Author Topic: What books are we reading at the moment ?  (Read 860942 times)


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1425 on: 20 August, 2010, 12:25:26 pm »
Just re-read Absolute Truths and Glamorous Powers by Susan Howatch.  Am now two pages into Ultimate Prizes. 

Scandal, theology, mysticism and filth, all within the Church of England.  Top stuff.   :smug:


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1426 on: 22 August, 2010, 02:58:19 pm »
Postwar by Tony Judt. Not many books really deserve to be called a masterpiece. This one does. RIP.


  • Tyke 2
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1427 on: 23 August, 2010, 06:55:49 pm »
Recently read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy 5-part series at long last: and was seriously underwhelmed- just not as funny as I was expecting (particularly after the demise of Marvin).

Just finished Glue by Irving Welsh which I enjoyed. Could quite easily be added to the Coming of Age thread. I do wish he'd use quotation marks for speech though: it would make it so much easier to follow.
Being a glutton for punishment, however, I started Filth today - also by Welsh.
Bingo! That's what I am, a saviour.
A sort of cocky version of Jesus.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1428 on: 23 August, 2010, 09:25:32 pm »
In my alternating gulag misery / classic fiction series, have just finished Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier. What a great book!!  I was completely hooked by about 1/3 of the way through and read till about half one this morning to finish it.  Never knowing the lead characters name really bothered me, much more than it should have done, but very thought provoking book on the way women were viewed in the 1930s.


  • Lavender Bike Menace
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1429 on: 23 August, 2010, 10:21:23 pm »
Recently read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy 5-part series at long last: and was seriously underwhelmed- just not as funny as I was expecting (particularly after the demise of Marvin).

The radio series was the best.  The first book was pretty good, the second one wasn't bad and the rest were mostly awful.  It seemed to me that he increasingly padded the books with the jokes that were rejected from the radio series.  And even wrote a last couple of books when those had completely ran out.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked: Allen Ginsberg
The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads: Jeff Hammerbacher


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1430 on: 23 August, 2010, 11:25:02 pm »
following the recent Pratchett thread I've started on Carpe Jugulum

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1431 on: 24 August, 2010, 11:50:36 pm »
I'm just finishing the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, after recommendations from a couple of people.  Meh.  It's OK, it started quite well, with an interesting set-up and a couple of (OK, one) interesting characters.  Shame it seems to have degenerated into a tedious serial killer romp.  I doubt I'll bother reading the sequels.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1432 on: 25 August, 2010, 12:12:38 am »
In the kitchen by Monica Ali.

The blurb on the cover got me. It took about 90 pages to get into it and then the best bit was the chef's mad walk about about 40 pages from the end. Otherwise, meh.

This was given to me to read only last week by M.I.A. of this parish.   

Currently reading "A Boy's Own Story".  I've never read any "gay literature" before, not being gay it never occurred to me to do so.  I didn't realise that this was "gay literature" until I started it.  It seems so far to be sort of a gay "Catcher in the Rye".   Did I mention that it's a "gay" book?  Why is it gay? Is it gay because it's written by a gay author about a gay protagonist (mostly autobiographical I understand).  The publisher seems to think that it's very important that it's a "gay" book. 

      Which of course raises the question is a gay book only for gays, I see no reason for discrimination in any way shape or form but (always a but) I think that as gay people have had to struggle to become part of the mainstream and have in the most part achieved this they should stop banner waving, or should I organise a march of banner bearing beer loving/recumbent riding straight bearded males.
      Vive le difference but I feel sexuality is a private thing and not to brandished about.
                           Perhaps it's me age
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1433 on: 25 August, 2010, 04:55:37 pm »
In the kitchen by Monica Ali.

The blurb on the cover got me. It took about 90 pages to get into it and then the best bit was the chef's mad walk about about 40 pages from the end. Otherwise, meh.

This was given to me to read only last week by M.I.A. of this parish.   

Currently reading "A Boy's Own Story".  I've never read any "gay literature" before, not being gay it never occurred to me to do so.  I didn't realise that this was "gay literature" until I started it.  It seems so far to be sort of a gay "Catcher in the Rye".   Did I mention that it's a "gay" book?  Why is it gay? Is it gay because it's written by a gay author about a gay protagonist (mostly autobiographical I understand).  The publisher seems to think that it's very important that it's a "gay" book. 

      Which of course raises the question is a gay book only for gays, I see no reason for discrimination in any way shape or form but (always a but) I think that as gay people have had to struggle to become part of the mainstream and have in the most part achieved this they should stop banner waving, or should I organise a march of banner bearing beer loving/recumbent riding straight bearded males.
      Vive le difference but I feel sexuality is a private thing and not to brandished about.
                           Perhaps it's me age

Or because you are not gay and couldn't truly experience the reasons why visibility still remains highly necessary.  The current hypocritical kerfuffle in the Conservative Party should indicate that we are still not living in some golden age of equality and tolerance.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1434 on: 25 August, 2010, 05:00:12 pm »
I'm just finishing the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, after recommendations from a couple of people.  Meh.  It's OK, it started quite well, with an interesting set-up and a couple of (OK, one) interesting characters.  Shame it seems to have degenerated into a tedious serial killer romp.  I doubt I'll bother reading the sequels.

Yeah, it's pretty forgettable really IMHO.

I've just read The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell. It starts off as a beautifully imagined portrayal of the Dutch trading settlement at Dejima in pre-modern Japan, but then degenerates in a kind of WTF? way into a frankly rather ridiculous and orientalist sub-James Clavell / or even Rider Haggerd boy's own adventure before trying to rescue itself rather unsuccessfully with a moody coda. Maybe there's some kind of parodic intent, but the two elements do not gel at all. It's especially disappointing because Mitchell has real writing talent.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1435 on: 25 August, 2010, 10:02:35 pm »

I've just read The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell. It starts off as a beautifully imagined portrayal of the Dutch trading settlement at Dejima in pre-modern Japan, but then degenerates in a kind of WTF? way into a frankly rather ridiculous and orientalist sub-James Clavell / or even Rider Haggerd boy's own adventure before trying to rescue itself rather unsuccessfully with a moody coda. Maybe there's some kind of parodic intent, but the two elements do not gel at all. It's especially disappointing because Mitchell has real writing talent.

That's a pity.  I'm looking forward to reading that, as I thought the Cloud Atlas was wonderful, and I have Number9Dream on a shelf to read shortly.


  • Lavender Bike Menace
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1436 on: 25 August, 2010, 10:34:14 pm »

      Vive le difference but I feel sexuality is a private thing and not to brandished about.

Is walking down the street holding your lover's hand "brandishing it about"?  Or just kissing them in public?  A straight couple can do that without comment, but even today, even in London, a gay couple trying that risk serious assault.   The mainstream is still some way away.  If that kind of thing ever stops, maybe you'll have grounds for your straight bearded male protest.  Till then, no.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked: Allen Ginsberg
The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads: Jeff Hammerbacher


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1437 on: 26 August, 2010, 11:00:08 am »
I have Number9Dream on a shelf to read shortly.

If you like Haruki Murakami, you'll like Number9Dream. Both Mitchell's first two novels were, let's say, highly influenced by Murakami.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1438 on: 26 August, 2010, 10:57:36 pm »

      Vive le difference but I feel sexuality is a private thing and not to brandished about.

Is walking down the street holding your lover's hand "brandishing it about"?  Or just kissing them in public?  A straight couple can do that without comment, but even today, even in London, a gay couple trying that risk serious assault.   The mainstream is still some way away.  If that kind of thing ever stops, maybe you'll have grounds for your straight bearded male protest.  Till then, no.
             As a taxi driver I have picked up from the several gay pubs and clubs that are in Oxford ranging from guys in bondage gear to more moderately attired people, most have been nice approachable folk, there have however been the completely artificial camping it to max in your face effect types that (I feel) do damage to acceptance by others, couple that with marches by some gay campaigners that have taken place and you have the reverse image of that (possibly) intended, whatever I say, in this PC world, will probably be misunderstood.
              Whatever, vive le difference anyway and btw that applies to all genders etc
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1439 on: 27 August, 2010, 08:15:55 am »
No one is suggesting you are anything other than a perfectly open-minded individual, Quint, but the point is that many people out there don't share your live and let live philosophy, which is precisely why gay people feel the need to go on marches.

As for the camping it to the max on a night out thing, just go to any provincial town centre on a Saturday evening for brazen displays of rampant heterosexuality...

Anyway, back on topic...

After listening to Brett Easton Ellis give an entertaining interview on the Grauniad books podcast the other day, I've just picked up American Psycho - yet another one of those books I really should have read by now. I only hope the satire hasn't dated too badly.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1440 on: 28 August, 2010, 11:56:23 pm »
As for the camping it to the max on a night out thing, just go to any provincial town centre on a Saturday evening for brazen displays of rampant heterosexuality...

       Taxi driver remember  ;D

                      As you say, my latest book is How the Irish saved civilization by Thomas Cahill, it is a damn good read and I feel everyone would enjoy this who has an enquiring mind.
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1441 on: 29 August, 2010, 02:30:25 am »
No one is suggesting you are anything other than a perfectly open-minded individual, Quint, but the point is that many people out there don't share your live and let live philosophy, which is precisely why gay people feel the need to go on marches.

As for the camping it to the max on a night out thing, just go to any provincial town centre on a Saturday evening for brazen displays of rampant heterosexuality...

Anyway, back on topic...

After listening to Brett Easton Ellis give an entertaining interview on the Grauniad books podcast the other day, I've just picked up American Psycho - yet another one of those books I really should have read by now. I only hope the satire hasn't dated too badly.

American Psycho is good but you when you read it you will set it to one side at least once as you read it and promise your self that you will not pick it up again.

It's violently pornographic in some unpleasant ways and you feel guilty reading it, but then I think that is the point.

It is indeed a test

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1442 on: 29 August, 2010, 08:41:23 pm »
American Psycho is good but you when you read it you will set it to one side at least once as you read it and promise your self that you will not pick it up again.

It's violently pornographic in some unpleasant ways and you feel guilty reading it, but then I think that is the point.

Exactly my feelings.

I said almost these exact words to M.I.A. of this forum about this very book three weeks ago. 

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1443 on: 02 September, 2010, 08:03:22 pm »
Alexander McCall Smith's The Charming Quirks of Others, which is much as I expected, and Emma Donoghue's Room which is zomgwtf but in a good way.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1444 on: 02 September, 2010, 08:13:04 pm »
ooh, I've bought Room - look forward to reading it. I'm currently hooked on Barbara Kingsolver, The Lacuna.


  • Droll rat
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1445 on: 02 September, 2010, 09:21:14 pm »
Re-reading The Tin Drum (prior to a planned re-reading of Peeling the Onion)

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1446 on: 02 September, 2010, 09:28:28 pm »
A Journey

Well someone has to

Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1447 on: 02 September, 2010, 09:57:10 pm »
Ringworld    Larry Niven

Years since I last read it, but its a damn good book


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1448 on: 02 September, 2010, 10:06:03 pm »
I'm 2/3 of the way through Graham Greene's The Heart of the Matter and have just had a major BUSTED! moment.  Things are going to take a turn from here on.  My my, Greene could be a crafty bugger.


Re: What books are we reading at the moment ?
« Reply #1449 on: 03 September, 2010, 05:01:17 pm »
Now on to Ismail Kadare's The Siege. One of my favourite writers so looking forward to this! Still reading Postwar too...