Author Topic: Re: Sky lanterns!  (Read 2134 times)

Re: Sky lanterns!
« on: 01 August, 2010, 06:13:59 pm »
It's parafin wax or hexamin, once lit it stays lit unless you pour water on it.

Just because you don't have a flame does not mean there wont be heat left in what lands, certainly enough to leave smouldering materials on the ground, peat fires start that way.

If you have tinder dry conditions then all you need is to add a bit of smouldering material, like a fag end, or bit's of a sky lantern.

So whatmakes them go up then, surely when they come down its normally because they are cold
They come down because there is no longer enough thermal expansion of heated gas into the canopy.

Note I said "enough".

Not "none".

It's still plenty hot enough to cause a fire.

Ill await the bit in the paper about a field of straw or grass or whatever being set on fire from a sky lantern.

You obviously did not read (or follow) what I posted yesterday.
Oh Noes!

We aren't just theoretical spoilsports.

If you say so......

Don't question. It makes people angry.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #1 on: 01 August, 2010, 06:22:08 pm »
Helly knows so.

You on the other hand are just being willfully stupid.


  • Just do it!
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #2 on: 01 August, 2010, 06:28:38 pm »
...and I am getting ANGRY to the point I might not be excellent to all.
Please accept that letting off burning balloons above tinder dry summer fields is a fire risk.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #3 on: 01 August, 2010, 06:34:13 pm »
1gear, are you trip trapping?

'cause everyone has answered your questions.

This field fire isn't isolated. There is at least one report of a caravan burning and a huge fire in south america.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #4 on: 01 August, 2010, 06:47:13 pm »
1gear was obviously never slapped round the head for answering back when he was a child.

Which is a shame IMHO.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #5 on: 01 August, 2010, 07:17:05 pm »
...and I am getting ANGRY to the point I might not be excellent to all.
Please accept that letting off burning balloons above tinder dry summer fields is a fire risk.

Keep calm madam.

Jesus, if its not one problem with these farmers, its people sending fire up into the air. Next they will be moaning about not enough rain or something.
Got to have something to do all day though havent they....

Don't question. It makes people angry.


  • Just do it!
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #6 on: 01 August, 2010, 07:39:03 pm »
Victim blaming never cast a good light on anyone.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #7 on: 01 August, 2010, 07:58:44 pm »
Victim blaming never cast a good light on anyone.

No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

Don't question. It makes people angry.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #8 on: 01 August, 2010, 08:00:07 pm »
It's grinding back breaking work to scrape a living on a farm, you don't need some bugger causing you more problems - sounding like an old codger I may be but kids today do indeed not know they are born.

It's not funny in the slightest so stop being obtuse just to have a giggle.


  • Just do it!
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #9 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:09:02 pm »
Victim blaming never cast a good light on anyone.

No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

You are no victim.

Name calling is futile so I won't bother.

Be grateful this time it's not your tent, house, crop or bike that's gone up in smoke.
Insurance can't repay the heartache of seeing all your efforts turn to ash.

Maybe you are too young to understand.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #10 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:15:33 pm »
Victim blaming never cast a good light on anyone.

No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

You are no victim.

Name calling is futile so I won't bother.

Be grateful this time it's not your tent, house, crop or bike that's gone up in smoke.
Insurance can't repay the heartache of seeing all your efforts turn to ash.

Maybe you are too young to understand.

Name calling is rather childish

Don't question. It makes people angry.


  • samoture
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #11 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:26:14 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #12 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:33:53 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.
Thanks for bringing me into the real world mother! :thumbsup:

Don't question. It makes people angry.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #13 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:34:43 pm »

How about: "The moon appears so large because this photograph was taken with a telephoto lens."?  Hmmm?  NewScientist indeed...
Or, "the moon appears large because it is"?
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Droll rat
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #14 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:35:10 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.
Thanks for bringing me into the real world mother! :thumbsup:


Worked on a farm, have you?


  • samoture
Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #15 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:43:02 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.

Well, apart from running farms, no, they're idle buggers.

What they need to do is spend a year or two studying hard for half an A level and holding down a backbreaking part time job in a shop.  That'd teach them the meaning of hard work.  The 5am milking slot would seem like a holiday in comparison.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #16 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:50:10 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.

Well, apart from running farms, no, they're idle buggers.

What they need to do is spend a year or two studying hard for half an A level and holding down a backbreaking part time job in a shop.  That'd teach them the meaning of hard work.  The 5am milking slot would seem like a holiday in comparison.

Exactly, lazy buggers.

Don't question. It makes people angry.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #17 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:00:36 pm »
I don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling about sky lanterns being used in the summer, especialy if you live near moorland or forest.

Or are a cyclist, dodging the motons transfixed on the glowy things in the sky yet still driving at 30mph.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #18 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:08:23 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.

Well, apart from running farms, no, they're idle buggers.

What they need to do is spend a year or two studying hard for half an A level and holding down a backbreaking part time job in a shop.  That'd teach them the meaning of hard work.  The 5am milking slot would seem like a holiday in comparison.

Exactly, lazy buggers.

Have you ever tried any labouring or real physical work?

Dawn to dusk to make the most of the daylight, lumping heavy stuff all day and digging big holes in the ground?

It would break you in about a day.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #19 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:10:44 pm »
No, i think you will find im the victim here, and im not blaming anyone. You just told me that the victims are farmers, how much money is that farmer gonna get from his insurance company

*amused gurgle*

You've never tried to claim anything on insurance, have you?

I think this might be why Helly said you're too young to understand.  Insurance companies don't just nod sagely and pay out.  The farmer will have to spend months filling in and returning increasingly stupid forms before being paid about a third of what he lost.  An appeal will be too expensive so he sucks it up.  This is what we grown-ups call the "real world."

Well, not like they do much else is it.

Well, apart from running farms, no, they're idle buggers.

What they need to do is spend a year or two studying hard for half an A level and holding down a backbreaking part time job in a shop.  That'd teach them the meaning of hard work.  The 5am milking slot would seem like a holiday in comparison.

Exactly, lazy buggers.

Have you ever tried any labouring or real physical work?

Dawn to dusk to make the most of the daylight, lumping heavy stuff all day and digging big holes in the ground?

It would break you in about a day.

I quite doubt it would break me, and i think i would be fine with it.
I don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling about sky lanterns being used in the summer, especialy if you live near moorland or forest.

Or are a cyclist, dodging the motons transfixed on the glowy things in the sky yet still driving at 30mph.

Only 30mph, come on 60mph would be better.

Don't question. It makes people angry.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #20 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:28:37 pm »
We do so love it when you post after getting baked on super skunk all day.

Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #21 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:54:15 pm »
Im on no drugs thank you mr zoidburg

Is it because you cant take the toughts of an idiot?

Don't question. It makes people angry.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #22 on: 01 August, 2010, 10:56:15 pm »

Is it because you cant take the toughts of an idiot?

The Arnold Rimmer defence.


Re: Sky lanterns!
« Reply #23 on: 02 August, 2010, 07:37:51 am »
Zoidburg, i love you

Don't question. It makes people angry.