Author Topic: What books are we reading at the moment ?  (Read 861994 times)


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2075 on: 13 September, 2011, 06:51:00 pm »
I'm revisiting Iain Banks, albeit in his 'M' sci-fi guise, on the Kindle - currently about halfway through 'Excession', which I seem to be enjoying a lot more then when I first read it <mumble> years ago (had it in hardback)

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2076 on: 13 September, 2011, 07:44:06 pm »
I read the yellow jumper book while away, and have now started Kim.


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2077 on: 14 September, 2011, 04:59:36 pm »
Right have just finished my first book to read in the Booker Shortlist - Jamrach's Menagerie by Carol Birch.

It's about an 8 year old boy who in 1857 encounters a bengal tiger in the streets of London and is rescued by a Mr Jamrach, an importer of animals and birds.

What I thought was a promising beginning - how can you not beguiled by atmospheric Bermondsey and Ratcliffe Highway in Victoriana but its when the young lad goes to sea that for me turns into an interminably dull section of the book.

It's comparable to last year's Parrot and Olivier in America but did not have the drama and flowing style of The Long Song .

Rating - 5/10

Next book to read: The Sisters Brothers by de Witt - the only Western ever to make it on the Shortlist.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2078 on: 14 September, 2011, 06:29:27 pm »
'Rule 34' by Charles Stross. Yes, THAT Rule 34.

"...and Moxie showed hime the Goatsedance video followed by a brisk webtour of the shocksites of Lothian and Borders, culminating in the infamous penile degloving accident fansite which apparently left him with PTSD and permanent scarring on the insides of his eyelids"

I read that a few months ago. Good fun.  :thumbsup:

I've recently finished China Mievilles "Embassytown"  , very well written but I found it rather heavy going. Then again I find it hard to make time to read at the moment, so had to dip into it whenever I could.

This weeks book is "Speed of Dark" by Elizabeth Moon.   Near future SF with an autistic first person narrator. 
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2079 on: 14 September, 2011, 11:47:46 pm »
Almost halfway through Reamde, classical Stephenson writing traits present, though probably his most mainstream (itself not a criticism, just a bit more approachable). Enjoying it tremendously, hence the quietness emanating from my end :p



  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2080 on: 15 September, 2011, 02:32:49 pm »
OMG, am over a hundred pages into 'The Sisters Brothers' and it is awesome. Darkly funny, poignant and the two brothers are a brilliant combination.

I don't want to finish this book  :'( I know am only on the second book but I want this one to win.


  • car(e) free
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Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2081 on: 15 September, 2011, 02:46:20 pm »
Almost halfway through Reamde, classical Stephenson writing traits present, though probably his most mainstream (itself not a criticism, just a bit more approachable). Enjoying it tremendously, hence the quietness emanating from my end :p


I didn't think that was out for another five days, how did you get it?

Mr Larrington

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Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2082 on: 15 September, 2011, 09:01:53 pm »
Being mid-course marshal here at Battle Mountain affords one a Several of hours of undisturbed reading time, with just the odd radio message to give out from time to time, hence I am getting through Ian Rankin's Rebus novels at a rate of knots.  Currently on Black And Blue.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
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Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2083 on: 15 September, 2011, 09:08:15 pm »
Almost halfway through Reamde, classical Stephenson writing traits present, though probably his most mainstream (itself not a criticism, just a bit more approachable). Enjoying it tremendously, hence the quietness emanating from my end :p


I didn't think that was out for another five days, how did you get it?


Got delivered earlier than expected, didn't ask the wherefores and wheretos, and started reading it.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2084 on: 16 September, 2011, 12:10:44 am »
I'm currently doing relaxing reading in the form of the MYTH Inc series (currently number 7-MYTH Inc Link) by Robert Asprin

It's silly, completely tongue-in-cheek and makes me giggle, which is a Good Thing!

For more work-related stuff I'm reading The Journey by Brandon Bays.  I've only just started, but it's a little difficult to get into!


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2085 on: 16 September, 2011, 10:15:35 pm »
Finished 'The Sisters Brothers'. F*cking brilliant. I laughed out loud many times, it is so darkly humorous. The ending was rather rushed though for my liking. I want this book to win (so far).

My rating: 9.5/10

Next book to read: Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman. I believe it will be a weepie.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2086 on: 22 September, 2011, 04:27:08 pm »
Finished 'The Sisters Brothers'. F*cking brilliant. I laughed out loud many times, it is so darkly humorous. The ending was rather rushed though for my liking. I want this book to win (so far).

My rating: 9.5/10

Next book to read: Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman. I believe it will be a weepie.

That's helped me make my decision which to read next! I've just finished Snowdrops by A.D. Miller which I enjoyed although it was somewhat depressing! Something darkly humorous sounds good so The Sisters Brothers is up next  :thumbsup:


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2087 on: 23 September, 2011, 12:51:29 pm »
Finished 'The Sisters Brothers'. F*cking brilliant. I laughed out loud many times, it is so darkly humorous. The ending was rather rushed though for my liking. I want this book to win (so far).

My rating: 9.5/10

Next book to read: Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman. I believe it will be a weepie.

That's helped me make my decision which to read next! I've just finished Snowdrops by A.D. Miller which I enjoyed although it was somewhat depressing! Something darkly humorous sounds good so The Sisters Brothers is up next  :thumbsup:

Thanks for the heads up about Snowdrops! I actually have now completed 'Half Blood Blues' (Book 3/6).

It's about a jazz band in pre-and during WW2 in Berlin and Paris and when we first encounter them they are trying to cut one last record. One of their nembers who is black and German disappears and the story takes the form of his two fellow bandmates 50 years later to try and find out what happened to him.

It is an awfully good story and I loved the language of the book but I felt that the main character (Sid) was not as drawn out well and was the least implausible of the characters, both in description and his actions. Quite funny in parts though.

Verdict: 7/10

Now reading 'Pigeon English'. 40 pages in and its very very good.


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2088 on: 25 September, 2011, 04:16:52 pm »
Just finished reading Stephen Kelman's Pigeon English.

It is written from the point of an 11 year old Ghanian boy who has moved to the UK with his mother and older sister whilst his father and baby sister are aiming to fly over later.

It starts off with the killing of a schoolboy who he vaguely knows and as the police investigate, he and his mate Dean carry out their own detective work.

This is a beautiful book, Harrison is a wonderful boy and his appreciation for all the little things in his life amidst the bleakness of the council estate is inspiring.

I think this is in the same league as To Kill A Mockingbird and probably going to win the Booker - I still want The Sisters Brothers to win.

Rating: 9.5/10

Next book to read: The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes.

Juan Martín

  • Consigo mi abrigo
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2089 on: 25 September, 2011, 08:45:01 pm »
What I read on my holidays:

Downhill all the way – Edward Enfield
Laboured droleries from Harry Enfields father on a cycle ride from the channel to the Med.To be fair there are some amusing moments but it does rely heavily on those stereotypical foreigners.

Rocket Boys – Homer H. Hickham
Growing up in West Virginia in the 50's with a focus on amateur rocketry. Contains the line ' the best I had ever done was a kiss on a girl's front porch after a dance...' and is consequently a work of genius. After all, that's pretty good going isn't it? Especially for the 1950s. Brilliant story, cracking book, read it!

The World Made By Hand – James Howard Kunstler
Upstate NY after socio-economic collapse of the US and perhaps the world. How will we be saved?Some mysterious God-botherers appear to have the answer; they will use religion to bring widespread social cohesion. Just like last time...wait a minute...A bit depressing really but one of those books that has rave reviews from 37 US newpapers with names like the Psoriasis Nebraska Conduit. Crazy name, crazy guy. Don't read this one.

The Trail to Titicaca – Rupert Attlee
Now look, I have cycled to Goudhurst, City in the Sky, and on the Kentish altiplano on a clapped out Coventry Eagle but this shows what can be done if you don't have to be back for tea. So, a charity cycle ride from Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego to Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. This is travel writing of the 'on the third day we had to eat the tyres' variety. Appalingly edited and deserves better, for example, even if a Chilean ferry service were operated by SNCF it would be unlikely that the timetable would have the days of the week in French, ffs it's Chile, get a grip. Contains many humerous anecdotes of  the type of which I am always sceptical. Despite these shortcomings I enjoyed reading this story so ¡Sombrero! Presumably.

Freakonomics – Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner
Bestseller of a couple of years ago that analyses modern life using ecomonic models – or at least reasoning. Mine was a revised and expanded edition but even so there appeared to be a large amount of reptition here with only (as far a I could make out) three or four things being analysed in the entire book. A wanted to be astounded and I wasn't. So I can't see what all of the fuss was about.

The Road – Cormac McCarthy 
Those poor Americans, it's the end of the world again. A man and his young son travel on foot through a blasted, frozen lanscape; nothing grows, everything is covered in ash – it's worse than my back garden. They are heading for the coast to find... who knows? They live by scavenging and have to avoid others that have resorted to cannibalism. So, not terribly upbeat but a terrific book all the same – fantastic writing and short enough to be read at a single sitting. Demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit I suppose but best avoided if you are affected by the gloomy as frankly there are few jokes.

The Company of Strangers – Robert Wilson
Lisbon 1940, it's those pesky Nazis again. Later in Berlin in the 70s it's those pesky commies. Alliances and names change and everyones fibbing to everyone else but it gives all those spies something to do and keeps them on the streets. Uses the words 'cranium' and 'saltine' more than any book I have read in my life so was worth reading for that alone.



Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2090 on: 25 September, 2011, 09:26:05 pm »
^^ Rocket Boys is a wonderful, wonderful book. The father/son relationship is ... Yeah, just read it. In my all time top 10.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2091 on: 26 September, 2011, 10:47:50 am »
The Road – Cormac McCarthy 
Those poor Americans, it's the end of the world again. A man and his young son travel on foot through a blasted, frozen lanscape; nothing grows, everything is covered in ash – it's worse than my back garden. They are heading for the coast to find... who knows? They live by scavenging and have to avoid others that have resorted to cannibalism. So, not terribly upbeat but a terrific book all the same – fantastic writing and short enough to be read at a single sitting. Demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit I suppose but best avoided if you are affected by the gloomy as frankly there are few jokes.

Wasn't this one made into a film recently with Vigo Mortensen as the dad?


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2092 on: 26 September, 2011, 11:05:22 am »
The Road – Cormac McCarthy 
Those poor Americans, it's the end of the world again. A man and his young son travel on foot through a blasted, frozen lanscape; nothing grows, everything is covered in ash – it's worse than my back garden. They are heading for the coast to find... who knows? They live by scavenging and have to avoid others that have resorted to cannibalism. So, not terribly upbeat but a terrific book all the same – fantastic writing and short enough to be read at a single sitting. Demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit I suppose but best avoided if you are affected by the gloomy as frankly there are few jokes.

Wasn't this one made into a film recently with Vigo Mortensen as the dad?

Yes thats the one. I really enjoyed that book.

Juan Martín

  • Consigo mi abrigo
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2093 on: 27 September, 2011, 09:03:09 am »
I would add to my rather flippant note earlier that The Road is an excellent novel; if it has not won an award then it should.  It may even be an important novel – perhaps a classic that will endure and be taken seriously in the future. Despite the theme of desolation and horror, there is tenderness in the writing particularly in the relationship between the protagonists, that while being difficult to reconcile with the background in which it is set somehow fits precisely; it is difficult to see how this novel could be improved. It is probably one of the best, or one of the most satisfying pieces of writing I have read.

I haven’t seen the film but I imagine I would be disappointed as it would be different to my interpretation.

I have read a number of books by Cormac McCarthy and have enjoyed them – this is high quality stuff! I particularly enjoyed The Border Trilogy: All the Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain. All are highly recommended.

With apologies for any pomposity.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2094 on: 27 September, 2011, 10:08:49 am »
Two wheels over Catalonia by Richard Guise (strangely enough while Recumbent Triking around Catalonia) and One Man and his Bike by Mike Carter (read on the Bike Bus going to and from Catalonia).
    Question ! Why is an ICE recumbent trike seat more comfortable than a luxury coach seat.  8)
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2095 on: 27 September, 2011, 10:11:26 am »
Two wheels over Catalonia by Richard Guise

I loved that book so much I finished in 3 days, then passed it on to Mrs T, who read it in a similar timeframe, and it is now with LG.
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2096 on: 27 September, 2011, 10:20:14 am »
The phrase "Ramon ! Ramon!" keeps going through my mind reducing me to tears of laughter, yes I couldn't put it down either and although back now Barbara is reading it.
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2097 on: 27 September, 2011, 10:28:27 am »
The Road – Cormac McCarthy 
Those poor Americans, it's the end of the world again. A man and his young son travel on foot through a blasted, frozen lanscape; nothing grows, everything is covered in ash – it's worse than my back garden. They are heading for the coast to find... who knows? They live by scavenging and have to avoid others that have resorted to cannibalism. So, not terribly upbeat but a terrific book all the same – fantastic writing and short enough to be read at a single sitting. Demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit I suppose but best avoided if you are affected by the gloomy as frankly there are few jokes.

Wasn't this one made into a film recently with Vigo Mortensen as the dad?
Yes - far and away the most depressing film I have ever watched (not read the book, though)
Guy Pearce was in it too, albeit rather briefly at the end - when I realised it was him I fell about laughing because all I could think off was "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" ;D


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2098 on: 27 September, 2011, 12:18:28 pm »
^^ Rocket Boys is a wonderful, wonderful book. The father/son relationship is ... Yeah, just read it. In my all time top 10.

my dad lent it to me years back, and i read bits of it when on teaching practice as a end of the day 'sit and listen' class book with my year 5s who absolutely loved it, and did a string of literacy lessons based on excerpts.  well, we were doing space in science that term, it had to be done.  it's a belter.

i'm still not reading anything :(

one day.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #2099 on: 28 September, 2011, 06:52:35 pm »
Two Wheels Over Catalonia by Richard Guise, borrowed from Tiermat.

I liked the light tone of his writing, and the different perspective on coastal resorts I usually associate with pictures of pissed colleagues on Friendface.  He gets some history in there as well, in a way that doesn't intrude on the narrative.  Nicely done.  Could've used more photos tho'.