The shop in Lancaster is brilliant though. Great staff, who are really knowledgeable.


  • Between jobs at present
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #37 on: 11 May, 2010, 02:11:19 pm »
I used to use the Bicycle shop in Skipton ,then they had a change of personell as the mechanic was retiring .The next time I called in after the change it was suggested to me I went to Aire Valley cycles in Keighley as the Skipton shop was a predominately MTB shop :facepalm: .I was a bit non plussed at this but had the phone number of the bloke who had retired who I now use at half the houly rate .Aire valley are fine as well but its a bit of a trail .


  • Between jobs at present
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #38 on: 11 May, 2010, 02:14:14 pm »
Leisure Lakes that you mention I would not touch with a barge pole as they are so far up their own arses they could go into partnership with Rapha.

They are fantastically variable. Went to the shop in Tarleton once. Also left after 10 minutes being ignored.  The shop in Lancaster is brilliant though. Great staff, who are really knowledgeable.

I would agree with that Mrs ONB got a bike through the bike to work scheme from them ,when we went to choose it I deliberately played dumb (its not too difficult) and was impressed with the advice given by the man with an earing collection.


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #39 on: 11 May, 2010, 02:24:42 pm »
Despite it being about a mile away, I've not bought anything from Ealing Cycles for years.  They're focused on selling low-end hybrids and childrens' bikes and I expect they do that well enough, but whenever I've gone in there, they've not had any half useful stuff for even moderately regular cyclists.  Depending on who you speak to, they're either too busy, patronising or just plain rude, too.

Wizzbikes in Brentford is quite good.  A nice range of reasonably priced kit and some people who really care about what they do, well worth checking out.

I've not paid for servicing in a number of years, though.  My incipient OCD knows that nobody else could possibly make as good a job of whatever it is that needs doing as I can, so I end up just buying the right tool and learning to do it myself.  This doesn't always prove any cheaper, of course...
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -


Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #40 on: 11 May, 2010, 02:58:00 pm »

I've not paid for servicing in a number of years, though.  My incipient OCD knows that nobody else could possibly make as good a job of whatever it is that needs doing as I can, so I end up just buying the right tool and learning to do it myself.  This doesn't always prove any cheaper, of course...

But it does pander to your Montgomery Scott/ MacGyver engineering fu though :-*

Re: Your LBS?
« Reply #41 on: 11 May, 2010, 03:26:14 pm »
Sorry had to paste quotes in externally – keep having a problem with YACF editing window.

Yes, Paul, that was probably him. I’m not saying it’s not a good shop giving good advice and service. When I was there it was my shop of preference in Nottingham, hence me supporting it with stuff I could have got cheaper elsewhere.

I bought lots of stuff, including a Brompton.*

I was a bit aggrieved and maybe got to him, he was maybe slightly odd at times – I remember once arranging for my faithful old Ridgeback hybrid to be serviced and being asked if I’d bought it there. I hadn’t and kind of got the feeling that this was seen as a betrayal. I pleaded that I’d been living in London when I bought it so a trip to Nottingham would have been a bit impractical. After my dispute I never bought another thing there on principle.

* Reminds me of some good times in Nottingham. I was always taken with the green and cream livery of Nottingham buses – always seemed very 1950s and a nice refusal to change fashions for the heck of it. Soon after Nottingham buses obviousy got the marketing whizzes in and all the routes became different branded colours. So the golden age of corporation buses lives on in my faithful now London-based Brompton.
Paul (taylor)

Freewheel - yes a good shop but they wound me up because I was pretty sure (can't be totally sure) that on a fair few previous visits I'd asked if they gave CTC discount. Was told no, but I used to continue to support them as my LBS even though I could get the discount from London bike shops on my frequent business trips there. Then later by chance I was told that they'd always done it - at which point I asked for past discounts (they always asked for my complete name and address for even the smallest purchase so that they could log it on the computer) – with their one opportunity to use this for maximising customer relationships, the owner refused. It then got a bit hysterical and the owner started wittering about “caveat emptor” and then, as he followed me out into the street, with a manic  note of triumph in his manner and a strange  gleam in his eye, said: “I bet you don’t even know what that means do you?”  Maybe he thought someone with a northern accent couldn’t possibly have any sort of education. I don’t know. Probably my most bizarre experience ever in a bike shop. Ever used any Latin on them Zoidberg?

<quote from “Paull”

Was this the guy with the beard - looks a bit like Richard Branson? I've always found him to be very decent. I went there for the first (or second time) to try out a bike for the young one (as she was at the time): £500 worth of Trek road bike. So I could ride with her, he let me borrow the Ti Brommie they had in - best guess about £900 worth of bike. Okay, he had my credit card, but I was out with £1400 worth of stock, and I could have been anyone...